We desperately need a new employment law


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
It's completely unacceptable that a business in America is permitted to strip our Constitutional rights. The left has created laws that forbids companies for deciding for themselves who they hire (forced to hire homosexuals, minorities, etc.) and who they conduct business with (once again forced to serve homosexuals, minorities, etc.) but for some reason they are permitted to violate the Constitution (vintage left-wing "logic").

We need to see a federal law that stipulates any business which denies it's workers their Constitutional rights (specifically the 2nd Amendment) is completely responsible for the safety of it's employees. If the company forbids an employee from carrying a gun and that employee is killed during work or while traveling to or from work, the family of that employee is automatically awarded $1 billion without the possibility of appeal. If an employee is raped or assaulted during work or while traveling to or from work, that employee is automatically awarded $100 million without the possibility of appeal.

Companies simply have no authority to strip a person of their Constitutional rights. However, I'm big on freedom and choice. Therefore, I do not believe in forcing a company to do anything. A company should have the freedom to decide for themselves what they are comfortable with. They should not, however, have the right to make me a victim. If I'm not allowed to defend myself because of their policies - fine. They then assume the responsibility to provide security for me. But many companies are too cheap to spend money on security (or proper security). A law like this would result in better policies (facilitating constitutional rights for law abiding citizens) or proper security.

We desperately need a new employment law

Really? Here is some advice that I see right wingers give all the time. You don't like the company you work for?
Then fucking QUIT. Who the hell you think you are demanding new laws to make employers do what YOU want them to do.

You don't like how your company does business? Fucking quit and find a company that does what you want.

But fuck that stupid we need a new law bullshit.

I hear all the time how there are already to many laws and regulations on American business. And you want to add more. Bullshit.
The thing about private business is that they are allowed to dictate what can and can not go on in their respective establishments to a degree. While I find it undesirable to have an employer put the brakes on carrying firearms in their establishments, that is private ownership. They aren't saying you will be fired for owning a firearm, but you can not bring it on their property.

Same with speech. If you go to work and tell all of the clients and customers that the owner is an asshole, you wont go to jail. THAT is protection of speech. What you will likely get is fired.
We desperately need a new employment law

Really? Here is some advice that I see right wingers give all the time. You don't like the company you work for?
Then fucking QUIT. Who the hell you think you are demanding new laws to make employers do what YOU want them to do.

You don't like how your company does business? Fucking quit and find a company that does what you want.

But fuck that stupid we need a new law bullshit.

I hear all the time how there are already to many laws and regulations on American business. And you want to add more. Bullshit.
So then let's apply the law evenly. You're gay and you don't like how a company acts towards you? Then QUIT. You're a minority and you don't like less pay? Then QUIT.

Apply the law evenly junior...
We desperately need a new employment law

Really? Here is some advice that I see right wingers give all the time. You don't like the company you work for?
Then fucking QUIT. Who the hell you think you are demanding new laws to make employers do what YOU want them to do.

You don't like how your company does business? Fucking quit and find a company that does what you want.

But fuck that stupid we need a new law bullshit.

I hear all the time how there are already to many laws and regulations on American business. And you want to add more. Bullshit.
So then let's apply the law evenly. You're gay and you don't like how a company acts towards you? Then QUIT. You're a minority and you don't like less pay? Then QUIT.

Apply the law evenly junior...

Government parasites depend on special interest voting. There is no way the law will ever be applied evenly in this way. Special interest groups, whether in the civil rights arena, or in the business arena are the way in which parasites gain more power and money. Never going to happen.

Just what we need more big government. And yes telling a private business they have to allow firearms on their property or face big cash payouts with no option to appeal is big government.

Here is an idea...

Let private businesses make their own choice. If you don't agree then don't work there or shop there.

Public Accommodation laws:
Repeal them and let private businesses make their own choice on customers they will service.

The thing about private business is that they are allowed to dictate what can and can not go on in their respective establishments to a degree. While I find it undesirable to have an employer put the brakes on carrying firearms in their establishments, that is private ownership. They aren't saying you will be fired for owning a firearm, but you can not bring it on their property.

Same with speech. If you go to work and tell all of the clients and customers that the owner is an asshole, you wont go to jail. THAT is protection of speech. What you will likely get is fired.

No - they are not allowed to (and I quote) "dictate what can and can not go on in their respective establishments" (what a really dumb thing to say when you know damn well nothing could be further from the truth). If I own a restaurant, can I post a sign that says "f*ggots and n*ggers not hired here" and then deny either of them employment?

Apply the law EVENLY. If an employer can't descriminate against a person for their sexual habits, how the fuck can they descriminate against a person for their Constitutionally-protected 2nd Amendment habits?!?

Furthermore, no harm comes from refusing to hire gay people. But massive harm comes from making people victims of a homicide.

Just what we need more big government. And yes telling a private business they have to allow firearms on their property or face back cash payouts with no option to appeal is big government.

Here is an idea...

Let private businesses make their own choice. If you don't agree then don't work there or shop there.

Public Accommodation laws:
Repeal them and let private businesses make their own choice on customers they will service.

So again, apply the law EVENLY. If I'm told "don't work there if you don't like that you can't carry a gun", then tell a homosexual "don't buy a cake from a bakery that refuses to serve gay weddings". The law is supposed to be applied evenly to all people and it is not. Why do you even need this explained to you?
The thing about private business is that they are allowed to dictate what can and can not go on in their respective establishments to a degree. While I find it undesirable to have an employer put the brakes on carrying firearms in their establishments, that is private ownership. They aren't saying you will be fired for owning a firearm, but you can not bring it on their property.

Same with speech. If you go to work and tell all of the clients and customers that the owner is an asshole, you wont go to jail. THAT is protection of speech. What you will likely get is fired.

No - they are not allowed to (and I quote) "dictate what can and can not go on in their respective establishments" (what a really dumb thing to say when you know damn well nothing could be further from the truth). If I own a restaurant, can I post a sign that says "f*ggots and n*ggers not hired here" and then deny either of them employment?

Apply the law EVENLY. If an employer can't descriminate against a person for their sexual habits, how the fuck can they descriminate against a person for their Constitutionally-protected 2nd Amendment habits?!?

Furthermore, no harm comes from refusing to hire gay people. But massive harm comes from making people victims of a homicide.

You should be able to post whatever you want in your respective establishment. You should be able to hire whoever you want without government over watch. I agree. I'm simply pointing out that using the law in the way you have described above is no different from that which you;re against.

Like using racism to fight racism. Such as other posters sponsor.
A RWnut arguing to make racism in business and the workplace legal again.

Big surprise.

Actually, I'm arguing to make it illegal for a business to strip me of my Constitutional rights. Since you can't come up with a rational argument for why you disagree (typical of a wing-nut....none of them can rationally articulate their emotional irrational view points), you try and change the argument to something it is not.

Big surprise.

Just what we need more big government. And yes telling a private business they have to allow firearms on their property or face back cash payouts with no option to appeal is big government.

Here is an idea...

Let private businesses make their own choice. If you don't agree then don't work there or shop there.

Public Accommodation laws:
Repeal them and let private businesses make their own choice on customers they will service.

So again, apply the law EVENLY. If I'm told "don't work there if you don't like that you can't carry a gun", then tell a homosexual "don't buy a cake from a bakery that refuses to serve gay weddings". The law is supposed to be applied evenly to all people and it is not. Why do you even need this explained to you?

Psst - I support the repeal of Public Accommodation laws and their Employment equivalents.

On the flip side of the coin I support Free Speech rights of people to then bring such practices such as no guns on property or (to use type of working) ""f*ggots and n*ggers not hired here" or ""f*ggots and n*ggers not served here" to bring light through radio, television, advertising, email, social media, etc... such practices to light so that consumers can boycott such practices.

The thing about private business is that they are allowed to dictate what can and can not go on in their respective establishments to a degree. While I find it undesirable to have an employer put the brakes on carrying firearms in their establishments, that is private ownership. They aren't saying you will be fired for owning a firearm, but you can not bring it on their property.

Same with speech. If you go to work and tell all of the clients and customers that the owner is an asshole, you wont go to jail. THAT is protection of speech. What you will likely get is fired.

No - they are not allowed to (and I quote) "dictate what can and can not go on in their respective establishments" (what a really dumb thing to say when you know damn well nothing could be further from the truth). If I own a restaurant, can I post a sign that says "f*ggots and n*ggers not hired here" and then deny either of them employment?

Apply the law EVENLY. If an employer can't descriminate against a person for their sexual habits, how the fuck can they descriminate against a person for their Constitutionally-protected 2nd Amendment habits?!?

Furthermore, no harm comes from refusing to hire gay people. But massive harm comes from making people victims of a homicide.

You should be able to post whatever you want in your respective establishment. You should be able to hire whoever you want without government over watch. I agree. I'm simply pointing out that using the law in the way you have described above is no different from that which you;re against.

Like using racism to fight racism. Such as other posters sponsor.

You're argument is based on "should". Let's deal with fact, ok? The facts are vastly different from your initial post and I'm sure you know that (which means your initial post was senseless and just argumentative).

The facts are that businesses are not allowed to decide for themselves even though it is a private entity on private grounds. All I'm saying is A.) Let's use that reality to protect our Constitutionally guaranteed RIGHTS, and B.) Let's apply the law EVENLY as required. Seems pretty rational to me.
So then let's apply the law evenly. You're gay and you don't like how a company acts towards you? Then QUIT. You're a minority and you don't like less pay? Then QUIT

It is applied evenly. Gays can quit. Any worker regardless of pay can quit.

What you want to do is project your fear of whatever into the workplace. You project this fear you have by insisting you be able to carry a gun. Even if other workers aren't afraid, some will become afraid because here you are carrying a gun.

The gay person isn't a threat to you or anyone else. A low paid worker isn't a threat and has the option to quit.
And the person who wants to have a gun on them at work also has the right to quit. Which probably makes sense. Because if you feel you have to be armed to go to work, you might need a new jobs anyway. The one you got is way to dangerous.
Actually, I'm arguing to make it illegal for a business to strip me of my Constitutional rights. Since you can't come up with a rational argument for why you disagree (typical of a wing-nut....none of them can rationally articulate their emotional irrational view points), you try and change the argument to something it is not.

Big surprise.

You have a Constitutional right to not have the government restrict your (our) right to keep and bear arms.

You don't have a Constitutional right to violate the property rights of others by forcing them to allow you to carry a firearm on someone else's private property. They exercising rights of property is not taking a Constitutional right away from you.

And the Constitution should respect the private property rights of private businesses in the areas of employment and customer selection.

The thing about private business is that they are allowed to dictate what can and can not go on in their respective establishments to a degree. While I find it undesirable to have an employer put the brakes on carrying firearms in their establishments, that is private ownership. They aren't saying you will be fired for owning a firearm, but you can not bring it on their property.

Same with speech. If you go to work and tell all of the clients and customers that the owner is an asshole, you wont go to jail. THAT is protection of speech. What you will likely get is fired.

No - they are not allowed to (and I quote) "dictate what can and can not go on in their respective establishments" (what a really dumb thing to say when you know damn well nothing could be further from the truth). If I own a restaurant, can I post a sign that says "f*ggots and n*ggers not hired here" and then deny either of them employment?

Apply the law EVENLY. If an employer can't descriminate against a person for their sexual habits, how the fuck can they descriminate against a person for their Constitutionally-protected 2nd Amendment habits?!?

Furthermore, no harm comes from refusing to hire gay people. But massive harm comes from making people victims of a homicide.

You should be able to post whatever you want in your respective establishment. You should be able to hire whoever you want without government over watch. I agree. I'm simply pointing out that using the law in the way you have described above is no different from that which you;re against.

Like using racism to fight racism. Such as other posters sponsor.

You're argument is based on "should". Let's deal with fact, ok? The facts are vastly different from your initial post and I'm sure you know that (which means your initial post was senseless and just argumentative).

The facts are that businesses are not allowed to decide for themselves even though it is a private entity on private grounds. All I'm saying is A.) Let's use that reality to protect our Constitutionally guaranteed RIGHTS, and B.) Let's apply the law EVENLY as required. Seems pretty rational to me.

Since when is government rational? And I still disagree that the law should force owners to utilize their private property in a manner other than how they see fit. I get what you're saying, but we'd be better suited undoing poor legislation that adding more on top of it.

You sound like an angry liberal, honestly.
Actually, I'm arguing to make it illegal for a business to strip me of my Constitutional rights. Since you can't come up with a rational argument for why you disagree (typical of a wing-nut....none of them can rationally articulate their emotional irrational view points), you try and change the argument to something it is not.

Big surprise.

You have a Constitutional right to not have the government restrict your (our) right to keep and bear arms.

You don't have a Constitutional right to violate the property rights of others by forcing them to allow you to carry a firearm on someone else's private property.

And the Constitution should respect the private property rights of private businesses in the areas of employment and customer selection.


Rotty, I know you deliver pizzas for a living. And delivering a pizza to the wrong part of town is dangerous.

What you should be calling for is to let the pizza shop owner decline to deliver into certain areas. Then you won't be so scared. And maybe you could ask to not work the late shift. Yea, tips are better. But the risk is greater as well. And if you are delivering in your own car, you could still hide a gun from the pizza shop manager. Problem solved.

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