We don't need no stinkin Dept of Education!

AVG-SIS disagrees and she is on a school board. She calls them 'unfunded mandates'.

Some of which make general sense, but many are forced on schools and districts where it just doesn't make sense.

There's something about the baby and the bath-water in this... We, The People of The Whole Fucking Place should maintain a vested interest in making sure the children of the Great State of Mississippi are afforded all the same opportunities for home-town growth and development or world travel following their dreams as all the little dudes and dudetts hanging 10 in California. But nobody knows better where the opportunities of any given region will be over the next 20 years than The People of The Great State of ......, so local control is essential, eh?

With over 100 billion a year spent and rising the education system of Mississippi is getting worse than what it was when there was no Dept. of Education.

Education is parents. Attempting to throw $$ to change bad parents is like attempting to legislate morality.
As hard as thou shall try, thou can never polish a TURD.

You seem to have a pretty low opinion of The People of the Great State of Mississippi. It was just an example - Same could be true for The People of The Great State of Rhode Island or Montana.

The point is that micro managing curriculum should NOT be the purview of the federal government, but setting minimum standards for education should. When I hire a high school graduate from another state, I don't want to have to question him on his ability to read, write & cipher a bit.

I was also using it as an example same as you.
Oxford was a hard place to play back in the day and I have always respected Ole Miss.
Bachmann: Why do we need a Department of Education, anyway? « Hot Air

Or so it seems.

Painting herself as a “constitutional conservative” Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann told Sen. Jim DeMint’s forum Monday that if elected president she would look to get rid of the Department of Education, among other things.

She also want's to get rid of the EPA.

Ever notice how those that want to get rid of education are all stupid?

I had no idea you wanted to get rid of education!
What right do federal bureaucrats have to set education standards? Why do libs fear the 1st Amendment so much?
She also want's to get rid of the EPA.

Ever notice how those that want to get rid of education are all stupid?

She is an idiot for suggesting to get rid of EPA.

An awful lot of Republicans agree with her.

What you libs fail to grasp is that Conservative have no problem with education or environmental protection. We feel education can best be controlled by localities and states.
As far as the EPA, there should be laws against polluting the environment. We just don't feel that the executive branch should have the ability to bypass the Constitution and unilaterally make law.
She is an idiot for suggesting to get rid of EPA.

An awful lot of Republicans agree with her.

What you libs fail to grasp is that Conservative have no problem with education or environmental protection. We feel education can best be controlled by localities and states.
As far as the EPA, there should be laws against polluting the environment. We just don't feel that the executive branch should have the ability to bypass the Constitution and unilaterally make law.
All regulations that have been made by any regulatory agency or branch should have to pass a simple majority in congress and or be denied, and cannot be made into riders onto other legislation. Same as judicial rulings and findings that create law.
Bachmann: Why do we need a Department of Education, anyway? « Hot Air

Or so it seems.

Painting herself as a “constitutional conservative” Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann told Sen. Jim DeMint’s forum Monday that if elected president she would look to get rid of the Department of Education, among other things.

She also want's to get rid of the EPA.

Ever notice how those that want to get rid of education are all stupid?

If that were true you would want to get rid if the Department of Education.

She also want's to get rid of the EPA.

Ever notice how those that want to get rid of education are all stupid?
Who has been running the public education system for the last 50 years again? It's been so successful we've been consistantly dropping every decade in comparison to other nations. It's time for a flat out change away from a system that has a track record of not working.

The states?

She also want's to get rid of the EPA.

Ever notice how those that want to get rid of education are all stupid?
Who has been running the public education system for the last 50 years again? It's been so successful we've been consistantly dropping every decade in comparison to other nations. It's time for a flat out change away from a system that has a track record of not working.

Who has been running the public education system for the last 50 years again? Overwhelmingly, state and local governments. Those governments have almost total control over curricula, and spend more than ten times as much on education as the federal government does.

Who collects the standardized data on US schools which tells you that we're dropping in comparison to other nations? The US Department of Education.

Your post relies on a service provided by the federal government while attempting to blame the federal government for poor results in an area in which state and local governments exercise primary control.

(I don't mean to blame disappointing test scores on state and local governments. Part of the problem is a matter of American culture, not government. Another big part is that other countries are improving, making American's appear more poorly educated in comparison.)
Can''t think of any where in the constitution that gives the Federal Government any control over education. I believe that should be up to the individual State....
Can you think of anything in the Constitution that prohibits the creation of the Department of Education? Has the constitutionality of the Department ever been challenged in Federal court? And if so what was the outcome?

What you libs fail to grasp is that Conservative have no problem with education or environmental protection. We feel education can best be controlled by localities and states.

What conservatives fail to understand is that liberals have no problem with the above. The problem is there are many more important issues which need to be addressed before getting rid of the Department of Education. And if it is to be gotten rid of, do so for factual, objective reasons, not to conform to rightist dogma.

As far as the EPA, there should be laws against polluting the environment. We just don't feel that the executive branch should have the ability to bypass the Constitution and unilaterally make law.

Cite an example of the Executive bypassing the Constitution and unilaterally making law with regard to the EPA.

If you’re referring to the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, the Court ruled that activity Constitutional in American Electric Power Co. v. Connecticut (2011).
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Can''t think of any where in the constitution that gives the Federal Government any control over education. I believe that should be up to the individual State....
Can you think of anything in the Constitution that prohibits the creation of the Department of Education? Has the constitutionality of the Department ever been challenged in Federal court? And if so what was the outcome?

What you libs fail to grasp is that Conservative have no problem with education or environmental protection. We feel education can best be controlled by localities and states.

What conservatives fail to understand is that liberals have no problem with the above. The problem is there are many more important issues which need to be addressed before getting rid of the Department of Education. And if it is to be gotten rid of, do so for factual, objective reasons, not to conform to rightist dogma.

As far as the EPA, there should be laws against polluting the environment. We just don't feel that the executive branch should have the ability to bypass the Constitution and unilaterally make law.

Cite an example of the Executive bypassing the Constitution and unilaterally making law with regard to the EPA.

If you’re referring to the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, the Court ruled that activity Constitutional in American Electric Power Co. v. Connecticut (2011).
Read the decision. You'll find that it did no such thing.
Can''t think of any where in the constitution that gives the Federal Government any control over education. I believe that should be up to the individual State....
Can you think of anything in the Constitution that prohibits the creation of the Department of Education? Has the constitutionality of the Department ever been challenged in Federal court? And if so what was the outcome?

It's called the 10th Amendment. All powers not enumerated in the Constitution are reserved to the states.

What you libs fail to grasp is that Conservative have no problem with education or environmental protection. We feel education can best be controlled by localities and states.

What conservatives fail to understand is that liberals have no problem with the above. The problem is there are many more important issues which need to be addressed before getting rid of the Department of Education. And if it is to be gotten rid of, do so for factual, objective reasons, not to conform to rightist dogma.

Yeah, right. Congress just doesn't have the time to get rid of it. That must be why they fight tooth and nail every time the issue is brought up, right?

Libturds kill me!

As far as the EPA, there should be laws against polluting the environment. We just don't feel that the executive branch should have the ability to bypass the Constitution and unilaterally make law.

Cite an example of the Executive bypassing the Constitution and unilaterally making law with regard to the EPA.

The EPA's recent recent ruling the CO2 is a pollutant that they are authorized regulate. They have no such authority.

If you’re referring to the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, the Court ruled that activity Constitutional in American Electric Power Co. v. Connecticut (2011).

You have devolved to saying that the Constitution is whatever the Supreme Court says it is. That position is obvious bullshit.
Who has been running the public education system for the last 50 years again? It's been so successful we've been consistantly dropping every decade in comparison to other nations. It's time for a flat out change away from a system that has a track record of not working.

The states?

Liberals. Furthermore, the Dept of Education was created 40 years ago.
Well if that can't create a National Recommended Reading List then what good are they.

100 books for kindergarten, 200 for 1st grade, 300 for 2nd grade etc.

So K-12 would be fewer than 10,000 books. How many millions of dollars are in their budget?

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Who has been running the public education system for the last 50 years again? It's been so successful we've been consistantly dropping every decade in comparison to other nations. It's time for a flat out change away from a system that has a track record of not working.

The states?

Liberals. Furthermore, the Dept of Education was created 40 years ago.

So all of the states are filled with liberals?

This still has nothing to do with the Department of Education.
Can you think of anything in the Constitution that prohibits the creation of the Department of Education?


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

That means that, unless you can point to something that specifically spells it out, it is prohibited.

Has the constitutionalty of the Department ever been challenged in Federal court? And if so what was the outcome?

Would the fact that it has never been challenged prove it is Constitutional?

What conservatives fail to understand is that liberals have no problem with the above. The problem is there are many more important issues which need to be addressed before getting rid of the Department of Education. And if it is to be gotten rid of, do so for factual, objective reasons, not to conform to rightist dogma.

Wouldn't getting rid of the Department of Education free up money for some of those things that are more important?

Cite an example of the Executive bypassing the Constitution and unilaterally making law with regard to the EPA.

Under Bush or Obama?

Bush used the office to lower emissions standards. Obama was using it to implement new, tighter standards before the legislated review period came up.

If I put some thought into it I could probably find examples under every president since the EPA was created under Nixon.

If you’re referring to the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, the Court ruled that activity Constitutional in American Electric Power Co. v. Connecticut (2011).

Of course the court did, the EPA wanted them to. The EPA gets sued, loses, and pays the people who sued them to sue them again. Then they issue new regulations.
Bachmann: Why do we need a Department of Education, anyway? « Hot Air

Or so it seems.

Painting herself as a “constitutional conservative” Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann told Sen. Jim DeMint’s forum Monday that if elected president she would look to get rid of the Department of Education, among other things.

yes... because it's so much easier to teach religion as science when you do away with standards. :cuckoo:

Funny you talk about standards.

Since the Dept of Ed was created in the 70s our students have fallen behind in every measurable way compared to many students on other countries.

Before the DOE our students put men on the moon with naught but slide rules since the DOE our students can't make change for a dollar without a calculator.
Bachmann: Why do we need a Department of Education, anyway? « Hot Air

Or so it seems.

Painting herself as a “constitutional conservative” Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann told Sen. Jim DeMint’s forum Monday that if elected president she would look to get rid of the Department of Education, among other things.

She also want's to get rid of the EPA.

Ever notice how those that want to get rid of education are all stupid?

So where does that put leave you?

If you say...educated AND stupid... i give up.
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Can''t think of any where in the constitution that gives the Federal Government any control over education. I believe that should be up to the individual State....

let me help, ollie... it's not up to the individual states because a) there's no reason to; and b) the states can't be trusted on their own. on their own, some of them like teaching creationism as science....

which is why there are national standards.

as for what permits things like the department of education, i'll refer you to the constitution's general welfare clause. it's bad for the country to have a bunch of undereducated or miseducated people running around.
Can''t think of any where in the constitution that gives the Federal Government any control over education. I believe that should be up to the individual State....

let me help, ollie... it's not up to the individual states because a) there's no reason to; and b) the states can't be trusted on their own. on their own, some of them like teaching creationism as science....

which is why there are national standards.

as for what permits things like the department of education, i'll refer you to the constitution's general welfare clause. it's bad for the country to have a bunch of undereducated or miseducated people running around.

True.. but as it stands now... its not working.

I know when i threaten the life of some plant of mine....like ripping it out of its comfy hole by its roots and tossing it into the green pile... it has a miraculous recovery and does much better. :eusa_whistle:

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