We dont need the Army, ICBM's or surface Navy

May 21, 2015
our military can't stop the most likey threats, which are a small group with a nuke, a dirty bomb, computer attacks, or economic terrorism. No country dares strike us while we have nuke missile submarines and a National and Coast guard. The Marines can be used to build a double fence on our Mex border, and "man" the rifle towers (one every 1/4 mile).

It would be quite easy to get rid of all the illegals, if we just had the political will to do so. Simply start horsewhipping on TV (all channels , 24-7) those convicted of hiring illegals. In a month, they'd all be gone, because no jobs would be forthcoming to them. The few that are left after the first month can be rounded-up by the Marines, kneecapped, tattoed "illegal" on their foreheads and tossed back where they came from
stop causing trouble all over the world. Stop being a bully, stop interfering in other people's countries, (as we've been guilty of doing 100's of times). No wonder the US is hated all over the world!
stop causing trouble all over the world. Stop being a bully, stop interfering in other people's countries, (as we've been guilty of doing 100's of times). No wonder the US is hated all over the world!

Even after 6 years with a Nobel Peace Prize winner at the helm?
stop causing trouble all over the world. Stop being a bully, stop interfering in other people's countries, (as we've been guilty of doing 100's of times). No wonder the US is hated all over the world!

It's actually because communist all over the world created this false idea that we bully other countries. The Democratic Party seems to echo those sentiments for some reason. An alternative hypothesis is that Putin wants to reestablish Russia as a world super power and has to get the United states out of the way. What better way than to stir up hate against the United states in every part of the world which forces Americans to want to withdraw from foreign affairs. Diabolical

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