We have all been lied to about Lyndon Johnson

Sowell is very eloquent but is misleading with his facts

He claims blacks were rising out of poverty before Civil Rights legislation but ignores the impact that WWII had on an increase in manufacturing.

He assigns a decrease in black employment after anti-poverty to being caused by those programs without mentioning that Manufacturing abandoning the cities caused that poverty.

He points to an increase of gang violence after Civil Rights without pointing out that the drug trade replacing manufacturing jobs in urban areas caused that violence
Sowell is very eloquent but is misleading with his facts

He claims blacks were rising out of poverty before Civil Rights legislation but ignores the impact that WWII had on an increase in manufacturing.

He assigns a decrease in black employment after anti-poverty to being caused by those programs without mentioning that Manufacturing abandoning the cities caused that poverty.

He points to an increase of gang violence after Civil Rights without pointing out that the drug trade replacing manufacturing jobs in urban areas caused that violence
One of these days you will make sense.
Vietnam. All the power he gave to fed gov like the welfare state and social justice etc. He radically transformed society and fucking look at us.
He was too goddamn stupid for that big ass leaking heart of his.

History has blamed LBJ for Vietnam. However, no other possible President of that era would have acted differently.
JFK, Nixon, Goldwater, Rockefeller would have all made the same decisions.

S Vietnam was on the verge of falling and no President of the day would have let it fall Communist on their watch. LBJ was told, just send so many troops and we will mop it up by Christmas.

LBJs Civil Rights and Social legislation were historic.
History has blamed LBJ for Vietnam. However, no other possible President of that era would have acted differently.
JFK, Nixon, Goldwater, Rockefeller would have all made the same decisions.

S Vietnam was on the verge of falling and no President of the day would have let it fall Communist on their watch. LBJ was told, just send so many troops and we will mop it up by Christmas.

LBJs Civil Rights and Social legislation were historic.
LBJ was a great President whose decision to escalate Vietnam destroyed his Presidency
That's like saying, LGJ was really a great President, even though he sucked as a human being.


Oh, and he lied about being attacked by Vietnam to justify going to war with them, just like Hitler lied about being attacked by Poland to justify his invasion of Poland.

Funny that.

But yea, what a hell of a guy he was, eh rightwinger? It's just millions of dead bodies is all, but luckily, LBJ was a good bookkeeper, unlike Trump who is the scum of the universe because he was a bad bookkeeper.
That's like saying, LGJ was really a great President, even though he sucked as a human being.


Oh, and he lied about being attacked by Vietnam to justify going to war with them, just like Hitler lied about being attacked by Poland to justify his invasion of Poland.

Funny that.

But yea, what a hell of a guy he was, eh rightwinger? It's just millions of dead bodies is all, but luckily, LBJ was a good bookkeeper, unlike Trump who is the scum of the universe for being a bad bookkeeper.

Vietnam destroyed LBJs legacy

But any other President of that era would have made the same decisions. Especially JFK

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