We have already seen the mess in New York and New Jersey


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

I hope that this does not turn into the above op/ed piece I posted, but the demrats will try it I have little doubt. I will say this again you vote in person or by absentee ballot and the latter MUST be in by election day (military and overseas being an exception) of course being alive and a LEGAL citizen of the USA being the qualifier.
2016 and the past 4 years tells us Dems will no longer accept an election result where they lose. The election is a joke to them, doesn't really matter. They don't care what the American people decide. THIS IS NOT NEW they have been running to the courts to overturn elections, the will of the people for at least 10 years now. This time they are targeting the presidential election. Lawless bunch of scumbags.
We can only hope NY and NJ secede, should the Orange Menace get re-elected. Then maybe the entire house of cards that is our federal government disappears into the history books.
This Horseshit is prepositioned evidence...by Bolsheviks (whoever is running Joe Biden). It is exactly what they expect to do---steal the election with Mail-In Votes. But, they aren't announcing their intentions--they pre-covering their tracks.

They will be checking the outdated voter rolls and figuring out who have died (many) and who have moved away (many more) and they will obtain by purchase or chicanery those ballots, or perhaps counterfeit their own....vote them for Biden and send as many in after Election Day as is necessary to swing that State. All they need is corruption in Detroit to steal Michigan; all they need in Wisconsin is Milwaukee; and Philadelphia for Pennsylvania. All very corrupt Democrat controlled cities.

Then, as the vote rolls in after election day, and Trump goes from a winner to a loser with bogus votes---the Democrats point back to this article written by corrupt Democrats and say:

"Look the Experts predicted this because Democrats vote late and by mail!"

And of course the Pravda-like New York Media will run with that and staurate the airways and print.

Looks like Axelrod's work to me, but there of plenty who are capable of just what is described above and who mean to do it.

Hell will break loose.

We can only hope NY and NJ secede, should the Orange Menace get re-elected. Then maybe the entire house of cards that is our federal government disappears into the history books.

They won't secede voluntarily. Parasites do not leave the host, the elites have no intention of doing so. Beyond that they are screwed for their experimentation with excess diversity.

Unfortunately, looks like a lot more Burning, Looting and Murder is in order before the collapse.

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