We Have the Right to Assemble and Freedom of Religion - Unlawful Arrest of Preacher

People want to be comforted by being in God's house. Period. And they have a right to do it. Period.

i have a right to be comforted by the fact that some selfish covidiot doesn't spread their damn cooties around so i'll catch it.
Then don't go out and don't go to church. Simple.

ya well --- those selfish enough not to care about their fellow humans who go to church, & end up picking up the virus, then go to the fucking grocery store & shed it - which scientists, you know...the ones that actually KNOW what they are talking about; say that COVID 19 can stay live & active on plastic & metal for up to 3 DAYS, can give it to me. or gramma. thinking bipeds realize that having food or god damn toilet paper is more important right now. NOT going to church for a few TEMPORARY weeks won't kill you ... but the virus could.


Have you eliminated all those food allergens from your diet and also stopped wearing all fragrances of any kind? Otherwise you just continue to be a blatant hypocrite Jackboots Karen
Not reading through the whole thread but will share a Word to consider. Also will say that by law we have the right to assemble yet that does not mean it is prudent to do so in a church setting.

It is in Matthew Chapter 4. When the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted Satan told Jesus to throw himself down and Jesus responded to him you shall not tempt the Lord your God.

Why give into temptation to the possibility of exposing one's flesh being to a virus that can be and is already known to be deadly. Not that one should not take the government's threat to one's liberties lightly but to have an awareness that the possibility of catching and distributing a deadly virus is there and to wait a few weeks to let it all blow over. There are a lot of things that will need to be done to help take care of one another in the near future and if you get sick or even get another sick unnecessarily you may miss your chance to help another who needs your help.

exactly - this is only temporary. nobody is chaining the doors to houses of worship & throwing away the key

Agreed. Those of my religion obey the laws of the government unless said law is against God's law - sheltering in place is NOT against God's law. (Acts 5:29)

Those of my religion (Jehovah's Witnesses) thus obey the God-given authority of governments as Romans 13:1-5 explains. In my area (SE Louisiana, USA) we are meeting together by means of computer download (Zoom) - we had our mid-week meeting last night - we were able to comment on questions including the spiritual gems in Genesis chapters 24,25 (our assigned Bible reading this week) and see others comment, and hear their talks.

We had our last public meeting a couple of weeks ago, before the local government directed us to shelter in place. Our direction from our governing body (spiritual) was to no longer have public meetings and to stop going door to door (which some of you may realize we normally do).

The Bible teaches the importance of quarantine as well as being considered unclean after touching a dead body - the Bible did not say why - science now knows why.

As per my user name, I am especially interested in scientific research on any subject - and certainly at this time researching how Corona/Covid 19 spreads and how to bolster our immune system since many of us will be exposed to this deadly virus which may be more contagious than the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic which killed c. 1.5% of the world's population back then. 20 million people died in 4 months in every country on earth except for the tiny island of St. Helena.

While science and medicine has come a long way since 1918, we still do not have a cure for viruses and vaccines take a long time to develop. Millions will die if we do not shelter in place. Those who choose to have public meetings and then go shopping (etc.) will have blood on their hands. Very sad.

Aren't you the denomination that uses your religious freedom to deny children blood transfusions? Yes, I believe you are. And, children have died. So really before you start sermonizing Christians take a good long look in the mirror thanks
You are not a Christian. You attend church. There is a difference.

You are not the arbiter of that.

Our website has this article about protecting ourselves and others from disease - in that case it was the 2014 Ebola epidemic in western Africa:

"What practical steps did Jehovah’s Witnesses take?
We used infrared thermometers to check the temperature of those arriving for meetings at our places of worship. Everyone carefully avoided unnecessary physical contact, such as shaking hands or hugging, and washed their hands frequently throughout the day. At strategic locations throughout the communities, handwashing stations were set up with a bleach solution.
How was it possible to continue your regular public meetings and Bible-teaching work?

The government imposed quarantines in some areas, so public meetings were canceled for a time. In those areas, families met at home for their worship. Some conducted Bible studies over the phone to minimize physical contact.

What happened if someone showed symptoms?
Authorities were notified. Any individuals who had been in contact with an Ebola victim, had attended a funeral of a victim, or showed symptoms kept themselves isolated for 21 days, the commonly accepted maximum incubation period for the Ebola virus."
We abide by and don’t hide behind the Constitution.
Right now I’m not all worked up about assembling. Maybe I should be but like the guns it’s not my priority. I do think it’s an overreaction but I don’t mind not being elbow to elbow. Maybe start with every other chair at casinos and work it from there
The problem is that people are contagious before they become symptomatic. So they go a few days later from the casino or church to the grocery store where they mix with people who are taking sensible precautions and may be themselves or have family members in their household who are at a higher risk of severe infection. No one has a right to deliberately put others at risk for the sake of their slots or Jesus fix. Grow up!
Matthew 22:21 Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's." Romans 13:1 "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities.
Looks like some of our government officials haven't read the Constitution.

---Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was charged with misdemeanor counts of unlawful assembly---

There are exceptions.

Will they make exceptions for the Radical Muslims in a few weeks when their annual Ramadam bullshit comes down?

Of course the exceptions don't apply to Muslims. Why that would be wacist.

Oh they never do, never. Muslims are brown-skinned, they're "diverse" and wear cool clothing.

That's all it takes for most simpleton Leftists to drool all over them.

Did you actually just sit on this board and post "Muslims are brown-skinned"????

:laugh2: :lmao:

Wait wait --- and then immediately follow that sweeping non sequitur generalization with "they're diverse"??

Holy SHIT that just took over first place for stupidest post in recent memory.
Oh no, I gotta bookmark this shit.
The governor of Louisiana can issue bans on large assemblies to fight the spread in one of the nations newest hotpots, as recommended by the Trump administration and all health experts, but some supposed religious leaders may fight it to mass graves. I wonder if the Governor will have to throw him in jail and padlock the church for public health reason?

Louisiana church packed for services again despite charges against pastor amid pandemic Louisiana church packed for services again despite charges against pastor amid pandemic
I think eventually Christians are start going to protest and holding services and it will be the beginning of The End Times Persecutions of Christians

Speaking as a Christian, I think this is a really dumb hill to choose to die on. I not only don't believe that my First Amendment rights grant me license to endanger public health, I also don't believe that these people are doing what God would want or fulfilling the spirit of His directions to us. Now, they have every right to interpret the Bible differently than I do; but I'm really not seeing anything I consider a violation of Constitutional rights, nor persecution. They do not have my support in artificially ginning up this "Constitutional crisis" to no good purpose, and a great deal of potential harm.
I think eventually Christians are start going to protest and holding services and it will be the beginning of The End Times Persecutions of Christians

In the end times the Church will be prosecuted......that is prophesied. But the efflort to contain this deadly virus from hell is in no way a persecution of the church....anyone that thinks that is severely in error.

In fact those who propose attending meetings which serve as a conduit for the virus I think are doing the devils work....perhaps without realizing it.

Also, given that the church deliberately provoked this conflict, it definitely doesn't meet the definition of "persecution", and the pastor and his attendees are no kind of "heroes" or "martyrs".
All of our mega churches have chosen other ways of holding services here. Many of them are heavily involved in "charity work". You can't do that when all of the peeps that were holding down the fort are all of a sudden in desperate need.

Some people are just hard headed.
Ya' just can't defeat the Christian church. The Soviet Union tried for decades.
There are other ways to worship right now that are safe. Most pastors have adopted them to protect their flocks. Louisiana is fixin to become another hotspot, from what I hear. Social distancing at the LEAST is a good idea right now.
Ya' just can't defeat the Christian church. The Soviet Union tried for decades.

And those on the left wrong have been trying to do so here in this country, for not quite as many decades, and without nearly as much power behind them. But they keep trying, and it's no surprise to see them exploiting this manufactured crisis for this purpose.
That's ridiculous. I have a cousin who is a minister and he is doing remote sermons that his congregation can view.
All of our mega churches have chosen other ways of holding services here. Many of them are heavily involved in "charity work". You can't do that when all of the peeps that were holding down the fort are all of a sudden in desperate need.

Some people are just hard headed.
Seems he's trying to be a hero; probably imagines himself another voice in the wilderness objecting to an unfair government, like Thoreau sitting in jail.
Ya' just can't defeat the Christian church. The Soviet Union tried for decades.
There are other ways to worship right now that are safe. Most pastors have adopted them to protect their flocks. Louisiana is fixin to become another hotspot, from what I hear. Social distancing at the LEAST is a good idea right now.
True, congregations can find other ways to hold services.

My point is that the church is not easy to oppose.
That's ridiculous. I have a cousin who is a minister and he is doing remote sermons that his congregation can view.
Some are even taking over their local drive-in theaters. Or holding church services in their parking lots while everyone sits in their cars and listens on the radio.
But if people want to meet in person they absolutely have that right, and I think this road we're going down of monitoring each other's every Constitutionally protected right because I'm Going To Die is really, really dangerous. Just behind the virus in danger, actually.
One can see why the US, with 5% of the world's population, has the highest recorded number of Covid-19 cases.

Because we have a much larger population than the countries that are being honest, and other countries can't be trusted as far as we can throw them?
Coronavirus is being spread by folks who show no symptoms. That means the selfish Trump following morons are spreading their Trump virus to your grocery stores and everywhere else.
Also, given that the church deliberately provoked this conflict, it definitely doesn't meet the definition of "persecution", and the pastor and his attendees are no kind of "heroes" or "martyrs".

It wasn't the church that tried to illegally shut down the government. It was the government that tried to illegally shut down the church, in blatant and inexcusable violation of the First Amendment. It was government that manufactured a fake crisis, and then tried to use it as an excuse to trash the Constitution.

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