We Have the Right to Assemble and Freedom of Religion - Unlawful Arrest of Preacher

Cult leaders have often been prosecuted for requiring their followers to do illegal or dangerous things.
Illegal and dangerous like praying.

How very.........
Chinese of you.
Give it a break. Only a cultish kind of church would or could entice their followers to show up during all this and hug all over each other. Suppose a CV positive evil bastard with an actual axe to grind against religion came and joined the hugfest? You know how much they hug in church.
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When the Constitution was written, there was no such thing as a global pandemic.

There was also no such thing as typewriters, TV, radio, ball-point pens, or the Internet.

The First Amendment covers all of this, even if the authors didn't anticipate them.

The same First Amendment forbids government from violating freedoms of religion or assembly.

If the First Amendment is outdated, then the only remedy is to ratify a new amendment to the Constitution, to override or modify it.

When government so recklessly acts against the Constitution, this is an act of criminality and corruption. I hope this pastor sues the solid digestive waste out of every corrupt government official and person who was involved in this blatant criminal act against him and his congregation.
And today we find that in Britain the police (not all but too many) have begun police-state rule:

Anybody have reports of similar overreach here in the former country once called The United States?

Of course I do understand if your party won't allow you to respond or if the Gestapo is at your door.....
It's kinda scary seeing them stop church services, stop every incoming car on I 95 at the Florida border, asking where you're from and the address where you're going. Ordering the closure of vacation rentals in some states. Schools are shuttered and millions are out of work thanks to government order. I get people being really upset about it.
Our unquestioned freedom to go where we want, when we want, and do as we damned please is being restricted. That never feels good.

When the Constitution was written, there weren't pandemics, but the Founding Fathers knew all about highly contagious disease; they had all no doubt had their run ins with small pox, dysentery or yellow fever epidemics. They used quarantines then, too. If a person got it, the whole family was quarantined to their house. If there was question of disease on a ship, the whole crew was kept quarantined on the ship in the harbor. School was cancelled if a lot of cases were running through town. The Founding Fathers knew all about it, and if they could see us questioning these orders, I think they would wonder why on earth we were objecting to saving our lives.
When the Constitution was written, there was no such thing as a global pandemic.

There was also no such thing as typewriters, TV, radio, ball-point pens, or the Internet.

The First Amendment covers all of this, even if the authors didn't anticipate them.

The same First Amendment forbids government from violating freedoms of religion or assembly.

If the First Amendment is outdated, then the only remedy is to ratify a new amendment to the Constitution, to override or modify it.

When government so recklessly acts against the Constitution, this is an act of criminality and corruption. I hope this pastor sues the solid digestive waste out of every corrupt government official and person who was involved in this blatant criminal act against him and his congregation.
He does not have a leg to stand on. His actions are clearly dangerous to his flock. It's exactly the same thing as inciting a riot. Your first amendment rights do not cover you if endanger life or property. If any one of his congregation contracted COVID19 at that service he deserves jail time.
---“Why the government is so insistent on closing the church down on Sundays, restricting worship, restricting the size of the gathering in the church is totally against the first amendment of our constitution which says congress make no law prohibiting the free worship exercise of peaceful assembly of people in the United States that include the church,” he said.---

If I were a pastor, I wouldn't hold services in the church and put my parishoners at risk. I realize it's hard on people; if people ever needed their religion, it's now. But there are other ways: Some congregations are doing "drive in's" and others are doing services, readings, etc. on line. You can do Mass (well, you don't get the wafer) on EWTN. There are sermons on tv every Sunday where I live.

Declaring an emergency is legal. Holding church services right now is irresponsible. IMO.
Yeah, but you kinda skipped seminary, so..next!
Okay, so nothing I said makes any sense then, is that it?
When the Constitution was written, there was no such thing as a global pandemic.

There was also no such thing as typewriters, TV, radio, ball-point pens, or the Internet.

The First Amendment covers all of this, even if the authors didn't anticipate them.

The same First Amendment forbids government from violating freedoms of religion or assembly.

If the First Amendment is outdated, then the only remedy is to ratify a new amendment to the Constitution, to override or modify it.U

When government so recklessly acts against the Constitution, this is an act of criminality and corruption. I hope this pastor sues the solid digestive waste out of every corrupt government official and person who was involved in this blatant criminal act against him and his congregation.

Utter nonsense ........Presidents have violated the constitution many times.....simply because they have had to in the name of National Security and I listed several of those occassions.

There does need to be an amendment to the constitution as I mentioned before to clarify his right and power to do whatever is required to preserve the nation.

Yet what disturbs me more than your lack of knowledge regarding the necessity of National Security is your lack of basic common sense.

Consider for a moment....you are sitting in a bar down the street having a nice cool one when one of the members of that congregation who contracted the virus strolled in and sat down on the stool next to you to also enjoy a cool one and inadvertently and un-intentionally sneezed....giving you the virus.

Do you think he had a right to give you a deadly virus because he felt a need to attend that service to prove we have religious liberty?
---“Why the government is so insistent on closing the church down on Sundays, restricting worship, restricting the size of the gathering in the church is totally against the first amendment of our constitution which says congress make no law prohibiting the free worship exercise of peaceful assembly of people in the United States that include the church,” he said.---

If I were a pastor, I wouldn't hold services in the church and put my parishoners at risk. I realize it's hard on people; if people ever needed their religion, it's now. But there are other ways: Some congregations are doing "drive in's" and others are doing services, readings, etc. on line. You can do Mass (well, you don't get the wafer) on EWTN. There are sermons on tv every Sunday where I live.

Declaring an emergency is legal. Holding church services right now is irresponsible. IMO.
Yeah, but you kinda skipped seminary, so..next!
Okay, so nothing I said makes any sense then, is that it?

You make very good sense....the morons who worship the constitution like it is the golden calf are in great error.

It is a man made document....and like George Bush said when he was being attacked for ignoring it in his struggle against islamic terrorists....it is just a piece of paper.

Not something that fell down to Earth from Heaven.....it desperately needs to be amended as I have mentioned before.
Whether or not these public gathering executive orders and stay at home orders from governors and mayors are Constitutional is a question that absolutely should be asked. It's times like these when the public is in a panic that gives elected officials the opportunities to seize power they typically wouldn't have and that's when the Constitution needs protected more than ever.

Not nearly good enough to just “Like” this post. This needs to be repeated and emphasized, especially in light of the obvious fact that the same corrupt officials who are abusing this situation are the ones who have stirred up all the fear and hysteria that they are now abusing, over a disease that, by all rational evidence, is no worse than most strains of influenza that have come and gone.
---“Why the government is so insistent on closing the church down on Sundays, restricting worship, restricting the size of the gathering in the church is totally against the first amendment of our constitution which says congress make no law prohibiting the free worship exercise of peaceful assembly of people in the United States that include the church,” he said.---

If I were a pastor, I wouldn't hold services in the church and put my parishoners at risk. I realize it's hard on people; if people ever needed their religion, it's now. But there are other ways: Some congregations are doing "drive in's" and others are doing services, readings, etc. on line. You can do Mass (well, you don't get the wafer) on EWTN. There are sermons on tv every Sunday where I live.

Declaring an emergency is legal. Holding church services right now is irresponsible. IMO.
Yeah, but you kinda skipped seminary, so..next!
Okay, so nothing I said makes any sense then, is that it?

You make very good sense....the morons who worship the constitution like it is the golden calf are in great error.

It is a man made document....and like George Bush said when he was being attacked for ignoring it in his struggle against islamic terrorists....it is just a piece of paper.

Not something that fell down to Earth from Heaven.....it desperately needs to be amended as I have mentioned before.
Spoken like a true Communist.
Unfortunately I just had to put maid marion morrison on ignore.

May he rest in peace.

If he ever summons up the courage required to answer my admittedly difficult question for him....would someone let me know and I will revive him and put him back into circulation. hehheh Even though he is a foul-mouthed moron. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Im wondering if public health emergencies do override Everything else?

Where, in the Constitution, is there any language that even hints at any authority on the part of any part of government, to use any alleged “emergency” as an excuse to disregard the Constitution as the highest law of the nation?
Im wondering if public health emergencies do override Everything else?

Where, in the Constitution, is there any language that even hints at any authority on the part of any part of government, to use any alleged “emergency” as an excuse to disregard the Constitution as the highest law of the nation?
Maintaining order is The purpose of the law. It is coming as a surprise to some that the government at all levels is empowered to do practically anything to respond to real threats.
And today we find that in Britain the police (not all but too many) have begun police-state rule:

Anybody have reports of similar overreach here in the former country once called The United States?

Of course I do understand if your party won't allow you to respond or if the Gestapo is at your door.....
It's kinda scary seeing them stop church services, stop every incoming car on I 95 at the Florida border, asking where you're from and the address where you're going. Ordering the closure of vacation rentals in some states. Schools are shuttered and millions are out of work thanks to government order. I get people being really upset about it.
Our unquestioned freedom to go where we want, when we want, and do as we damned please is being restricted. That never feels good.

When the Constitution was written, there weren't pandemics, but the Founding Fathers knew all about highly contagious disease; they had all no doubt had their run ins with small pox, dysentery or yellow fever epidemics. They used quarantines then, too. If a person got it, the whole family was quarantined to their house. If there was question of disease on a ship, the whole crew was kept quarantined on the ship in the harbor. School was cancelled if a lot of cases were running through town. The Founding Fathers knew all about it, and if they could see us questioning these orders, I think they would wonder why on earth we were objecting to saving our lives.

Great to see someone post on here with a good knowledge of our history and obviously much common sense as well.
Im wondering if public health emergencies do override Everything else?

Where, in the Constitution, is there any language that even hints at any authority on the part of any part of government, to use any alleged “emergency” as an excuse to disregard the Constitution as the highest law of the nation?

I posted a few posts back how various Presidents have exercised emergency powers and their reasoning for doing so.

Emergency Powers
The Constitution does not expressly grant the President additional powers in times of national emergency. However, Presidents have claimed they have this power, often conflicting with the Supreme Court's interpretation of the extent of Presidential powers.

President Abraham Lincoln's suspended habeas corpus without Congressional approval in 1861, and he claimed he could do so due to emergency war powers. Lincoln claimed that the rebellion created an emergency that permitted him the extraordinary power of unilaterally suspending the writ. With Chief Justice Roger Taney sitting as judge, the Federal District Court of Maryland struck down the suspension in Ex Parte Merryman, although Lincoln ignored the order. 17 F. Cas. 144 (1861).

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt similarly invoked emergency powers when he issued Order 9066, placing Japanese Americans into internment camps during World War II. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld this order in Korematsu v. United States. 323 U.S. 214 (1944).

Harry Truman declared the use of emergency powers when he seized private steel mills that failed to produce steel because of a labor strike in 1952. With the Korean War ongoing, Truman asserted that he could not wage war successfully if the economy failed to provide him with the material resources necessary to keep the troops well-equipped. The U.S. Supreme Court, however, refused to accept that argument in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, voting 6-3 that neither Commander in Chief powers nor any claimed emergency powers gave the President the authority -to unilaterally seize private property without Congressional legislation. 343 U.S. 579.

Also I posted already that there is a urgent need for an amendment to the constitution to deal with the needs of the Presidency to exercise emergency powers in times of National crisis or war and clarify them.

Anyhow it is sad to see so many on this thread who display a basic lack of good common sense to say the least.
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Whether or not these public gathering executive orders and stay at home orders from governors and mayors are Constitutional is a question that absolutely should be asked. It's times like these when the public is in a panic that gives elected officials the opportunities to seize power they typically wouldn't have and that's when the Constitution needs protected more than ever.

Not nearly good enough to just “Like” this post. This needs to be repeated and emphasized, especially in light of the obvious fact that the same corrupt officials who are abusing this situation are the ones who have stirred up all the fear and hysteria that they are now abusing, over a disease that, by all rational evidence, is no worse than most strains of influenza that have come and gone.

Such utter bullshit as I have explained already many times.
It is very telling that you think upholding the Constitution, and being upset when the Constitution is so blatantly and recklessly violated, is “stupid”.
Constitutional rights are not unlimited.
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Another stupid thread by a trump supporter. These guys have flown way past ridiculous.

It is very telling that you think upholding the Constitution, and being upset when the Constitution is so blatantly and recklessly violated, is “stupid”.

Stupid is as stupid does.
I don't think upholding the constitution is stupid. I do think that pastor and church jeopardized the life and liberty of that community by continuing to meet.

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