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We know the Recipe to Cop Shootings by now. Lets review.

Wow, this is this first time you've ever been right about something. Shocking!

Yes, thug acts like a thug, the black community ignorantly supports the thug, then the trial reveals he was a thug and the officers go free after having their time wasted. This story is getting old.

See you in the next "The system is rigged" thread! :)
You bet. I'll be the guy calling you a dumbass in that thread.
And every thread the dumbass is in.
BLM movement was trying to address this through protest and debate and whites took this wonderful movement and turned it into a rallying call for Black Panthers organizing against white people. This is what this movement was about white people. Yes the black community got issues, yes our culture has a violence that needs addressing, however, being murdered by the very people we pay to protect us, is a tragedy and any nigga out here thinking their safe, think again. Selling CD's cost this man his life. Selling E-cigs, having expired licsence plates, not wearing a seat belt, having more than 2 nigga's in a car, looking the wrong way, walking in the street, being in a white neighborhood after dark, EXISTING...CAN CAUSE A COP TO SHOOT YOU DEAD AND GET AWAY WITH IT!!

Black lies matter was based on a lie.......the Gentle Giant attacked a store clerk then attacked a police officer...let's never forget thatn......

The black panthers are racist criminals....
I should not be puzzled one bit about how easily anyone can politicize this kind of thing.

To me it's simple

Some criminal gets what he deserves...or some cop has lost his patience and snaps.

It's got very little to do with Democrats VS Republicans.

But some of you dumb asses view the entire world through that prism
Now we see the effects of being stuck on stupid..
All you have to do is look at a libtard.
So we have seen the video from the bystander, we have not seen the video from the body cams both officers wore. We do know the dude had a gun. I will wait for further information. The bitch from DOJ is on it!

"That footage may not be as good as we hoped for. During the altercation, the body cameras did become dislodged, but they did stay on and (were) active and recording at this time," Dunham said.

Alton Sterling shooting: Video of deadly encounter with officers sparks outrage - CNN.com

Also having a gun in an open carry state isnt against the law

Hey twit....Sterling was a convicted felon.......it is against the law for him to buy, own or carry a gun.......

'Deeply Troubling' Fatal Police Shooting Captured on Video

As a convicted felon, Sterling wouldn't be permitted to have a gun. But those who knew him said he kept one to protect himself from robbers.
I certainly hope it is closed caption you are calling a twit!

Yeah......Sorry if that wasn't clear.....I sort of take it on past posts that people know he is a twit.
New Video Emerges of Alton Sterling Being Killed by Baton Rouge Police

Clearly the man was murdered, no, executed, as he lay on his back with no weapon in his hand.

Heads are gonna roll over this.

We don't know what happened.....how about we wait for the actual video.....and not the one that doesn't show what happened....?
Did you look at the footage?

Do you not see a black man on this back, with two hulking police offices on top of him, one with a gun to his chest, screaming at him to stop moving, who then suddenly squeezes off 2 then 3 bullets directly into the man's chest?

Isn't that EXACTLY what the video depicts?
So we have seen the video from the bystander, we have not seen the video from the body cams both officers wore. We do know the dude had a gun. I will wait for further information. The bitch from DOJ is on it!

"That footage may not be as good as we hoped for. During the altercation, the body cameras did become dislodged, but they did stay on and (were) active and recording at this time," Dunham said.

Alton Sterling shooting: Video of deadly encounter with officers sparks outrage - CNN.com

Also having a gun in an open carry state isnt against the law

Hey twit....Sterling was a convicted felon.......it is against the law for him to buy, own or carry a gun.......

'Deeply Troubling' Fatal Police Shooting Captured on Video

As a convicted felon, Sterling wouldn't be permitted to have a gun. But those who knew him said he kept one to protect himself from robbers.
How and when did they know Sterling was a felon?

He was known to the community.......the cops may have known him...and he had a concealed gun on him and was resisting lawful orders by a police officer in uniform.......

When a police officer tells you to stop...you stop......again....another felon resisting police ends up dead....stop fucking resisting...you will live longer....

wait a minute that sounds like Robert "LaVoy" Finicum out in Oregon

but then the left hailed that shooting as spectacular law enforcement actions

what a bunch of fucking hypocrites
BLM movement was trying to address this through protest and debate and whites took this wonderful movement and turned it into a rallying call for Black Panthers organizing against white people. This is what this movement was about white people. Yes the black community got issues, yes our culture has a violence that needs addressing, however, being murdered by the very people we pay to protect us, is a tragedy and any nigga out here thinking their safe, think again. Selling CD's cost this man his life. Selling E-cigs, having expired licsence plates, not wearing a seat belt, having more than 2 nigga's in a car, looking the wrong way, walking in the street, being in a white neighborhood after dark, EXISTING...CAN CAUSE A COP TO SHOOT YOU DEAD AND GET AWAY WITH IT!!

Black lies matter was based on a lie.......the Gentle Giant attacked a store clerk then attacked a police officer...let's never forget thatn......

The black panthers are racist criminals....
Please wake me up when you sir, enter the world of reality. I'm sooo over you.
Your list leaves out quite a bit. Let me fix it for you:

1. Perp resists arrest, gets killed.
2. Grainy, shaky, partial video shows up or eye witnesses make video with shaky information.
3. The Racial Grievance Industry (Often including 0bama and/or a member of his staff) immediately responds.
4. National coverage of a statement by the chief of police, who has put the Cops on administrative leave.
5. Constant analizing of the video and pronouncements of guilt by the media.
6. Protesters bused in to riot and destroy.
7. More evidence comes out: body camera, surveillance cameras, eyewitnesses, forensic evidence.
8. Trial, because of pressure by the SJWs and the media, a trial happens when it shouldn't due to overwhelming evidence of no wrong doing by the cops.
9. Officers found not guilty.
10. Next incident. Wash, rinse, repeat, because it isn't about justice with the left, it's about dividing us all on racial, cultural, and any other grounds they possibly can.
BLM movement was trying to address this through protest and debate and whites took this wonderful movement and turned it into a rallying call for Black Panthers organizing against white people. This is what this movement was about white people. Yes the black community got issues, yes our culture has a violence that needs addressing, however, being murdered by the very people we pay to protect us, is a tragedy and any nigga out here thinking their safe, think again. Selling CD's cost this man his life. Selling E-cigs, having expired licsence plates, not wearing a seat belt, having more than 2 nigga's in a car, looking the wrong way, walking in the street, being in a white neighborhood after dark, EXISTING...CAN CAUSE A COP TO SHOOT YOU DEAD AND GET AWAY WITH IT!!

Black lies matter was based on a lie.......the Gentle Giant attacked a store clerk then attacked a police officer...let's never forget thatn......

The black panthers are racist criminals....
Please wake me up when you sir, enter the world of reality. I'm sooo over you.

Can't stand the truth can you? No surprise at all. None of you left wing nutters can.
New Video Emerges of Alton Sterling Being Killed by Baton Rouge Police

Clearly the man was murdered, no, executed, as he lay on his back with no weapon in his hand.

Heads are gonna roll over this.

We don't know what happened.....how about we wait for the actual video.....and not the one that doesn't show what happened....?
Did you look at the footage?

Do you not see a black man on this back, with two hulking police offices on top of him, one with a gun to his chest, screaming at him to stop moving, who then suddenly squeezes off 2 then 3 bullets directly into the man's chest?

Isn't that EXACTLY what the video depicts?

Yes...and we were told that the Gentle Giant of Ferguson had his hands up and was saying don't shoot........the cops had cameras, the store probably had video...let's wait and see what they say...

The guy was a convicted felon carrying an illegal gun........

Of course...he is the one guy you guys don't mind having a concealed gun.....
This last weekend in Chicago, there was many as 60 people shot and 16 people killed over the July 4th holiday, according to various sources. Why are liberals, the black community and the media ALWAYS focusing on the tiny amount of police shootings? Granted, there are some questionable if not criminal police overreactions.
The "media" in particular, loves to play violent videos and relay sketchy information without getting ALL the facts, seemingly feeding into hysteria against white police officers.
But if a Muslim or a black commits a outrage, the media downplays it or runs stories to counter a "backlash". Lets worry about the big picture here. This stuff is a diversion.

Thanks for that " recipe" for cop shootings- can you help us with the recipe for black shootings given these annoying little factoids?

FACT 1. Over 1,400 more black Americans murdered other blacks in two years than were lynched from 1882 to 1968.

According to FBI data, 4,906 black people murdered other blacks in 2010 and 2011. That is 1,460 more black Americans killed by other blacks in two years than were lynched from 1882 to 1968, according to the Tuskegee Institute.

FACT 2. Black People (mostly men) commit a grossly disproportionate amount of crime.

In 2012, white males were 38 percent of the population and committed 4,582 murders. That same year, black males were just 6.6 percent of the population but committed a staggering 5,531 murders.

In other words: black people–at just a fifth of the size–committed almost 1,000 more murders than their white counterparts.

The figures above highlight a horrific truth that black racialists and white liberals routinely ignore: Lawbreaking black Americans, young black males particularly, put themselves in close proximity to (mostly white male) police officers at rates sometimes five to 10 times higher than whites. This is a recipe for disaster. Thusly….

FACT 3. Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks committed half of homicides in the United States for nearly 30 years.

DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, black people committed 52% of homicides.

In 2013, black criminals committed 38% of the murders. Whites accounted for just 31 percent.

There are five times fewer black people than white people in America and, yet, they consistently carry out a larger share of the crimes? Given this rate, it’s no wonder that there aren’t more assistances where cops kill black criminals.

FACT 4. Chicago’s death toll is almost equal to that of both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined.

There have been almost as many deaths in one American city as there have been in the two major wars carried out by the U.S. military this century.

Chicago’s death toll from 2001November, 26 2015 stands at 7,401. The combined total deaths during Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2015: 4,815) and Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan (2001-2015: 3,506), total 8,321.

FACT 5. It would take cops 40 years to kill as many black men as have died at the hands of others black men in 2012 alone.

University of Toledo criminologist Dr. Richard R. Johnson examined the latest crime datafrom the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports and Centers for Disease Control and found that an average of 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012.

Professor Johnson’s research further concluded that 112 black men died from both justified and unjustified police-involved killings annually during this same period.

Follow Jerome on Twitter: @jeromeehudson
This is what we know so far.......

Most Of What You're Reading About Alton Sterling Is Written By Racist Idiots

Here’s what really happened, based upon what we actually know.

  • Police were called to a Baton Rouge (Louisiana) convenience store on a “man with a gun” call.
  • Officers made contact with Alton Sterling at the convenience store because he matched the description provided by the caller.
  • Officers had a conversation that led to a confrontation with Alton Sterling. We do not know the details of this conversation.
  • A person in a nearby car began (badly) recording with a low-quality cell phone camera just as officers stepped back and fired a taser at Alston Sterling.
  • You can distinctly hear the crackle of the X26 taser. It fires a second time. Alton Sterling is unmoved by either taser attempt.
  • Up until this point, Sterling has been passively non-compliant, at least while on camera.
  • An officer tackles Alton Sterling, and once Sterling is on the ground he starts actively resisting officers.
  • The officer who fired the taser is able to secure Sterling’s left arm with great difficulty, and pins it under his legs.
  • The other officer, the one who tackled Sterling, is attempting to control Sterling’s right arm, but it is out of camera view behind the bumper of the car.
  • The officer who tackled Alston Sterling yells “He’s got a gun!” Sterling is seen still actively resisting. We still cannot see Alton Sterling’s right arm as the tackling officer fights to control him.
  • The officer who had twice tasered Sterling draws his handgun to retention. He presumably issues the warning to Alton Sterling face to face: “Hey bra! You f*cking move, I swear to God.”
  • Two shots are fired, and the cell phone video loses focus and goes back inside the car.
  • Several other shots are heard.
These are the only real facts that we know.
I just posted a thread on new video.....where you can see almost everything...including the cop actually pulling the gun out of the dead felons pocket......

Watch the video...it captures just about everything from right in front of the car where the cops are...

This New Video Of Dalton Sterling's Death Creates Questions, Not Answers

A second cell phone video has emerged to provide an alternate angle of the seconds before and after Alton Sterling was shot by Baton Rouge Police officers. The video was presumably captured by convenience store owner Abduallah Muflahi, who claimed to be just “two feet” (in actually, probably 10-15 feet away) when the struggle and shooting occurred.

The video’s new angle provides us with some tantalizing new clues, but no definitive answers.

To conclusively capture whether Sterling was attempting to reach for the gun in his right pocket, we would need to be able to to see Mr. Sterling’s right arm and in specific his hand.

Unfortunately, in the low-quality cell phone video from a car in the parking lot (screep cap below), most of Mr. Sterling’s torso, including his entire right side, is obscured by the front bumper of the silver car.
The thread title and original post are inaccurate. Here's the correct version:

The Correct Recipe for Prog Race-baiting Spin:

1. A Person of Color in the process of or reasonably suspected of a crime is confronted by law enforcement.

2. Said person tries to attack the police, and is harmed or killed as a result.

3. The Race Industrial Complex immediately start spamming social media to spread a false narrative the the victim was a sainted Rhodes Scholar in waiting and the cops were White Privileged Racists KKK members.

4. Rampant calls for Gun Control legislation and Bans of Assault Weapons.

5.. Anarchist Thugs take advantage of the situation to riot, vandalize and steal new athletic shoes from a conveniently located Footlocker. Doubleplus Goodthink Points if they also rob a Subway and a Liquor store.

5. More rampant calls for Gun Control legislation and Bans of Assault Weapons.

6. Various Political Types shed crocodile tears for the untimely dead youth, and liken him to their family members...while heading out to the golf course or a luxury vacation.

7. More more rampant calls for Gun Control legislation and Bans of Assault Weapons.

8. Celebrities start sporting ribbons on Facebook and Twitter to show their compassion.

9. More more more rampant calls for Gun Control legislation and Bans of Assault Weapons.

10. A few committed believers start a GoFundMe page to raise money for the family.

11. More more more more rampant calls for Gun Control legislation and Bans of Assault Weapons.

12. The Family start shopping for a new house and automobiles, taking breaks to weep on camera to keep their 15 minutes of fame and GFM donations alive.

13. More more more more more rampant calls for Gun Control legislation and Bans of Assault Weapons.

14. If the Cause is enough of a Celebre, a state bill will be passed in the name of the deceased to regulate or outlaw something that was totally unrelated to the incident.

15. More more more more more more more rampant calls for Gun Control legislation and Bans of Assault Weapons.

Wash Rinse Repeat.
"That footage may not be as good as we hoped for. During the altercation, the body cameras did become dislodged, but they did stay on and (were) active and recording at this time," Dunham said.

Alton Sterling shooting: Video of deadly encounter with officers sparks outrage - CNN.com

Also having a gun in an open carry state isnt against the law
Not with a felony record it isn't.

If he has a felony record that doesnt make the gun walk and talk on its own. Simply having a gun isnt a danger
A felon is not supposed to possess a gun but we all know criminals do not obey gun laws.

I know that but simply having a gun doesnt authorize shooting that person.
Never said it was doofus!

If we agree, Then what's your point?

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