We may be in for the most UNethical administration since Grant's


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.
By the way, isn't it interesting how "crooked" is a part of our lexicon again? I think the last time it was used before Trump brought it back was in 1917.
The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.
Let's impeach him now! :D
The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.
Ah, leave this one alone. You simply know he's going to be making business decisions while he's running the country.

If Chaney and haloburton got away with what they did trump can open a few hotels.
The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.

Yep, the regressive will continue to invent shit without merit just like you're doing now. The rest of us will continue to laugh our collective asses off.
The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.
Ah, leave this one alone. You simply know he's going to be making business decisions while he's running the country.

If Chaney and haloburton got away with what they did trump can open a few hotels.
and hillary can promise favors to foreign nations in exchange for donations to her foundation.
of course hillary was dealing with the countries that would like to see us gone.
The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.
Ah, leave this one alone. You simply know he's going to be making business decisions while he's running the country.

If Chaney and haloburton got away with what they did trump can open a few hotels.
and hillary can promise favors to foreign nations in exchange for donations to her foundation.
of course hillary was dealing with the countries that would like to see us gone.
And she sold terrorists nukes
The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.
Ah, leave this one alone. You simply know he's going to be making business decisions while he's running the country.

If Chaney and haloburton got away with what they did trump can open a few hotels.
and hillary can promise favors to foreign nations in exchange for donations to her foundation.
of course hillary was dealing with the countries that would like to see us gone.
And she sold terrorists nukes
Thats still a stretch. The Iran nuclear deal was finalized in 2015, clinton stepped down as SOS in 2013, that means that even though clinton may have been the architect of the deal, it would have been John Kerry that actually signed it into action.
So, since John Kerry could have reneged on the deal but instead followed through, who actually was responsible for it?
I think her misconduct during her time as SOS was deeper than just her, I think that the whole administration was behind much of what she got caught doing, and this is why no charges were ever brought against her and no more investigations were conducted. I think that the FBI was getting close to linking obama to hillary's acts of treason.
Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.
Let's impeach him now! :D
He's as crooked as they come. Absolutely corrupt in every way.
Poor little liberals, still wailing and crying over getting the most spectacular electoral defeat in living memory. Too bad they can't accept the results of the election, they way they kept demanding Trump accept them.

Your agenda was rejected out of hand, despite your candidate spending three times as much as Trump did, and with massively favored attention from the media which should have gotten her 15 or 20 more percentage points in the vote. Is there some reason we should pay attention to you now?

Hopefully you will continue your squalling and sulking for a long time, so that normal Americans will be reminded why they rejected you.
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Willing to repeat known lies about a person in order to spread your flawed philosophy. Pathetic to a fault.

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The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.

Grant's Administration was corrupt but other administrations have been even more corrupt but-----but if Trump is able to pass the infrastructure bill the way he's laid it out it will open the door to the greatest corporate welfare, payback to Republican party contributors, and FOTs (friends of trump) in American history.

Rebuilding our infrastructure should be at the top of our to-do list but Trump's infrastructure plan is nothing more than a middle class rip-off.

Which president's administration was the most corrupt in US history?

Martin Fox, Probably not going to be elected president
Jul 15, 2015

In order, I'd say:
  • Richard Nixon. Watergate was an attempt to rig the election. Nixon's vice president, Spiro Agnew, was indicted for corruption and resigned before Nixon.
  • Ronald Reagan. Reagan's administration had the most number of indictments and convictions of any president. It's astounding that Reagan wasn't impeached for the Iran-Contra affair. His cabinet also rigged contracts so that they rewarded contributors to his campaign through the HUD. Scandals also plagued the EPA under Reagan.
    See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Re...
  • Ulysses Grant. Grant was not corrupt himself, but members of his administration were very much so. A number of them, including Grant's vice president, accepted stock from Credit Mobilier, a construction firm, in exchange for fraudulent contracts. A number of Grant's cabinet were involved in a "whiskey ring" in which they cheated on their taxes. And Grant's secretary of war and others accepted other bribes.
  • Warren G Harding. Harding himself also wasn't corrupt, but his cabinet was. This resulted in several scandals, including corruption at the Veteran's Bureau in which Charles Forbes defrauded the government for massive amounts. Most infamous was the "Teapot Dome" scandal, involving Harding's Secretary of the Interior, Albert Fall. Fall accepted bribes to lease land intended for Navy oil reserves to oil companies.

Martin Fox's list is pretty good but the hair I'd split is, while Nixon is probably the most corrupt President we've ever had, the Reagan's administration was through and through the most corrupt - IMO Trump's administration will make the Reagan administration look like pikers...

Let's hope he doesn't do something really corrupt, like selling Murican uranium rights to the Rooskies for a "donation" to his sham foundation. :eusa_shifty:
Trump just said there are no conflicts of interest for a president.

Basically taking Bush's position that he's above the law.
The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.
The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.

Says the lefty that voted for Hillary.

The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.

It will be difficult to separate Trump the President from Trump the Tycoon

Every decision will be viewed as a potential conflict of interest

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