We may be in for the most UNethical administration since Grant's

and hillary can promise favors to foreign nations in exchange for donations to her foundation.
of course hillary was dealing with the countries that would like to see us gone.

Well, MDPatsy.........you DID swift-boated Clinton on this issues as Sec of State....don't you think we can do the same to the Trumpster as POTUS???

A simple "yes" or "no" would suffice.........LOL
I just want to point out a few things here, I will do it quietly as I suspect you are suffering a major headache right now.
You did swift-boated Clinton, shouldn't that be You did swift-boat Clinton?
and on this issues as sec of state, this would indicate a single issue, not this issues, it should have been either on this issue as sec of state, or on these issues as sec of state.
Now beyond these things, I really have little idea what you are talking about.
Explain the headache you say? certainly, you usually tend to make more sense when you post, you are usually wrong, but you do at least make some sense, but this time you just totally blew the whole post.
I suspect you tied one on last night and were still just a wee bit buzzed this morning, or you drank all the way through the night and were still drunk. At this time Im guessing that you are suffering a major hangover.
And this is ok, I dont particularly like you but I will say that up until this post, you have not given me reason to think you were drunk posting. everyone has the right to get hammered and post from time to time.
Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.
Let's impeach him now! :D
He's as crooked as they come. Absolutely corrupt in every way.
Poor little liberals, still wailing and crying over getting the most spectacular electoral defeat in living memory. Too bad they can't accept the results of the election, they way they kept demanding Trump accept them.

Your agenda was rejected out of hand, despite your candidate spending three times as much as Trump did, and with massively favored attention from the media which should have gotten her 15 or 20 more percentage points in the vote. Is there some reason we should pay attention to you now?

Hopefully you will continue your squalling and sulking for a long time, so that normal Americans will be reminded why they rejected you.
And, once again, George Bush has escaped an independent inquiry into his irresponsible actions.

It took you liberals more than 30 posts before someone remembered to yell, "But... but... but BOOOOOOOSH!!!!!"

You guys are becoming unhinged after that election wipeout, aren't you?

Get used to it. There are many more elections to come.
Poor little liberals, still wailing and crying over getting the most spectacular electoral defeat in living memory. Too bad they can't accept the results of the election, they way they kept demanding Trump accept them.

My wife is an ardent supporter of Hillary. I talked with her this morning, and I hinted that she was still thinking about the election. I asked her if she was still angry that Mrs. Clinton lost, and she nodded "yes." I wasn't surprised. Hillary supporters need to let go and let America be America.
My wife is an ardent supporter of Hillary. I talked with her this morning, and I hinted that she was still thinking about the election. I asked her if she was still angry that Mrs. Clinton lost, and she nodded "yes." I wasn't surprised. Hillary supporters need to let go and let America be America.
America will be America, regardless.

She just needs to decide if she will rejoin them or not.
Why do you moronic right wingers "conclude" that ANY future attack on the ethical challenges that trump will face is the same as regrets over Clinton's loss?

Is Trump ABOVE the law? Trump's flip-flop in now NOT pursuing charges against Clinton assumes that high officials may indeed be above the law....Or is trump setting a scenario where he will (or should) be given a pass (or passes) on his future ethical dilemmas because he forgave Clinton?
He's as crooked as they come. Absolutely corrupt in every way.
He's just a business man and he made it clear from the get go that he was going to give his businesses to the kids to run if he were elected. He's not about to "liquidate" his empire; the Trump brand is half its value. He's worked hard all his life to have his billions and he could care less what his dealings "look like."
Do NOT turn this into an administration-long issue, PLEASE. He is what he is and he is going to be our President. Let it be.

Sorry, but there is no way in HELL I'm gonna roll over and normalize this piece of shit and just "accept" him for the corrupt, fascist, lying fraud that he is. He will be relentlessly scrutinized throughout his term, and there will be no wincing words from the American people -- he can count on that.

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