We may be in for the most UNethical administration since Grant's

The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.
Ah, leave this one alone. You simply know he's going to be making business decisions while he's running the country.

If Chaney and haloburton got away with what they did trump can open a few hotels.
and hillary can promise favors to foreign nations in exchange for donations to her foundation.
of course hillary was dealing with the countries that would like to see us gone.
but but but Hillary
It will be difficult to separate Trump the President from Trump the Tycoon

Every decision will be viewed as a potential conflict of interest
Calculated risk.

It would have also been difficult to separate Hillary the President from Hillary the Grifter.
The rest of us will continue to laugh our collective asses off.

Well, most right wingers (including Christie?) could afford to lose a few pounds off their fat asses....LOL
and hillary can promise favors to foreign nations in exchange for donations to her foundation.
of course hillary was dealing with the countries that would like to see us gone.

Well, MDPatsy.........you DID swift-boated Clinton on this issues as Sec of State....don't you think we can do the same to the Trumpster as POTUS???

A simple "yes" or "no" would suffice.........LOL
The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.
You can challenge, bitch, whine and snivel all you want. It's all the left ever has to offer. People are caring less and less, it's like listening to a perpetual fart.
He's as crooked as they come. Absolutely corrupt in every way.
He's just a business man and he made it clear from the get go that he was going to give his businesses to the kids to run if he were elected. He's not about to "liquidate" his empire; the Trump brand is half its value. He's worked hard all his life to have his billions and he could care less what his dealings "look like."
Do NOT turn this into an administration-long issue, PLEASE. He is what he is and he is going to be our President. Let it be.
Ronald Reagan. Reagan's administration had the most number of indictments and convictions of any president. It's astounding that Reagan wasn't impeached for the Iran-Contra affair. His cabinet also rigged contracts so that they rewarded contributors to his campaign through the HUD. Scandals also plagued the EPA under Reagan.
Wikipedia? LOL.

The Democrats went on a witch hunt and were furious for two main reasons. Reagan proved they were wrong about how economies work and he defeated communism.

Now, the Trump administration has plenty they can go after and make the Reagan hit jobs look like small potatoes. Reagan was never directly implicated with Iran-Contra, that's why he wasn't impeached. But unlike the spineless one we have now he did take the blame as president.
The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.
We may be in for the most UNethical administration since Grant's

Did you miss the last one with the Kenyan at the helm?
Or maybe that does not get covered until 5th grade?
and hillary can promise favors to foreign nations in exchange for donations to her foundation.
of course hillary was dealing with the countries that would like to see us gone.

Well, MDPatsy.........you DID swift-boated Clinton on this issues as Sec of State....don't you think we can do the same to the Trumpster as POTUS???

A simple "yes" or "no" would suffice.........LOL

Will just never admit you ran a fatally flawed candidate, will ya?
Let's hope he doesn't do something really corrupt, like selling Murican uranium rights to the Rooskies for a "donation" to his sham foundation. :eusa_shifty:
Trump just said there are no conflicts of interest for a president.

Basically taking Bush's position that he's above the law.

You misspelled "Hillary".

And, once again, George Bush has escaped an independent inquiry into his irresponsible actions. For the fourth time in less than five years, the President of the United States and his cohorts been placed above the law.

When, if ever, could this have happened before? When else could one administration have pulled off four major scandals; four devastating, potentially impeachable screw-ups, and never have to answer for them? When else, in the United States of America, could so many crimes of an elected president and his cadre remain unexplained, unchallenged, and unpunished? When? Probably never. When in history have the media sat silent through criminal scandal at highest levels of government?

  1. The devastating attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001.
  2. The WMD hoax designed to gain public support for an unprovoked, illegal and ineptly planned invasion and occupation of Iraq.
  3. The criminal outing of a CIA operative Valerie Plame by a person or persons in the Bush White House.
  4. The profound failure of the US government, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Every one of these actions resulted in real or potential death and other harm to uncalculated numbers of people. Each action, therefore, raises valid questions of criminal culpability and/or negligence by the President himself or people closely connected to the White House.

As a result, the moves by the administration to thwart, postpone, or control investigations into these travesties are highly suspect to say the least. And yet, the moves to do so were successfully maneuvered at each and every turn.


The Karl Rove strategy to cover up the crimes of this administration has been put into play with the skill that only years of practice can hone. And yet, the plan was so simple that even George Bush has had no difficulty in carrying it out.
The Trump administration will be rife with corruption and conflicts of interest allegations. Get ready, right wingers, it will be a bloodbath.
The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.

The last time democrats were this angry was when we freed the slaves..
Let's hope he doesn't do something really corrupt, like selling Murican uranium rights to the Rooskies for a "donation" to his sham foundation. :eusa_shifty:
Trump just said there are no conflicts of interest for a president.

Basically taking Bush's position that he's above the law.

People are just jelly that a corporate executive made it all the way to the top. Should we amend the constitution to bar presidents of corporations from becoming a US president? What do want from Trump? Blood?
The attacks on Trump's business dealings vis-a-vis the possible pay for play allegations will be endless for Trump during his first 2 years. Already Trump has shown that when a head of state from another country calls to simply "congratulate" him, Trump turns the conversation toward what that head of state can do for his enterprises.

Trump needs to FULLY divest his businesses or risk constant challenges to his conflicts of interests.......He hasn't even been sworn in and the challenges are already pouring in.....

Buckle up.......it'll be a very bumpy ride.

It will be difficult to separate Trump the President from Trump the Tycoon

Every decision will be viewed as a potential conflict of interest

Like everything else has been tried, and there have been a diverse gaggle of presidents to date, and we even gave the black messiah a chance, but he screwed us rotten. We should give this new avenue all the opportunity it deserves.
Let's hope he doesn't do something really corrupt, like selling Murican uranium rights to the Rooskies for a "donation" to his sham foundation. :eusa_shifty:
Trump just said there are no conflicts of interest for a president.

Basically taking Bush's position that he's above the law.

People are just jelly that a corporate executive made it all the way to the top. Should we amend the constitution to bar presidents of corporations from becoming a US president? What do want from Trump? Blood?

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