We mean no harm to your planet....


Mar 24, 2014
Las Vegas NV
Hello. I am a refugee from another board, seeking solace and intelligent conversation.

I am politically open-minded, not attached to any one party. I left my previous board because of the constant rudeness and endless dogmatic dialog.

The purpose of being here is to learn things I don't already know and to present my thoughts and positions in a reasonable and articulate manner.

I am NOT here to exchange petty insults. I am an adult and wish to be treated as such - and I will do the same. Lets discuss the message, not the messenger.

My "hobby", if it can be called that, is cats - my own in particular and less fortunate cats in general. I am also a dedicated reader of Speculative Fiction.

I do engage in (intelligent) humor and appreciate that in others.
Solace? You'll find none here...

Intelligent conversation? See above...

In fact, looking over your list... See above, again...

Except for the insults, lots of those to spare around here...
Hello. I am a refugee from another board, seeking solace and intelligent conversation.

I am politically open-minded, not attached to any one party. I left my previous board because of the constant rudeness and endless dogmatic dialog.

The purpose of being here is to learn things I don't already know and to present my thoughts and positions in a reasonable and articulate manner.

I am NOT here to exchange petty insults. I am an adult and wish to be treated as such - and I will do the same. Lets discuss the message, not the messenger.

My "hobby", if it can be called that, is cats - my own in particular and less fortunate cats in general. I am also a dedicated reader of Speculative Fiction.

I do engage in (intelligent) humor and appreciate that in others.

Based on your intro, I suggest going to the clean debate area. Otherwise you'll probably encounter the stuff that you contributed to you leaving the previous board you were posting on. You may have interest in the various area's in The Lounge.
Again welcome!
Based on your intro, I suggest going to the clean debate area. Otherwise you'll probably encounter the stuff that you contributed to you leaving the previous board you were posting on. You may have interest in the various area's in The Lounge.
Again welcome!

OK, thanks for the warning. It surprises me that so many people are entertained by being impolite. It certainly doesn't strengthen an argument and it makes the rude ones sound like children.

I suppose that's why I like the cats so much....they are more dignified than the humans...
Welcome, and any political board you go to will have some rudeness and insults and it happens here too. I would stay away from the Flame Zone if you don't want that. Hope you enjoy your time here.
Hello. I am a refugee from another board, seeking solace and intelligent conversation.

I am politically open-minded, not attached to any one party. I left my previous board because of the constant rudeness and endless dogmatic dialog.

The purpose of being here is to learn things I don't already know and to present my thoughts and positions in a reasonable and articulate manner.

I am NOT here to exchange petty insults. I am an adult and wish to be treated as such - and I will do the same. Lets discuss the message, not the messenger.

My "hobby", if it can be called that, is cats - my own in particular and less fortunate cats in general. I am also a dedicated reader of Speculative Fiction.

I do engage in (intelligent) humor and appreciate that in others.

sorry but all boards are like that
Welcome, and any political board you go to will have some rudeness and insults and it happens here too. I would stay away from the Flame Zone if you don't want that. Hope you enjoy your time here.

Yes, I really should know that already. However, I'm able to deal with some bad behavior if there is any valid content to compensate.

I'm even prepared for intelligent insults if that must be. Maybe I was just tired of being insulted by the same people over and over again. So, here I will at least meet some new insulters. Hell, maybe I'll just learn how to get into it.

Thank you all for the welcome.
Hello. I am a refugee from another board, seeking solace and intelligent conversation.

I am politically open-minded, not attached to any one party. I left my previous board because of the constant rudeness and endless dogmatic dialog.

The purpose of being here is to learn things I don't already know and to present my thoughts and positions in a reasonable and articulate manner.

I am NOT here to exchange petty insults. I am an adult and wish to be treated as such - and I will do the same. Lets discuss the message, not the messenger.

My "hobby", if it can be called that, is cats - my own in particular and less fortunate cats in general. I am also a dedicated reader of Speculative Fiction.

I do engage in (intelligent) humor and appreciate that in others.

Welcome Specklebang....I think you will enjoy posting here...you'll have to ignore the trolls, who live under the bridge and will sling petty insults....there's lots of nice people here and we've learned that if you don't feed the trolls, they go back under the bridge.

So, you like cats....well, we have just the thread for you.....please participate...


Also, be sure and visit the two places below.....

We had a civil conversation here once. That was back in the days of compuserve.

Since then it's just been a living hell!


Lol, ain't so bad
Hello. I am a refugee from another board, seeking solace and intelligent conversation.

I am politically open-minded, not attached to any one party. I left my previous board because of the constant rudeness and endless dogmatic dialog.

The purpose of being here is to learn things I don't already know and to present my thoughts and positions in a reasonable and articulate manner.

I am NOT here to exchange petty insults. I am an adult and wish to be treated as such - and I will do the same. Lets discuss the message, not the messenger.

My "hobby", if it can be called that, is cats - my own in particular and less fortunate cats in general. I am also a dedicated reader of Speculative Fiction.

I do engage in (intelligent) humor and appreciate that in others.

Welcome to USMB, specklebang. Hope you enjoy the boards.

And we have an iggy button for the dogs and hounds, although I seldom use mine for more than 3 days ... which is about how long it takes for the dust to settle on most cyber differences. :muahaha:

Your name looks familiar. I think I used to be at the board you are refering to (which we shall not name cuz it's a no no).

I learn something new here every day. USMB is great. Has a little bit of everything. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the negativity, but there are some great threads to recharge your batteries. To name a few....

The Coffee Shop
The Tavern
Eye Candy
Thread Of Many Colors

Flame zone is like the back room of a bar. That is where fisticuffs take place. Avoid it for awhile, is my suggestion.

Welcome to USMB. The familiarity of your name does not bring bad vibes so if you are from "there", you will like "here" better. :)
Based on your intro, I suggest going to the clean debate area. Otherwise you'll probably encounter the stuff that you contributed to you leaving the previous board you were posting on. You may have interest in the various area's in The Lounge.
Again welcome!

OK, thanks for the warning. It surprises me that so many people are entertained by being impolite. It certainly doesn't strengthen an argument and it makes the rude ones sound like children.

I suppose that's why I like the cats so much....they are more dignified than the humans...

Why yes, if only I could lick my own genitals,,,,hello and welcome...
Hello. I am a refugee from another board, seeking solace and intelligent conversation.

I am politically open-minded, not attached to any one party. I left my previous board because of the constant rudeness and endless dogmatic dialog.

The purpose of being here is to learn things I don't already know and to present my thoughts and positions in a reasonable and articulate manner.

I am NOT here to exchange petty insults. I am an adult and wish to be treated as such - and I will do the same. Lets discuss the message, not the messenger.

My "hobby", if it can be called that, is cats - my own in particular and less fortunate cats in general. I am also a dedicated reader of Speculative Fiction.

I do engage in (intelligent) humor and appreciate that in others.

Don't have much use for cats myself.
Hello. I am a refugee from another board, seeking solace and intelligent conversation.

I am politically open-minded, not attached to any one party. I left my previous board because of the constant rudeness and endless dogmatic dialog.

The purpose of being here is to learn things I don't already know and to present my thoughts and positions in a reasonable and articulate manner.

I am NOT here to exchange petty insults. I am an adult and wish to be treated as such - and I will do the same. Lets discuss the message, not the messenger.

My "hobby", if it can be called that, is cats - my own in particular and less fortunate cats in general. I am also a dedicated reader of Speculative Fiction.

I do engage in (intelligent) humor and appreciate that in others.

Run. Get out of here as fast as you can. It may not be too late for you.
Based on your intro, I suggest going to the clean debate area. Otherwise you'll probably encounter the stuff that you contributed to you leaving the previous board you were posting on. You may have interest in the various area's in The Lounge.
Again welcome!

OK, thanks for the warning. It surprises me that so many people are entertained by being impolite. It certainly doesn't strengthen an argument and it makes the rude ones sound like children.

I suppose that's why I like the cats so much....they are more dignified than the humans...



Based on your intro, I suggest going to the clean debate area. Otherwise you'll probably encounter the stuff that you contributed to you leaving the previous board you were posting on. You may have interest in the various area's in The Lounge.
Again welcome!

OK, thanks for the warning. It surprises me that so many people are entertained by being impolite. It certainly doesn't strengthen an argument and it makes the rude ones sound like children.

I suppose that's why I like the cats so much....they are more dignified than the humans...

They're not entertained. Just mentally challenged.
Don't have much use for cats myself.

That's too bad. I'll guess that you generically dislike cats and gave never built a relationship with one. They have a capacity to be loving, loyal and entertaining. They don't see you as a owner, they view you as a partner and they expect to see you hold up your end of the deal.

Humans have a (bad IMHO) tendency to view entire categories by the actions of the few. There are some TERRIBLE cats, destructive, even dangerous. But if you get a great cat - they are so comforting that they are recognized as extending peoples lives by nearly a decade. I've placed a few with depressed, elderly people and watched how they changed those people. From sad to happy, from isolated to loving.

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