We must restore constitutional government

The United States is currently functioning under Constitutional government, nothing needs to be ‘restored’ – the notion is moronic, baseless idiocy.
Come on, stupid. Tell us again how we are "currently functioning under constitutional government".
Federal air marshals are surveilling thousands of ordinary U.S. citizens through a Transportation Security Administration program called Quiet Skies, the Boston Globe reported. Typically, the people being monitored are travelers who are not under investigation by any agency, nor are they in the Terrorist Screening Database, according to TSA documents obtained by the news outlet.
Idiot. You wouldn't known constitutional government if it slapped you upside your stupid head while introducing itself.

Undercover air marshals monitoring thousands of US travelers under Orwellian ‘Quiet Skies’ program
The United States is currently functioning under Constitutional government, nothing needs to be ‘restored’ – the notion is moronic, baseless idiocy.
Hey stupid, care to declare to everyone again that the U.S. is “currently functioning under constitutional government”?
We’ve known for roughly two years the US government has programs devoted to intercepting computer hardware mid-shipment.
That’s remarkable. I had no idea that it was constitutional for the NSA to intercept equipment (computers, routers, switches, etc.) and imbed hardware and software that gives them surveillance capabilities. Idiot.

Apple may design its own servers to avoid government snooping - ExtremeTech

The NSA regularly intercepts laptop shipments to implant malware, report says - ExtremeTech
"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist." Lysander Spooner
"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist." Lysander Spooner
That’s a great quote - but there is one problem. A constitution is merely a piece of paper. If men refuse to abide by it, that piece of paper is helpless to do anything about it.

At the end of the day - it requires men of honor and integrity. Those are qualities absent in the left. Hence, the problem we face.
As a constitutional conservative, I don’t have the slightest problem with this. Is it a LOT of money? Yes. But it wasn’t paid for by the federal government. It was handled locally. If that’s how the people of Miami choose to spend their tax dollars, so be it. Personally, I think it’s a great idea (and not just for the homeless). I think we need a lot more public restrooms in society and it will certainly keep these left-wing shit-hole cities cleaner.

Here’s how much Miami’s new restroom for the homeless cost — complete with needle exchange
The United States is currently functioning under Constitutional government, nothing needs to be ‘restored’ – the notion is moronic, baseless idiocy.
Hey CCJ...tell us all again how the U.S. is “currently functioning under constitutional government”.
Obaid was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct for posting a photo of the toy gun to SnapChat.
It’s not “disorderly conduct” to post photos of actual firearms on social media accounts, much less toy guns.

Chicago teen posts image of toy gun on social media – you already know what happens next
Dear C_Clayton_Jones and P@triot
“We must restore constitutional government”

Such is the ignorant nonsense of the TPM and others on the ridiculous right.

The United States is currently functioning under Constitutional government, nothing needs to be ‘restored’ – the notion is moronic, baseless idiocy.

The Federal government is functioning as intended by the Founding Generation: a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly.

A Federal government afforded by the Constitution powers both expressed and implied (McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)).

A Federal government whose laws are supreme, where the Supreme Court determines what the Constitution means, as authorized by the doctrine of Judicial Review and Articles III and VI of the Constitution, and where rulings by the Supreme Court become the law of the land, binding on the states and local jurisdictions, who have no ‘right’ to ‘nullify’ or ‘ignore’ Federal law or the rulings of Federal courts (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

That conservatives, libertarians, and members of the TPM disagree with Supreme Court decisions because those rulings might conflict with errant, wrongheaded conservative dogma is of no consequence and devoid of merit.
So wiretapping without a warrant is "constitutional" in your mind? :cuckoo:

Proof that CCJ has no idea what the Constitution is and that he's obviously never read it.

It's not just a matter of "not reading" but NOT INTERPRETING Constitutional laws and limits the same way. That's like expecting an ATHEIST and a CHRISTIAN to interpret and follow the Bible the same way!

These left and right approaches to Govt are like TWO DIFFERENT POLITICAL RELIGIONS.

The major PROBLEM going on is that it Contradicts the Constitution
for Govt to COMPEL people to follow beliefs they don't choose freely.
And Constitutionalism, Conservatism and Liberalism have become their own political religions.

We have NEVER had a Court ruling or Constitutional Convention

So in the meantime C_Clayton_Jones and P@triot
BOTH parties, their leaders and members, continue to fight for
their OWN Political Religious beliefs which the Govt under
the Constitution is not supposed to Prohibit or Establish.

Both parties are too busy trying to Establish their own Beliefs
while Prohibiting the other groups by voting out or overruling their voices, votes and representation in Govt.

So to answer both of you, this bullying by RELIGION is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Until we address that, we have govt and corporate abuses.
We are caught in the game where the bigger bully with the bigger pocket books
is who pays to get their way by trying to get their candidates or their legislation passed
by cutting out the others opposed. That is "taxation without representation" or TYRANNY.

Because we haven't agreed how to handle Political Religions, Beliefs and Parties
that have hijacked and abused the democratic system playing politics for money and power.
“We must restore constitutional government”

Such is the ignorant nonsense of the TPM and others on the ridiculous right.

The United States is currently functioning under Constitutional government, nothing needs to be ‘restored’ – the notion is moronic, baseless idiocy.
So wiretapping without a warrant is "constitutional" in your mind? :cuckoo:

Proof that CCJ has no idea what the Constitution is and that he's obviously never read it.
It's not just a matter of "not reading" but NOT INTERPRETING Constitutional laws and limits the same way.
Sorry...there is nothing to “interpret”. Words have meaning. The U.S. Constitution is written in black & white. The left cries that “interpretation” crap because they can’t accept the limitation of power created by the constitution.
The people tasked with enforcing our laws are the same people violating our most important laws....

Beyond the controversial ways stingray technology works, the secrecy and deception law enforcement agencies use to cloak their use of the devices is also troubling. Law enforcement agencies around the country have routinely used the devices without obtaining a warrant from judges. In cases where they did obtain a warrant, they often deceived judges about the nature of the technology they planned to use. Instead of telling judges that they intended to use a stingray or cell site simulator, they have often mischaracterized the technology, describing it as a pen register device instead.

Hacker Lexicon: Stingrays, the Spy Tool the Government Tried, and Failed, to Hide
We should be better at Capitalism than socialism on a national basis.
We should be better at Capitalism than socialism on a national basis.
We should also be exponentially better at educating our citizens so that we don’t continue to pump out ignorant buffoons such as yourself. You know, people who constantly respond with the same sentence that economics terms are the solution to legal or political issues.
The people tasked with enforcing our laws are the same people violating our most important laws....

Beyond the controversial ways stingray technology works, the secrecy and deception law enforcement agencies use to cloak their use of the devices is also troubling. Law enforcement agencies around the country have routinely used the devices without obtaining a warrant from judges. In cases where they did obtain a warrant, they often deceived judges about the nature of the technology they planned to use. Instead of telling judges that they intended to use a stingray or cell site simulator, they have often mischaracterized the technology, describing it as a pen register device instead.

Hacker Lexicon: Stingrays, the Spy Tool the Government Tried, and Failed, to Hide

And the people will do what about all this, vote?
We should be better at Capitalism than socialism on a national basis.
We should also be exponentially better at educating our citizens so that we don’t continue to pump out ignorant buffoons such as yourself. You know, people who constantly respond with the same sentence that economics terms are the solution to legal or political issues.
only the right wing makes excuses.
The people tasked with enforcing our laws are the same people violating our most important laws....

Beyond the controversial ways stingray technology works, the secrecy and deception law enforcement agencies use to cloak their use of the devices is also troubling. Law enforcement agencies around the country have routinely used the devices without obtaining a warrant from judges. In cases where they did obtain a warrant, they often deceived judges about the nature of the technology they planned to use. Instead of telling judges that they intended to use a stingray or cell site simulator, they have often mischaracterized the technology, describing it as a pen register device instead.

Hacker Lexicon: Stingrays, the Spy Tool the Government Tried, and Failed, to Hide
And the people will do what about all this, vote?
That’s the beauty of America. We saw how well it works when we prevented Hitlary Clinton from assuming power.
We should be better at Capitalism than socialism on a national basis.
We should also be exponentially better at educating our citizens so that we don’t continue to pump out ignorant buffoons such as yourself. You know, people who constantly respond with the same sentence that economics terms are the solution to legal or political issues.
only the right wing makes excuses.
And only the left attempts to make the ultra-ignorant case that economic systems are the solution to political and/or legal issues. That is a special kind of stupid.
“We must restore constitutional government”

Such is the ignorant nonsense of the TPM and others on the ridiculous right.

The United States is currently functioning under Constitutional government, nothing needs to be ‘restored’ – the notion is moronic, baseless idiocy.

The Federal government is functioning as intended by the Founding Generation: a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly.

A Federal government afforded by the Constitution powers both expressed and implied (McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)).

A Federal government whose laws are supreme, where the Supreme Court determines what the Constitution means, as authorized by the doctrine of Judicial Review and Articles III and VI of the Constitution, and where rulings by the Supreme Court become the law of the land, binding on the states and local jurisdictions, who have no ‘right’ to ‘nullify’ or ‘ignore’ Federal law or the rulings of Federal courts (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

That conservatives, libertarians, and members of the TPM disagree with Supreme Court decisions because those rulings might conflict with errant, wrongheaded conservative dogma is of no consequence and devoid of merit.
Post was good, but you sunk its level by "ridiculous right". All right thinkers are ridiculous? Being in the center, I don't care, but I think you are better than that.

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