We must restore constitutional government

One of these days the Republican party might have to realize that if they do not impeach Trump, it may very difficult for their party to recover from Trump.
Not an issue...as you Dumbocrats still have to figure out how to recover from Barack Insane Obama :laugh:

We continue to move towards constitutional government. We still have a long way to go, but this is a respectable start.
Originally, it included $59.9 billion for the Department of Education, which would have reduced spending at the agency by $7.1 billion—a 10.5% decrease from the 2017 enacted level. It would have done so by, among other reforms, eliminating billions of dollars for duplicative and ineffective programs and those that are “more appropriately supported through state, local, or private funds.”
We won’t be constitutional again with regards to education until the Department of Education is eliminated, but this is a good start. If President Trump followed this pattern every year and was elected to a second term, there would be more than an 80% reduction to the DoE by the time he left office.

What Trump’s Education Budget Gets Right, and Where It Can Improve
This is absolutely unacceptable and the type of completely bullshit, disingenuous twist that we came to expect from Barack Insane Obama:
The president acted because steel and aluminum imports have helped erode the domestic industry to the point that it threatens national security.
To claim that your powers of “national security” allows you to bypass Congress and implement your own tariffs is totally disingenuous and an egregious abuse of power. This is literally as idiotic as claiming that the President has the power to shut down the internet because they view it as a “threat” to “national security”.

It was this kind of unacceptable crap that I feared from Donald Trump when I was a “NEVER Trump” advocate. His first year in office, he was incredible. If he starts to resort to this type of unconstitutional, power-hungry nonsense going forward - I will not be showing up at the polls to cast a vote for him in bid for re-election.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: “Why We Imposed the Metal Tariffs”
One of these days the Republican party might have to realize that if they do not impeach Trump, it may very difficult for their party to recover from Trump.
Not an issue...as you Dumbocrats still have to figure out how to recover from Barack Insane Obama :laugh:

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I thought it was Hillary Clinton who was the last straw, which broke the camel's back, and outted the split between fake elitist corporate liberals who buy their way into office vs. real grassroots workers and progressives who can't get their agenda done through govt Constitutionally so they end up getting bought and sold by elitists on false promises they can't ever deliver.

Clinton and Sanders outted this split that finally leaked into public media. And Democrats can't recover from this growing split because govt and party are not the solution to the social problems they want to solve. It's the economy stupids, you have to invest your money time labor resources and knowledge directly into social programs and change or you waste it going through party or govt as the middle man obstructing it all with politics and bureaucracy where nothing gets done!
RE: The OP's thread title

It is too late to restore constitutional government, for:

1. Many states are now allowing undocumented immigrants to vote, thus destroying the integrity of elections.

2. The so-called imperial presidency seems destined to stay regardless of who is in the White House.

a. As I understand it, the Founding Fathers intended the Congress, not the President, to be the most powerful branch of the federal government.

3. For constitutional government to succeed, a nation needs an unbiased media, which we obviously lack.


All great nations throughout history (Spain, France, England, etc.) have risen and then eventually fallen.

Why should we Americans think that we are exempt?
RE: The OP's thread title

It is too late to restore constitutional government, for:

1. Many states are now allowing undocumented immigrants to vote, thus destroying the integrity of elections.

Votes from those states should be discarded outright.

2. The so-called imperial presidency seems destined to stay regardless of who is in the White House.

The nature of the beast. People flock to leaders. Go figure.

a. As I understand it, the Founding Fathers intended the Congress, not the President, to be the most powerful branch of the federal government.

Nope. The Founders intended three co-equal branches of government. Of course, that model was cracked in 1803 with Marbury v. Madison, and has been diddled ever since.

3. For constitutional government to succeed, a nation needs an unbiased media, which we obviously lack.

We have never in our history had unbiased media. Such creatures do not exist.

What we need is an educated citizenry.

All great nations throughout history (Spain, France, England, etc.) have risen and then eventually fallen.

Why should we Americans think that we are exempt?

Because we "could be" better than that. Our problems arise from enemies within gaining political power through the tried-and-true bread and circuses MO, allowing them to nearly arbitrarily modify the foundational mandates of the nation.

Steal from Peter to pay Paul, and you will always have Paul's vote. The problem is that Paul is nearly invariably the least educated, and the most easily led.

The Democratic Party has essentially become the foreign interloper in America. Philosophically, they have no more in common with American foundational thought than does Kim Jung Un. However, their ambitions are quite similar.
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The irony of those trying to subvert the Constitution, is that they're usually doing so in the name of democracy. What they don't realize is that the limits placed on democracy, by the Constitution, are what make democracy viable. Without those limits, democracy is mob rule - nothing a sane person would ever wish for.
RE: The OP's thread title

It is too late to restore constitutional government, for:

1. Many states are now allowing undocumented immigrants to vote, thus destroying the integrity of elections.

2. The so-called imperial presidency seems destined to stay regardless of who is in the White House.

a. As I understand it, the Founding Fathers intended the Congress, not the President, to be the most powerful branch of the federal government.

3. For constitutional government to succeed, a nation needs an unbiased media, which we obviously lack.


All great nations throughout history (Spain, France, England, etc.) have risen and then eventually fallen.

Why should we Americans think that we are exempt?

Dear TheParser
To legalize all 12-20 million Mexican nationals currently residing in the US without agreed status, we need to negotiate with Mexico to set up 4-5 cities the size of Houston on the Mexican side of the border for their citizens to claim.

Then have everyone register, similar to enrolling in university campus programs.
Work study students interns and residents can earn their credits toward education and equal status under plans proportional to any violations they would be required to report in order to qualify. (Violators, even criminal traffickers, can qualify to pay restitution by investing labor and resources into development so they can be included as well. Veterans and military can have jobs in security, and law abiding taxpayers with no violations can choose freely whether to invest in these plans or not, similar to donating to universities and nonprofits in the US or abroad that help stabilize populations. see www.paceuniversal.com or Doctors without Borders)

This is not impossible, but may be inevitable in order to resolve these issues
and create enough viable housing jobs education and access to services
that this population needs. By setting up campus towns along the border, and allowing the people to own their own programs similar to how Texas and CA were colonized by granting people tracks of land to work, we give incentive to people to govern themselves under the law by giving a place where they don't have to break any laws to get stable.

See www.earnedamnesty.org
based on APV campus plans for sustainable community development
about setting up Veteran housing and jobs to rebuild distressed communities
on a sustainable basis with training in property and business mgmt
We must restore constitutional government...
Leftist billionaire George Soros tapped into at least $9 million worth of taxpayer dollars when the Obama administration in 2016 allegedly funneled money into a Soros organization called the East West Management Institute, according to Judicial Watch.
The corruption under the Obama Administration exceeded that of third-world nations.

Billionaire George Soros received millions in US taxpayer dollars to fund his progressive agendas
This is how evil liberalism is... Hillary Clinton in a secret audio recording talking about how she plans to eliminate the 2nd Amendment:

This is one of the tricks she had up her sleeve in making that come to pass.

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