We need a Federal "No Masks Allowed" law at all demonstrations and marches.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
IMO the time has come for a nationwide "No Masks Allowed" law at any public march or demonstration. We have had too many peaceful demonstrators attacked by individuals who hide their identities with masks so that they may carry out vicious attacks without consequence. We also have had several demonstrations that turned violent because the police were either nowhere to be seen or present but not willing to intervene to keep the peace.

If local police forces cannot be counted on to maintain the peace, then we can't allow people to show up at public marches concealing their identity. This is not a Right/Left issue it is a safety issue.

Have I got this wrong, is there some individual rights issue here that is more important than the safety of the demonstrators?
IMO the time has come for a nationwide "No Masks Allowed" law at any public march or demonstration. We have had too many peaceful demonstrators attacked by individuals who hide their identities with masks so that they may carry out vicious attacks without consequence. We also have had several demonstrations that turned violent because the police were either nowhere to be seen or present but not willing to intervene to keep the peace.

If local police forces cannot be counted on to maintain the peace, then we can't allow people to show up at public marches concealing their identity. This is not a Right/Left issue it is a safety issue.

Have I got this wrong, is there some individual rights issue here that is more important than the safety of the demonstrators?

Ain't gonna sell in New Orleans.
IMO the time has come for a nationwide "No Masks Allowed" law at any public march or demonstration. We have had too many peaceful demonstrators attacked by individuals who hide their identities with masks so that they may carry out vicious attacks without consequence. We also have had several demonstrations that turned violent because the police were either nowhere to be seen or present but not willing to intervene to keep the peace.

If local police forces cannot be counted on to maintain the peace, then we can't allow people to show up at public marches concealing their identity. This is not a Right/Left issue it is a safety issue.

Have I got this wrong, is there some individual rights issue here that is more important than the safety of the demonstrators?

NOt sure I agree on that move. A federal law on masks.

What should be done, is these local police forces, and their liberal dem mayors, need to be investigated for denying equal protection under the law, to the citizens who are facing mob violence from these marxist thugs.
In my opinion this would just be another law for those who don't care to just break like all of the other laws that they don't hesitate to break.

God bless you always!!!

IMO the time has come for a nationwide "No Masks Allowed" law at any public march or demonstration. We have had too many peaceful demonstrators attacked by individuals who hide their identities with masks so that they may carry out vicious attacks without consequence. We also have had several demonstrations that turned violent because the police were either nowhere to be seen or present but not willing to intervene to keep the peace.

If local police forces cannot be counted on to maintain the peace, then we can't allow people to show up at public marches concealing their identity. This is not a Right/Left issue it is a safety issue.

Have I got this wrong, is there some individual rights issue here that is more important than the safety of the demonstrators?

NOt sure I agree on that move. A federal law on masks.

What should be done, is these local police forces, and their liberal dem mayors, need to be investigated for denying equal protection under the law, to the citizens who are facing mob violence from these marxist thugs.
Oh absolutely, and I hope Andy Ngo sues the crap out of Portland and any of those masked creatures who can be identified. The purpose of the law would be to arrest any masked person at a public demonstration BEFORE they attack someone.
IMO the time has come for a nationwide "No Masks Allowed" law at any public march or demonstration. We have had too many peaceful demonstrators attacked by individuals who hide their identities with masks so that they may carry out vicious attacks without consequence. We also have had several demonstrations that turned violent because the police were either nowhere to be seen or present but not willing to intervene to keep the peace.

If local police forces cannot be counted on to maintain the peace, then we can't allow people to show up at public marches concealing their identity. This is not a Right/Left issue it is a safety issue.

Have I got this wrong, is there some individual rights issue here that is more important than the safety of the demonstrators?

I don't know if I agree with this......one day we might very well need masks just to do day to day activity so the left wing socialists don't send in thugs......

What we need are cops who are allowed to grab and arrest these guys......in each case we have democrat politicians holding the police back so the fascists can beat up people....that is the problem......
IMO the time has come for a nationwide "No Masks Allowed" law at any public march or demonstration. We have had too many peaceful demonstrators attacked by individuals who hide their identities with masks so that they may carry out vicious attacks without consequence. We also have had several demonstrations that turned violent because the police were either nowhere to be seen or present but not willing to intervene to keep the peace.

If local police forces cannot be counted on to maintain the peace, then we can't allow people to show up at public marches concealing their identity. This is not a Right/Left issue it is a safety issue.

Have I got this wrong, is there some individual rights issue here that is more important than the safety of the demonstrators?

Ain't gonna sell in New Orleans.

Are ya fucken retarded?
In my opinion this would just be another law for those who don't care to just break like all of the other laws that they don't hesitate to break.

God bless you always!!!


Actually, i saw a clip of this being enforced somewhere in the SOuth, and it had a very chilling effect on those assholes.

It takes away both the initiative and the anonymity of the violent lawbreakers.

The cops get to grab the punks as they show up, instead of waiting until there are a mob, actually doing violent crime.

Later on, there is not large crowd of masked people for the violent criminals to don their masks and be lost in. If they do don it, to immediately commit a crime, they can be more easily targeted, because no one else is wearing a mask.
IMO the time has come for a nationwide "No Masks Allowed" law at any public march or demonstration. We have had too many peaceful demonstrators attacked by individuals who hide their identities with masks so that they may carry out vicious attacks without consequence. We also have had several demonstrations that turned violent because the police were either nowhere to be seen or present but not willing to intervene to keep the peace.

If local police forces cannot be counted on to maintain the peace, then we can't allow people to show up at public marches concealing their identity. This is not a Right/Left issue it is a safety issue.

Have I got this wrong, is there some individual rights issue here that is more important than the safety of the demonstrators?
/---/ There are already laws against wearing masks in public, and crossing state lines to incite a riot. Trouble is who is going to enforce them in the Blue States?
thieves/criminals/etc use masks
I wonder why???!!!!

IMO the time has come for a nationwide "No Masks Allowed" law at any public march or demonstration. We have had too many peaceful demonstrators attacked by individuals who hide their identities with masks so that they may carry out vicious attacks without consequence. We also have had several demonstrations that turned violent because the police were either nowhere to be seen or present but not willing to intervene to keep the peace.

If local police forces cannot be counted on to maintain the peace, then we can't allow people to show up at public marches concealing their identity. This is not a Right/Left issue it is a safety issue.

Have I got this wrong, is there some individual rights issue here that is more important than the safety of the demonstrators?
Canada has outlawed the wearing of masks during riots and unlawful assemblies.

They have also made it a crime to wear a mask with the intent of committing a crime.

Two ideas worth considering.
IMO the time has come for a nationwide "No Masks Allowed" law at any public march or demonstration. We have had too many peaceful demonstrators attacked by individuals who hide their identities with masks so that they may carry out vicious attacks without consequence. We also have had several demonstrations that turned violent because the police were either nowhere to be seen or present but not willing to intervene to keep the peace.

If local police forces cannot be counted on to maintain the peace, then we can't allow people to show up at public marches concealing their identity. This is not a Right/Left issue it is a safety issue.

Have I got this wrong, is there some individual rights issue here that is more important than the safety of the demonstrators?
Canada has outlawed the wearing of masks during riots and unlawful assemblies.

They have also made it a crime to wear a mask with the intent of committing a crime.

Two ideas worth considering.

1. How do you prove that someone is wearing it with the intent to commit a crime?

2. And that does not give you power to stop people from wearing the masks, to give cover for those who ARE there to commit crimes.
IMO the time has come for a nationwide "No Masks Allowed" law at any public march or demonstration. We have had too many peaceful demonstrators attacked by individuals who hide their identities with masks so that they may carry out vicious attacks without consequence. We also have had several demonstrations that turned violent because the police were either nowhere to be seen or present but not willing to intervene to keep the peace.

If local police forces cannot be counted on to maintain the peace, then we can't allow people to show up at public marches concealing their identity. This is not a Right/Left issue it is a safety issue.

Have I got this wrong, is there some individual rights issue here that is more important than the safety of the demonstrators?
Canada has outlawed the wearing of masks during riots and unlawful assemblies.

They have also made it a crime to wear a mask with the intent of committing a crime.

Two ideas worth considering.

1. How do you prove that someone is wearing it with the intent to commit a crime?

2. And that does not give you power to stop people from wearing the masks, to give cover for those who ARE there to commit crimes.
You would probably have to catch them in the act.
The idea of any sort of dress code for demonstrations/marches seems dumb. Much like the thought of taking guns away from people to stop crime.
Since only Leftists are wearing these masks for the purpose of committing violent acts anonymously, I think right now wearing masks at public protests should be made illegal.

Do we normally accept mask wearing individuals in our every days lives? At banks, grocery stores, theaters etc?

PS...Can you see how allowing a religion which is allowed to obscure their faces could be a problem? That means a bank robbing gang could simply dress as Muslims, walk into a bank fully disguised.

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