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We need automatic deportation for illegals who use our hospitals

Hell, there's a farmer in Texas who lost all his illegal workers and has had a standing offer for people to come work in that fine texas heat for minimum wage with FREE housing. 2,000 jobs! He's had less than 10 takers. Shall I give you his address? Didn't think so.

BS - greedy treasonous farmers are always making up stories like that. HIRE AMERICAN
All people are not legally entitled to due process. It is a reported & verifiable fact that Obama has a "kill list" where even US citizens can be killed at will by the government without trial or due process in any way.

All persons within the jurisdiction of the United States, or areas so designated, are entitled to basic due process rights. See: Plyer v. Doe (1982), Boumediene v. Bush (2008). That a given branch of the Federal government might fail to acknowledge the law neither alters nor mitigates this fact.

OK, so let's detail them in a detention facility for illegal immigrants and give them a speedy hearing before an immigration tribunal and then deport them. Shouldn't take more than a few days.


Due process means a fair hearing before an immigration judge:

Although removal proceedings are administrative-civil in nature, over the course of time they have taken on many of the trappings of a criminal proceeding — at least, those removal proceedings that are conducted by immigration judges have — albeit with differing standards for introduction of evidence and adjudication of removability (among other differences, the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard doesn’t apply). Such trappings include, among other things:

issuance of warrants of arrest,

provision of an advice of rights to aliens taken into custody,

setting of a bond or other form of pre-hearing conditional release, and

the right to counsel (at no expense to the government).

As mentioned, many removal proceedings take place in front of an immigration judge, who is responsible for conducting an impartial hearing, listening to testimony, accepting evidence, reviewing and ruling on legal motions and briefs from both sides, and arriving ultimately at a decision as to whether the alien should be removed from the United States. Just as with other “judicial” proceedings,6 such hearings can take a substantial amount of time (and money), may involve a number of continuances and adjournments, and, if the alien flees, result in an unenforceable order of removal until such time as he can be found and taken back into custody.

Deportation Basics | Center for Immigration Studies
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Did you say "a hater"? This, from the idiotic douchebag talking about hanging people? Go pull your head out of your ass, punk.
Due to the infamous EMTALA Act of 1986, hospital ERs are required to give FREE emergency treatment to illegals. That's the law but if illegals knew they faced immediate deportation after treatment, they would only use ERs for true emergencies. As it is they use them for everything and have bankrupted hundreds of hospitals.

I recently spent an hour and a half at my ER and they charged me $2300!!! It was just an examination with no surgery and does NOT include the doctor bill. The rest of us pay inflated costs at hospitals because illegals pay nothing.

All the illegals do is fuck-up and shit on everything they come in contact with, they can come in and fuck-up a neighborhood in no time ,12 cars in the front yard, and may-be two that run,carry no insurance,screw over the social system,stupid asses refuse to learn English, now we have two language country , five or six families living in one house, unkempt yards ,toys and shit piled 6 feet high in the back yard, America is well on its way down the shittier,drunken assholes create havoc on the highways,pop out kids they have no means of suppoting like gerbils, have poor health habits , the real joke is the very thing they are running from they are causing here , like a plague:cuckoo::cuckoo:

First of all, If employers followed the law (as laid by our government) no one would be able to hire illegals, and therefore there'd would be no reason (or opportunity) for illegals to come and live in America without valid documentation. Get mad at the law-breaking employers 1st, not poor folks trying to take advantage of an opportunity in order to feed their kids.

Why aren't politicians harping on the employers? Personally, I think it's because the lowly immigrants are a much easier group to scapegoat. Politicians are cowards that would sell their soul to get another 4 years in office...

Also (to note), many of the Mexicans I have come across are extremely hard workers, and do jobs that whiny white American kids would never do.
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Due to the infamous EMTALA Act of 1986, hospital ERs are required to give FREE emergency treatment to illegals. That's the law but if illegals knew they faced immediate deportation after treatment, they would only use ERs for true emergencies. As it is they use them for everything and have bankrupted hundreds of hospitals.

I recently spent an hour and a half at my ER and they charged me $2300!!! It was just an examination with no surgery and does NOT include the doctor bill. The rest of us pay inflated costs at hospitals because illegals pay nothing.

There's so much wrong with this post, I hardly know where to start.

But let's begin with this: EMTALA doesn't require that hospitals must treat everyone who walks through their doors.

President Obama has caught and deported more than any other president. He has ordered more Border Patrol on duty than any other president. We now have almost no illegals coming across EXCEPT drug dealers and they don't stay.


That's all a lie. Obozo announced last august that he was not going to deport "law-abiding" illegals. All his talk about deporting record numbers is a bald-faced lie. The media won't call him on it because they are racist and won't challenge a black president.

The number of illegals "self deporting" due to the crack down in various states has increased significantly. I can see where obama would claim credit for these "deportations". Just like he claims to have created thousands of "green" jobs. And when he couldn't show true job creation, he started claiming saved jobs.
Hospital ER's? How about deportation of "illegals" who use ANY of our goods, and services?

yes yes yes. Illegals have no right to anything in america. Every captured illegal should be deported - no exceptions. And their assets should be confiscated. Insane how we coddle these foreign invaders.

There's a really easy answer as to how we should deal with illegals, just apply a law equal to the law the Mexican government would use if any of us illegally invaded their country:

Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.

The law also says Mexico can deport foreigners who are deemed detrimental to “economic or national interests,” violate Mexican law, are not “physically or mentally healthy” or lack the “necessary funds for their sustenance” and for their dependents.

Do please note that foreigners (not even illegals) can be deported if found to be "not physically or mentally healthy".

Here's your bandaid and bus ticket...
I absolutely agree with those who blame our illegal immigration problem on those who knowingly employ wetback workers. I strongly advocate serious criminal penalties for such employers.

The difficulty in prosecuting employers of illegals is the ready availability of high-quality fake ID. The only way to overcome this problem would be the issuance of addressable forgery-proof biometric ID cards to all legitimate American citizens. Unfortunately there is knee-jerk resistance from the majority of Americans to that proposal -- even though it would put an end to the illegal immigration problem within a few months.

Just refer to the usual responses when it is suggested that ID be required to vote!
I absolutely agree with those who blame our illegal immigration problem on those who knowingly employ wetback workers. I strongly advocate serious criminal penalties for such employers.

The difficulty in prosecuting employers of illegals is the ready availability of high-quality fake ID. The only way to overcome this problem would be the issuance of addressable forgery-proof biometric ID cards to all legitimate American citizens. Unfortunately there is knee-jerk resistance from the majority of Americans to that proposal -- even though it would put an end to the illegal immigration problem within a few months.

The meat industry actively broadcasts jobs on the radio in Mexico and S. America, recruits them through newspapers and buses them in. One company got in trouble after advertising "housing" and then dropping the busload off at the homeless shelter. The meat industry is almost 95% illegal employees.

Up here, it's the fishing industry that violates laws about employing improperly documented aliens. They arrive in droves at the beginning of each season and leave again when the fishing's done.
Well guess what? Romney won't do anything about Illegal Aliens either.

So we got THAT going for us.

The Romster won't be as bad as obozo. In fact mitt has said he believes in making life miserable for illegals and thereby forcing them to self-deport.

Self-deportation is a pipe dream

Thats because it would put an end to perceived anonymity and the right to privacy among the american people not to mention the legal ramifications it could have if the card was stolen.

I absolutely agree with those who blame our illegal The meat industry actively broadcasts jobs on the radio in Mexico and S. America, recruits them through newspapers and buses them in. One company got in trouble after advertising "housing" and then dropping the busload off at the homeless shelter. The meat industry is almost 95% illegal employees.

This i believe should be illegal for all American based businesses, its nothing more then indirect outsourcing of jobs

Not any better than when companies move their entire operation overseas.
All persons within the jurisdiction of the United States, or areas so designated, are entitled to basic due process rights. See: Plyer v. Doe (1982), Boumediene v. Bush (2008). That a given branch of the Federal government might fail to acknowledge the law neither alters nor mitigates this fact.

OK, so let's detail them in a detention facility for illegal immigrants and give them a speedy hearing before an immigration tribunal and then deport them. Shouldn't take more than a few days.


Due process means a fair hearing before an immigration judge:

Although removal proceedings are administrative-civil in nature, over the course of time they have taken on many of the trappings of a criminal proceeding — at least, those removal proceedings that are conducted by immigration judges have — albeit with differing standards for introduction of evidence and adjudication of removability (among other differences, the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard doesn’t apply). Such trappings include, among other things:

issuance of warrants of arrest,

provision of an advice of rights to aliens taken into custody,

setting of a bond or other form of pre-hearing conditional release, and

the right to counsel (at no expense to the government).

As mentioned, many removal proceedings take place in front of an immigration judge, who is responsible for conducting an impartial hearing, listening to testimony, accepting evidence, reviewing and ruling on legal motions and briefs from both sides, and arriving ultimately at a decision as to whether the alien should be removed from the United States. Just as with other “judicial” proceedings,6 such hearings can take a substantial amount of time (and money), may involve a number of continuances and adjournments, and, if the alien flees, result in an unenforceable order of removal until such time as he can be found and taken back into custody.

Deportation Basics | Center for Immigration Studies

Shouldn't be too time-consuming, the individual appears before the judge and presents proper documentation. No documents, no legal status. Documents expired, no legal status. Can't prove your legal status to be in this county, bye-bye! We don't need the sob stories, or the bullshit, we just need legal documents.
If the government would quit holding people up with my hardworking tax dollars for free, then we would have a diverse and viable workforce ready to work a job in this nation (every job) in a skinny minute, and yes even the hard jobs would be taken by Americans, but as long as the Americans get paid to sit on their rumps and do nothing all day with my hard earned tax dollars given to them without any responsible actions to be taken on their parts, well Houston we have a huge problem yes indeedy in this nation on our hands, that is being found within all of this fall out now.

It's as if the government is their union boss or had taken up that role with my money, and they (the recipients of that free given money) are on strike against work period, and I guess I am the fool for working hard all of my life to take care of them in this way, and this while my brothers and sisters who are Americans, sat back and looked at me as a fool for doing so over these years.

This thing goes way on deeper than you bring to this table here, so get ready to be schooled if decide to keep posting such opinions as you have on this topic, in which apears by your opinion that you ignore alot of important factors in this whole situation, for which has since gone down in this nation over time.

Oooh. I am ever so intimidated.

So then the economy is actually GREAT and people just aren't willing to work! Interesting. I mean your contention is that there is plenty of work and people just won't do it because they are paid by the government. So the economy and unemployment are great, it's just the people are being uncooperative?

So what kind of business do you own?
How many people do you employ, oh wise master of all things?
Pray tell, guide me to your corporate website so that I might marvel at your awesomeness!

I think you forgot you are a Christian, so please apologize thankyou, and this for not being a Christian when you say you are...

Nice dodge! I don't blame you. You would have to contradict yourself there wouldn't you? Yeah, ya got spanked like a little school girl and what was your counterpoint?
I'm somehow not "Christian enough" because I called you on your crap?
I'm sorry, I must have missed the verse that goes:
"Verily, you will bow down to liars who spew complete crap and then BS about how others don't bring enough to the table to be worthy to debate them."

So keep dodging. Heck just Cut & Run. You're just some poseur who got caught in your BS. Oops.
Thats because it would put an end to perceived anonymity and the right to privacy among the american people not to mention the legal ramifications it could have if the card was stolen.
Perceived anonymity be damned! It is essential that legitimate citizens be able to identify themselves, which every legitimate American citizen should be proud to do. There is no good reason for not wanting to have such an ID card.

And a lost citizen ID card would be even less useful to someone else than would a lost driver license because the biometric card would be addressable via scanner (like a credit card) and would contain a photograph, physical description, and a fingerprint or iris coding for instant on-line comparison.

The inexpensive scanners would be required in all hospitals, banks, police stations, and by any business that employs people on an ongoing basis. ICE officials would be equipped with portable versions.

A biometric Citizen ID card would be foolproof and would quickly put an end to illegal immigration as well as serving to minimize identify theft. Two critically important reasons for implementing such a program.
Oooh. I am ever so intimidated.

So then the economy is actually GREAT and people just aren't willing to work! Interesting. I mean your contention is that there is plenty of work and people just won't do it because they are paid by the government. So the economy and unemployment are great, it's just the people are being uncooperative?

So what kind of business do you own?
How many people do you employ, oh wise master of all things?
Pray tell, guide me to your corporate website so that I might marvel at your awesomeness!

I think you forgot you are a Christian, so please apologize thankyou, and this for not being a Christian when you say you are...

Nice dodge! I don't blame you. You would have to contradict yourself there wouldn't you? Yeah, ya got spanked like a little school girl and what was your counterpoint?
I'm somehow not "Christian enough" because I called you on your crap?
I'm sorry, I must have missed the verse that goes:
"Verily, you will bow down to liars who spew complete crap and then BS about how others don't bring enough to the table to be worthy to debate them."

So keep dodging. Heck just Cut & Run. You're just some poseur who got caught in your BS. Oops.

Spanking school girls? Isn't there some kind of law against that?
I think you forgot you are a Christian, so please apologize thankyou, and this for not being a Christian when you say you are...

Nice dodge! I don't blame you. You would have to contradict yourself there wouldn't you? Yeah, ya got spanked like a little school girl and what was your counterpoint?
I'm somehow not "Christian enough" because I called you on your crap?
I'm sorry, I must have missed the verse that goes:
"Verily, you will bow down to liars who spew complete crap and then BS about how others don't bring enough to the table to be worthy to debate them."

So keep dodging. Heck just Cut & Run. You're just some poseur who got caught in your BS. Oops.

Spanking school girls? Isn't there some kind of law against that?

Yet another weak dodge. Seems that's all you have. If you ever want to see how a man directly responds to a question etc... just ask me something and I'll show you how it's done.
Happy to help. :)
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=IndependntLogic;5444094]Whatever your race, religion, orientation, whatever you believe or don't believe, it is my responsibility to try show you as much love and respect as possible. After all, I'm a Christian.
If I forget this, please remind me. I will have the character to apologize.

Your words, unless you are a liar about having character hmmmm?

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