We need to defund the police.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
We spend way too much money on law enforcement, money that could be used for more productive things, like education. Of course, to accomplish this people will have to stop committing crimes so law enforcement budgets can be reduced. Are any out there on board with this?

I make this commitment here and now, that I will refrain from committing any more crimes. :up:
We spend way too much money on law enforcement, money that could be used for more productive things, like education. Of course, to accomplish this people will have to stop committing crimes so law enforcement budgets can be reduced. Are any out there on board with this?

I make this commitment here and now, that I will refrain from committing any more crimes. :up:
Odd how some people can go through their whole lives without committing a felony.

But given the odds....Start with your AO first and see how it goes.
We defunded our police decades ago ... at times and in some places we go without 911 service for police ... sometimes it takes weeks to get out and investigate crime ... if at all ...

We just don't have the police manpower to murder Black People for blinker violations ...
We spend way too much money on law enforcement, money that could be used for more productive things, like education. Of course, to accomplish this people will have to stop committing crimes so law enforcement budgets can be reduced. Are any out there on board with this?

I make this commitment here and now, that I will refrain from committing any more crimes. :up:
Well ... if you're a straight, white dude then you committed a "crime" by simply being born.
We just don't have the police manpower to murder Black People for blinker violations ...
I think that's a task that they are well able to accomplish by themselves. In fact, they might be angry at the police for killing someone before they got a chance to do it themselves. ;)
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Of all the people you know, what proportion are truthful , honest and not greedy and would not commit a crime even if they knew that they would not get caught ?
Next topic please .
Or you are Amish or a nun
Are you suggesting that we are prone to commit crimes? :biggrin:
I am against defunding the police, but I strongly support eliminating the legal sophistry of "Qualified Immunity".

Police officers who break the law should be prosecuted and punished, probably sued too.

The ABUSE of qualified immunity is what needs to stop ...

If the City passes an ordinance, and the officer enforces that ordinance, and the ordinance is later found to be unconstitutional and unenforceable ... should the officer's private property be at risk in a civil case, or should only the City's assets be at risk ...

That's different than the Police Chief ordering his cocaine be unloaded ... and cash payments to the officers ... like that time in Key West ... the officers have to pay that money back ...

I think if the government, herself, is liable ... then only she should have to pay ... and the employee exercised "reasonable prudence" unless we can prove otherwise ... taking some Middle Class bloke's home is a terrible way to get revenge on your government ...
I think that's a task that they are well able to accomplish by themselves. In fact, they might be angry at the police for killing someone before they got a chance to do it themselves. ;)

Opposite ... the first police service that went away was solving stupid neighborhood disputes ... either solve your own problems or start shooting ... folks of any skin color will choose dialogue and compromise over death and destruction ...

Pot-heads don't fight ... so legalize pot ... easy peasy ... it's the liquor is the problem ...
The ABUSE of qualified immunity is what needs to stop ...

If the City passes an ordinance, and the officer enforces that ordinance, and the ordinance is later found to be unconstitutional and unenforceable ... should the officer's private property be at risk in a civil case, or should only the City's assets be at risk ...

That's different than the Police Chief ordering his cocaine be unloaded ... and cash payments to the officers ... like that time in Key West ... the officers have to pay that money back ...

I think if the government, herself, is liable ... then only she should have to pay ... and the employee exercised "reasonable prudence" unless we can prove otherwise ... taking some Middle Class bloke's home is a terrible way to get revenge on your government ...
Police officers also pledge to uphold the Constitution. If a law is unconstitutional, they sould know it and should refuse to enforce it.
Pot-heads don't fight ... so legalize pot ... easy peasy ... it's the liquor is the problem ...
Neither do heroin and cocaine addicts. Alcohol is a problem but most use it responsibly.
Police officers also pledge to uphold the Constitution. If a law is unconstitutional, they sould know it and should refuse to enforce it.

If it's obviously unconstitutional, then why wasn't it flagged months ago, during the first public hearing ... why did the District Attorney approve it? ... we do expect our police officers to be knowledgeable of the Constitution ... but the City's lawyer said it was constitutional, so the police officer enforced it ... why sue the officer and not the City's lawyer? ...

You absolutely don't want carpenters making engineering decisions ... we don't want officers overriding the State Bar ...
Neither do heroin and cocaine addicts. Alcohol is a problem but most use it responsibly.

Yup ... defunding the police means legalizing drugs ... and maybe allowing Islamic terrorists secluded gathering spots ... and there's a few other things that just never gets enforced ... murder has a minimum sentence, so when our jails are full, we stop charging people with murder ... clever, eh? ...

... and it rains every day all day long ... just a horrible place to live anyway ... no police is just par for the course ...
How about, if we only defund the purchases of Army vehicles and tactical weaponry? That shit is expensive, and seldom gets used. You could patrol many new cruisers, with what they spend on the 'look at us' toys.
We spend way too much money on law enforcement, money that could be used for more productive things, like education. Of course, to accomplish this people will have to stop committing crimes so law enforcement budgets can be reduced. Are any out there on board with this?

I make this commitment here and now, that I will refrain from committing any more crimes. :up:
We can and should demilitarize the police.
We spend way too much money on law enforcement, money that could be used for more productive things, like education. Of course, to accomplish this people will have to stop committing crimes so law enforcement budgets can be reduced. Are any out there on board with this?

I make this commitment here and now, that I will refrain from committing any more crimes. :up:

I understand the frustration. I really do. Police abuses continue in a daily basis. A fraction of a single percent get the national attention it deserves. And nothing really changes. Day in and out. Cops who are retiring today have trained the cops who will be doing similar abuses through the rest of their careers.

As I write this some cop somewhere is planting drugs or other evidence to get someone he just knows is guilty. As you read this some prosecutor is turning a blind eye to the abuses.

So with the systemic problems reform and such just seem impossible. The police initiate new policies and the same stupid shit happens.

So how does it continue? Easy. We want to believe in the Hollywood image. The Roomie where the entire division of cops is honest and dedicated. Following procedure to the letter and catching bad guys by the book.

In real life cops are great fiction writers. The reports bear only passing resemblance to the truth.

By the same token. Anarchy is not the answer. Ban the police and the first thing that happens is neighbors band together and create vigilante groups that are a hundred times worse.

Hollywood makes the lawmen out to be heroes of impeccable character. That is hardly the truth. Even the legend of Wyatt Earp is baloney. He was arrested for stealing horses and fled before the trial. He was arrested several times before he became a cop. He tended to settle his disputes from behind a badge.

Yes. He broke up the first organized crime gang, the Cowboys. But not out of a dedication to law and order. They were feuding. The Earps and Cowboys. The badge made the Earp vengeance legal.

But movies and TV don’t cover that. They make Earp out to be the greatest lawman ever.

Even when the blind supporters of police admit that misconduct has been caught. They make excuses that are laughable applied to anyone else. The cop didn’t beat everyone he dealt with. We have to accept that he’s going to blow off a little steam now and then. Really? We don’t accept that with anyone else. Marines are kicked out of the Corps for such behavior.

But seriously. If a defense attorney told the Jury that they needed to find the defendant not guilty because he didn’t rob every bank he came across the jury would need a recess to change their underwear. They would laugh so hard they peed their pants.

The system isn’t fair and only be cheating a little can the cops level the playing field. The system isn’t supposed to be fair. Read the Bill of Rights. The Founders intended it to be hard to convict someone. How can you be a patriot if you don’t support the values this nation was founded upon?

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