We need to have a national week of sharia law


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2011
Lets see how libturds would deal with it. Half of them would be stoned to death for being homosexuals, using drugs, drinking alcohol, listening to music, women not wearing proper clothing. Blasphemy - death. Adultery - death. Spying for the unbelievers - death.

1. The mosque and state are not separate.

A woman captive of jihad may be forced to have to sex with her captors (now owners).

Property can be destroyed or confiscated during jihad.

A second-class submission tax, called the jizyah, must be imposed on Jews and Christians

Slavery is allowed.

Slaves may be beaten.

Apostasy laws, including imprisonment or execution, may be imposed on anyone who leaves Islam (an apostate)

Blasphemy laws, including imprisonment or execution, may be imposed on critics of Islam or Muhammad.

Homosexuals may be imprisoned, flogged, or executed.

Adulterers may be stoned to death.

A woman inherits half what a man does.

A man may legally and irrevocably divorce his wife, outside of a court of law, by correctly pronouncing three times “you are divorced.”

A wife may remarry her ex-husband if and only if she marries another man, has sex with him, and then this second man divorces her.

Husbands may hit their wives.

A man may be polygamous with up to four wives. A man may simply get rid of one of his “undesirable” wives.

A mature man may marry a prepubescent girl.
Sharia law - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Absolutely awesome idea! Show the brain dead leftists what's in store for them.
I know there are a lot of muslims who don't adhere to these laws as strictly as muslims in the middle-east. I know that this was meant to point out the absurdity of this but it is just a fact. At least a handful of muslims don't agree with sharia.

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