we need to learn Chinese history to know how to deal with them, my friends!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

let me give some historical perspective:

the Greek wars, limited in time and space and...cruelty, seem quaint in comparison to the bloodletting that took place in China, where vast hordes of soldiers clashed on a continent-sized landscape

the inhumanity shown by the chinese dukes and their generals was inevitable, given the 3 centuries of constant warfare that they endured

the goal of the 1st emperor was to enslave the Chinese by subjugating their kingdoms to his own rule. Utterly ruthless in his pursuit of power, he was known for slaughtering surrending armies to the last man.

as the greatest tyrants have ever done, Emperor Qin found it useful to declare his divinity. he insisted that craven submission was the only response to his godhead. upon unifiying China, he demanded absolute obedience as god-emperor, and ensured he got it by establishing the 1st ever totalitarian regime

the ghost of Qin continues to lurk behind every Chinese ruler today

Great Han chauvinists tend to overlook Qin's crimes against humanity. they say he accomplished the Grand Unification of China, ending the fearful "chaos and disorder" of the Warring States period and ushering in "peace under heaven"

Francis Fukuyama may have declared the end of history after the collapse of the Soviet Union, but the Chinese beg to differ. the true end of history will only arrive when China ushers in "The World Of Great Harmony", when all the world lies supine under the benevolent direction of the Chinese leaders
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Excellent article. The Chinese Communist Party is a global threat.
The first Chinese diplomat returned to China after visiting the US.

The other Chinese were very curious about how were the people from the West, so they asked him questions by lots.

The Chinese diplomat made a brief comment describing the American customs.

- Of sure they are strange people. First the fill the glass with ice to keep it cold. Later they add alcohol to warm it up. Third they add fruit syrup to sweeten it, and later they add slices of lime to give it bitter taste. After that they make a toast saying "to you" but they drink it all for themselves.

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