We need to stop funding Planned Parenthood, they make millions on their own

Why is Planned Parenthood getting millions from tax payers when they just turn around and spend it to help elect liberal politicians? That is the same as each of us handing over money to support people we don't like.

PP makes millions each year and spends money for campaigns. We shouldn't give them a damn dime.

They are planning their largest ever campaign blitz this year.

Planned Parenthood plots largest-ever campaign blitz in 2014 | Fox News

Not to mention, they've taken on the role of teaching teens all about sex, including bondage and sadomasochism. And we're helping to pay for it.

Planned Parenthood Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens
Planned Parenthood Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens | CNS News

i would be OK with them being shut down completely, but that will never happen.

so congress should shut off the money floe (sic) RIGHT ?
I don't object to paying child support for America's children.

Then feel free to pay it. Just stop trying to rob others to do so.

If you want euthanize the population, you can start with yourself, but again i'd recommend against it.
Paying for the children of the world isn't robbing anyone, it's paying for the future.

If you use your own money it isn't robbing. When you take money from others through force it is robbery.
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So basically nothing! Typical far left mentality.
That's my share little man. I am but one of 320 million, about a 100 million of which are kiddos.

Exactly based on far left mentality thinking, it is not your problem it is up to the government.
You've heard the phrase, I have people for that? My people work for the government, it's why I pay them, but that only covers the kids here and not very well at that. I pay them for defense as well. They do okay but they can sure spend money like a drunken sailor, which some of them are.
We need to fund them much more. We have plenty of babies already, ones we don't care for.
Speak for yourself.

Planned Parenthood has made itself synonymous with serial murdering parents.

Why should the entire public fund such doudy deeds as serial abortions?
If you'd like to be brutal about it, pay me now or pay me later. Which would you rather pay for, 18 years of welfare for a child, or an abortion? Let's see if you can do math...

I'd rather pay for birth control and abstinence programs. I mean if I have a choice. :doubt:
Speak for yourself.

Planned Parenthood has made itself synonymous with serial murdering parents.

Why should the entire public fund such doudy deeds as serial abortions?
If you'd like to be brutal about it, pay me now or pay me later. Which would you rather pay for, 18 years of welfare for a child, or an abortion? Let's see if you can do math...

I'd rather pay for birth control and abstinence programs. I mean if I have a choice. :doubt:
That's a decent start.

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