We should be, and are, ashamed of our president

We should be, and are, ashamed of our president

I just had some delicious French toast. Yummy!
We are looking at our third credit downgrade since this man took office

We are looking at our embassies being attacked all over the Middle East, resulting in deaths of our Envoys.

We are looking at the leader who is too busy to meet with Netanyahu who is a staunch ally in trouble

But he has time to be on the David Letterman show

But he doesn't miss a beat on the campaign trail, missing Security Council meetings, Economic Avisor meetings, Jobs Council meetings, Cabinet meetings, Full Intelligence meetings
But fundraising takes a priority

Is this the kind of leadership we want for four more years?

NO NO NO !!!! Our country deserves better!

But...but...."It's all Bush's fault!" :cuckoo:

Hey Jackson, great going. 1005 reps today!!!! Yea!!! That translates, into, as of this post, 20.53 reps per post ratio, which is very impressive.

Thanks for all the good information and opinions you bring to the board, for all of us who appreciate, them.

Outstanding poster you are. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
We should be, and are, ashamed of our president

The American Taliban lunatics should be ashamed. Sane people are proud that we have a great president who is keeping America safe. Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, Secretary Clinton.

ROFLMFAO, you must be smoking some really good stuff!
We should be, and are, ashamed of our president

The American Taliban lunatics should be ashamed. Sane people are proud that we have a great president who is keeping America safe. Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, Secretary Clinton.

ROFLMFAO, you must be smoking some really good stuff!

Pretending Obama is not kicking robmoneys ass is ludacris
the people who have escorted and allowed this hatred of Muslims in this world are the only guilty party here.

you mother fvckers keep stoking this anti-Muslim hate and fear machine and look what happens, a lot of really stupid violence.

And the haters never relate the economy to the last WAR President who poured trillions OUT of the US. The "freedom fries" crowd has hurt the US worse than the Know Nothings, though there is a shared mindset.
Obama Re-Election Plan A:

Election Fraud

Obama Re-Election Plan B:

Armed takeover
Obama Re-Election Plan A:

Election Fraud

Obama Re-Election Plan B:

Armed takeover

note specimen A:

this is just the type of nutter whos going to go all Tim McVeigh on obama and us because they didnt win an elections because their ideas are idiotic
Naw, I think this clinches his victory.

But unlike leftist hate mongers and terrorist sympathizers, I wouldn't want it at this cost.
We should be, and are, ashamed of our president

Seriously... What's up with all this "we" shit.? "We this and we that"? What kind of people are this group of "we" that are so weak that they need an annonymous spokesperson?

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