We told you they were extremists and guess who agrees now? The new President bwahahah

A majority of Venezuela's voters made their choice in 2013.
A few oligarchs and their useful idiots objected.
Since the US government invariably sides with the rich, the outcome doesn't look any better for democracy in Venezuela than it does in North Korea.
BTW, have you ever heard of...

"Lyuh Woon-hyung (May 25, 1886 – July 19, 1947) was a Korean politician who argued that Korean independence was essential to world peace, and a reunification activist who struggled for the independent reunification of Korea since its national division in 1945.

"His pen-name was Mongyang (몽양; 夢陽), the Hanja for 'dream' and 'light.

"He is rare among politicians in modern Korean history in that he is revered in both South and North Korea."

You still talking about the rich, Comrade George? It must gall you that there actually are rich people. Speaking of the South Koreans, how come they are more successful here in the U.S., and you who were born here weren't?

Sally you obviously have some sort of personal problem with George. Okey dokey. I am at probably when we started out the political polar opposite of George but we are noticing a pattern.

And that pattern is real. And is taking effect.

Have you noticed that all George wants to do is blame the U.S. and her allies plus Jews/Israel. He posts on a Middle East forum and has nothing to say about what is happening in the other surrounding countries even though so many innocent people have been killed for their religious beliefs day in and day out. All he is obsessed with there is Israel only because there are Jews involved. Millions of people around the world would love to be able to emigrate to the U.S., a country where they feel they will have the opportnities they didn't have in their original country plus the religious freedom that this country affords them, a place which George seemingly hates. Tell me, would you ever call Vietname Army veterans who are posting Killers as George has constantly done?
It's a bigger shame you can't manage to contribute anything except ad hominem attacks instead of debating the merits of the various issues discussed here. Maybe you're usefulness is limited to Ha$bara meme patrol?

Why, Comrade George, are you comatose? I have been contributing many articles, proably from more reliable sources than yours. You can skip the dollar signs, Comrade George. We know you are obsessed with your lack of money.

Venezuela university officials decry attacks on students - latimes.com

You still haven't told us if you're compensated for your spam, Ha$bara $ally...

Why, Comrade George, you are not telling us if the Communist Party here in America is compensating you. They must be so happy that you even get up so early when the rest of the people in Los Angeles are still sleeping. Such devotion!!! Maybe for this, they will give you a bonus. Still have money on your mind, Comrade George. Your constant use of the dollar signs tells the viewers you must have.

By the way, Comrade George, Spam is repeating the same things over and over and over, and you don't think the readers of these forums have realized that you have done that?
I am really simply me.
While Dick is still really simply Evil:

"As tensions between Washington and Moscow continue to rise over the crisis in Ukraine, Cheney, who was one of the major architects of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, appeared on CBS News’ Face the Nation on Sunday and said the US should not take 'military options' against Russia off the table.

“'I worry when we begin to address a crisis, the first thing we do is we take options off the table,' Cheney said on TV. 'I don’t think the administration should do that.'

"He also urged the Obama administration to boost its missile systems in Poland and the Czech Republic."

Dick worries his investments in the Long War won't meet quarterly expectations without ringing Russia with "missile defense" bases.

Maybe his family has reservations in case of Nuclear Winter?

Dick Cheney | Global Clarity
I am really simply me.
While Dick is still really simply Evil:

"As tensions between Washington and Moscow continue to rise over the crisis in Ukraine, Cheney, who was one of the major architects of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, appeared on CBS News’ Face the Nation on Sunday and said the US should not take 'military options' against Russia off the table.

“'I worry when we begin to address a crisis, the first thing we do is we take options off the table,' Cheney said on TV. 'I don’t think the administration should do that.'

"He also urged the Obama administration to boost its missile systems in Poland and the Czech Republic."

Dick worries his investments in the Long War won't meet quarterly expectations without ringing Russia with "missile defense" bases.

Maybe his family has reservations in case of Nuclear Winter?

Dick Cheney | Global Clarity

While you are trying to drag Communist-ruled Venezuela into this so-called "long war" (actually Venezuela should be discussed on the Latin America forum), I worry more about this unfortunate people from Latin America who attentpt to come here for jobs that their poor countries can't give them. They are not looking for subsidized apartments and handouts, but were just looking to work hard to support themselves and send back money to their impoverished families. How lucky Americans are not to have to put themselves through what these men have!!! Maybe those in your neighborhood, Comrade George, have had relatives who were injured trying to get here.

Injured Central American migrants granted passage to Mexico City - latimes.com
I am really simply me.
While Dick is still really simply Evil:

"As tensions between Washington and Moscow continue to rise over the crisis in Ukraine, Cheney, who was one of the major architects of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, appeared on CBS News’ Face the Nation on Sunday and said the US should not take 'military options' against Russia off the table.

“'I worry when we begin to address a crisis, the first thing we do is we take options off the table,' Cheney said on TV. 'I don’t think the administration should do that.'

"He also urged the Obama administration to boost its missile systems in Poland and the Czech Republic."

Dick worries his investments in the Long War won't meet quarterly expectations without ringing Russia with "missile defense" bases.

Maybe his family has reservations in case of Nuclear Winter?

Dick Cheney | Global Clarity

While you are trying to drag Communist-ruled Venezuela into this so-called "long war" (actually Venezuela should be discussed on the Latin America forum), I worry more about this unfortunate people from Latin America who attentpt to come here for jobs that their poor countries can't give them. They are not looking for subsidized apartments and handouts, but were just looking to work hard to support themselves and send back money to their impoverished families. How lucky Americans are not to have to put themselves through what these men have!!! Maybe those in your neighborhood, Comrade George, have had relatives who were injured trying to get here.

Injured Central American migrants granted passage to Mexico City - latimes.com
"Cheney has been accused of violating United Nations Convention against Torture over his support for the CIA’s torture techniques, like water-boarding, as the US vice president under George W. Bush.

"Cheney’s remarks come as 12 US F-16 fighter jets and 300 American troops are set to arrive in Poland this week in response to the crisis in Ukraine. A US Navy guided-missile destroyer has already entered the Black Sea."

While Dick is still really simply Evil:

"As tensions between Washington and Moscow continue to rise over the crisis in Ukraine, Cheney, who was one of the major architects of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, appeared on CBS News’ Face the Nation on Sunday and said the US should not take 'military options' against Russia off the table.

“'I worry when we begin to address a crisis, the first thing we do is we take options off the table,' Cheney said on TV. 'I don’t think the administration should do that.'

"He also urged the Obama administration to boost its missile systems in Poland and the Czech Republic."

Dick worries his investments in the Long War won't meet quarterly expectations without ringing Russia with "missile defense" bases.

Maybe his family has reservations in case of Nuclear Winter?

Dick Cheney | Global Clarity

While you are trying to drag Communist-ruled Venezuela into this so-called "long war" (actually Venezuela should be discussed on the Latin America forum), I worry more about this unfortunate people from Latin America who attentpt to come here for jobs that their poor countries can't give them. They are not looking for subsidized apartments and handouts, but were just looking to work hard to support themselves and send back money to their impoverished families. How lucky Americans are not to have to put themselves through what these men have!!! Maybe those in your neighborhood, Comrade George, have had relatives who were injured trying to get here.

Injured Central American migrants granted passage to Mexico City - latimes.com
"Cheney has been accused of violating United Nations Convention against Torture over his support for the CIA’s torture techniques, like water-boarding, as the US vice president under George W. Bush.

"Cheney’s remarks come as 12 US F-16 fighter jets and 300 American troops are set to arrive in Poland this week in response to the crisis in Ukraine. A US Navy guided-missile destroyer has already entered the Black Sea."

Dick Cheney | Global Clarity

I'm not thinking about Cheney right now since he does not hold any office. I am thinking about those hard working Hispanics who are terribly injured just trying to get up here for the work and not subsidized housing. Oh, how these hard workers would have loved to have taken your place, and they certainly wouldn't have been whining about this government the way you always do day in and day out.
He is so busy repeating the talking points and walking the walk, he is blind to the facts,those very things he espouses to hate, are the traits of those he follows.
Yes, Venezuela was ruled by a Communist, but naturally Comrade George want to blame others for what is going on there now. Speaking of labor, Comrade George, if you had worked harder years ago, you would not be so busy blaming those who actually worked hard to make something of themselves. How do you think that many Latinos and Black Americans were able to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc.? They had ambition and worked hard to get where they were. It's a shame that you never emulated them.
It's a bigger shame you can't manage to contribute anything except ad hominem attacks instead of debating the merits of the various issues discussed here. Maybe you're usefulness is limited to Ha$bara meme patrol?

Why, Comrade George, are you comatose? I have been contributing many articles, proably from more reliable sources than yours. You can skip the dollar signs, Comrade George. We know you are obsessed with your lack of money.

Venezuela university officials decry attacks on students - latimes.com
While you are trying to drag Communist-ruled Venezuela into this so-called "long war" (actually Venezuela should be discussed on the Latin America forum), I worry more about this unfortunate people from Latin America who attentpt to come here for jobs that their poor countries can't give them. They are not looking for subsidized apartments and handouts, but were just looking to work hard to support themselves and send back money to their impoverished families. How lucky Americans are not to have to put themselves through what these men have!!! Maybe those in your neighborhood, Comrade George, have had relatives who were injured trying to get here.

Injured Central American migrants granted passage to Mexico City - latimes.com
"Cheney has been accused of violating United Nations Convention against Torture over his support for the CIA’s torture techniques, like water-boarding, as the US vice president under George W. Bush.

"Cheney’s remarks come as 12 US F-16 fighter jets and 300 American troops are set to arrive in Poland this week in response to the crisis in Ukraine. A US Navy guided-missile destroyer has already entered the Black Sea."

Dick Cheney | Global Clarity

I'm not thinking about Cheney right now since he does not hold any office. I am thinking about those hard working Hispanics who are terribly injured just trying to get up here for the work and not subsidized housing. Oh, how these hard workers would have loved to have taken your place, and they certainly wouldn't have been whining about this government the way you always do day in and day out.
Maybe you're incapable of thinking?

"But back to Cheney, the architect of the War of Terror, enhanced interrogation (such an inventive euphemism), and NSA wiretapping—he’s been in the news this week.

"I admit to feeling a little satisfaction in knowing Cheney didn’t sleep well for a while in 2007.

"When he had the realization that someone, a 'terrorist' perhaps might possibly tinker with his ticker.

"Might use a remote-control gadget on the defibrillator implanted in his chest, the little computer capable of shocking his cold, faltering heart to its proper rhythm if necessary.

"Yes, Cheney was aware that someone could reprogram the device, zap him. He’d seen it on TV, an episode of Homeland.

"It makes sense that he was frightened. Understanding that this could be executed and why it is not incompatible with an appreciation of and enthusiasm for torture, Cheney’s specialty—hypothermia, stress positions, waterboarding. 'I signed off on it,' he’d said, about the 'alternative set of procedures'—another euphemism."

Dick Cheney | Global Clarity
"Cheney has been accused of violating United Nations Convention against Torture over his support for the CIA’s torture techniques, like water-boarding, as the US vice president under George W. Bush.

"Cheney’s remarks come as 12 US F-16 fighter jets and 300 American troops are set to arrive in Poland this week in response to the crisis in Ukraine. A US Navy guided-missile destroyer has already entered the Black Sea."

Dick Cheney | Global Clarity

I'm not thinking about Cheney right now since he does not hold any office. I am thinking about those hard working Hispanics who are terribly injured just trying to get up here for the work and not subsidized housing. Oh, how these hard workers would have loved to have taken your place, and they certainly wouldn't have been whining about this government the way you always do day in and day out.
Maybe you're incapable of thinking?

"But back to Cheney, the architect of the War of Terror, enhanced interrogation (such an inventive euphemism), and NSA wiretapping—he’s been in the news this week.

"I admit to feeling a little satisfaction in knowing Cheney didn’t sleep well for a while in 2007.

"When he had the realization that someone, a 'terrorist' perhaps might possibly tinker with his ticker.

"Might use a remote-control gadget on the defibrillator implanted in his chest, the little computer capable of shocking his cold, faltering heart to its proper rhythm if necessary.

"Yes, Cheney was aware that someone could reprogram the device, zap him. He’d seen it on TV, an episode of Homeland.

"It makes sense that he was frightened. Understanding that this could be executed and why it is not incompatible with an appreciation of and enthusiasm for torture, Cheney’s specialty—hypothermia, stress positions, waterboarding. 'I signed off on it,' he’d said, about the 'alternative set of procedures'—another euphemism."

Dick Cheney | Global Clarity

Why are you so obsessed with Cheney right now? We know you hate the U.S. even though you continue to live here and get the perks. You are on a Europe forum so why not concentrate on what is going on in Europe? There are plenty of countries in Europe, and you can be following what is happening in them at the present time.
I'm not thinking about Cheney right now since he does not hold any office. I am thinking about those hard working Hispanics who are terribly injured just trying to get up here for the work and not subsidized housing. Oh, how these hard workers would have loved to have taken your place, and they certainly wouldn't have been whining about this government the way you always do day in and day out.
Maybe you're incapable of thinking?

"But back to Cheney, the architect of the War of Terror, enhanced interrogation (such an inventive euphemism), and NSA wiretapping—he’s been in the news this week.

"I admit to feeling a little satisfaction in knowing Cheney didn’t sleep well for a while in 2007.

"When he had the realization that someone, a 'terrorist' perhaps might possibly tinker with his ticker.

"Might use a remote-control gadget on the defibrillator implanted in his chest, the little computer capable of shocking his cold, faltering heart to its proper rhythm if necessary.

"Yes, Cheney was aware that someone could reprogram the device, zap him. He’d seen it on TV, an episode of Homeland.

"It makes sense that he was frightened. Understanding that this could be executed and why it is not incompatible with an appreciation of and enthusiasm for torture, Cheney’s specialty—hypothermia, stress positions, waterboarding. 'I signed off on it,' he’d said, about the 'alternative set of procedures'—another euphemism."

Dick Cheney | Global Clarity

Why are you so obsessed with Cheney right now? We know you hate the U.S. even though you continue to live here and get the perks. You are on a Europe forum so why not concentrate on what is going on in Europe? There are plenty of countries in Europe, and you can be following what is happening in them at the present time.
"'No military,' Cheney said on CBS's 'Face The Nation.' 'He seems to operate that way most of the time. There are military options that don't involve putting troops on the ground in Crimea. We could go back and reinstate the missile defense program that was taken out that was originally going to go in Poland, Czech Republic. Obama took it out to appease [Russian President Vladimir] Putin. We can do joint training exercises with Poland. We can offer military assistance and equipment to the Ukrainians themselves.'"

Cheney: Obama should consider some military options - POLITICO.com
Maybe you're incapable of thinking?

"But back to Cheney, the architect of the War of Terror, enhanced interrogation (such an inventive euphemism), and NSA wiretapping—he’s been in the news this week.

"I admit to feeling a little satisfaction in knowing Cheney didn’t sleep well for a while in 2007.

"When he had the realization that someone, a 'terrorist' perhaps might possibly tinker with his ticker.

"Might use a remote-control gadget on the defibrillator implanted in his chest, the little computer capable of shocking his cold, faltering heart to its proper rhythm if necessary.

"Yes, Cheney was aware that someone could reprogram the device, zap him. He’d seen it on TV, an episode of Homeland.

"It makes sense that he was frightened. Understanding that this could be executed and why it is not incompatible with an appreciation of and enthusiasm for torture, Cheney’s specialty—hypothermia, stress positions, waterboarding. 'I signed off on it,' he’d said, about the 'alternative set of procedures'—another euphemism."

Dick Cheney | Global Clarity

Why are you so obsessed with Cheney right now? We know you hate the U.S. even though you continue to live here and get the perks. You are on a Europe forum so why not concentrate on what is going on in Europe? There are plenty of countries in Europe, and you can be following what is happening in them at the present time.
"'No military,' Cheney said on CBS's 'Face The Nation.' 'He seems to operate that way most of the time. There are military options that don't involve putting troops on the ground in Crimea. We could go back and reinstate the missile defense program that was taken out that was originally going to go in Poland, Czech Republic. Obama took it out to appease [Russian President Vladimir] Putin. We can do joint training exercises with Poland. We can offer military assistance and equipment to the Ukrainians themselves.'"

Cheney: Obama should consider some military options - POLITICO.com

But, Comrade George, I don't think the readers come to the Europe forum to hear you whining about the Jews in the Ukraine (unless of course they are anti-Semites and lap up what you say) or to hear about your obsession with dissing the U.S. while taking the parks this country affords you like a subsidized apartment. I think they come here to read what is happening also in other parts of Europe, countries like Germany, England, France, Scandanavia, etc.. Now isn't this sad that parents have to send young children out by themselves to other countries? I was just reading recently that many young unaccompanied children are also making their way up here. You and I were very lucky that we didn't have to go through something like this. Regardless of what you think about this country, millions of people around the world would be happy to take your place.

France: Unaccompanied Children Detained At Borders | Eurasia Review

France: Unaccompanied Children Detained At Borders | Eurasia Review
"Ukrainian Jews will not run away to avoid military service if an open confrontation breaks out with Russia, the country’s chief rabbi told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday.

"Responding to an Israeli media report that yeshiva students in Kiev had received mobilization orders and were considering the best way to leave the country to avoid service, Rabbi Jacob Dov Bleich said that while everybody is required to register for the draft, seminary students are traditionally exempted, and that it is unlikely that they will be called upon to fight."

Chief rabbi asserts Ukrainian Jews will not run away if war breaks out with Russia | JPost | Israel News
"Ukrainian Jews will not run away to avoid military service if an open confrontation breaks out with Russia, the country’s chief rabbi told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday.

"Responding to an Israeli media report that yeshiva students in Kiev had received mobilization orders and were considering the best way to leave the country to avoid service, Rabbi Jacob Dov Bleich said that while everybody is required to register for the draft, seminary students are traditionally exempted, and that it is unlikely that they will be called upon to fight."

Chief rabbi asserts Ukrainian Jews will not run away if war breaks out with Russia | JPost | Israel News

Poor Comrade George, so obsessed with the Jews when so much else is going on in Europe. Comrade George must think that the readers come to the Europe forum to read exclusively about his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. It's a shame that instead of obsessing over the Jews all the time because you didn't avail yourself of the opportunities you had to better yourself, why not try to do something now. If anyone should help the homeless, it should be someone who was lucky enough to get a subsidized apartment.

A couple's commitment to skid row doesn't waver - latimes.com
"Ukrainian Jews will not run away to avoid military service if an open confrontation breaks out with Russia, the country’s chief rabbi told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday.

"Responding to an Israeli media report that yeshiva students in Kiev had received mobilization orders and were considering the best way to leave the country to avoid service, Rabbi Jacob Dov Bleich said that while everybody is required to register for the draft, seminary students are traditionally exempted, and that it is unlikely that they will be called upon to fight."

Chief rabbi asserts Ukrainian Jews will not run away if war breaks out with Russia | JPost | Israel News

Poor Comrade George, so obsessed with the Jews when so much else is going on in Europe. Comrade George must think that the readers come to the Europe forum to read exclusively about his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. It's a shame that instead of obsessing over the Jews all the time because you didn't avail yourself of the opportunities you had to better yourself, why not try to do something now. If anyone should help the homeless, it should be someone who was lucky enough to get a subsidized apartment.

A couple's commitment to skid row doesn't waver - latimes.com
Very little going on in Europe or anywhere else has the potential for Changing Everything that Ukraine has:

"Ukraine will not prosecute pro-Russian activists occupying official buildings in two eastern cities if they surrender their weapons, Ukraine's acting President Olexander Turchynov says.

"The separatists are holding buildings in the cities of Luhansk and Donetsk. The Kiev authorities say their actions could give Russia a pretext to invade.

"Ukraine has accused Russia of stirring up the unrest. Moscow has denied that.

"Nato says up to 40,000 Russian troops are massed near Ukraine's border."

BBC News - Ukraine offers amnesty to pro-Russian separatists
"Ukrainian Jews will not run away to avoid military service if an open confrontation breaks out with Russia, the country’s chief rabbi told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday.

"Responding to an Israeli media report that yeshiva students in Kiev had received mobilization orders and were considering the best way to leave the country to avoid service, Rabbi Jacob Dov Bleich said that while everybody is required to register for the draft, seminary students are traditionally exempted, and that it is unlikely that they will be called upon to fight."

Chief rabbi asserts Ukrainian Jews will not run away if war breaks out with Russia | JPost | Israel News

Poor Comrade George, so obsessed with the Jews when so much else is going on in Europe. Comrade George must think that the readers come to the Europe forum to read exclusively about his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. It's a shame that instead of obsessing over the Jews all the time because you didn't avail yourself of the opportunities you had to better yourself, why not try to do something now. If anyone should help the homeless, it should be someone who was lucky enough to get a subsidized apartment.

A couple's commitment to skid row doesn't waver - latimes.com

Very little going on in Europe or anywhere else has the potential for Changing Everything that Ukraine has:

"Ukraine will not prosecute pro-Russian activists occupying official buildings in two eastern cities if they surrender their weapons, Ukraine's acting President Olexander Turchynov says.

"The separatists are holding buildings in the cities of Luhansk and Donetsk. The Kiev authorities say their actions could give Russia a pretext to invade.

"Ukraine has accused Russia of stirring up the unrest. Moscow has denied that.

"Nato says up to 40,000 Russian troops are massed near Ukraine's border."

BBC News - Ukraine offers amnesty to pro-Russian separatists

Since you have been showing the readers all along how obsessed you are with the Jews, your favorite scapegoats,, why not tell them about the anti-Semitism in France? After all, this is the Europe forum and France is in Europe. Or is this too much for you to handle since you don't want the readers to see that you have no sympathy for these Jews in France, and you are happy to sit in your subsidized apartment where you are safe.

French anti-Semitism and French Aliyah Skyrocket - Israel News
Poor Comrade George, so obsessed with the Jews when so much else is going on in Europe. Comrade George must think that the readers come to the Europe forum to read exclusively about his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. It's a shame that instead of obsessing over the Jews all the time because you didn't avail yourself of the opportunities you had to better yourself, why not try to do something now. If anyone should help the homeless, it should be someone who was lucky enough to get a subsidized apartment.

A couple's commitment to skid row doesn't waver - latimes.com

Very little going on in Europe or anywhere else has the potential for Changing Everything that Ukraine has:

"Ukraine will not prosecute pro-Russian activists occupying official buildings in two eastern cities if they surrender their weapons, Ukraine's acting President Olexander Turchynov says.

"The separatists are holding buildings in the cities of Luhansk and Donetsk. The Kiev authorities say their actions could give Russia a pretext to invade.

"Ukraine has accused Russia of stirring up the unrest. Moscow has denied that.

"Nato says up to 40,000 Russian troops are massed near Ukraine's border."

BBC News - Ukraine offers amnesty to pro-Russian separatists

Since you have been showing the readers all along how obsessed you are with the Jews, your favorite scapegoats,, why not tell them about the anti-Semitism in France? After all, this is the Europe forum and France is in Europe. Or is this too much for you to handle since you don't want the readers to see that you have no sympathy for these Jews in France, and you are happy to sit in your subsidized apartment where you are safe.

French anti-Semitism and French Aliyah Skyrocket - Israel News
Why do you constantly forget the topic of the thread you're posting on, incipient Alzheimer's?

"Last week, a Right Sector leader from western Ukraine, Olexander Muzychko - who at one point was caught on video threatening a local council meeting with a gun and striking an official - was killed in a shoot-out with police.

"Right Sector activists rejected officials' explanations that Mr Muzychko had fired on police first and then possibly shot himself. On Thursday, hundreds of them marched on parliament, demanding Mr Avakov's resignation and smashing windows.

"Interim President Olexander Turchynov condemned the group's aggressive actions and said they were trying to "destabilise" Ukraine.

"Now, with the Right Sector's early-morning retreat, the situation may be reaching its conclusion."

Feel free to start your own thread on Jews in France, $ally, but I wouldn't expect Ha$bara to pay you for your time:lol:

BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Kiev takes on far right
Because they carried the Roman fasces, a symbol of authority.....

fasces pl.n. A bundle of rods bound together around an ax with the blade projecting, carried before ancient Roman magistrates as an emblem of authority.

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