We Went from Flatten the Curve to NAZI Germany Quickly

I was listening to NPR this morning, and the piece on the Super Bowl led off with fans celebrating without masks.

Liberals always seem to find innovative ways to piss people off.
BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Public safety.

That's what the Nazis said while rounding up the Jews.
BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Does he/him/it have a penis?

NO PERMISSION ! He identifies as a(M/F/?) golden retriever. It's all that matters now
BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Public safety.

This isn't rocket science.

Whatever it is that terrifies you ... If the mask you're wearing isn't keeping it out, and you need someone else to wear a mask whenever they're around you, I suggest that ...

... whatever it is you fear can't be kept out with a mask

... you don't know how to wear a mask

... this isn't about your fear or your health ... it's about control
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I was listening to NPR this morning, and the piece on the Super Bowl led off with fans celebrating without masks.

Liberals always seem to find innovative ways to piss people off.
You people make me sick!
The way you bandy about the word Nazi even when there is no coherent reason to use such a term.
Masks aren't guaranteed to stop you from getting infected but will and do slow down and reduce the velocity and distance infectious micro saliva can travel. It stands to reason - put any obstacle in front of a projectile and you will both slow it down and reduce the distance it can travel it is that simple.
Have you any real idea what the Nazis actually did?
And you seriously think a public health order designed to protect you and others from serious illness and possible death is comparable?
The only thing that should ever be compared to Nazis is Nazis.
Get a grip!
If you think wearing a mask is ridiculous, but you wear one anyway, I think you watch too much CNN...


Wear a mask if you want; that's cool. Stay home forever if you want, that's cool. It's called freedom.

Like heck I will wear an arguably-ineffective medical device on my face which I do not need for months. It is a fundamental right to make your own medical decisions.

I have a working immune system that is much more effective than any mask or even the vaccines....




Dr. El Guapo demonstrates the effectiveness of masks, including double masks...



fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation
Just give up your weapons. Damned football players are kneeling in protest for more gun control laws.
If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot
Spectator sports, movies, theater, concerts, etc. are all fascist gun control events only allowed to take place on the premise of fascism, warrantless searches, and arbitrary arrests.
BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Our recently fascist "elected" leaders would have us all believe COVID-19 is as bad or worse than medieval plague or Ebola. But whether or not you or I believe them about coronavirus that's the excuse they have been and will continue to use to commit any crime imaginable against us—the American people. They will detain us, restrict our freedoms, hunt us down like dogs, throw us in quarantine "camps" and even murder us. And they'll justify it all in the minds of those they've brainwashed by claiming COVID is the plague of our time.

WE allowed this to happen to us the moment we started wearing masks to buy food, water, clothing, and other essential products. The moment we allowed fucking Walmart and Burger King to force us to wear masks we were fucked as an entire people and species. The masks will never go away . . . never.
Someone wears no mask and because of this another one gets infected with covid-19 and loses the rest of the own life the ability to taste food. What is now the Nazi vs Commie joke ... ah sorry: "argument"? What for heavens sake is wrong with the USA? What are you discussing about? Unreal life?
BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

The police won't be doing shit about it. Governor DeSantis issued a statewide standing order that prohibits any municipality/local government from taking any action that penalizes a person for not wearing a mask in this state, including fines, citations, or anything of the sort. Castor was just bloviating like a good Nazi dictator while the cameras were rolling, but it's ultimately just empty threats. She has absolutely no authority to do anything about it, and she knows it (and hates it, I'm sure).
BREAKING: At a press conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said that maskless fans at the Super Bowl will be "identified" by law enforcement and that police will "handle" the situation.

If you didn’t see this coming you’re an idiot.

Public safety.

That's what the Nazis said while rounding up the Jews.

The Nazis wrote a letter to an old Jewish German married couple. "Because you are a Jew you will be arrested. Our bus will come at 12.12 12 o'clock to bring you in prison". At 12.12. 12 o'clock they stood there with two suitcases, the bus came, they entered and the bus brought them into an extermination camp.

And now stop the totally idiotic bullshit which you continously say.

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