We were lied to again Ebola Spreads Through Droplets in the Air

Ebola Spreads Through Droplets in the Air

How many times that it cant be spread like this.. Only very CLOSE contact.. I knew it was bullshit
Droplet-borne germs can travel in these secretions to infect someone a few feet away, often through the eyes, nose or mouth. This may not seem like an important difference, but it has a big impact on how easily a germ spreads. Airborne diseases are far more transmittable than droplet-borne ones.

When Obama said you couldn't get it from sitting next to someone on a bus, I knew he was lying. We know that the Ebola virus can survive on surfaces for quite a while and we know infected people cough and sneeze, so all it takes for any virus is coming into contact with it and that is not hard to do.

Looking at the total number of cases and the fact that the death rate is around 70% for those who contract it, it clearly spreads fairly easy. And it's lethal. Add that to the serious respiratory illness and other diseases imported courtesy of Obama's open border policy and we are in for a rough winter.
Have the hundred or so
Are US conservatives any less backward than people in third world nations that think ebola isn't real?

I don't think they are as they are spending all their time spreading hysteria, fear, mistrust, and lies.
It's all that shit they hear and read from their hack media outlets. A lot of bullshit is being manufactured in the absence of hard information. Rubes hate an information vacuum and feel compelled to fill it with anything that fits their belief system.

Rather than wait for annoying things like facts, they would rather be told a scary campfire story. Then later, when the facts finally come out, it will be too late. The scary campfire story will have become their reality.

Very frustrating to observe.
When Obama said you couldn't get it from sitting next to someone on a bus, I knew he was lying.

You can't. He wasn't.

Cue the xenophobia and some dumbass comment about the border in 4...3....2...1...

Add that to the serious respiratory illness and other diseases imported courtesy of Obama's open border policy and we are in for a rough winter.
Ebola Spreads Through Droplets in the Air

How many times that it cant be spread like this.. Only very CLOSE contact.. I knew it was bullshit
Droplet-borne germs can travel in these secretions to infect someone a few feet away, often through the eyes, nose or mouth. This may not seem like an important difference, but it has a big impact on how easily a germ spreads. Airborne diseases are far more transmittable than droplet-borne ones.


newsmax? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
The point is now moot.

Obama allowed ebola into the USA when he was cautioned not to.

He said they were wrong and that we had the proper protocols.

He lied.


Can't be proven yet.

The bottom line?

Our clocks have begun ticking.

We lose.

Now, as I previously asked:
These 24 hour "news" channels jumped the shark about a decade ago. They actually play sound effects and doom music as lead-ins to their manufactured bullshit stories. These are the tactics of propaganda organs.

What the fuck is going on!?!?
Are US conservatives any less backward than people in third world nations that think ebola isn't real?

I don't think they are as they are spending all their time spreading hysteria, fear, mistrust, and lies.

The point is now moot.

Obama allowed ebola into the USA when he was cautioned not to.

He said they were wrong and that we had the proper protocols.

He lied.


Can't be proven yet.

quiet, idiot
The point is now moot.

Obama allowed ebola into the USA when he was cautioned not to.

He said they were wrong and that we had the proper protocols.

He lied.


Can't be proven yet.
Stop drinking the conspiracy piss.

I am not kidding. Stop guzzling it, you credulous, idiotic, retarded moron.
Ebola Spreads Through Droplets in the Air

How many times that it cant be spread like this.. Only very CLOSE contact.. I knew it was bullshit
Droplet-borne germs can travel in these secretions to infect someone a few feet away, often through the eyes, nose or mouth. This may not seem like an important difference, but it has a big impact on how easily a germ spreads. Airborne diseases are far more transmittable than droplet-borne ones.
Please show us where we were lied to and told that Ebola was not a droplet-borne disease.

I like to see that link also
Propaganda Tactics 101:

"Did Obama jab dirty needles into kids? Hey, I'm just asking questions!"
The point is now moot.

Obama allowed ebola into the USA when he was cautioned not to.

He said they were wrong and that we had the proper protocols.

He lied.


Can't be proven yet.
Stop drinking the conspiracy piss.

I am not kidding. Stop guzzling it, you credulous, idiotic, retarded moron.

You suck my big black incredibly brilliant dick hole.

If Ebola Spreads In America Do You Think Any Usmb Mates Will Die From It US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
BOOM-BOOM-BOOM! WHOOOOOOSH! (cue doom music)

"NEWS" HOST: We are hearing rumors that President Obama met with ISIS to discuss how to get Ebola-infected kids across the Mexican border into Kansas. We go now to Tad, who is in Kansas scaring the bejeesus out of the local rubes with this campfire story. Tad, what's it like there at Ground Zero of this alleged latest atrocity being committed by the Obama Adminstration?

TAD: Well, Biff, to say these people are a little nervous is putting it lightly. Earlier, I asked a local housewife about it.

BOOM!-BOOM!-BOOM! WHOOOOOOSH! (cue film clip)

TAD: How would you feel if the Obama Admistration was meeting with ISIS to discuss how to get Ebola-infected kids across the Mexican border into Kansas?

HOUSEWIFE: I'd be terrified! Why are we not impeaching him? I don't get it.

(cue back to Tad)

TAD: I'll be looking for any suspicious looking darkies around here, Biff. Back to you.
These 24 hour "news" channels jumped the shark about a decade ago. They actually play sound effects and doom music as lead-ins to their manufactured bullshit stories. These are the tactics of propaganda organs.

What the fuck is going on!?!?

We all know something you haven't yet learned.

And I don't care if you, personally, learn it or not.


I said it.
The point is now moot.

Obama allowed ebola into the USA when he was cautioned not to.

He said they were wrong and that we had the proper protocols.

He lied.


Can't be proven yet.

quiet, idiot

You've had pontoons in your ears long enough. Time for you to listen to the truth, Missy.

1. I am not your "missy".
2. you wouldn't know the truth you conspiracy believing wacko, if it bit you in the butt
These 24 hour "news" channels jumped the shark about a decade ago. They actually play sound effects and doom music as lead-ins to their manufactured bullshit stories. These are the tactics of propaganda organs.

What the fuck is going on!?!?

We all know something you haven't yet learned.

And I don't care if you, personally, learn it or not.


I said it.

i'm pretty sure you've never learned anything
Well at least Obola has always had our safety in mind:

Obama administration scraps quarantine regulations - USATODAY.com

Obama administration scraps quarantine regulations

The Obama administration has quietly scrapped plans to enact sweeping new federal quarantine regulations that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention touted four years ago as critical to protecting Americans from dangerous diseases spread by travelers.

That rule would have allowed the CDC to detain people involuntarily for three business days if the agency believed they had certain diseases: pandemic flu, infectious tuberculosis, plague, cholera, SARS, smallpox, yellow fever, diphtheria or viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola.
BOOM-BOOM-BOOM! WHOOOOOOSH! (cue doom music)

"NEWS" HOST: We are hearing rumors that President Obama met with ISIS to discuss how to get Ebola-infected kids across the Mexican border into Kansas. We go now to Tad, who is in Kansas scaring the bejeesus out of the local rubes with this campfire story. Tad, what's it like there at Ground Zero of this alleged latest atrocity being committed by the Obama Adminstration?

TAD: Well, Biff, to say these people are a little nervous is putting it lightly. Earlier, I asked a local housewife about it.

BOOM!-BOOM!-BOOM! WHOOOOOOSH! (cue film clip)

TAD: How would you feel if the Obama Admistration was meeting with ISIS to discuss how to get Ebola-infected kids across the Mexican border into Kansas?

HOUSEWIFE: I'd be terrified! Why are we not impeaching him? I don't get it.

(cue back to Tad)

TAD: I'll be looking for any suspicious looking darkies around here, Biff. Back to you.
Obama COULD have kept ebola out of the USA.

He said we could safely handle it.

He lied.

Now that it is here with a plane load of possible victims all traveling around the country infecting others without any of them having any idea they are at very high risk, you just are too stupid to realize we have nothing that can stop it from spreading if even a handful of those passengers infect just ONE PERSON EACH.

We are in trouble if we don't stop it now.



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