‘We will exterminate you’: Proud Boys and other right-wing Trump diehards confront counter-protesters at Raleigh rally

Right wingers, Tell us again which side promotes and incites the violence.

A band of COVID deniers, neo-Confederates and pro-Trump diehards, augmented by a 50-strong Proud Boy security detail, marched around the Governor’s Mansion in downtown Raleigh on Saturday, firing up a far-right coalition to carry on the fight as their president faces the reality of leaving office.

A band of COVID deniers, neo-Confederates and pro-Trump diehards, augmented by a 50-strong Proud Boy security detail, marched around the Governor’s Mansion in downtown Raleigh on Saturday, firing up a far-right coalition to carry on the fight as their president faces the reality of leaving office.

Bertino wore a patch with the letters “R-W-D-S” — short for “right-wing death squads.” Mass killing of political opponents is a theme widely promoted by Proud Boys and other far-right extremists who celebrate Chilean dictator Augosto Pinochet’s grisly practice during the 1970s of disappearing opposition activists by dropping them out of helicopters.
So no one was hurt? This must have ben a right wing protest then. Only democrats commit widespread violence at political rallies and protests.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand here we go yet again.....

-------- Link?
Did you even watch CNN and MSNBC when all the riots were going on in NYC and Chicago?
How much of a psycho are you?

I don't have TV.
That's how much.

But it's so cute that you're impressed by that shit.
Your psychiatrist is smart to restrict you to a laptop.
Perhaps that's why you have no idea of the destruction your fellow Liberals have wrought.
I bet you deny that they destroyed hundreds of statues.
I believe you are psychotic.

That's nice, dear.
And you conclude this based on the way you're sure you know my "consistent pattern" yet can't think of any examples thereof.

Oh do go on, this is most interesting.

A lot of us here know your pattern of feigning Liberal misdeeds.

Oh good. A segue into yet another "Everybody Knows" song and dance.

I bet the juggler is on next. :popcorn:
Are you still trying to convince people that democrats didnt tear down that statue? It's not working, is it. I told you no one would believe that. :laugh:

I don't need to prove a negative.

No one does.

No one would believe if you tried. Like i said, democrats own all property destruction.

Number one it's "AS I said" not "like I said", and number two ---------------------- linkie?
Right wingers, Tell us again which side promotes and incites the violence.

A band of COVID deniers, neo-Confederates and pro-Trump diehards, augmented by a 50-strong Proud Boy security detail, marched around the Governor’s Mansion in downtown Raleigh on Saturday, firing up a far-right coalition to carry on the fight as their president faces the reality of leaving office.

A band of COVID deniers, neo-Confederates and pro-Trump diehards, augmented by a 50-strong Proud Boy security detail, marched around the Governor’s Mansion in downtown Raleigh on Saturday, firing up a far-right coalition to carry on the fight as their president faces the reality of leaving office.

Bertino wore a patch with the letters “R-W-D-S” — short for “right-wing death squads.” Mass killing of political opponents is a theme widely promoted by Proud Boys and other far-right extremists who celebrate Chilean dictator Augosto Pinochet’s grisly practice during the 1970s of disappearing opposition activists by dropping them out of helicopters.

Apparently "stand by" has long since expired.

The thing about the phrase "stand back and stand by" is that it contains every adverb you can pair with "stand" except the one he didn't say ---- "stand down".

Remember when the BurnLootMurder jungle savages were vandalizing, looting, burning shit down, destroying monuments and killing innocent people and you and EvilEyeFleegle posted all that shit calling your Dem leaders to action and requesting that they condemn said actions?
Can you link us to those posts please...you know, so we know you're credible and not a proponent of violence and all? Thanks in advance.
Hmmm..I condemn all acts of violence irrespective of party or persuasion. I note that for every person who riots..there are hundreds who do not. I also condemn anyone who uses terms like, 'Jungle savages' to describe common looters and petty criminals. You betray both your bigotry and your ignorance with your smarmy lil post.

I don't have Dem leaders as I'm not a Dem...but I've heard many Dem pols condemn violence. But not every Black dude who breaks a window is a BLM activist.
In fact, not everyone in the streets are BLM..many are just pissed in general.

You choose to focus on, and distort, the violence as to distract from the message. That's your agenda.....fairly transparent, to tell the truth.

So post your claims of condemning leftwing violence.
Find them yourself, FYI I'm looking at literal pages of Dem's decrying violence--must suck to be so inept that you can't do a simple search~
Right wingers, Tell us again which side promotes and incites the violence.

A band of COVID deniers, neo-Confederates and pro-Trump diehards, augmented by a 50-strong Proud Boy security detail, marched around the Governor’s Mansion in downtown Raleigh on Saturday, firing up a far-right coalition to carry on the fight as their president faces the reality of leaving office.

A band of COVID deniers, neo-Confederates and pro-Trump diehards, augmented by a 50-strong Proud Boy security detail, marched around the Governor’s Mansion in downtown Raleigh on Saturday, firing up a far-right coalition to carry on the fight as their president faces the reality of leaving office.

Bertino wore a patch with the letters “R-W-D-S” — short for “right-wing death squads.” Mass killing of political opponents is a theme widely promoted by Proud Boys and other far-right extremists who celebrate Chilean dictator Augosto Pinochet’s grisly practice during the 1970s of disappearing opposition activists by dropping them out of helicopters.

Apparently "stand by" has long since expired.

The thing about the phrase "stand back and stand by" is that it contains every adverb you can pair with "stand" except the one he didn't say ---- "stand down".
Everyone of those rioterswould be 6ft under if I was president. You will miss Trump.

Like one "misses" a case of Shingles or penile warts.
I don't miss, and you would piss yourself if you saw a real gun.
Right wingers, Tell us again which side promotes and incites the violence.

A band of COVID deniers, neo-Confederates and pro-Trump diehards, augmented by a 50-strong Proud Boy security detail, marched around the Governor’s Mansion in downtown Raleigh on Saturday, firing up a far-right coalition to carry on the fight as their president faces the reality of leaving office.

A band of COVID deniers, neo-Confederates and pro-Trump diehards, augmented by a 50-strong Proud Boy security detail, marched around the Governor’s Mansion in downtown Raleigh on Saturday, firing up a far-right coalition to carry on the fight as their president faces the reality of leaving office.

Bertino wore a patch with the letters “R-W-D-S” — short for “right-wing death squads.” Mass killing of political opponents is a theme widely promoted by Proud Boys and other far-right extremists who celebrate Chilean dictator Augosto Pinochet’s grisly practice during the 1970s of disappearing opposition activists by dropping them out of helicopters.

Apparently "stand by" has long since expired.

The thing about the phrase "stand back and stand by" is that it contains every adverb you can pair with "stand" except the one he didn't say ---- "stand down".
Everyone of those rioterswould be 6ft under if I was president. You will miss Trump.

Like one "misses" a case of Shingles or penile warts.
I don't miss, and you would piss yourself if you saw a real gun.

Is that supposed to be a threat?

Go ahead. Say it. Ya feel lucky.................... punk?
“America will never be a communist nation — never!” Bertino said as fellow Proud Boys lined the sidewalk wearing tactical vests and trademark yellow and black gear. “Your side will lose. We will exterminate you like the rats you are…. Exterminate you!”

Communism, with the constant treason and heartbreaking betrayal of its false camaraderie, has to be done away with.
The way of life the communists are forcing on us against our will, we cannot tolerate, and we do not want to live.
Jesus fucking Christ. We on the left are not advocating communism! Are you really that stupid?
Free College, who pays for that?
Free Healthcare who pays for that?
Universal Monthly $1500

Yep, universally the stupid prog slaves are advocating communism but are too stupid to know it...
Have to go back four years for any joy?
Right wingers, Tell us again which side promotes and incites the violence.

A band of COVID deniers, neo-Confederates and pro-Trump diehards, augmented by a 50-strong Proud Boy security detail, marched around the Governor’s Mansion in downtown Raleigh on Saturday, firing up a far-right coalition to carry on the fight as their president faces the reality of leaving office.

A band of COVID deniers, neo-Confederates and pro-Trump diehards, augmented by a 50-strong Proud Boy security detail, marched around the Governor’s Mansion in downtown Raleigh on Saturday, firing up a far-right coalition to carry on the fight as their president faces the reality of leaving office.

Bertino wore a patch with the letters “R-W-D-S” — short for “right-wing death squads.” Mass killing of political opponents is a theme widely promoted by Proud Boys and other far-right extremists who celebrate Chilean dictator Augosto Pinochet’s grisly practice during the 1970s of disappearing opposition activists by dropping them out of helicopters.

Apparently "stand by" has long since expired.

The thing about the phrase "stand back and stand by" is that it contains every adverb you can pair with "stand" except the one he didn't say ---- "stand down".

Remember when the BurnLootMurder jungle savages were vandalizing, looting, burning shit down, destroying monuments and killing innocent people and you and EvilEyeFleegle posted all that shit calling your Dem leaders to action and requesting that they condemn said actions?
Can you link us to those posts please...you know, so we know you're credible and not a proponent of violence and all? Thanks in advance.
Hmmm..I condemn all acts of violence irrespective of party or persuasion. I note that for every person who riots..there are hundreds who do not. I also condemn anyone who uses terms like, 'Jungle savages' to describe common looters and petty criminals. You betray both your bigotry and your ignorance with your smarmy lil post.

I don't have Dem leaders as I'm not a Dem...but I've heard many Dem pols condemn violence. But not every Black dude who breaks a window is a BLM activist.
In fact, not everyone in the streets are BLM..many are just pissed in general.

You choose to focus on, and distort, the violence as to distract from the message. That's your agenda.....fairly transparent, to tell the truth.

So post your claims of condemning leftwing violence.
Find them yourself, FYI I'm looking at literal pages of Dem's decrying violence--must suck to be so inept that you can't do a simple search~

Libs sometimes "decry" violence.

But other times, they support the lies that justify the violence, or the minimize the violence, or they make excuses for it, or they just lie to claim that it did not happen, ,or that someone else did it, or they vote for officials that allow or encourage or out right support the violence.

And all the while CONSTANTLY supporting the lies that justify the violence.

If people really believed that TRump was a fucking nazi, then violence would be justified, and people would not be playing silly word games of do i or don't i support fighting him.

But, on some level they know that the shit they say is just shit, and if called to defend it seriously, they CAN'T.

So, they prance around like the faggot assholes they are.
Bertino wore a patch with the letters “R-W-D-S” — short for “right-wing death squads.”

Im going to just take your word for it and just assume that is what the letters stand for. You do realize that a group name doesnt automatically become a literal proclamation of what they are going to do, right? For instance, Joe Rogan named his group of comedian friends "Deathsquad". He even uses it as his domain name. I assure you, neither group is killing anyone. :laugh:

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You do realize that a group name doesnt automatically become a literal proclamation of what they are going to do, right?
In this case, the people wearing the patch are dressed in princess soldier cosplay, carrying deadly weapons. So yeah... ya sound dumb.
Bertino wore a patch with the letters “R-W-D-S” — short for “right-wing death squads.”

You do realize that a group name doesnt automatically become a literal proclamation of what they are going to do, right? For instance, Joe Rogan named his group of comedian friends "Deathsquad". He even uses it as his domain name. I assure you, neither group is killing anyone. :laugh:

Progressive realize nothing. THey are incapable of independent thought.
You do realize that a group name doesnt automatically become a literal proclamation of what they are going to do, right?
In this case, the people wearing the patch are dressed in princess soldier cosplay, carrying deadly weapons. So yeah... ya sound dumb.

Maybe it is a warning. Perhaps you should stop being such fucking assholes. before people start dying, on you side for a change.


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