Wealth Tax: Yeah! Why do Warren Buffett and Bill gates need so much money in their Trust?

Completely incorrect. Certainly under Capitalism, we have owners, and employees, but under Capitalism, there are no barriers to become an owner. An employee can become an owner, they can own their own property, and the fruits of their labor.
That's true since there is no legal prohibition preventing a worker from becoming an owner or shareholder. Ethical inhibitions from becoming rich by exploiting the labor of others present other problems.
No one's labor is exploited.

Every employee enters an employment contract by choice for an agreed upon wage.

If an employee is dissatisfied with the arrangement between him and his employer he can terminate that agreement at any time.
This is true, but the question also is this, do employers understand the geographical structure of the community in which it finds to operate in, and in this understanding can there be found the urges or tendencies (by some companies), to exploit the strained and hungry labor forces, otherwise knowing that they are just desperate enough to capitulate, and then obey to the point of becoming almost slaves to the system if the much needed competition in the area is few and far between ????

What about when the illegals were being worked in direct competition with Americans, and then they were winning out because they were illegal and cheap ??

Alot of bad things have went on in the past, and it's not so easily forgotten about.

I don't live in the past. And FWIW I think any business that hires illegals should be made to pay exorbitant fines.

And I'd like to know what percentage of businesses you think are guilty of the scenario you described.

Surely assuming all or most businesses do is incorrect
College is not a necessity.
It's not life or death, but a college education increases the chances for a successful, independent, and happy life:

Top 10 Reasons Why College is Important

"5. College degree holders are more likely to be homeowners.
A 2016 report from real estate company Zillow found that 75% of all home buyers were college-educated in that year, compared to just 11% who had a high school diploma only and 14% who attended some college but did not earn a degree."
There is no need for a sales tax because there are capital gains taxes already levied on stocks, bonds and mutual funds
By the same reasoning, a landlord who rents out a house pays income tax on the rental receipts and property taxes on the underlying asset.
We will need to pay off debt somehow.

You tax the so called rich at 100% and still not pay off the debt.

Sooner or later people who make 100K a year will be called "The Rich"
If people start paying more in taxes it becomes political suicide to increase spending. People hate taxes. Cutting taxes fuels spending.
When did we ever cut spending and raise taxes?

The reality is that after every tax cut, we have seen increases in tax revenue. Spending, and frankly medicare and medicaid....are the largest drivers of Debt....the only people willing to try and reform those programs are Republicans....anytime it's brought up the leftist and their propaganda machine claims the GOP wants to kill Grandma....(which is ironic given what the left did in NY during Covid)
The reality is that tax cuts always lead to spending increases.

No, the reality is is Jew calendar years always lead to more spending. Tax cuts increase revenue. Tax cuts aren’t the reason for increases in spending.
We will need to pay off debt somehow.
We need to stop spending---------making billionaires and politicians richer.
I would argue we need to stop cutting taxes and require a tax increase for any spending. We keep cutting taxes so nobody cares about debt. They will care when taxes increase.
You obviously don't pay taxes----

CUT SPENDING --the government steals more than enough of my money. They are just robbing taxpayers and fyi ONCE AGAIN..you are completely ignorant if you think the billionaires don't have loopholes to get out of paying taxes leaving the middle class and lower upper class to pay for all of this graft and corruption. This is why billionaires donate aka BUY politicians-----

CUT spending----------make every dime be accounted for..........
I pay a shit ton of taxes. Increase taxes and spending will be cut. Until then people don’t care and debt will grow.

Increase taxes and spending will be cut?

That's not true. Never has been true.

Why didn't that work in Greece? If you made just $48,000 a year, you were subjected to a 44% tax rate, plus your social security tax of 25%, plus the 24% VAT sales tax.

Why did Greece go broke? Why did they end up in a crisis, default on their bonds, and have people burning wood to keep warm, because they couldn't even afford natural gas?


I’d like to see a politician tell the American people the plan is to increases taxes and decrease spending. I’m sure it will be wildly popular with everyone
We could move to a national sale tax and get rid of the IRS completely because all taxes would be collected at the retail sales level
How many rates would your sales tax contain?
If I buy a $100 bicycle and you buy a $100,000 car, do we pay the tax at the same percentage?
We will need to pay off debt somehow.
Worked so well in France.

"The entrepreneurial young people, they're going to London," Paris economist Jacob Arfwedson said. "They're going to Asia; they're going to the United States because they want to achieve something that is not automatically taken away by a state that says, 'You have, therefore I take it.'"

Yeah, that was a brilliant policy. By all means try it here, and see what happens. I'll be begging for Trump to be President again in a few years.
Where is there lower taxes our rich would go to?

Liberals always say no one will ever move because of high taxes. Bill Deblasio said the same thing and he was proven right...wait!
We could implement a flat tax and employers could collect and send the taxes to the US government then we could slash the IRS down to a fraction of its size to deal with the smaller part of the population that is self employed or owns businesses.
A flat tax would only make the gap between the rich and the poor wider than it is today:

What's Wrong With the American Tax System

"A flat, single rate of tax on all income has had some adherents, who emphasize its simplicity and argue that it would be fairer to charge all taxpayers the same rate.

"However, to raise the level of revenue required for government operations, it would be necessary to adopt a rate so high that the burden on lower-income taxpayers has been judged economically and politically unrealistic."
We will need to pay off debt somehow.
We need to stop spending---------making billionaires and politicians richer.
I would argue we need to stop cutting taxes and require a tax increase for any spending. We keep cutting taxes so nobody cares about debt. They will care when taxes increase.
You obviously don't pay taxes----

CUT SPENDING --the government steals more than enough of my money. They are just robbing taxpayers and fyi ONCE AGAIN..you are completely ignorant if you think the billionaires don't have loopholes to get out of paying taxes leaving the middle class and lower upper class to pay for all of this graft and corruption. This is why billionaires donate aka BUY politicians-----

CUT spending----------make every dime be accounted for..........
I pay a shit ton of taxes. Increase taxes and spending will be cut. Until then people don’t care and debt will grow.
Increase TAXES and revenue will drop as fewer people will work and more spending as our courrpt are ALWAYS pushing for will occur pushing us further into debt you dip. Don't you ever read the history?
Increase taxes and tax payers will care about debt, making spending increases political suicide.

You think people are going to say gee my taxes are going up so that makes me care about the debt right now? You don’t even have any semblance of logic
well yeah, then don't exploit them....frankly you likely won't be very successful if you do, because people won't work for you....they'll work for someone else....another amazing thing about capitalism....there are other employers to work for out there.
And every other capitalist employer exploits her workers; capitalism can not exist without exploitation and expropriation anymore than feudalism or slavery could because that's where the profits come from.
Exploitation and Expropriation, or Why Capitalism Must be Attacked with Equal Force on Every Front

What do we mean by exploitation?.

"Exploitation forms the basis of all the profits shared among the entire capitalist class.

"It is not simply the case that the wealthy have a lot while workers have little; capitalists accumulate wealth through a system of organized theft from the working class."
Not true.
Capitalism is not zero-sum when thinking of the economy as a fixed pie since the size of that pie is constantly in flux; however, capitalism is zero-sum in the sense that the wealth of one individual is not the wealth of another.
And one individual's net worth has nothing to do with your net worth.

You can raise your net worth anytime you want no one is stopping you.

The problem with these idiots is they look at wealth as a zero sum game. You really can’t have a conversation with these people.
I googled it. Definition of SOCIALISM

Socialism is when the State owns and operates the means of production
Your link:

"Definition of socialism

"1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods"

Socialism is when the means of production are owned by society whether that ownership is controlled by workers or government.

Capitalism is when the means of production are owned by a small minority of society some of whom acquire vast fortunes by privatizing profits and socializing costs.

Not true.
Capitalism is not zero-sum when thinking of the economy as a fixed pie since the size of that pie is constantly in flux; however, capitalism is zero-sum in the sense that the wealth of one individual is not the wealth of another.
And one individual's net worth has nothing to do with your net worth.

You can raise your net worth anytime you want no one is stopping you.

The problem with these idiots is they look at wealth as a zero sum game. You really can’t have a conversation with these people.

We can try. I think the key is pointing out that wealth isn't a static resource. It's created. It's the result of the work we do.

That's the first hurdle. Then we need to explain to them that investors do real work. Most socialists think of profit as "money for nothing". They deny the important role that investors play in a free market economy.
Socialism is when the means of production are owned by society whether that ownership is controlled by workers or government.

"The means of production". It's never clear to me what that's supposed to mean. It seems to me that the primary means of production is the human mind, and it bothers me a great deal to see that declared public property.
We could move to a national sale tax and get rid of the IRS completely because all taxes would be collected at the retail sales level
How many rates would your sales tax contain?
If I buy a $100 bicycle and you buy a $100,000 car, do we pay the tax at the same percentage?
$100 for a bicycle? Is it a complete bike? You buy a bike for $100 it is probably a used bike at a garage sale.
We will need to pay off debt somehow.
We need to stop spending---------making billionaires and politicians richer.
I would argue we need to stop cutting taxes and require a tax increase for any spending. We keep cutting taxes so nobody cares about debt. They will care when taxes increase.
You obviously don't pay taxes----

CUT SPENDING --the government steals more than enough of my money. They are just robbing taxpayers and fyi ONCE AGAIN..you are completely ignorant if you think the billionaires don't have loopholes to get out of paying taxes leaving the middle class and lower upper class to pay for all of this graft and corruption. This is why billionaires donate aka BUY politicians-----

CUT spending----------make every dime be accounted for..........
I pay a shit ton of taxes. Increase taxes and spending will be cut. Until then people don’t care and debt will grow.

Clinton increased taxes on the rich and cut spending.

The result, balanced budget, billions in surplus, the money stolen from the social security fund paid back and a plan to have the Reagan/bush national debt paid off by 2010.

Too bad the republicans and bush boy trashed it.

Obama raised taxes on the rich and cut spending.

The result, the record 1.4 trillion deficit was slashed by nearly 1 trillion down to 400 and something billion. He didn't leave a plan to have the national debt paid off.

Too bad the republicans and trump trashed it.

trump left a record deficit and debt. With no plan to pay it off.

It's as I've been saying for years and you have been saying in this thread. Raising taxes on the rich and cutting spending decreases deficits and debt.
Wow, Obama cut spending? Which programs had year to year reductions in their budgets? I'm not talking a Washington cut, where they ask for 10%, get 8% and whine that they took a draconian 2% cut. And while you're at it, please cite the programs that Bubba cut in the budgets he sent to Congress, not the reductions in growth that the REPUBLICAN congress gave him to sign.
College is not a necessity.
It's not life or death, but a college education increases the chances for a successful, independent, and happy life:

Top 10 Reasons Why College is Important

"5. College degree holders are more likely to be homeowners.
A 2016 report from real estate company Zillow found that 75% of all home buyers were college-educated in that year, compared to just 11% who had a high school diploma only and 14% who attended some college but did not earn a degree."

people have bought the bull that everyone has to go to college.

And there is no reason that anyone has to go to college full time for 4 years. It is possible to work and take college courses it might take a little longer but you can pay as you go and not be saddled with debt
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We could implement a flat tax and employers could collect and send the taxes to the US government then we could slash the IRS down to a fraction of its size to deal with the smaller part of the population that is self employed or owns businesses.
A flat tax would only make the gap between the rich and the poor wider than it is today:

What's Wrong With the American Tax System

"A flat, single rate of tax on all income has had some adherents, who emphasize its simplicity and argue that it would be fairer to charge all taxpayers the same rate.

"However, to raise the level of revenue required for government operations, it would be necessary to adopt a rate so high that the burden on lower-income taxpayers has been judged economically and politically unrealistic."

A flat tax is the only equitable tax.

and there is more than enough money if you get rid of all the deductions and convoluted tax laws.

in 2019 the total was were 18.6 trillion the revenue from income tax was 1.9 trillion a flat tax of 9.6% would have brought in the same revenue. And there would be savings from reducing the size of the IRS and getting rid of the expense of issuing refunds every year.

So your contention that a flat tax would have to be extremely high is wrong.
We could move to a national sale tax and get rid of the IRS completely because all taxes would be collected at the retail sales level
How many rates would your sales tax contain?
If I buy a $100 bicycle and you buy a $100,000 car, do we pay the tax at the same percentage?
$100 for a bicycle? Is it a complete bike? You buy a bike for $100 it is probably a used bike at a garage sale.

Complete bike for just 99 bucks and just right for george :p

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