Web Chat: The High Stakes of the Debt Limit Negotiations

Worst. Congress. Ever. - By Norman Ornstein | Foreign Policy

look what we have now: a long-term debt disaster with viable bipartisan solutions on the table but ignored or cast aside in Congress; an impasse over the usually perfunctory matter of raising the statutory debt limit placing the United States in jeopardy of its first-ever default; sniping and guerrilla warfare over two major policy steps enacted in the last Congress, health-care reform and financial regulation; no serious action or movement on climate change, jobs, or the continuing mortgage crisis; and major trade deals stalled yet again despite bipartisan and presidential support.
an impasse over the usually perfunctory matter of raising the statutory debt limit placing the United States in jeopardy of its first-ever default;
Out-and-out lie.

There will be no default if spending is cut to match revenues.
Worst. Congress. Ever. - By Norman Ornstein | Foreign Policy

look what we have now: a long-term debt disaster with viable bipartisan solutions on the table but ignored or cast aside in Congress; an impasse over the usually perfunctory matter of raising the statutory debt limit placing the United States in jeopardy of its first-ever default; sniping and guerrilla warfare over two major policy steps enacted in the last Congress, health-care reform and financial regulation; no serious action or movement on climate change, jobs, or the continuing mortgage crisis; and major trade deals stalled yet again despite bipartisan and presidential support.

Worst Congress ever?
No doubt worst President ever.
So there....it's a 'Mexican Stand-Off'.

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