Weisselberg Indicted

nobody is alternating reality about the trumped up case against Weisseberg
Are you sure? Some of the Trump faithful here have been trying to say that Weisselberg’s apartment in Manhattan was necessary temporary housing. You know, temporary as in 15 years.

Others have been pretending like the case is just car payments.

Others are pretending that tax fraud isn’t criminal.
that’s certainly an argument his accountants would make with the govt auditors in a normal proceeding…but this of course is a witch hunt and unprecedented move…so certainly one his attorneys will be using at trial…and rhe Govt burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt it wasn’t

certainly seems reasonable the business would want him to have an apartment in town closer to the office to use so he could be readily available instead of communiting all the time from his home in the suburbs
Maybe in a normal proceedings the accountants would have sat down with auditors.

Trump’s organization refused to allow that to happen.

If he wanted to play hardball, he’ll get hardball. Just don’t complain when the prosecutors don’t cut you any slack.
well yeah...of course...but we didn't have that here....Vance in an unprecedented move indicted him for a crime...never before has that happened for this sort of thing.

And he's been cooperating with Vance and the Grand Jury since 2018.

The "hardball" is because Vance didn't hear what he wanted to hear.
You actually think they’ve been cooperating with Vance? Seriously?
The CFO appeared as back as 2018.

They have where they felt they had to, and fought on issues where they thought he was going to far. Which is there right, and on some issues they apparently were, like trumps personal tax returns, which they have and found zippy to charge him with and his CFO wouldn’t say what they wanted so they took this unprecedented move
He was subpoenaed, was he not?

Kinda hard to claim you’re cooperating when all you did was comply with a minimum legal obligation.

They did not cooperate. They took Vance to the Supreme Court to get the tax returns for the organization. They refused to let anyone sit down voluntarily. They refused to turn over any information unless compelled.

They didn’t cooperate. Saying otherwise is defying reality.
He is referring to the idea that Weisselberg did cooperate with feds and actually received some limited immunity for it.

But that doesn't preclude someone from being charged and convicted of crimes, nor does it establish full cooperation.
poor kids breaking windows to get into people's shit is usually more important because the people getting broken into are usually just as poor. Plus the chance for violence is exponentially higher in these situations compared to white collar crime.
If it’s a violent crime, it’s no longer a broken windows issue.

You’re rationalizing ignoring hundreds of thousands of dollars of fraud because of you want to focus on hundreds of dollars theft.

It’s pathetic the lengths you go through to protect the rich. We can’t prosecute them because their crime sent SMALL enough.

I'm saying let the DA's with the beancounters handle that shit, because some local idiot doesn't have the staff to present it to a jury without them being bored for 5 weeks of numbers.

What's pathetic is a Manhattan DA gunning for something that doesn't impact people on the streets while ignoring things on the street going to hell.

And the guy who breaks into your house when you aren't there easily becomes the guy who breaks in when you are there.
You think tax fraud doesn’t impact people?

What’s this nonsense about “boring” a jury? Is that like a serious criticism? Somehow we can’t prosecute “boring” crimes. Jesus, you’re pathetic.
Get something through your thick skull Neanderthal. What you and your fellow leftards keep ignoring is that nobody has said not to prosecute except you idiots. We merely point out (as did your bible The NY Times) that this matter is handled in civil court with audits and fines. Not parading an elderly man around in handcuffs so you look tough while letting leftie Al Sharpton walk free with millions owed in taxes.
He didn't claim he was above the law, everyday citizens right against subpeanas all the time. He was exercising his right to go to Court to redress an issue.
His argument before the court was that as president he is above the law.

You shoulda read the briefs.

Best he got SO FAR was an executive who took home $1.7 million without paying taxes on any of it. Reducing it to a car shows either ignorance or dishonesty.
Another lie. You had no problem with Barry and holder ignoring subpoenas left and right. With actual claims of being above the law. Vance has nothing. Except another stain on his record. You calling anybody ignorant is just hilarious.
No other administration had to deal with the level of hate shown to his.
Nixon was always complaining about people out to get him too and as we all know he was so innocent.

Your back must hurt from carrying Trump’s water.
COmpared to your utter embarrassment of trying multiple times and failing to get Trump on anything you must be in intensive care from all the premature elation.
What you and your fellow leftards keep ignoring is that nobody has said not to prosecute except you idiots.
Tons of people are saying don’t prosecute.

This is a crime. Crimes should be prosecuted. Tax frauds are prosecuted all the time.
Still gotta get the name Trump in there even if he had no idea what was going on
So your excuse is that Trump didn't know his own company was committing felonies. So you are going with "he is an oblivious moron with poor leadership ability and is a poor judge of character". Okay.
LInk to where Trump oversaw every transaction at every company he was involved with. We’ll wait until the 12th of never for that proof.
COmpared to your utter embarrassment of trying multiple times and failing to get Trump on anything you must be in intensive care from all the premature elation.
Remember the calls of "lock her up" during Trump rallies?
What you and your fellow leftards keep ignoring is that nobody has said not to prosecute except you idiots.
Tons of people are saying don’t prosecute.

This is a crime. Crimes should be prosecuted. Tax frauds are prosecuted all the time.
So cite all these people. Pointing out legal precedent and procedure makes you sad because it shows you a liar and it doesn’t get Trump.
So cite all these people. Pointing out legal precedent and procedure makes you sad because it shows you a liar and it doesn’t get Trump.
This bonehead says don't prosecute criminally.
We merely point out (as did your bible The NY Times) that this matter is handled in civil court with audits and fines.
Just "pay a fine". Tax fraud is a crime. It should be prosecuted criminally. Fines are meaningless to these assholes.
nobody is alternating reality about the trumped up case against Weisseberg
Are you sure? Some of the Trump faithful here have been trying to say that Weisselberg’s apartment in Manhattan was necessary temporary housing. You know, temporary as in 15 years.

Others have been pretending like the case is just car payments.

Others are pretending that tax fraud isn’t criminal.
that’s certainly an argument his accountants would make with the govt auditors in a normal proceeding…but this of course is a witch hunt and unprecedented move…so certainly one his attorneys will be using at trial…and rhe Govt burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt it wasn’t

certainly seems reasonable the business would want him to have an apartment in town closer to the office to use so he could be readily available instead of communiting all the time from his home in the suburbs
Maybe in a normal proceedings the accountants would have sat down with auditors.

Trump’s organization refused to allow that to happen.

If he wanted to play hardball, he’ll get hardball. Just don’t complain when the prosecutors don’t cut you any slack.
well yeah...of course...but we didn't have that here....Vance in an unprecedented move indicted him for a crime...never before has that happened for this sort of thing.

And he's been cooperating with Vance and the Grand Jury since 2018.

The "hardball" is because Vance didn't hear what he wanted to hear.
You actually think they’ve been cooperating with Vance? Seriously?
The CFO appeared as back as 2018.

They have where they felt they had to, and fought on issues where they thought he was going to far. Which is there right, and on some issues they apparently were, like trumps personal tax returns, which they have and found zippy to charge him with and his CFO wouldn’t say what they wanted so they took this unprecedented move
He was subpoenaed, was he not?

Kinda hard to claim you’re cooperating when all you did was comply with a minimum legal obligation.

They did not cooperate. They took Vance to the Supreme Court to get the tax returns for the organization. They refused to let anyone sit down voluntarily. They refused to turn over any information unless compelled.

They didn’t cooperate. Saying otherwise is defying reality.
They fully cooperated when they felt it was justified and fought on issues they didn’t believe was.

The CFO has been meeting with Vance and the GJ since 2018 and the propagandist were running headlines then saying he was flipping and trump was doomed. Then earlier this year the stories were recycled…and now, after he has the “missing piece” trump tax returns and the CFO isn’t saying what Vance wants…we have these unprecedented charges and nothing on Trump.

Face it, you were had

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