Weisselberg Indicted

And just as important, he was there for >50% of each tax year, yet did not claim it as his primary residence.
that's temporary. hahahhhahahahahaha, fk, can't make it up, they contradict each other so much in here it becomes hilarious.
Barry ignored subpoenas from Congress, douchebag. You had no problem with that.
You realize that has nothing to do with the topic, right?

This isn't a thread about Congressional oversight of the executive.
Correct, your post had nothing to do with the topic.
After so much experience, one would think you would be a more clever troll. I guess some bars just can't be cleared, for some people.
nobody is alternating reality about the trumped up case against Weisseberg
Are you sure? Some of the Trump faithful here have been trying to say that Weisselberg’s apartment in Manhattan was necessary temporary housing. You know, temporary as in 15 years.

Others have been pretending like the case is just car payments.

Others are pretending that tax fraud isn’t criminal.
that’s certainly an argument his accountants would make with the govt auditors in a normal proceeding…but this of course is a witch hunt and unprecedented move…so certainly one his attorneys will be using at trial…and rhe Govt burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt it wasn’t

certainly seems reasonable the business would want him to have an apartment in town closer to the office to use so he could be readily available instead of communiting all the time from his home in the suburbs
Maybe in a normal proceedings the accountants would have sat down with auditors.

Trump’s organization refused to allow that to happen.

If he wanted to play hardball, he’ll get hardball. Just don’t complain when the prosecutors don’t cut you any slack.
well yeah...of course...but we didn't have that here....Vance in an unprecedented move indicted him for a crime...never before has that happened for this sort of thing.

And he's been cooperating with Vance and the Grand Jury since 2018.

The "hardball" is because Vance didn't hear what he wanted to hear.
You actually think they’ve been cooperating with Vance? Seriously?
The CFO appeared as back as 2018.

They have where they felt they had to, and fought on issues where they thought he was going to far. Which is there right, and on some issues they apparently were, like trumps personal tax returns, which they have and found zippy to charge him with and his CFO wouldn’t say what they wanted so they took this unprecedented move
He was subpoenaed, was he not?

Kinda hard to claim you’re cooperating when all you did was comply with a minimum legal obligation.

They did not cooperate. They took Vance to the Supreme Court to get the tax returns for the organization. They refused to let anyone sit down voluntarily. They refused to turn over any information unless compelled.

They didn’t cooperate. Saying otherwise is defying reality.
They fully cooperated when they felt it was justified and fought on issues they didn’t believe was.

The CFO has been meeting with Vance and the GJ since 2018 and the propagandist were running headlines then saying he was flipping and trump was doomed. Then earlier this year the stories were recycled…and now, after he has the “missing piece” trump tax returns and the CFO isn’t saying what Vance wants…we have these unprecedented charges and nothing on Trump.

Face it, you were had
So they "fully cooperated" except when they didn't.

You know that's doublespeak right?

The headlines you're thinking of are Weisselberg meeting with federal prosecutors with regard to Cohen.
no it’s plain English. They fully cooperated on everything, but on the issues that they believed Vance was going to far and fought those issues. Not sure how clearer that can be.

Vance was fishing, obviously…and came up with jack on Trump.
it is if he used it temporarily. Maybe others used it as well. Again, the english language and you don't get along.
This was his permanent job, you doofus. You don't get tax free housing for your permanent job just to cut down on commute.
no it’s plain English. They fully cooperated on everything, but on the issues that they believed Vance was going to far and fought those issues. Not sure how clearer that can be.
I love this line.

Trump was fully faithful to his wife, except when he believed he really wanted to have sex with someone else.

With this kind of doublespeak, anything is possible.
it is if he used it temporarily. Maybe others used it as well. Again, the english language and you don't get along.
This was his permanent job, you doofus. You don't get tax free housing for your permanent job just to cut down on commute.
haha maybe in your business. but a company having an apartment in the city for employees is not uncommon
no it’s plain English. They fully cooperated on everything, but on the issues that they believed Vance was going to far and fought those issues. Not sure how clearer that can be.
I love this line.

Trump was fully faithful to his wife, except when he believed he really wanted to have sex with someone else.

With this kind of doublespeak, anything is possible.
that’s not doublespeak, in your hypo is was until he wasn’t.

but that’s not the same comparison either. the question is of really three different things/people , the CFO, Trump and the Trump Org. and numerous issues

Trump personally didn’t cooperate with turning his personal private federal tax returns over

the CFO cooperated fully and has since 2018.

The trump org fully cooperated but on specific issues when they thought the Vance was going to far in his obvious witch hunt and exercised their rights on those issues

with that said nobody is required to cooperate. Vance was given a gift when the CFO did as far back as 2018
haha maybe in your business. but a company having an apartment in the city for employees is not uncommon
That's fine.

But it becomes a taxable benefit then.
again not necessarily but it could, and as i said normally the experts would argue of it and if something was owed paid

not this unprecedented move by Vance because he ended up with nothing during his witch hunt against the President
no it’s plain English. They fully cooperated on everything, but on the issues that they believed Vance was going to far and fought those issues. Not sure how clearer that can be.
I love this line.

Trump was fully faithful to his wife, except when he believed he really wanted to have sex with someone else.

With this kind of doublespeak, anything is possible.
that’s not doublespeak, in your hypo is was until he wasn’t.

but that’s not the same comparison either. the question is of really three different things/people , the CFO, Trump and the Trump Org. and numerous issues

Trump personally didn’t cooperate with turning his personal private federal tax returns over

the CFO cooperated fully and has since 2018.

The trump org fully cooperated but on specific issues when they thought the Vance was going to far in his obvious witch hunt and exercised their rights on those issues

with that said nobody is required to cooperate. Vance was given a gift when the CFO did as far back as 2018
Yes. It’s doublespeak. Fully cooperating means fully. If you go to the Supreme Court to block a subpoena, that’s not fully cooperating.

Furthermore, there’s nothing about Weisselberg that indicates he’s cooperating fully. You know he appeared in front of the grand jury. Beyond that, you have no idea about whether he did anything requested beyond that.
haha maybe in your business. but a company having an apartment in the city for employees is not uncommon
That's fine.

But it becomes a taxable benefit then.
again not necessarily but it could, and as i said normally the experts would argue of it and if something was owed paid

not this unprecedented move by Vance because he ended up with nothing during his witch hunt against the President
Yes. Necessarily. The rules on tax free lodging are pretty strict.

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