Weissman Fake Dossier Knowledge Should Shut Mueller Down

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
While all legacy media and liberal eyes have been focused on Trump "fixer" Michael Cohen and Clintonista lawyer Lanny Davis's lies about Trump payoffs to old girlfriends, few have focused on the activities of Andrew Weissmann, special counsel Robert Mueller's chief deputy and investigator, who has a well deserved reputation as Mueller's "pit bull."

Weissmann, among his other jobs, was lead prosecutor in the trial of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. Weissmann was also Mueller's attorney on the ground, who oversaw the pre-dawn raid on Manafort's home. He was a key player in Mueller's team of angry Democrat lawyers and donors bent on bringing down the Trump presidency based on false charges of Trump collusion with Russians meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Problem is, as former deputy assistant attorney general Bruce Ohr's closed-door testimony before Congress shows, Weissmann had full knowledge of the fake nature of the Steele dossier, which was a major predicate of the Russian witch hunt that became the Mueller probe. Weissman knew there was collusion with the Russians and that it was among the DNC; the Clinton campaign; British agent Christopher Steele; Fusion GPS; the DOJ; the FBI; and, yes, Russian sources interested in upending the Trump presidency.

In the parlance of the day, this would make Weissmann an unindicted co-conspirator in the Deep State plot to bring Trump down.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

this would make Weissmann an unindicted co-conspirator in the Deep State plot to bring Trump down.

Doesn't he mean yet another? So far I haven't seen any indicted conspirator or co-conspirator in the Deep State plot to bring Trump down. Those would be Comey, McCabe, McCain, Obama, Clinton, Clapper, Brennan, and I'm sured there are other's who I am forgetting right off the top of my head.
The left is terrified of being outed, it's gonna be a constant stream of distractions and disinformation to keep the hounds off their trail until Trump is out of office. They've committed crimes, BIG crimes, including treason. If they lay off Trump now he will be reelected for sure and their plans to convert our republic into a Marxist utopia will end up on the ash heaps of history, not to mention being brought to justice. This is exactly what Hillary Clinton meant when she said "If that fucking bastard wins we'll all hang by a noose".

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