Welcome to 1984 big brother google now watching your every political move

Google monitors each and every cell phone. The Android ones even moreso.
. Monitors for what ? What are they after ?

Metadata, targeted ads, and whatever else they can get.
. Would they use anything against their supposed targets for revenue in which they claim the consumer of their product is a generator of ? Otherwise are they politically motivated to spy for their leftist handlers by the powers in which they have been given by the people unaware ?

Why would they collect so much if they weren't going to use it for something?
. The fact that they lean left should be the flag for everyone.
Google monitors each and every cell phone. The Android ones even moreso.
The public is far too late in recognizing they are THE most survelled population ever; with militarized police depts, cops who can murder unarmed citizens in the streets with impunity, public protests that are crushed by state violence and corporate for profit prisons with convict leasing.

And it was all accomplished with no resistance whatsoever, not a peep. A great deal of public cooperation was invovled actually. Fweedumb.
The think most asses can't get about infowars is INFOWARS breaks down, decodes, and explains what something is " REALLY SAYING" , not just flat black and white what you are reading information. IT's WORDAGE used by msm, controlled web sites etc that ppl do not get and do not see unless they are TAUGHT how to spot what is " REALLY BEING SAID" that is why sheep are to stupid to learn this, figure this out, pick up on it etc.
Google monitors each and every cell phone. The Android ones even moreso.
. Monitors for what ? What are they after ?

Metadata, targeted ads, and whatever else they can get.

I use my smartphone to run the home security. No choice there. I think I've maybe made 5-6 calls on it since I've had it, and all innocuous.

I never text, and I delete any ads. I never browse on it.

The camera lens is covered.

But you are still tracked, and your security camera can easily be hacked. so you are still being watched. Or can be rather.
Google monitors each and every cell phone. The Android ones even moreso.
. Monitors for what ? What are they after ?

Metadata, targeted ads, and whatever else they can get.

I use my smartphone to run the home security. No choice there. I think I've maybe made 5-6 calls on it since I've had it, and all innocuous.

I never text, and I delete any ads. I never browse on it.

The camera lens is covered.

But you are still tracked, and your security camera can easily be hacked. so you are still being watched. Or can be rather.

You will never catch it all. One does what one can.
Google monitors each and every cell phone. The Android ones even moreso.
. Monitors for what ? What are they after ?

Metadata, targeted ads, and whatever else they can get.
. Would they use anything against their supposed targets for revenue in which they claim the consumer of their product is a generator of ? Otherwise are they politically motivated to spy for their leftist handlers by the powers in which they have been given by the people unaware ?

Why would they collect so much if they weren't going to use it for something?

They do use it, people just don't understand how let alone want to believe it all It will be and can be used against you in every aspect of your life. Including your health. Health care etc.
Google monitors each and every cell phone. The Android ones even moreso.
. Monitors for what ? What are they after ?

Metadata, targeted ads, and whatever else they can get.

I use my smartphone to run the home security. No choice there. I think I've maybe made 5-6 calls on it since I've had it, and all innocuous.

I never text, and I delete any ads. I never browse on it.

The camera lens is covered.

But you are still tracked, and your security camera can easily be hacked. so you are still being watched. Or can be rather.

You will never catch it all. One does what one can.

Totally agree, i am beginning to think we could have a total grid down and even then it wouldn't fry what the Gov. has . They probably have some nano tech crap that would sitll work in tracking people lmfao, and we are probably all infected with it too. The shit sounds crazy but it has been done using nano technology that just hangs out in our bodies.
Google monitors each and every cell phone. The Android ones even moreso.
. Monitors for what ? What are they after ?

Metadata, targeted ads, and whatever else they can get.

I use my smartphone to run the home security. No choice there. I think I've maybe made 5-6 calls on it since I've had it, and all innocuous.

I never text, and I delete any ads. I never browse on it.

The camera lens is covered.

But you are still tracked, and your security camera can easily be hacked. so you are still being watched. Or can be rather.

You will never catch it all. One does what one can.

LMAO CHECK THIS OUT & not it's not from infowars :

Nanotechnology and Surveillance
A Foresight Nanotech Institute Policy Issues Brief
Nanotechnology will eventually enable supercomputing on a very small scale, detection of minute amounts of substances, rapid analysis of genomes, and implantation of microchips into humans. These technologies will be highly beneficial in promoting economic progress, health, and environmental preservation. But these technologies may also come with a darker side: they can open new opportunities for governments, individuals, and private interests to violate privacy. How nanotechnology will affect our privacy, and what actions governments should take, are important issues that need to be resolved before nano-surveillance becomes ubiquitous and its control difficult. Without careful consideration, thought, and possibly new policy action, "Big Brother" may end up being very, very small.

Nanotechnology and Surveillance
Google has taken the unprecedented step of burying material, mostly from websites on the political right, that it has deemed to be inappropriate. The problem, however, is that the world’s largest search engine is a left-leaning company with an ax to grind.
Welcome to 1984: Big Brother Google now watching your every political move

Another reason sheep can't figure out why they're so stupid , totally controlled, manipulated and think the way they do. You can tell them about msm, controlled media they just don't get it. Never will.

Don't trust the MSM.....but trust Infowars, run by a man who argued in court that his media personality is just a character he plays, that he's a performance artist. ;)

Weak minds can't figure out a gawd dam thing, and weak minds blame the source as a means to COP OUT on the subject leftist morons are masters at it.
What you stupid fks fail to do every mother fkn time you use infowars as the " SOURCE" excuse is LOOK FOR THE GAWD DAM LINK TO THE ORIGINAL STORY WHICH IS ALWAYS AT THE TOP LEFT CORNER...

View attachment 148322

WHAT MAKES YOU FKS SO PATHETIC, is if I posted this from RT ONLY, or WPO ONLY and this exact same story is on infowars you dumbasses have a totally different response just because of where your idiot minds see it is from. ................

And I've done it before took a story that was ON INFOWARS clicked their source link, and posted it from that instead and you dumb fks swallow it up with loathing the issue it is about.

"Weak minds blame the source."

"You can tell them about msm, controlled media they just don't get it."

Google monitors each and every cell phone. The Android ones even moreso.
The public is far too late in recognizing they are THE most survelled population ever; with militarized police depts, cops who can murder unarmed citizens in the streets with impunity, public protests that are crushed by state violence and corporate for profit prisons with convict leasing.

And it was all accomplished with no resistance whatsoever, not a peep. A great deal of public cooperation was invovled actually. Fweedumb.
. The freedom of this country has been under attack since globalization became a part of the liberals desires to be a world citizen instead of a sovereign United States citizen. The greed of corporatists that are made up of whom (?), are responsible for the downfall of American sovereignty as well... The tech world is being employed to finish the job. Trump is hated by many, because he wants this nation to go against the idea of globalism. He wants to make America a soveriegn nation again, but that isn't sitting well with the globalist. When will the liberal left understand that it has been being used by the globalist, and that they have become anti-American because of it ??
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This thread reminded me to check which videos google has censored from youtube today...
This thread reminded me to check which videos google has censored from youtube today...
. If censored, then how is it in the YouTube format to be watched ?

Sometimes when youtube censors crap they put it where it won't show up in searches as like a top search kind of thing. Or it gets shoved so far back one has to really dig in order to find it.
This thread reminded me to check which videos google has censored from youtube today...
. If censored, then how is it in the YouTube format to be watched ?

Most of the usual youtube features have been disabled. Comments, likes, shares. It can't even be viewed on this forum, try clicking it. It's only the first step towards total censorship at this point it's more like suppression.
Here's another one...had to google this guy to find out what he's about because the video is so long. Some kind of anti-apartheid 9/11 truther.
Here's another one...had to google this guy to find out what he's about because the video is so long. Some kind of anti-apartheid 9/11 truther.
. Wackos everywhere these days, and YouTube provided a platform for them for years, but our problem is who are the real wackos, and who they aren't is getting more and more confusing to our young as the indoctrination continues. The bad are making it harder and harder for the good to stay above the water line.
Wackos everywhere these days, and YouTube provided a platform for them for years, but our problem is who are the real wackos, and who they aren't is getting more and more confusing to our young as the indoctrination continues. The bad are making it harder and harder for the good to stay above the water line.

Whether or not you agree with the opinions being censored is beside the point. I feel like I should point out that ISIS beheading videos aren't censored.
Wackos everywhere these days, and YouTube provided a platform for them for years, but our problem is who are the real wackos, and who they aren't is getting more and more confusing to our young as the indoctrination continues. The bad are making it harder and harder for the good to stay above the water line.

Whether or not you agree with the opinions being censored is beside the point. I feel like I should point out that ISIS beheading videos aren't censored.
. Like I said, it's getting harder for the youth to determine who are bad these days, because the bad are being promoted as good, and the good are being promoted as being bad. Matters not what I think upon who is bad or good, but only that the lines are so blurred that no one listens anymore anyway.

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