Welcome to Stalin World

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Anyone is free to post whatever they like or whatever the board allows, I'm just commenting that the likely best way to get someone to read what you post is to, at most, post a medium sized post, maybe 3-4 paragraphs, and include links to whatever it is you are discussing.

Just my observation over the years, take it or toss it.

For Stalin I think this is a non-issue. He died long ago. Putin is relevant but there is no real threat to the US or it's allies. Bluster doesn't equal real threat.
If people are free to post whatever they like or whatever the board allows then the best method of preaching is to present the full picture. Whatever it takes? That is what I will do.

The souls of men are at stake here. The value of one soul is worth more than all the universe combined. If by reading this thread even one person were to decide to follow Jesus Christ and abandon whatever sins they are living in right now......it would be more than worth it.

We cannot know how many people will read this thread. The thread shows 502 views at this writing. I have not posted 502 posts on this thread, Newton. There are a total of 60 posts on this thread including this one I am writing right now. I'm sure I posted the majority of those posts as I was posting the necessary material to inform the reader and responded to some of the inquiries. That leaves over 400 views which means that someone is reading this thread. And here is what the Word of God tells us about those who read the Scriptures -even as posted in this thread:

It is written:
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17

It is written:
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11

What does this mean? It means that wherever the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached, wherever the Word of God is spoken and those seeds of faith are planted - it will not return back void unto God but it will perform the work it was sent to do. What is that work? To save the souls of men who are presently condemned. To save the souls of any sinner who would call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. This is why the Gospel of Jesus Christ is called, "The Good News."

The most vile sinner can be forgiven. Communists, atheists, Satanists, Witches, Warlocks, Wizards, Witch Doctors, Hindus, Muslims, Paedophiles, Marxists (Socialists), Buddhists, Catholics, Pharisees, Saducees, unbelieving Jews, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Agnostics........ANYONE.

It is written:
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Romans 10:13

And what must the laborer do? Jesus said:

I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
John 9:4

And so the people of God must pray to the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers as He told us to:

It is written:
Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
Matthew 9: 37,38

And what can be said for those who try to hinder the laborers?

It is written:
He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.
Matthew 12:30
To Bleipriester: how do you think, am I right? Just look:

Sbiker said:
4. Explain this lies by "specific of russian people" (see photo of biker and so on). "They love Bloody Stalin - they crazy - they not a humans - they dumb soviets/aliens/untermensh and so on" to dehumanize Russians.

Such Russian soldiers are not men. They are lawless devils dressed in uniforms who have no souls. .
Yes, you are right. Jeremiah is a victim of brainwashing. He has no grip on reality and doesn´t realize what he is agitating is actually the evil he tries to locate somewhere else.
Do you often seek out discussions with those you consider brainwashed and having no grip on reality? What might that say about you, Bleipriester?
Stalin World sounds like a comical political version of Knott's Berry Farm.

Because there are no any other ways to represent Stalin as devil or bloody maniac. When we start to examine facts, it would be very different picture about Stalin and Stalin's world :) If you want, I can briefly comment all material, we have here, as it seems from the facts side - but it would be a large task :)
By all means. Do it.
Anyone is free to post whatever they like or whatever the board allows, I'm just commenting that the likely best way to get someone to read what you post is to, at most, post a medium sized post, maybe 3-4 paragraphs, and include links to whatever it is you are discussing.

Just my observation over the years, take it or toss it.

For Stalin I think this is a non-issue. He died long ago. Putin is relevant but there is no real threat to the US or it's allies. Bluster doesn't equal real threat.
You couldn't believe the actions of Putin are bluster or you wouldn't be attempting to portray it as such. The very fact that you've mentioned it is an admission that you are not quite so sure, Newton. Do you read the news much?

Putin Threatens America with Nuclear Annihilation

Russia reportedly names US as threat to national security for first time | Fox News

Putin's NUCLEAR threat to US - Russia to build 'missiles to penetrate' America's defences

Military leaders name Russia as top threat to U.S.

Russia named No.1 threat to U.S. by Obama's Joint Chiefs nominee

Putin's NUCLEAR threat to US - Russia to build 'missiles to penetrate' America's defences

More Proof that Russian and Chinese Troops Have Breached the Territorial Integrity of the United States - Dave Hodges - The Common Sense Show

Russian military building new underground bunkers

Is Russia Preparing for World War III?

Putin is building a ‘super army’ and preparing for a ‘large scale’ conflict as Nato struggles to control him, intelligence experts claim

If the US Government believes that Russia is our number one threat then why do they believe they will abide by UN plan and invite them inside America? Has there been no consideration that the Russians just might "change their minds" and opt out of this future UN NWO operation against law abiding citizens of the United States?

UN Troops Landing At US Air Force Bases

EXPOSED: Russian Troops On US Soil To Aid FEMA | Off The Grid News

Why Are We Training Russian Troops in the US?

US, Russian soldiers train together in Colorado | Fox News

AMERICAN HOLOCAUST and The Coming NEW WORLD ORDER: Russian Troops in USA For Martial Law: Guest Article

While at best there is a mixture of truth and disinformation in some of these articles (or perhaps all) the bottom line is that one must question why anytime these subjects are brought up there are those among us who strongly object to such discussions.

As one whistle blower reminded his readers,

Shakespeare once warned us to not believe people who are protesting too loudly. - end quote

Maybe it's time we payed attention to Shakespeare's warning.
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To Bleipriester: how do you think, am I right? Just look:

Sbiker said:
4. Explain this lies by "specific of russian people" (see photo of biker and so on). "They love Bloody Stalin - they crazy - they not a humans - they dumb soviets/aliens/untermensh and so on" to dehumanize Russians.

Such Russian soldiers are not men. They are lawless devils dressed in uniforms who have no souls. .
Yes, you are right. Jeremiah is a victim of brainwashing. He has no grip on reality and doesn´t realize what he is agitating is actually the evil he tries to locate somewhere else.
Do you often seek out discussions with those you consider brainwashed and having no grip on reality? What might that say about you, Bleipriester?
You are obviously obsessed with an anti-Russian doctrine. Rethink your racist crap and come back later.
To Bleipriester: how do you think, am I right? Just look:

Sbiker said:
4. Explain this lies by "specific of russian people" (see photo of biker and so on). "They love Bloody Stalin - they crazy - they not a humans - they dumb soviets/aliens/untermensh and so on" to dehumanize Russians.

Such Russian soldiers are not men. They are lawless devils dressed in uniforms who have no souls. .
Yes, you are right. Jeremiah is a victim of brainwashing. He has no grip on reality and doesn´t realize what he is agitating is actually the evil he tries to locate somewhere else.
Do you often seek out discussions with those you consider brainwashed and having no grip on reality? What might that say about you, Bleipriester?
You are obviously obsessed with an anti-Russian doctrine. Rethink your racist crap and come back later.
The truth is hate to those who hate the truth.

Here is the truth:

To Bleipriester: how do you think, am I right? Just look:

Sbiker said:
4. Explain this lies by "specific of russian people" (see photo of biker and so on). "They love Bloody Stalin - they crazy - they not a humans - they dumb soviets/aliens/untermensh and so on" to dehumanize Russians.

Such Russian soldiers are not men. They are lawless devils dressed in uniforms who have no souls. .
Yes, you are right. Jeremiah is a victim of brainwashing. He has no grip on reality and doesn´t realize what he is agitating is actually the evil he tries to locate somewhere else.
Do you often seek out discussions with those you consider brainwashed and having no grip on reality? What might that say about you, Bleipriester?
You are obviously obsessed with an anti-Russian doctrine. Rethink your racist crap and come back later.
The truth is hate to those who hate the truth.

Here is the truth:

View attachment 85886
Come on. You cannot call people untermenschen and then post religious quotes.
As a communist I don’t believe in heaven or the Bible but as a scientist I now believe in hell,” said Dr. Azzacove. “Needless to say we were shocked to make such a discovery. But we know what we saw and we know what we heard.

And we are absolutely convinced that we drilled through the gates of hell!

Dr. Azzacove continued, “. . . the drill suddenly began to rotate wildly, indicating that we had reached a large empty pocket or cavern. Temperature sensors showed a dramatic increase in heat to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.”

“We lowered a microphone, designed to detect the sounds of plate movements down the shaft. But instead of plate movements we heard a human voice screaming in pain! At first we thought the sound was coming from our own equipment.”

“But when we made adjustments our worst suspicions were confirmed. The screams weren’t those of a single human, they were the screams of millions of humans!

(www.av1611.org, hell place)

At the 3:37 timeline of this video you will hear a demon utter one word, "Eden," Eden is defined as paradise. This is cruel mockery for the damned who believed that there would be a reward in hell for them after serving Lucifer so faithfully on earth. Those in the occult know of Lucifer's promise that they would be immortal and live forever (he omitted some pertinent facts), that they will rule in hell, why they ever believed Lucifer while knowing he is the Father of lies - is beyond me. Why do people in the occult who serve Lucifer believe he will keep his word to them? Is this not the height of foolishness? Yes. It is. Those cries you hear, some are in hell for their work on earth serving Lucifer in the occult. Some reward, eh? Listen to the video again. Then ask yourselves if Lucifer really intends to make good on his promise to some of you.

What doe the bible tell us? Is it possible that men could dig down to hell and hear the cries of the damned? With God all things are possible. If it is the Lord's will to reveal to men who do not believe He exists the truth, then yes, God will use such means to open the eyes of the blind.

“Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, whence I bring them down: And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the serpent, and he shall bite them: And though they go into captivity before their enemies, thence will I command the sword, and it shall slay them: and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil, and not for good.
- Amos 9:2 - 4

Who dug down to hell? Atheists. This is perfectly aligned with what God prophesies through His servant Amos.

One must take into account that the Russian officials seized all of the equipment and the recording - yet there was obviously at least one copy made by at least one of these scientists and therein the recording was heard by the world despite their best efforts to stop it. If it were a hoax as the Russians claimed why would they involve themselves in such a subject? Wouldn't they realize that it would cause the world to believe hell was real as millions already have? Wouldn't they realize that many would be saved after realizing that there were a hell? You see, there would be no motive for having created such an elaborate hoax and without a motive? You don't have a case.

*** There was some wrong information written at beginning of the video which states the recording happened in 1999. And that the story came to America in 2009. That is impossible. I read the news story over 40 years ago and by that time it had traveled far and wide. Looking at the photograph of the scientists and the timeline of events I would guess that the incident happened in the 1950's or 1960's. Again we see a concerted effort to hide the truth about the timeline.

I just found an article about the drill site which puts the timeline of the Russian Siberian drilling project in the year 1970. It's still the deepest hole on earth that was drilled. And wouldn't you know? They mention the Siberian scientists - show the capped off hole to hell (which the scientists had talked about many years ago - capping it off) and even admit that it was as hot as the scientists reported it was! Still they deny it because they claim the scientists didn't drill through the mantle.

Decades ago, the Russians drilled deeper than anyone has ever gone. Their Kola Superdeep Borehole was started in 1970 and still holds the world record for the deepest hole in the ground. But they didn’t reach the mantle. As the latest mantle drilling project begins today off the coast of Africa, people are wondering if a billion dollars for the newest hole in the ground is worth the money. We can’t say. We don’t know what the team in the Indian Ocean might learn. But back in the ’70s and ’80s, no one expected the results the Soviets got from their 12,262-metre-deep borehole.

Here are 6 unexpected discoveries from the world’s deepest well:

  1. There’s a lot of water down there. Hot mineralized water was found almost everywhere along the drill path. Everyone figured that the granite would be as dry as a stone. Who says you can’t get water from a rock?
  2. To cut miles into the ground, the engineers had to invent a whole new drill.In the past, drillers quickly spun the entire drillstem so the bit at the bottom could chew the bedrock. Before starting, the Soviets calculated that the tubing would weigh over a million pounds. They could never generate enough torque to rotate that much pipe fast enough to drill through kilometres of granite. So, in 1969, the Soviets invented a rotary bit. It spun by sending pressurized mud down the pipe where it blew through a turbine at the drill head, spinning it 80 revolutions per minute. It worked and the system is now used on oil wells.
  3. The Earth has gas. Unexpectedly, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, and even carbon dioxide (from microbes) were found all along the borehole.
  4. There is no basalt under the continent’s granite. This was a huge surprise. Seismic suggested that at 9,000 metres the granite would give way to basalt. It doesn’t. The seismic anomaly that suggested basalt was caused by metamorphosed granite instead. This gave support for plate tectonics, which was a new theory when the Kola Superdeep Borehole was being drilled.
  5. There are fossils in granite 6,700 metres below the surface. How’d that happen?
  6. Hell is deeper than 12,262 metres. There’s a persistent rumour that the drilling ended in 1992 because scientists pierced a super-hot cavity and heard the screams of damned souls. Not likely. For that, they probably needed to actually reach the mantle.

Door to Hell: the Kola well head was sealed in 2006. (Credit: Rakot13)

Drilling to the Mantle: 6 unexpected discoveries from the world's deepest well

Now the information in no. 6 cannot possibly be true. Because the drilling expedition of the Siberian geologists / scientists didn't happen in 1992. I heard about the story in the 70's. How could I have seen a newspaper article about it and the picture of these scientists in the 1970's if their claim that it happened in 1992 is accurate? It's not possible so again they are covering up the truth. The story I read was that it was capped off immediately (welding it shut). That would mean the discovery happened in the 70's. Not 2006 as they claim here. The story keeps changing because the Russians are hoping by continuing to change the dates, etc concerning this story that it will discredit it. Yet the scientists who were on this project are real and their statements stand to this very day. No one ever recanted. Many have been saved after hearing the video recording they took that day. To God be the Glory!

(www.av1611.org, hell place)

At the 3:37 timeline of this video you will hear a demon utter one word, "Eden," Eden is defined as paradise. This is cruel mockery for the damned who believed that there would be a reward in hell for them after serving Lucifer so faithfully on earth. Those in the occult know of Lucifer's promise that they would be immortal and live forever (he omitted some pertinent facts), that they will rule in hell, why they ever believed Lucifer while knowing he is the Father of lies - is beyond me. Why do people in the occult who serve Lucifer believe he will keep his word to them? Is this not the height of foolishness? Yes. It is. Those cries you hear, some are in hell for their work on earth serving Lucifer in the occult. Some reward, eh? Listen to the video again. Then ask yourselves if Lucifer really intends to make good on his promise to some of you.

What doe the bible tell us? Is it possible that men could dig down to hell and hear the cries of the damned? With God all things are possible. If it is the Lord's will to reveal to men who do not believe He exists the truth, then yes, God will use such means to open the eyes of the blind.

“Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, whence I bring them down: And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the serpent, and he shall bite them: And though they go into captivity before their enemies, thence will I command the sword, and it shall slay them: and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil, and not for good.
- Amos 9:2 - 4
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Sorry, but how could I be quiet, when the bloody practices of communist regime still continues by current regime at Ukraine? They perform ethnic cleansings, they perform religious persecution... And most of all media still keeping poker face...

I would like to ask you to please watch this video and understand that the Ukraine didn't do this. Josef Stalin did.

WHAT? Stalin arrested Miroslava Berdnik yesterday? Stalin ALIVE? Man, I don't know about you, but if "Bloody Stalin" could avoid his death to continue his repressions, I'm afraid it's not safe to discuss themes like this here... :)))

Stalin didn't just go in the ground, return to dust and cease to exist, Sbiker. Stalin is in hell and crying out to Jesus Christ right now for mercy. Stalin is in agony with millions of other damned souls who do not have access to a single drop of water. Millions of souls who have eternal indestructible bodies that reappear every time they are ripped apart by the demons of hell. The tortures demons use on the damned are more horrific than the abilities of Russian soldiers who believe they are invincible and fulfilling some great destiny of the motherland by coming to America to mass murder millions, rape, mutilate and torture people all for Putin's bloodlust to have his own imperial ambitions.

None of which will come to fruition long term because he's destined for the same hell you are.

You were created in the image of God. See Genesis 1:26,27,28 KJV. Satan despises you and hopes to keep you in your ignorance. Satan wants you to believe that God does not exist. Even the demons of hell know that God is and they tremble.

The fool says in his heart there is no God. He is blinded by Satan into believing this. And so because he does not believe in God he thinks he is his own free agent and can do whatever he wishes.

This increases his wickedness because if there is no accountability for his actions then he is capable of the most heinous crimes against human beings.

His heart becomes so dark that although in a human body he is as more of the nature of a demon - even as Karl Marx was. Karl Marx had no use for his family other than to hope fervently that they would die so that he could inherit their riches because he was too lazy to earn an honest living.

Were it not for Engels he would have been on the streets. Karl Marx knew there was a God but he desired to cast God from His throne. A mere man shaking his puny little fist at God as if he were God's equal. What insanity. Truly the man was demon possessed.

Those close to Karl Marx remarked that he was like a devil. Karl Marx is in hell with Josef Stalin right now suffering unspeakable horrors. You're still alive. You do not care that 10 million Ukrainian men, women and children were starved to death because you are devoid of all conscience at this moment.

I am praying for you that God will awaken your conscience and reveal to you every evil thing you have thought of in your heart, every evil thing you have done, every evil thing you plan to do and what will be the end result for you if you do not repent - hell. You do not come to God when you feel like it. You come when His Holy Spirit convicts your heart. That is the time to confess your sins and come to God.

You know many years ago a group of Scientists were drilling in Siberia. They drilled deep down into the earth and lowered a device that could record sounds inside the earth. What they heard horrified them. These men were athiests like you. But after they heard the most terrifying sound of the cries of the damned, human voices crying out they realized that hell was real.

The news of what had happened and the recording ended up in the hands of people who shared the recording with others. The story became famous. The Russians denied that the scientists had actually had this experience and quickly moved to call it a hoax. Why did they do this? Because they didn't want the people to believe there was a hell. If hell exists then heaven exists and if heaven exists then there is a God and they know the Bible reveals that all sinners will be cast into hell.

If Russia had been converted and men such as yourself were saved then who would do their dirty work for them?

Do you not realize that the Russian soldiers have a reputation as being worse than the Nazi's? That they mass raped women and children in Europe (WWII) and had no mercy for any human life? That they acted like vicious animals? There is no honor in a man that behaves in such a way. Truth be told they were not soldiers but mere criminals that deserved to rot behind bars in the lowest part of the prison.

And what about the Communist guards in communist jails and prisons? Are they not among most vile creatures that ever existed? Yes, those who survived the communist jails have said that they were men who were completely possessed by devils. Christian prisoners wept over their souls knowing what horrifying torment awaited the Communists in hell. They did their best to win them to Jesus Christ. So this is the story of the Communist guards. Many knew of heaven and hell and yet their only desire was to force Christian prisoners into blaspheming God so that they could make the Christian go to hell and miss heaven. Buy a copy of Tortured for Christ, by Richard Wurmbrand and learn the truth.

What kind of wickedness is that? And yet wickedness is only weakness in disguise. Such wicked men are too weak to stand against the evil rulers they work for. They have no real courage. In essence they are cowards. No coward ever won heaven, you know. The same holds true for the Russian soldiers who committed vile atrocities against men, women and children and did not abide by the rules of engagement (in war). These were common criminals who had no integrity, no honor, no valor, no sound judgment. Today there are Russian men who think the same way their predecessors did (the ones who are tormented in hell now).

Such Russian soldiers are not men. They are lawless devils dressed in uniforms who have no souls. They have determined to do these things because they do not believe they will ever be held accountable to any higher authority. Yet there is a higher authority. He is the highest authority and His Name is Jesus Christ.

Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Including yours. Now you can do it on earth or you can do it in hell but you will bow down and bend you knee to Jesus Christ and confess that He is the Lord.

Jeremiah, I prefer to start from Matthew 7:15 - 7:16

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."
"By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?"

And I would PRAY for Stalin! :) Thanks to him, because my ansectors are not murdered by Hitler's nazi... Thanks to him, he prevented my lifeplace from faith of Hiroshima (by US plans of "Totality" or "Dropshot"). Thanks to him, I live in industrialized, well defensed and educated country. That's a FRUITS I see every day. And all you've posted here - just a combination of howling of false prophets, dressed with sheep's clothing...

It is too late for Stalin. He is in hell. There is no purgatory. That is a doctrine of devils not found in the KJV Holy Bible. Because of Stalin (and Marxist teachings) you have been brainwashed to believe lies while rejecting the truth.

Because of Stalin you are living in a land that is under the curse of Almighty God. Because of Stalin there are more generational curses upon your bloodline than perhaps otherwise would have been. And yet? Jesus Christ can destroy those generational curses, remove the heart of stone within you and give you a new heart that desires to do the right thing and glorify God. Who shall you serve? God or Satan? Your decision determines your eternal destiny. Choose wisely, Sbiker.

Do you know why Zhirinovsky is so popular with the Russian people? Because he is a mad man. Madness has entered the hearts of many of the Russian people because they have chosen to believe a lie. They have rejected God and chosen a form of dead religion (orthodox Russian / another branch out of Catholicism's Babylonian occult roots) which has no salvation in it. It is dead works. Doctrines of devils and will take those who partake in it straight to hell once they leave this earth. Those who desire to follow Jesus Christ must come out from among them.

It is written:
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
2 Corinthians 6:17

Is it any wonder that Russia has made it a law that no Russian can mention God outside of a church approved by the Russian Government? Is it any wonder that it is now against the law for the Russian people to mention God to their own children and lead them to salvation in Jesus Christ?

Is it any wonder that the Russians have returned to Soviet style gestapo tactics spying on their own people and crushing the freedom of Believers by threatening them with jail if they mention God outside of a church (approved by them)?

How can freedom mean spying on your own citizens inside of their own homes? Why is the Russian government so afraid of Jesus Christ?

Why did they keep the KJV Holy Bible out of their lands for so many years and imprison those who were caught smuggling bibles into their land?

Why do they fear the KJV Holy Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ being preached openly in their streets if God does not threaten their agenda which is to turn their own young men and women into twice the sons of hell they are... Their actions do not present the picture you paint, Sbiker. There is no honor or valor among your leaders. They are common criminals. Murderers! Thieves! Liars! Of the highest order!!!

Listen to the cries of the damned on that video recording and ask yourself this question, Is what I am doing right now aligning myself with worth spending eternity in hell for? I believe you shall find the answer is no. It isn't.

What do you know about will of God, when your confessions betrayed him twice in 1054 and during reformation, taken the hand of earth power and gold taurus? How can you speak as the "voice of God" after it and claim ours Orthodox Church as "dead religion"? “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” - Peter 5:5

I believe in wisdom of God, of peace and Jesus' word for all the world, where different Christian people can unite for the reaching Heavens on Earth. With a faith of Jesus I don't believe to "records of damned cries" or some another pagan featrures and idols...
As a communist I don’t believe in heaven or the Bible but as a scientist I now believe in hell,” said Dr. Azzacove. “Needless to say we were shocked to make such a discovery. But we know what we saw and we know what we heard.

And we are absolutely convinced that we drilled through the gates of hell!

Dr. Azzacove continued, “. . . the drill suddenly began to rotate wildly, indicating that we had reached a large empty pocket or cavern. Temperature sensors showed a dramatic increase in heat to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.”

“We lowered a microphone, designed to detect the sounds of plate movements down the shaft. But instead of plate movements we heard a human voice screaming in pain! At first we thought the sound was coming from our own equipment.”

“But when we made adjustments our worst suspicions were confirmed. The screams weren’t those of a single human, they were the screams of millions of humans!

(www.av1611.org, hell place)

At the 3:37 timeline of this video you will hear a demon utter one word, "Eden," Eden is defined as paradise. This is cruel mockery for the damned who believed that there would be a reward in hell for them after serving Lucifer so faithfully on earth. Those in the occult know of Lucifer's promise that they would be immortal and live forever (he omitted some pertinent facts), that they will rule in hell, why they ever believed Lucifer while knowing he is the Father of lies - is beyond me. Why do people in the occult who serve Lucifer believe he will keep his word to them? Is this not the height of foolishness? Yes. It is. Those cries you hear, some are in hell for their work on earth serving Lucifer in the occult. Some reward, eh? Listen to the video again. Then ask yourselves if Lucifer really intends to make good on his promise to some of you.

What doe the bible tell us? Is it possible that men could dig down to hell and hear the cries of the damned? With God all things are possible. If it is the Lord's will to reveal to men who do not believe He exists the truth, then yes, God will use such means to open the eyes of the blind.

“Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, whence I bring them down: And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the serpent, and he shall bite them: And though they go into captivity before their enemies, thence will I command the sword, and it shall slay them: and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil, and not for good.
- Amos 9:2 - 4

Who dug down to hell? Atheists. This is perfectly aligned with what God prophesies through His servant Amos.

One must take into account that the Russian officials seized all of the equipment and the recording - yet there was obviously at least one copy made by at least one of these scientists and therein the recording was heard by the world despite their best efforts to stop it. If it were a hoax as the Russians claimed why would they involve themselves in such a subject? Wouldn't they realize that it would cause the world to believe hell was real as millions already have? Wouldn't they realize that many would be saved after realizing that there were a hell? You see, there would be no motive for having created such an elaborate hoax and without a motive? You don't have a case.

*** There was some wrong information written at beginning of the video which states the recording happened in 1999. And that the story came to America in 2009. That is impossible. I read the news story over 40 years ago and by that time it had traveled far and wide. Looking at the photograph of the scientists and the timeline of events I would guess that the incident happened in the 1950's or 1960's. Again we see a concerted effort to hide the truth about the timeline.

I just found an article about the drill site which puts the timeline of the Russian Siberian drilling project in the year 1970. It's still the deepest hole on earth that was drilled. And wouldn't you know? They mention the Siberian scientists - show the capped off hole to hell (which the scientists had talked about many years ago - capping it off) and even admit that it was as hot as the scientists reported it was! Still they deny it because they claim the scientists didn't drill through the mantle.

Decades ago, the Russians drilled deeper than anyone has ever gone. Their Kola Superdeep Borehole was started in 1970 and still holds the world record for the deepest hole in the ground. But they didn’t reach the mantle. As the latest mantle drilling project begins today off the coast of Africa, people are wondering if a billion dollars for the newest hole in the ground is worth the money. We can’t say. We don’t know what the team in the Indian Ocean might learn. But back in the ’70s and ’80s, no one expected the results the Soviets got from their 12,262-metre-deep borehole.

Here are 6 unexpected discoveries from the world’s deepest well:

  1. There’s a lot of water down there. Hot mineralized water was found almost everywhere along the drill path. Everyone figured that the granite would be as dry as a stone. Who says you can’t get water from a rock?
  2. To cut miles into the ground, the engineers had to invent a whole new drill.In the past, drillers quickly spun the entire drillstem so the bit at the bottom could chew the bedrock. Before starting, the Soviets calculated that the tubing would weigh over a million pounds. They could never generate enough torque to rotate that much pipe fast enough to drill through kilometres of granite. So, in 1969, the Soviets invented a rotary bit. It spun by sending pressurized mud down the pipe where it blew through a turbine at the drill head, spinning it 80 revolutions per minute. It worked and the system is now used on oil wells.
  3. The Earth has gas. Unexpectedly, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, and even carbon dioxide (from microbes) were found all along the borehole.
  4. There is no basalt under the continent’s granite. This was a huge surprise. Seismic suggested that at 9,000 metres the granite would give way to basalt. It doesn’t. The seismic anomaly that suggested basalt was caused by metamorphosed granite instead. This gave support for plate tectonics, which was a new theory when the Kola Superdeep Borehole was being drilled.
  5. There are fossils in granite 6,700 metres below the surface. How’d that happen?
  6. Hell is deeper than 12,262 metres. There’s a persistent rumour that the drilling ended in 1992 because scientists pierced a super-hot cavity and heard the screams of damned souls. Not likely. For that, they probably needed to actually reach the mantle.

Door to Hell: the Kola well head was sealed in 2006. (Credit: Rakot13)

Drilling to the Mantle: 6 unexpected discoveries from the world's deepest well

Now the information in no. 6 cannot possibly be true. Because the drilling expedition of the Siberian geologists / scientists didn't happen in 1992. I heard about the story in the 70's. How could I have seen a newspaper article about it and the picture of these scientists in the 1970's if their claim that it happened in 1992 is accurate? It's not possible so again they are covering up the truth. The story I read was that it was capped off immediately (welding it shut). That would mean the discovery happened in the 70's. Not 2006 as they claim here. The story keeps changing because the Russians are hoping by continuing to change the dates, etc concerning this story that it will discredit it. Yet the scientists who were on this project are real and their statements stand to this very day. No one ever recanted. Many have been saved after hearing the video recording they took that day. To God be the Glory!

(www.av1611.org, hell place)

At the 3:37 timeline of this video you will hear a demon utter one word, "Eden," Eden is defined as paradise. This is cruel mockery for the damned who believed that there would be a reward in hell for them after serving Lucifer so faithfully on earth. Those in the occult know of Lucifer's promise that they would be immortal and live forever (he omitted some pertinent facts), that they will rule in hell, why they ever believed Lucifer while knowing he is the Father of lies - is beyond me. Why do people in the occult who serve Lucifer believe he will keep his word to them? Is this not the height of foolishness? Yes. It is. Those cries you hear, some are in hell for their work on earth serving Lucifer in the occult. Some reward, eh? Listen to the video again. Then ask yourselves if Lucifer really intends to make good on his promise to some of you.

What doe the bible tell us? Is it possible that men could dig down to hell and hear the cries of the damned? With God all things are possible. If it is the Lord's will to reveal to men who do not believe He exists the truth, then yes, God will use such means to open the eyes of the blind.

“Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, whence I bring them down: And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the serpent, and he shall bite them: And though they go into captivity before their enemies, thence will I command the sword, and it shall slay them: and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil, and not for good.
- Amos 9:2 - 4

At the beginning, Kola Peninsula and Kola Superdeep Borehole located more than 1000 km out of "Russian Siberia". This is an awesome marker of quality of all this article :)
As a communist I don’t believe in heaven or the Bible but as a scientist I now believe in hell,” said Dr. Azzacove. “Needless to say we were shocked to make such a discovery. But we know what we saw and we know what we heard.

And we are absolutely convinced that we drilled through the gates of hell!

Dr. Azzacove continued, “. . . the drill suddenly began to rotate wildly, indicating that we had reached a large empty pocket or cavern. Temperature sensors showed a dramatic increase in heat to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.”

“We lowered a microphone, designed to detect the sounds of plate movements down the shaft. But instead of plate movements we heard a human voice screaming in pain! At first we thought the sound was coming from our own equipment.”

“But when we made adjustments our worst suspicions were confirmed. The screams weren’t those of a single human, they were the screams of millions of humans!

(www.av1611.org, hell place)

At the 3:37 timeline of this video you will hear a demon utter one word, "Eden," Eden is defined as paradise. This is cruel mockery for the damned who believed that there would be a reward in hell for them after serving Lucifer so faithfully on earth. Those in the occult know of Lucifer's promise that they would be immortal and live forever (he omitted some pertinent facts), that they will rule in hell, why they ever believed Lucifer while knowing he is the Father of lies - is beyond me. Why do people in the occult who serve Lucifer believe he will keep his word to them? Is this not the height of foolishness? Yes. It is. Those cries you hear, some are in hell for their work on earth serving Lucifer in the occult. Some reward, eh? Listen to the video again. Then ask yourselves if Lucifer really intends to make good on his promise to some of you.

What doe the bible tell us? Is it possible that men could dig down to hell and hear the cries of the damned? With God all things are possible. If it is the Lord's will to reveal to men who do not believe He exists the truth, then yes, God will use such means to open the eyes of the blind.

“Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, whence I bring them down: And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the serpent, and he shall bite them: And though they go into captivity before their enemies, thence will I command the sword, and it shall slay them: and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil, and not for good.
- Amos 9:2 - 4

Who dug down to hell? Atheists. This is perfectly aligned with what God prophesies through His servant Amos.

One must take into account that the Russian officials seized all of the equipment and the recording - yet there was obviously at least one copy made by at least one of these scientists and therein the recording was heard by the world despite their best efforts to stop it. If it were a hoax as the Russians claimed why would they involve themselves in such a subject? Wouldn't they realize that it would cause the world to believe hell was real as millions already have? Wouldn't they realize that many would be saved after realizing that there were a hell? You see, there would be no motive for having created such an elaborate hoax and without a motive? You don't have a case.

*** There was some wrong information written at beginning of the video which states the recording happened in 1999. And that the story came to America in 2009. That is impossible. I read the news story over 40 years ago and by that time it had traveled far and wide. Looking at the photograph of the scientists and the timeline of events I would guess that the incident happened in the 1950's or 1960's. Again we see a concerted effort to hide the truth about the timeline.

I just found an article about the drill site which puts the timeline of the Russian Siberian drilling project in the year 1970. It's still the deepest hole on earth that was drilled. And wouldn't you know? They mention the Siberian scientists - show the capped off hole to hell (which the scientists had talked about many years ago - capping it off) and even admit that it was as hot as the scientists reported it was! Still they deny it because they claim the scientists didn't drill through the mantle.

Decades ago, the Russians drilled deeper than anyone has ever gone. Their Kola Superdeep Borehole was started in 1970 and still holds the world record for the deepest hole in the ground. But they didn’t reach the mantle. As the latest mantle drilling project begins today off the coast of Africa, people are wondering if a billion dollars for the newest hole in the ground is worth the money. We can’t say. We don’t know what the team in the Indian Ocean might learn. But back in the ’70s and ’80s, no one expected the results the Soviets got from their 12,262-metre-deep borehole.

Here are 6 unexpected discoveries from the world’s deepest well:

  1. There’s a lot of water down there. Hot mineralized water was found almost everywhere along the drill path. Everyone figured that the granite would be as dry as a stone. Who says you can’t get water from a rock?
  2. To cut miles into the ground, the engineers had to invent a whole new drill.In the past, drillers quickly spun the entire drillstem so the bit at the bottom could chew the bedrock. Before starting, the Soviets calculated that the tubing would weigh over a million pounds. They could never generate enough torque to rotate that much pipe fast enough to drill through kilometres of granite. So, in 1969, the Soviets invented a rotary bit. It spun by sending pressurized mud down the pipe where it blew through a turbine at the drill head, spinning it 80 revolutions per minute. It worked and the system is now used on oil wells.
  3. The Earth has gas. Unexpectedly, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, and even carbon dioxide (from microbes) were found all along the borehole.
  4. There is no basalt under the continent’s granite. This was a huge surprise. Seismic suggested that at 9,000 metres the granite would give way to basalt. It doesn’t. The seismic anomaly that suggested basalt was caused by metamorphosed granite instead. This gave support for plate tectonics, which was a new theory when the Kola Superdeep Borehole was being drilled.
  5. There are fossils in granite 6,700 metres below the surface. How’d that happen?
  6. Hell is deeper than 12,262 metres. There’s a persistent rumour that the drilling ended in 1992 because scientists pierced a super-hot cavity and heard the screams of damned souls. Not likely. For that, they probably needed to actually reach the mantle.

Door to Hell: the Kola well head was sealed in 2006. (Credit: Rakot13)

Drilling to the Mantle: 6 unexpected discoveries from the world's deepest well

Now the information in no. 6 cannot possibly be true. Because the drilling expedition of the Siberian geologists / scientists didn't happen in 1992. I heard about the story in the 70's. How could I have seen a newspaper article about it and the picture of these scientists in the 1970's if their claim that it happened in 1992 is accurate? It's not possible so again they are covering up the truth. The story I read was that it was capped off immediately (welding it shut). That would mean the discovery happened in the 70's. Not 2006 as they claim here. The story keeps changing because the Russians are hoping by continuing to change the dates, etc concerning this story that it will discredit it. Yet the scientists who were on this project are real and their statements stand to this very day. No one ever recanted. Many have been saved after hearing the video recording they took that day. To God be the Glory!

(www.av1611.org, hell place)

At the 3:37 timeline of this video you will hear a demon utter one word, "Eden," Eden is defined as paradise. This is cruel mockery for the damned who believed that there would be a reward in hell for them after serving Lucifer so faithfully on earth. Those in the occult know of Lucifer's promise that they would be immortal and live forever (he omitted some pertinent facts), that they will rule in hell, why they ever believed Lucifer while knowing he is the Father of lies - is beyond me. Why do people in the occult who serve Lucifer believe he will keep his word to them? Is this not the height of foolishness? Yes. It is. Those cries you hear, some are in hell for their work on earth serving Lucifer in the occult. Some reward, eh? Listen to the video again. Then ask yourselves if Lucifer really intends to make good on his promise to some of you.

What doe the bible tell us? Is it possible that men could dig down to hell and hear the cries of the damned? With God all things are possible. If it is the Lord's will to reveal to men who do not believe He exists the truth, then yes, God will use such means to open the eyes of the blind.

“Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, whence I bring them down: And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the serpent, and he shall bite them: And though they go into captivity before their enemies, thence will I command the sword, and it shall slay them: and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil, and not for good.
- Amos 9:2 - 4

At the beginning, Kola Peninsula and Kola Superdeep Borehole located more than 1000 km out of "Russian Siberia". This is an awesome marker of quality of all this article :)

The location was never stated by the Siberian scientists. Obviously the Russians are not giving the right info about the location. Which means they have got something to hide. I suspected that before you even wrote this. When has the Russian Govt been honest? Or the Kremlin for that matter, Sbiker ?

I would like to ask you to please watch this video and understand that the Ukraine didn't do this. Josef Stalin did.

WHAT? Stalin arrested Miroslava Berdnik yesterday? Stalin ALIVE? Man, I don't know about you, but if "Bloody Stalin" could avoid his death to continue his repressions, I'm afraid it's not safe to discuss themes like this here... :)))

Stalin didn't just go in the ground, return to dust and cease to exist, Sbiker. Stalin is in hell and crying out to Jesus Christ right now for mercy. Stalin is in agony with millions of other damned souls who do not have access to a single drop of water. Millions of souls who have eternal indestructible bodies that reappear every time they are ripped apart by the demons of hell. The tortures demons use on the damned are more horrific than the abilities of Russian soldiers who believe they are invincible and fulfilling some great destiny of the motherland by coming to America to mass murder millions, rape, mutilate and torture people all for Putin's bloodlust to have his own imperial ambitions.

None of which will come to fruition long term because he's destined for the same hell you are.

You were created in the image of God. See Genesis 1:26,27,28 KJV. Satan despises you and hopes to keep you in your ignorance. Satan wants you to believe that God does not exist. Even the demons of hell know that God is and they tremble.

The fool says in his heart there is no God. He is blinded by Satan into believing this. And so because he does not believe in God he thinks he is his own free agent and can do whatever he wishes.

This increases his wickedness because if there is no accountability for his actions then he is capable of the most heinous crimes against human beings.

His heart becomes so dark that although in a human body he is as more of the nature of a demon - even as Karl Marx was. Karl Marx had no use for his family other than to hope fervently that they would die so that he could inherit their riches because he was too lazy to earn an honest living.

Were it not for Engels he would have been on the streets. Karl Marx knew there was a God but he desired to cast God from His throne. A mere man shaking his puny little fist at God as if he were God's equal. What insanity. Truly the man was demon possessed.

Those close to Karl Marx remarked that he was like a devil. Karl Marx is in hell with Josef Stalin right now suffering unspeakable horrors. You're still alive. You do not care that 10 million Ukrainian men, women and children were starved to death because you are devoid of all conscience at this moment.

I am praying for you that God will awaken your conscience and reveal to you every evil thing you have thought of in your heart, every evil thing you have done, every evil thing you plan to do and what will be the end result for you if you do not repent - hell. You do not come to God when you feel like it. You come when His Holy Spirit convicts your heart. That is the time to confess your sins and come to God.

You know many years ago a group of Scientists were drilling in Siberia. They drilled deep down into the earth and lowered a device that could record sounds inside the earth. What they heard horrified them. These men were athiests like you. But after they heard the most terrifying sound of the cries of the damned, human voices crying out they realized that hell was real.

The news of what had happened and the recording ended up in the hands of people who shared the recording with others. The story became famous. The Russians denied that the scientists had actually had this experience and quickly moved to call it a hoax. Why did they do this? Because they didn't want the people to believe there was a hell. If hell exists then heaven exists and if heaven exists then there is a God and they know the Bible reveals that all sinners will be cast into hell.

If Russia had been converted and men such as yourself were saved then who would do their dirty work for them?

Do you not realize that the Russian soldiers have a reputation as being worse than the Nazi's? That they mass raped women and children in Europe (WWII) and had no mercy for any human life? That they acted like vicious animals? There is no honor in a man that behaves in such a way. Truth be told they were not soldiers but mere criminals that deserved to rot behind bars in the lowest part of the prison.

And what about the Communist guards in communist jails and prisons? Are they not among most vile creatures that ever existed? Yes, those who survived the communist jails have said that they were men who were completely possessed by devils. Christian prisoners wept over their souls knowing what horrifying torment awaited the Communists in hell. They did their best to win them to Jesus Christ. So this is the story of the Communist guards. Many knew of heaven and hell and yet their only desire was to force Christian prisoners into blaspheming God so that they could make the Christian go to hell and miss heaven. Buy a copy of Tortured for Christ, by Richard Wurmbrand and learn the truth.

What kind of wickedness is that? And yet wickedness is only weakness in disguise. Such wicked men are too weak to stand against the evil rulers they work for. They have no real courage. In essence they are cowards. No coward ever won heaven, you know. The same holds true for the Russian soldiers who committed vile atrocities against men, women and children and did not abide by the rules of engagement (in war). These were common criminals who had no integrity, no honor, no valor, no sound judgment. Today there are Russian men who think the same way their predecessors did (the ones who are tormented in hell now).

Such Russian soldiers are not men. They are lawless devils dressed in uniforms who have no souls. They have determined to do these things because they do not believe they will ever be held accountable to any higher authority. Yet there is a higher authority. He is the highest authority and His Name is Jesus Christ.

Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Including yours. Now you can do it on earth or you can do it in hell but you will bow down and bend you knee to Jesus Christ and confess that He is the Lord.

Jeremiah, I prefer to start from Matthew 7:15 - 7:16

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."
"By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?"

And I would PRAY for Stalin! :) Thanks to him, because my ansectors are not murdered by Hitler's nazi... Thanks to him, he prevented my lifeplace from faith of Hiroshima (by US plans of "Totality" or "Dropshot"). Thanks to him, I live in industrialized, well defensed and educated country. That's a FRUITS I see every day. And all you've posted here - just a combination of howling of false prophets, dressed with sheep's clothing...

It is too late for Stalin. He is in hell. There is no purgatory. That is a doctrine of devils not found in the KJV Holy Bible. Because of Stalin (and Marxist teachings) you have been brainwashed to believe lies while rejecting the truth.

Because of Stalin you are living in a land that is under the curse of Almighty God. Because of Stalin there are more generational curses upon your bloodline than perhaps otherwise would have been. And yet? Jesus Christ can destroy those generational curses, remove the heart of stone within you and give you a new heart that desires to do the right thing and glorify God. Who shall you serve? God or Satan? Your decision determines your eternal destiny. Choose wisely, Sbiker.

Do you know why Zhirinovsky is so popular with the Russian people? Because he is a mad man. Madness has entered the hearts of many of the Russian people because they have chosen to believe a lie. They have rejected God and chosen a form of dead religion (orthodox Russian / another branch out of Catholicism's Babylonian occult roots) which has no salvation in it. It is dead works. Doctrines of devils and will take those who partake in it straight to hell once they leave this earth. Those who desire to follow Jesus Christ must come out from among them.

It is written:
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
2 Corinthians 6:17

Is it any wonder that Russia has made it a law that no Russian can mention God outside of a church approved by the Russian Government? Is it any wonder that it is now against the law for the Russian people to mention God to their own children and lead them to salvation in Jesus Christ?

Is it any wonder that the Russians have returned to Soviet style gestapo tactics spying on their own people and crushing the freedom of Believers by threatening them with jail if they mention God outside of a church (approved by them)?

How can freedom mean spying on your own citizens inside of their own homes? Why is the Russian government so afraid of Jesus Christ?

Why did they keep the KJV Holy Bible out of their lands for so many years and imprison those who were caught smuggling bibles into their land?

Why do they fear the KJV Holy Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ being preached openly in their streets if God does not threaten their agenda which is to turn their own young men and women into twice the sons of hell they are... Their actions do not present the picture you paint, Sbiker. There is no honor or valor among your leaders. They are common criminals. Murderers! Thieves! Liars! Of the highest order!!!

Listen to the cries of the damned on that video recording and ask yourself this question, Is what I am doing right now aligning myself with worth spending eternity in hell for? I believe you shall find the answer is no. It isn't.

What do you know about will of God, when your confessions betrayed him twice in 1054 and during reformation, taken the hand of earth power and gold taurus? How can you speak as the "voice of God" after it and claim ours Orthodox Church as "dead religion"? “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” - Peter 5:5

I believe in wisdom of God, of peace and Jesus' word for all the world, where different Christian people can unite for the reaching Heavens on Earth. With a faith of Jesus I don't believe to "records of damned cries" or some another pagan featrures and idols...

I know that is the will of God for you to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and come out of that dead Orthodox religion you're in because it cannot save you. I know that God wants you to come out from among those people and be separated unto His Son. I know that He wants to offer you eternal life through His Only Begotten Son.

How can you believe in a righteous God and not believe in a place called hell? Isn't that a contradiction or do you not believe that the Word of God is true?
Sbiker What are you going to do if you should find out some followers of Jesus who are not Catholic / Orthodox Russian are privately meeting to have fellowship? Are you going to turn them in? Do you know what Jesus will do if you do that? You better obey the Lord and not be turning in any followers of Jesus or you will be in big trouble with God.
Sbiker What are you going to do if you should find out some followers of Jesus who are not Catholic / Orthodox Russian are privately meeting to have fellowship? Are you going to turn them in? Do you know what Jesus will do if you do that? You better obey the Lord and not be turning in any followers of Jesus or you will be in big trouble with God.

Why I have to turn them? Who am I to judge, which branch of Christian faith is more true, than others?

But calling my Orthodox Church as "dead religion" is not good...
As a communist I don’t believe in heaven or the Bible but as a scientist I now believe in hell,” said Dr. Azzacove. “Needless to say we were shocked to make such a discovery. But we know what we saw and we know what we heard.

And we are absolutely convinced that we drilled through the gates of hell!

Dr. Azzacove continued, “. . . the drill suddenly began to rotate wildly, indicating that we had reached a large empty pocket or cavern. Temperature sensors showed a dramatic increase in heat to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.”

“We lowered a microphone, designed to detect the sounds of plate movements down the shaft. But instead of plate movements we heard a human voice screaming in pain! At first we thought the sound was coming from our own equipment.”

“But when we made adjustments our worst suspicions were confirmed. The screams weren’t those of a single human, they were the screams of millions of humans!

(www.av1611.org, hell place)

At the 3:37 timeline of this video you will hear a demon utter one word, "Eden," Eden is defined as paradise. This is cruel mockery for the damned who believed that there would be a reward in hell for them after serving Lucifer so faithfully on earth. Those in the occult know of Lucifer's promise that they would be immortal and live forever (he omitted some pertinent facts), that they will rule in hell, why they ever believed Lucifer while knowing he is the Father of lies - is beyond me. Why do people in the occult who serve Lucifer believe he will keep his word to them? Is this not the height of foolishness? Yes. It is. Those cries you hear, some are in hell for their work on earth serving Lucifer in the occult. Some reward, eh? Listen to the video again. Then ask yourselves if Lucifer really intends to make good on his promise to some of you.

What doe the bible tell us? Is it possible that men could dig down to hell and hear the cries of the damned? With God all things are possible. If it is the Lord's will to reveal to men who do not believe He exists the truth, then yes, God will use such means to open the eyes of the blind.

“Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, whence I bring them down: And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the serpent, and he shall bite them: And though they go into captivity before their enemies, thence will I command the sword, and it shall slay them: and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil, and not for good.
- Amos 9:2 - 4

Who dug down to hell? Atheists. This is perfectly aligned with what God prophesies through His servant Amos.

One must take into account that the Russian officials seized all of the equipment and the recording - yet there was obviously at least one copy made by at least one of these scientists and therein the recording was heard by the world despite their best efforts to stop it. If it were a hoax as the Russians claimed why would they involve themselves in such a subject? Wouldn't they realize that it would cause the world to believe hell was real as millions already have? Wouldn't they realize that many would be saved after realizing that there were a hell? You see, there would be no motive for having created such an elaborate hoax and without a motive? You don't have a case.

*** There was some wrong information written at beginning of the video which states the recording happened in 1999. And that the story came to America in 2009. That is impossible. I read the news story over 40 years ago and by that time it had traveled far and wide. Looking at the photograph of the scientists and the timeline of events I would guess that the incident happened in the 1950's or 1960's. Again we see a concerted effort to hide the truth about the timeline.

I just found an article about the drill site which puts the timeline of the Russian Siberian drilling project in the year 1970. It's still the deepest hole on earth that was drilled. And wouldn't you know? They mention the Siberian scientists - show the capped off hole to hell (which the scientists had talked about many years ago - capping it off) and even admit that it was as hot as the scientists reported it was! Still they deny it because they claim the scientists didn't drill through the mantle.

Decades ago, the Russians drilled deeper than anyone has ever gone. Their Kola Superdeep Borehole was started in 1970 and still holds the world record for the deepest hole in the ground. But they didn’t reach the mantle. As the latest mantle drilling project begins today off the coast of Africa, people are wondering if a billion dollars for the newest hole in the ground is worth the money. We can’t say. We don’t know what the team in the Indian Ocean might learn. But back in the ’70s and ’80s, no one expected the results the Soviets got from their 12,262-metre-deep borehole.

Here are 6 unexpected discoveries from the world’s deepest well:

  1. There’s a lot of water down there. Hot mineralized water was found almost everywhere along the drill path. Everyone figured that the granite would be as dry as a stone. Who says you can’t get water from a rock?
  2. To cut miles into the ground, the engineers had to invent a whole new drill.In the past, drillers quickly spun the entire drillstem so the bit at the bottom could chew the bedrock. Before starting, the Soviets calculated that the tubing would weigh over a million pounds. They could never generate enough torque to rotate that much pipe fast enough to drill through kilometres of granite. So, in 1969, the Soviets invented a rotary bit. It spun by sending pressurized mud down the pipe where it blew through a turbine at the drill head, spinning it 80 revolutions per minute. It worked and the system is now used on oil wells.
  3. The Earth has gas. Unexpectedly, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, and even carbon dioxide (from microbes) were found all along the borehole.
  4. There is no basalt under the continent’s granite. This was a huge surprise. Seismic suggested that at 9,000 metres the granite would give way to basalt. It doesn’t. The seismic anomaly that suggested basalt was caused by metamorphosed granite instead. This gave support for plate tectonics, which was a new theory when the Kola Superdeep Borehole was being drilled.
  5. There are fossils in granite 6,700 metres below the surface. How’d that happen?
  6. Hell is deeper than 12,262 metres. There’s a persistent rumour that the drilling ended in 1992 because scientists pierced a super-hot cavity and heard the screams of damned souls. Not likely. For that, they probably needed to actually reach the mantle.

Door to Hell: the Kola well head was sealed in 2006. (Credit: Rakot13)

Drilling to the Mantle: 6 unexpected discoveries from the world's deepest well

Now the information in no. 6 cannot possibly be true. Because the drilling expedition of the Siberian geologists / scientists didn't happen in 1992. I heard about the story in the 70's. How could I have seen a newspaper article about it and the picture of these scientists in the 1970's if their claim that it happened in 1992 is accurate? It's not possible so again they are covering up the truth. The story I read was that it was capped off immediately (welding it shut). That would mean the discovery happened in the 70's. Not 2006 as they claim here. The story keeps changing because the Russians are hoping by continuing to change the dates, etc concerning this story that it will discredit it. Yet the scientists who were on this project are real and their statements stand to this very day. No one ever recanted. Many have been saved after hearing the video recording they took that day. To God be the Glory!

(www.av1611.org, hell place)

At the 3:37 timeline of this video you will hear a demon utter one word, "Eden," Eden is defined as paradise. This is cruel mockery for the damned who believed that there would be a reward in hell for them after serving Lucifer so faithfully on earth. Those in the occult know of Lucifer's promise that they would be immortal and live forever (he omitted some pertinent facts), that they will rule in hell, why they ever believed Lucifer while knowing he is the Father of lies - is beyond me. Why do people in the occult who serve Lucifer believe he will keep his word to them? Is this not the height of foolishness? Yes. It is. Those cries you hear, some are in hell for their work on earth serving Lucifer in the occult. Some reward, eh? Listen to the video again. Then ask yourselves if Lucifer really intends to make good on his promise to some of you.

What doe the bible tell us? Is it possible that men could dig down to hell and hear the cries of the damned? With God all things are possible. If it is the Lord's will to reveal to men who do not believe He exists the truth, then yes, God will use such means to open the eyes of the blind.

“Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, whence I bring them down: And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the serpent, and he shall bite them: And though they go into captivity before their enemies, thence will I command the sword, and it shall slay them: and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil, and not for good.
- Amos 9:2 - 4

At the beginning, Kola Peninsula and Kola Superdeep Borehole located more than 1000 km out of "Russian Siberia". This is an awesome marker of quality of all this article :)

The location was never stated by the Siberian scientists. Obviously the Russians are not giving the right info about the location. Which means they have got something to hide. I suspected that before you even wrote this. When has the Russian Govt been honest? Or the Kremlin for that matter, Sbiker ?

WHAT? You can find this location in a lot of open sources, including wiki: Kola Superdeep Borehole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The main cornerstone of propagand, you poisoned - is "Russian are aliens, they have ununderstanding logic and abilities, so they are eternal evil". It's not truth, trust me :) I'm have two legs and two arms as you, and also similar logic and way of thinking. What's the logical reason to Russian Govt to distort or hide all information now, at digital era, when you can see, for example, any piece of Russia at Google Streets by your own eyes?
Stalin World sounds like a comical political version of Knott's Berry Farm.

Because there are no any other ways to represent Stalin as devil or bloody maniac. When we start to examine facts, it would be very different picture about Stalin and Stalin's world :) If you want, I can briefly comment all material, we have here, as it seems from the facts side - but it would be a large task :)
By all means. Do it.

Hah :))) Let's start I don't have abilities to post all in a short time as you, so I would analyze your materials step-by-step.

"I know that after my death they’ll heap a lot of garbage on my grave,
but the wind of history will mercilessly scatter it" J. Stalin

Who am I and what I know about it all? I'm Russian, living in Russia, remembering the reality of USSR from childhood (but don't want it to return :)) and gathered many local facts from ansectors, relatives and friends, how in reality it was here.

I know something about all "facts" you write, because it was time, when much of people here (including me) really believed in them. It's strange, but one of the bad thing of USSR was serious systematic distortion of Russian and world history and realities. So, after USSR falling we're gladly ready to believe in every nonsense, not related to official USSR propaganda, like Solzhenitsin and so on.
Now, after years of researching of many scientists and journalists in archives we know a lot of facts and could try to restore, how it was in reality. Without propagand and reflecting current Putin's propagand too...

What is the biggest irony in all this anti-Stalin propagand, you've posted? Almost all material we can check by a simple logic!!! Like in a novels of Solzhenitsin... I don't know about English language variants, but here in Russian internet you can find interviews of REAL former prisoners, which analyze Solchenitsin lies in "Archipelag GULAG" step-by-step.
As for me, I read his novel An Incident at Krechetovka Station - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (how interesting, in original was KOchetovka). I live close to this place and can say - it's a novel with quality similar to your text about Kola Borehole... For beginning, there are no "Kochetovka station" in real life, only in official documents... and so on and on...

So, I'll try to comment texts here from this position, because you'll have some lulz with me after learning my point of view...
Let's begin about Malinauskas, and Lithuanian "museum of totalitar regime". Emotional text, but what in reality? What was Lithuvia in history and what is it now? :)

First, about "Russian invasion" myth. This lands after a centuries of wars of Russia with neighbor states - Sweden, Germany and then Poland - were absolutely honestly BOUGHT from Sweden, like US bought Alaska from Russia. Compare them :)

Second, this Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) during Revolution produced much MORE communists in percentage ratio, than Russia. Did you know it? Have you heared, for example, about "Latvian shooters" legion - on of the most cruel communist formation in a Civil War? Do you know, how many Lenin's helpers and terrorists were balts by nationality? It's a logically, because all Revolutions of 1917 were started in St.Petersburg, close to Baltic countries, which were all in Russia empire, but who was a best commie, hah?

Third. Before WWII Baltic states all voluntary became a part of USSR (it's documented fact), but "played for two sides". So, some of balts after war got a ticket to Siberia - it were a logical for the nazi helpers, regardless of their nationality. Or you mean, USSR shouldn't give a punishment to murderers of civilians? The big mistake of USSR here is years of moratory on capital punishment after WWII (did yuo knew about it), so a lot of this murderers had an opportunity to stay alive and then open their stinking holes to talk about "unlawful repressions in USSR"... In USSR were really some victims of politic repressions - but not they!

Four. Late USSR made from Baltic states and Georgia a "show-window" of socialism. They were supplied better, than Moscow, what else I can say about common Russian regions. They had awesome indystry, electronics, car building, trade with Europe... Than they became independent and lost almost all of it (including Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).
Stalin received Russia with wooden plough, and left with nuclear weapon. What can say about them people, which received their country with Nuclear Power Plant, and now have nothing except clean coast of Baltic sea for tourists from anywhere? :)
About "Pro-Putin Soviet cult" - another lulz. In reality Putin and his friend Medvedev - are sequential anti-stalinists. Much of common people in Russia hate Putin for this and deride initiatives of his friends to restore "Russia which we've lost" - Russian Empire and "crunch of french bread" (words from popular song about before-revolution Russia, with some association of homosexual contacts... :))) Do you know, according with this trend, month or two ago officials established in St.Petersburg memory board for Mannerheim, because he was general in Tsar Russia...
Rethink this. Memory board to Mannerheim, which blockaded Leningrad during WWII and provided millions victims of famine in this city! In a homecity of Putin! Do you know, his BROTHER, factually, was MURDERED by Mannerheim!
What Putin made with them? Shot them? Wasted? Cut for many pieces? And you claim him as "dictator"? After this case, where Putin did nothing - he's something like floor rag! Maybe, he is "too wise", or "with cool blood", or "too liberal", but dictator?

So, returning to Stalin's GULAG and so on - I want to comment "150 million people, murdered by communist regime"... It's an enormous quantity, bigger than current population of Russian Federation...
USSR was totalitarian state - it's a fact. Do you know, WHAT does it mean really? It means a serious government control in almost all spheres of life. But how could you organize almost total control for 200 million people in USSR, just imagine!
You will need a lot of documents. It's a real fact - gov activity in USSR much more documented, than in other countries. And also ALL people in USSR (and now in Russia) were counted and documented!
So, if you talking about "hundreds of million victims" - just point them in documents! Show me at least the list of names and lastnames of murdered!
Stalin's archives now opened and we can voice real number of repressed by Stalin - about 1 million of dead sentences. It's a large number of people, but for the 150-million country right after the Revolution and cardinal changing of lifestyle.
Much more people had not so hard problems with soviet laws, they wer in Gulag, then released and became a "good people" again. Gulag - it wasn't a "death mechanism", it was a "labour camp" for solving a lot of problems during industrialization. I can imagine horror of some "noble" people, which don't like and don't able to work, but many common people had in Gulag better food and SALARY, than free people. All because of working results - really!!
Solzhenitsin wrote about a lot of "undocumented corpses, throwed in wild places in Siberia from prison trains". Lulz. Imagine you as leutenant of KGB, which escorts this prisoners. You've lost some prisoners (an enemies of the soviet people!!) during a way? Who can PROVE it? Maybe, you've received a bribe? Maybe, you're a friend of them, an enemy too? Just imagine this situation - could you "lost" some prisoners, if you're in KGB in really hard, totalitarian state?
So, ALL real crimes of Soviet Goverment are well documented, and if you don't have documents about it - it wasn't in reality. Seriously.

I would like to ask you to please watch this video and understand that the Ukraine didn't do this. Josef Stalin did.

WHAT? Stalin arrested Miroslava Berdnik yesterday? Stalin ALIVE? Man, I don't know about you, but if "Bloody Stalin" could avoid his death to continue his repressions, I'm afraid it's not safe to discuss themes like this here... :)))

Stalin didn't just go in the ground, return to dust and cease to exist, Sbiker. Stalin is in hell and crying out to Jesus Christ right now for mercy. Stalin is in agony with millions of other damned souls who do not have access to a single drop of water. Millions of souls who have eternal indestructible bodies that reappear every time they are ripped apart by the demons of hell. The tortures demons use on the damned are more horrific than the abilities of Russian soldiers who believe they are invincible and fulfilling some great destiny of the motherland by coming to America to mass murder millions, rape, mutilate and torture people all for Putin's bloodlust to have his own imperial ambitions.

None of which will come to fruition long term because he's destined for the same hell you are.

You were created in the image of God. See Genesis 1:26,27,28 KJV. Satan despises you and hopes to keep you in your ignorance. Satan wants you to believe that God does not exist. Even the demons of hell know that God is and they tremble.

The fool says in his heart there is no God. He is blinded by Satan into believing this. And so because he does not believe in God he thinks he is his own free agent and can do whatever he wishes.

This increases his wickedness because if there is no accountability for his actions then he is capable of the most heinous crimes against human beings.

His heart becomes so dark that although in a human body he is as more of the nature of a demon - even as Karl Marx was. Karl Marx had no use for his family other than to hope fervently that they would die so that he could inherit their riches because he was too lazy to earn an honest living.

Were it not for Engels he would have been on the streets. Karl Marx knew there was a God but he desired to cast God from His throne. A mere man shaking his puny little fist at God as if he were God's equal. What insanity. Truly the man was demon possessed.

Those close to Karl Marx remarked that he was like a devil. Karl Marx is in hell with Josef Stalin right now suffering unspeakable horrors. You're still alive. You do not care that 10 million Ukrainian men, women and children were starved to death because you are devoid of all conscience at this moment.

I am praying for you that God will awaken your conscience and reveal to you every evil thing you have thought of in your heart, every evil thing you have done, every evil thing you plan to do and what will be the end result for you if you do not repent - hell. You do not come to God when you feel like it. You come when His Holy Spirit convicts your heart. That is the time to confess your sins and come to God.

You know many years ago a group of Scientists were drilling in Siberia. They drilled deep down into the earth and lowered a device that could record sounds inside the earth. What they heard horrified them. These men were athiests like you. But after they heard the most terrifying sound of the cries of the damned, human voices crying out they realized that hell was real.

The news of what had happened and the recording ended up in the hands of people who shared the recording with others. The story became famous. The Russians denied that the scientists had actually had this experience and quickly moved to call it a hoax. Why did they do this? Because they didn't want the people to believe there was a hell. If hell exists then heaven exists and if heaven exists then there is a God and they know the Bible reveals that all sinners will be cast into hell.

If Russia had been converted and men such as yourself were saved then who would do their dirty work for them?

Do you not realize that the Russian soldiers have a reputation as being worse than the Nazi's? That they mass raped women and children in Europe (WWII) and had no mercy for any human life? That they acted like vicious animals? There is no honor in a man that behaves in such a way. Truth be told they were not soldiers but mere criminals that deserved to rot behind bars in the lowest part of the prison.

And what about the Communist guards in communist jails and prisons? Are they not among most vile creatures that ever existed? Yes, those who survived the communist jails have said that they were men who were completely possessed by devils. Christian prisoners wept over their souls knowing what horrifying torment awaited the Communists in hell. They did their best to win them to Jesus Christ. So this is the story of the Communist guards. Many knew of heaven and hell and yet their only desire was to force Christian prisoners into blaspheming God so that they could make the Christian go to hell and miss heaven. Buy a copy of Tortured for Christ, by Richard Wurmbrand and learn the truth.

What kind of wickedness is that? And yet wickedness is only weakness in disguise. Such wicked men are too weak to stand against the evil rulers they work for. They have no real courage. In essence they are cowards. No coward ever won heaven, you know. The same holds true for the Russian soldiers who committed vile atrocities against men, women and children and did not abide by the rules of engagement (in war). These were common criminals who had no integrity, no honor, no valor, no sound judgment. Today there are Russian men who think the same way their predecessors did (the ones who are tormented in hell now).

Such Russian soldiers are not men. They are lawless devils dressed in uniforms who have no souls. They have determined to do these things because they do not believe they will ever be held accountable to any higher authority. Yet there is a higher authority. He is the highest authority and His Name is Jesus Christ.

Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Including yours. Now you can do it on earth or you can do it in hell but you will bow down and bend you knee to Jesus Christ and confess that He is the Lord.

Jeremiah, I prefer to start from Matthew 7:15 - 7:16

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."
"By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?"

And I would PRAY for Stalin! :) Thanks to him, because my ansectors are not murdered by Hitler's nazi... Thanks to him, he prevented my lifeplace from faith of Hiroshima (by US plans of "Totality" or "Dropshot"). Thanks to him, I live in industrialized, well defensed and educated country. That's a FRUITS I see every day. And all you've posted here - just a combination of howling of false prophets, dressed with sheep's clothing...

It is too late for Stalin. He is in hell. There is no purgatory. That is a doctrine of devils not found in the KJV Holy Bible. Because of Stalin (and Marxist teachings) you have been brainwashed to believe lies while rejecting the truth.

Because of Stalin you are living in a land that is under the curse of Almighty God. Because of Stalin there are more generational curses upon your bloodline than perhaps otherwise would have been. And yet? Jesus Christ can destroy those generational curses, remove the heart of stone within you and give you a new heart that desires to do the right thing and glorify God. Who shall you serve? God or Satan? Your decision determines your eternal destiny. Choose wisely, Sbiker.

Do you know why Zhirinovsky is so popular with the Russian people? Because he is a mad man. Madness has entered the hearts of many of the Russian people because they have chosen to believe a lie. They have rejected God and chosen a form of dead religion (orthodox Russian / another branch out of Catholicism's Babylonian occult roots) which has no salvation in it. It is dead works. Doctrines of devils and will take those who partake in it straight to hell once they leave this earth. Those who desire to follow Jesus Christ must come out from among them.

It is written:
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
2 Corinthians 6:17

Is it any wonder that Russia has made it a law that no Russian can mention God outside of a church approved by the Russian Government? Is it any wonder that it is now against the law for the Russian people to mention God to their own children and lead them to salvation in Jesus Christ?

Is it any wonder that the Russians have returned to Soviet style gestapo tactics spying on their own people and crushing the freedom of Believers by threatening them with jail if they mention God outside of a church (approved by them)?

How can freedom mean spying on your own citizens inside of their own homes? Why is the Russian government so afraid of Jesus Christ?

Why did they keep the KJV Holy Bible out of their lands for so many years and imprison those who were caught smuggling bibles into their land?

Why do they fear the KJV Holy Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ being preached openly in their streets if God does not threaten their agenda which is to turn their own young men and women into twice the sons of hell they are... Their actions do not present the picture you paint, Sbiker. There is no honor or valor among your leaders. They are common criminals. Murderers! Thieves! Liars! Of the highest order!!!

Listen to the cries of the damned on that video recording and ask yourself this question, Is what I am doing right now aligning myself with worth spending eternity in hell for? I believe you shall find the answer is no. It isn't.

What do you know about will of God, when your confessions betrayed him twice in 1054 and during reformation, taken the hand of earth power and gold taurus? How can you speak as the "voice of God" after it and claim ours Orthodox Church as "dead religion"? “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” - Peter 5:5

I believe in wisdom of God, of peace and Jesus' word for all the world, where different Christian people can unite for the reaching Heavens on Earth. With a faith of Jesus I don't believe to "records of damned cries" or some another pagan featrures and idols...

What is earth power and a gold taurus? I've never heard of that before.
About "Pro-Putin Soviet cult" - another lulz. In reality Putin and his friend Medvedev - are sequential anti-stalinists. Much of common people in Russia hate Putin for this and deride initiatives of his friends to restore "Russia which we've lost" - Russian Empire and "crunch of french bread" (words from popular song about before-revolution Russia, with some association of homosexual contacts... :))) Do you know, according with this trend, month or two ago officials established in St.Petersburg memory board for Mannerheim, because he was general in Tsar Russia...
Rethink this. Memory board to Mannerheim, which blockaded Leningrad during WWII and provided millions victims of famine in this city! In a homecity of Putin! Do you know, his BROTHER, factually, was MURDERED by Mannerheim!
What Putin made with them? Shot them? Wasted? Cut for many pieces? And you claim him as "dictator"? After this case, where Putin did nothing - he's something like floor rag! Maybe, he is "too wise", or "with cool blood", or "too liberal", but dictator?

So, returning to Stalin's GULAG and so on - I want to comment "150 million people, murdered by communist regime"... It's an enormous quantity, bigger than current population of Russian Federation...
USSR was totalitarian state - it's a fact. Do you know, WHAT does it mean really? It means a serious government control in almost all spheres of life. But how could you organize almost total control for 200 million people in USSR, just imagine!
You will need a lot of documents. It's a real fact - gov activity in USSR much more documented, than in other countries. And also ALL people in USSR (and now in Russia) were counted and documented!
So, if you talking about "hundreds of million victims" - just point them in documents! Show me at least the list of names and lastnames of murdered!
Stalin's archives now opened and we can voice real number of repressed by Stalin - about 1 million of dead sentences. It's a large number of people, but for the 150-million country right after the Revolution and cardinal changing of lifestyle.
Much more people had not so hard problems with soviet laws, they wer in Gulag, then released and became a "good people" again. Gulag - it wasn't a "death mechanism", it was a "labour camp" for solving a lot of problems during industrialization. I can imagine horror of some "noble" people, which don't like and don't able to work, but many common people had in Gulag better food and SALARY, than free people. All because of working results - really!!
Solzhenitsin wrote about a lot of "undocumented corpses, throwed in wild places in Siberia from prison trains". Lulz. Imagine you as leutenant of KGB, which escorts this prisoners. You've lost some prisoners (an enemies of the soviet people!!) during a way? Who can PROVE it? Maybe, you've received a bribe? Maybe, you're a friend of them, an enemy too? Just imagine this situation - could you "lost" some prisoners, if you're in KGB in really hard, totalitarian state?
So, ALL real crimes of Soviet Goverment are well documented, and if you don't have documents about it - it wasn't in reality. Seriously.
The video that reported 150 million killed - it was by the hands of communists not only Soviet Communists but Mao, Romanian Communist Dictator, the history of Communism - the death toll - I think you misunderstood that one.
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