Welfare Cowboy


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Is freeloader Cliven Bundy not only ripping off the US taxpayer but committing seditious conspiracy as well?

American Traitors Sean Hannity and the Koch Brothers Back a Seditious Movement

April, 15th, 2014


According to 18 U.S. Code § 2384, seditious conspiracy occurs “If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States; they shall each be fined or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.” It is also likely that the militias who rushed to provide “armed response” against the United States government agents are guilty of treason that is “the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. In fact, 18 U.S. Code § 2381 defines treason as “whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000

We need a little more sedition in this country. Maybe it will eventually get rid of the obama empire.

Legally you can vote the POTUS out. Oh wait....you tried that and lost using that method already. Twice.
The decision to close off 2 counties worth of grazing land in Nevada affected more than just the Bundies. 15 other ranchers were driven off the BLM holdings.. Alledgely to protect a desert tortoise that OTHER FEDS are now euthanizing by the hundreds because of priorities and funding. (figure that one out).

The other 15 ranchers who PAID their absentee landlord all that time, only to have their livelihoods and communities WRECKED by capricious and arbitrary decisions (NOT LAWS) -- probably regret the fact that they paid anything at all. Those decisions on use of PUBLIC LAND that has little commercial value and is the size of some European countries --- OUGHT to be put up for public hearing and LEGALLY seized when the lives and businesses of whole communities are at stake..

INSTEAD --- they cattle rustle the one lone dissenter who outdates their claim to sovereignty on that land. It's not about his back fees anymore --- It's about the COMPLETE CLOSURE of that land. He's still THERE --- that's the reason for the guys with guns.. No FOOL is gonna back pay a landlord with a gun to his head and his belongings in a locked cage --- telling him he's evicted because of a turtle that they are killing in awesome numbers by orders of the King...

Go ahead. Just arrest every conservative who disagrees with a liberal agenda. Knock yourself out.
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The decision to close off 2 counties worth of grazing land in Nevada affected more than just the Bundies. 15 other ranchers were driven off the BLM holdings.. Alledgely to protect a desert tortoise that OTHER FEDS are now euthanizing by the hundreds because of priorities and funding. (figure that one out).

The other 15 ranchers who PAID their absentee landlord all that time, only to have their livelihoods and communities WRECKED by capricious and arbitrary decisions (NOT LAWS) -- probably regret the fact that they paid anything at all. Those decisions on use of PUBLIC LAND that has little commercial value and is the size of some European countries --- OUGHT to be put up for public hearing and LEGALLY seized when the lives and businesses of whole communities are at stake..

INSTEAD --- they cattle rustle the one lone dissenter who outdates their claim to sovereignty on that land. It's not about his back fees anymore --- It's about the COMPLETE CLOSURE of that land. He's still THERE --- that's the reason for the guys with guns.. No FOOL is gonna back pay a landlord with a gun to his head and his belongings in a locked cage --- telling him he's evicted because of a turtle that they are killing in awesome numbers by orders of the King...

I dont get why thats really relevant? Its not their land. His claim does not predate the Nevada State Constitution which claimed those lands 16 years before his ancestors got there. He has no deed at all. No fool would think they can squat in a landlords home, lose 2 court cases, and think something drastic is not going to happen.
The decision to close off 2 counties worth of grazing land in Nevada affected more than just the Bundies. 15 other ranchers were driven off the BLM holdings.. Alledgely to protect a desert tortoise that OTHER FEDS are now euthanizing by the hundreds because of priorities and funding. (figure that one out).

The other 15 ranchers who PAID their absentee landlord all that time, only to have their livelihoods and communities WRECKED by capricious and arbitrary decisions (NOT LAWS) -- probably regret the fact that they paid anything at all. Those decisions on use of PUBLIC LAND that has little commercial value and is the size of some European countries --- OUGHT to be put up for public hearing and LEGALLY seized when the lives and businesses of whole communities are at stake..

INSTEAD --- they cattle rustle the one lone dissenter who outdates their claim to sovereignty on that land. It's not about his back fees anymore --- It's about the COMPLETE CLOSURE of that land. He's still THERE --- that's the reason for the guys with guns.. No FOOL is gonna back pay a landlord with a gun to his head and his belongings in a locked cage --- telling him he's evicted because of a turtle that they are killing in awesome numbers by orders of the King...

I dont get why thats really relevant? Its not their land. His claim does not predate the Nevada State Constitution which claimed those lands 16 years before his ancestors got there. He has no deed at all. No fool would think they can squat in a landlords home, lose 2 court cases, and think something drastic is not going to happen.

Ranchers never had a problem with the State of Nevada.. Nevadans are not the ones making capricious decisions about land use due to turtles.. 80% of Nevada is TITLED to the Feds.. Why even HAVE a state of Nevada?

Star has an analogy here. But lemme make it more accurate.. You've got 16 residents of a Lordly inherited housing complex.. The landlord is absent and THEY do all the maintenance and improvement. 15 of them pay their rent to the slumlord. Slumlord comes in with bulldozers and evicts everyone. Everyone leaves except the dude who is NOT on welfare and believes the residents have rights to redress. Landlord has decided to the give the land to a local church of Turtles. How stupid do the 15 folks feel for paying the slumlord loyalities for all those years???

That's the old Euro peasant model of privilege.. Not a model for HUMONGEOUS chunks of PUBLIC commons in a representative government. Especially not -- when the guns come out while the turtles are being euthanized by the same entity..
Progs are upset that a few hundred people came out to push back against a tyrannical government.


"When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated." --Thomas Jefferson to Charles Hammond, 1821. ME 15:332

Go ahead. Just arrest every conservative who disagrees with a liberal agenda. Knock yourself out.

Tiny...There IS a difference between "disagreement" and breaking the law..and then inflaming armed militias to come and scare off those trying to enforce the law...
That could lead to anarchy...where only the strongest and scariest get to control things. Is that what u want?

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The decision to close off 2 counties worth of grazing land in Nevada affected more than just the Bundies. 15 other ranchers were driven off the BLM holdings.. Alledgely to protect a desert tortoise that OTHER FEDS are now euthanizing by the hundreds because of priorities and funding. (figure that one out).

The other 15 ranchers who PAID their absentee landlord all that time, only to have their livelihoods and communities WRECKED by capricious and arbitrary decisions (NOT LAWS) -- probably regret the fact that they paid anything at all. Those decisions on use of PUBLIC LAND that has little commercial value and is the size of some European countries --- OUGHT to be put up for public hearing and LEGALLY seized when the lives and businesses of whole communities are at stake..

INSTEAD --- they cattle rustle the one lone dissenter who outdates their claim to sovereignty on that land. It's not about his back fees anymore --- It's about the COMPLETE CLOSURE of that land. He's still THERE --- that's the reason for the guys with guns.. No FOOL is gonna back pay a landlord with a gun to his head and his belongings in a locked cage --- telling him he's evicted because of a turtle that they are killing in awesome numbers by orders of the King...

I dont get why thats really relevant? Its not their land. His claim does not predate the Nevada State Constitution which claimed those lands 16 years before his ancestors got there. He has no deed at all. No fool would think they can squat in a landlords home, lose 2 court cases, and think something drastic is not going to happen.

Ranchers never had a problem with the State of Nevada.. Nevadans are not the ones making capricious decisions about land use due to turtles.. 80% of Nevada is TITLED to the Feds.. Why even HAVE a state of Nevada?

Star has an analogy here. But lemme make it more accurate.. You've got 16 residents of a Lordly inherited housing complex.. The landlord is absent and THEY do all the maintenance and improvement. 15 of them pay their rent to the slumlord. Slumlord comes in with bulldozers and evicts everyone. Everyone leaves except the dude who is NOT on welfare and believes the residents have rights to redress. Landlord has decided to the give the land to a local church of Turtles. How stupid do the 15 folks feel for paying the slumlord loyalities for all those years???

That's the old Euro peasant model of privilege.. Not a model for HUMONGEOUS chunks of PUBLIC commons in a representative government. Especially not -- when the guns come out while the turtles are being euthanized by the same entity..

What I am asking is what is the relevance of what they (the feds) are using the land for? The ranchers never owned it. No one told them to make improvements and thats not very wise to do if you don't own the land. I bet they feel very stupid. You squat on someones land and they have the right to kick you off. Thats law. We dont reward people for being stupid. The guy had 20 years of redress in the court system and lost. Twice!! If the feds wanted to give the land over to roller blading it does not matter. They are in charge of the land. BTW what is a " Lordly inherited housing complex"?
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Is freeloader Cliven Bundy not only ripping off the US taxpayer but committing seditious conspiracy as well?

American Traitors Sean Hannity and the Koch Brothers Back a Seditious Movement

April, 15th, 2014


According to 18 U.S. Code § 2384, seditious conspiracy occurs “If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States; they shall each be fined or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.” It is also likely that the militias who rushed to provide “armed response” against the United States government agents are guilty of treason that is “the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. In fact, 18 U.S. Code § 2381 defines treason as “whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000


real libtard politics - your link


your dismissed
We need a little more sedition in this country. Maybe it will eventually get rid of the obama empire.

Legally you can vote the POTUS out. Oh wait....you tried that and lost using that method already. Twice.
You cannot vote a president out, only in. Once president, only death, resignation or impeachment can unseat them.

No one is going to bother with a lame duck anyway, besides which Biden as president would improve the country much.
Well, who cares, what does it matter anyhow, we can all afford beef, its as cheap and affordable for the world as always.

Yes, and who cares if the Federal Government is changing law to force people off the land, the government is within its power to do this and its good for everyone.

If we stop the government from changing rules and regulations then they will not be able to change the rules and regulations concerning what I pay for electricity.

If the government can not do a 180 degree turn in all rules and regulations how will we keep spending all the money on Green Energy collapsing the economy, how will we force everyone into the cities, how will they be able to control everyone and continue the silent revolution that is upon us.

Is freeloader Cliven Bundy not only ripping off the US taxpayer but committing seditious conspiracy as well?

American Traitors Sean Hannity and the Koch Brothers Back a Seditious Movement

April, 15th, 2014


According to 18 U.S. Code § 2384, seditious conspiracy occurs &#8220;If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States; they shall each be fined or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.&#8221; It is also likely that the militias who rushed to provide &#8220;armed response&#8221; against the United States government agents are guilty of treason that is &#8220;the crime of betraying one&#8217;s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. In fact, 18 U.S. Code § 2381 defines treason as &#8220;whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000.&#8221;


Accusing him of treason? That's funny. Just who are the enemies he is providing aid and comfort to? Seditious conspiracy? Even funnier. The State has never won a case against the militias as far as seditious conspiracy goes. Thus your argument fails, star. Another thing is that seditious conspiracy means conspiring to overthrow the government. That does not involve standing up to the government. Cliven Bundy isn't planning a coup.

And your link? What exactly are you trying to pull?
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I dont get why thats really relevant? Its not their land. His claim does not predate the Nevada State Constitution which claimed those lands 16 years before his ancestors got there. He has no deed at all. No fool would think they can squat in a landlords home, lose 2 court cases, and think something drastic is not going to happen.

Ranchers never had a problem with the State of Nevada.. Nevadans are not the ones making capricious decisions about land use due to turtles.. 80% of Nevada is TITLED to the Feds.. Why even HAVE a state of Nevada?

Star has an analogy here. But lemme make it more accurate.. You've got 16 residents of a Lordly inherited housing complex.. The landlord is absent and THEY do all the maintenance and improvement. 15 of them pay their rent to the slumlord. Slumlord comes in with bulldozers and evicts everyone. Everyone leaves except the dude who is NOT on welfare and believes the residents have rights to redress. Landlord has decided to the give the land to a local church of Turtles. How stupid do the 15 folks feel for paying the slumlord loyalities for all those years???

That's the old Euro peasant model of privilege.. Not a model for HUMONGEOUS chunks of PUBLIC commons in a representative government. Especially not -- when the guns come out while the turtles are being euthanized by the same entity..

What I am asking is what is the relevance of what they (the feds) are using the land for? The ranchers never owned it. No one told them to make improvements and thats not very wise to do if you don't own the land. I bet they feel very stupid. You squat on someones land and they have the right to kick you off. Thats law. We dont reward people for being stupid. The guy had 20 years of redress in the court system and lost. Twice!! If the feds wanted to give the land over to roller blading it does not matter. They are in charge of the land. BTW what is a " Lordly inherited housing complex"?

Relevence eh? Most of those 16 ranchers have been on that land before "The Management Team" came in. What did the management team DO with 80% of the state of Nevada SINCE THEN?? They turned it into a Nuclear Test Site and multiple bombing ranges. They allowed big companies to come in and plunk down MASSIVE solar farms.. Did they care about tortoises when they were exploding NUCLEAR BOMBS above ground or putting in high traffic roads to the solar farms?

That kind of "management" is an excuse for usurping 80% of the state and preventing the citizens from establishing STABLE LEGAL businesses on that land. I have several great College buds in the Forestry service.. Their disdain for BLM practices knows no bounds. The BLM was given management responsibility for all the property that the Forest Service didn't want. They are an absentee landlord with no regard for the sovereignty of the state of Nevada.

They could wall off 80% of Nevada including the radioactive parts and you wouldn't care -- because they OWN IT? BS.. The people of Nevada own it.. It's on their map. If a state wanted a military base to LEAVE --- do you think the Feds would challenge that decision with an ARMED confrontation and property confiscation? I think it would be a more reasoned and civil discussion...
We need a little more sedition in this country. Maybe it will eventually get rid of the obama empire.

Legally you can vote the POTUS out. Oh wait....you tried that and lost using that method already. Twice.
You cannot vote a president out, only in. Once president, only death, resignation or impeachment can unseat them.

No one is going to bother with a lame duck anyway, besides which Biden as president would improve the country much.

Yeah you can by virtue of voting someone else in. Point is that the POTUS wouldn't be a lame duck if you had voted in your guy both times..
The decision to close off 2 counties worth of grazing land in Nevada affected more than just the Bundies. 15 other ranchers were driven off the BLM holdings.. Alledgely to protect a desert tortoise that OTHER FEDS are now euthanizing by the hundreds because of priorities and funding. (figure that one out).

The other 15 ranchers who PAID their absentee landlord all that time, only to have their livelihoods and communities WRECKED by capricious and arbitrary decisions (NOT LAWS) -- probably regret the fact that they paid anything at all. Those decisions on use of PUBLIC LAND that has little commercial value and is the size of some European countries --- OUGHT to be put up for public hearing and LEGALLY seized when the lives and businesses of whole communities are at stake..

INSTEAD --- they cattle rustle the one lone dissenter who outdates their claim to sovereignty on that land. It's not about his back fees anymore --- It's about the COMPLETE CLOSURE of that land. He's still THERE --- that's the reason for the guys with guns.. No FOOL is gonna back pay a landlord with a gun to his head and his belongings in a locked cage --- telling him he's evicted because of a turtle that they are killing in awesome numbers by orders of the King...

flacal, the Bundys are the ones who broke the law.

They are not to be conflated with the problems of the legal ranchers.

Why don't you start a thread on that.
Cliven Bundy, the rancher whose cattle were rounded up and then released by the BLM over the weekend, claims that his family has used the land in question since 1880 but the Nevada Constitution pre-dates this by 16 years. When Nevada became a state in 1864, its citizens gave up all claims to unappropriated federal land and codified this in the state&#8217;s Constitution. The Nevada Constitution states:

&#8220;Third. That the people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare, that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States; &#8230;..&#8221;

If Bundy &#8220;owns the land then where is the deed? Where are the records he paid property taxes?

It&#8217;s not his land.

Cliven Bundy Has No Claim to Federal Land and Grazing | The Wildlife News

Everything you need to know about the long fight between Cliven Bundy and the federal government

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