Welfare money should be paid back by those that took it


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I know that there are a lot of people who really do need government assistance (thanks Obama) but it pisses me off that a lot of people think that this is a legitimate way to get stuff in this country. The only way to weed out the freeloaders is to make it so that all money recieved from the government has to be paid back. That would eliminate low life welfare recipients who can't get a job after a year of looking and would stop big corporations from taking money from politicians in bailouts. The minute they know they have to pay this back is the minute they will stop asking for it and people who actually do need it will still receive assistance.
Who is going to be in charge of forcing destitute people to pay back the public assistance they received, the IRS? It's better to revise the tax code, fire or indict the crooks in the IRS who thought their mission included punishing political enemies and improve the economy and create jobs.
Who is going to be in charge of forcing destitute people to pay back the public assistance they received, the IRS? It's better to revise the tax code, fire or indict the crooks in the IRS who thought their mission included punishing political enemies and improve the economy and create jobs.

The crooks in the IRS are merely following orders from the crooks above them. Punishing political enemies is endemic to your political system and no one is really interested in improving the economy or creating jobs.
I know that there are a lot of people who really do need government assistance (thanks Obama) but it pisses me off that a lot of people think that this is a legitimate way to get stuff in this country. The only way to weed out the freeloaders is to make it so that all money recieved from the government has to be paid back. That would eliminate low life welfare recipients who can't get a job after a year of looking and would stop big corporations from taking money from politicians in bailouts. The minute they know they have to pay this back is the minute they will stop asking for it and people who actually do need it will still receive assistance.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's our system. And then of course the masses must be pit against each other to vent the legitimate rage.
No, this isn't the way to reduce governmental dependence in society. Every assistance program from the state level to the federal level must incorporate a training program and have a time limit placed upon it.

Give the people who take assistance a skill, or retrain them in a skill they can utilize in the workforce, and then stipulate that their program is dependent upon them learning their chosen skill. Time limit it so that there is a sense of urgency to the program, and then provide on the job training jobs that also provide a public service.
No, this isn't the way to reduce governmental dependence in society. Every assistance program from the state level to the federal level must incorporate a training program and have a time limit placed upon it.

Give the people who take assistance a skill, or retrain them in a skill they can utilize in the workforce, and then stipulate that their program is dependent upon them learning their chosen skill. Time limit it so that there is a sense of urgency to the program, and then provide on the job training jobs that also provide a public service.
1st you better enforce rules and regs against having sex for babies in order for them to sustain these benefits in that way, and even increase them indefinitely also. The recipient's are doing this in order to take care of families that have the divorced husband or boyfriend living just outside of the governments line of site, while still being highly active in his or her children's lives from a distance as so not to cause any benefits to be taken if he or she is still involved. Random drug test should be enforced also, before benefits are continued as well.
No, this isn't the way to reduce governmental dependence in society. Every assistance program from the state level to the federal level must incorporate a training program and have a time limit placed upon it.

Give the people who take assistance a skill, or retrain them in a skill they can utilize in the workforce, and then stipulate that their program is dependent upon them learning their chosen skill. Time limit it so that there is a sense of urgency to the program, and then provide on the job training jobs that also provide a public service.
1st you better enforce rules and regs against having sex for babies in order for them to sustain these benefits in that way and even increase them indefinitely also. The recipients are doing this in order to take care of families that have the divorced husband or boyfriend living just outside of the governments line of site, while still being highly active in his or her children's lives from a distance as so not to cause any benefits to be taken if he or she is still involved. Random drug test should be enforced also, before benefits are continued as well.
I have zero problems with enforcing child support and an active requirement, enforceable under penalty of perjury, of disclosing the location of any and all the fathers and/or mothers of children of the applicant. Drug testing would be for two purposes. Initially, to get drug counseling and if the abuse continues, to discontinue custody of any minor children and the barring of governmental aid until such time as proof can be provided of successful drug rehab program.
I know that there are a lot of people who really do need government assistance (thanks Obama) but it pisses me off that a lot of people think that this is a legitimate way to get stuff in this country. The only way to weed out the freeloaders is to make it so that all money recieved from the government has to be paid back. That would eliminate low life welfare recipients who can't get a job after a year of looking and would stop big corporations from taking money from politicians in bailouts. The minute they know they have to pay this back is the minute they will stop asking for it and people who actually do need it will still receive assistance.

Are you sure you want to go there?

White trash repubs make up the vast majority of freeloaders on welfare. Just saying.
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I know that there are a lot of people who really do need government assistance (thanks Obama) but it pisses me off that a lot of people think that this is a legitimate way to get stuff in this country. The only way to weed out the freeloaders is to make it so that all money recieved from the government has to be paid back. That would eliminate low life welfare recipients who can't get a job after a year of looking and would stop big corporations from taking money from politicians in bailouts. The minute they know they have to pay this back is the minute they will stop asking for it and people who actually do need it will still receive assistance.

Are you sure you want to go there?

White trash repubs make up the vast majority of freeloaders on welfare. Just saying.

Did you think I would go "Oh my...to many republicans on welfare. STOP EVRYTHING!"? Who cares if people have to pay back the money they borrow to the government.
I know that there are a lot of people who really do need government assistance (thanks Obama) but it pisses me off that a lot of people think that this is a legitimate way to get stuff in this country. The only way to weed out the freeloaders is to make it so that all money recieved from the government has to be paid back. That would eliminate low life welfare recipients who can't get a job after a year of looking and would stop big corporations from taking money from politicians in bailouts. The minute they know they have to pay this back is the minute they will stop asking for it and people who actually do need it will still receive assistance.

Are you sure you want to go there?

White trash repubs make up the vast majority of freeloaders on welfare. Just saying.
. You leftist who had forced whites into poverty in great numbers over the years now, are going to regret that bull crap. Can you say Karma ?? It's wild how liberal policies and wealth redistribution schemes forced huge numbers of whites into poverty, and then here we have as proof where the result now gives libs (like the poster above) an emblodened racist attack attitude as he see's the results being that whites are down, and then to go after them like he just did in that post. Keep running your mouths lefties, just keep running your mouths. It's very revealing.
I know that there are a lot of people who really do need government assistance (thanks Obama) but it pisses me off that a lot of people think that this is a legitimate way to get stuff in this country. The only way to weed out the freeloaders is to make it so that all money recieved from the government has to be paid back. That would eliminate low life welfare recipients who can't get a job after a year of looking and would stop big corporations from taking money from politicians in bailouts. The minute they know they have to pay this back is the minute they will stop asking for it and people who actually do need it will still receive assistance.

Are you sure you want to go there?

White trash repubs make up the vast majority of freeloaders on welfare. Just saying.
This is a perfect example of fake information gleaned from fake news sources in action. You think that because there are more whites on welfare than any others, that anyone who believes in helping people would actually stop and say, "Hey, your right. We actually meant ONLY PEOPLE OF COLOR need follow these rules.

I know that there are a lot of people who really do need government assistance (thanks Obama) but it pisses me off that a lot of people think that this is a legitimate way to get stuff in this country. The only way to weed out the freeloaders is to make it so that all money recieved from the government has to be paid back. That would eliminate low life welfare recipients who can't get a job after a year of looking and would stop big corporations from taking money from politicians in bailouts. The minute they know they have to pay this back is the minute they will stop asking for it and people who actually do need it will still receive assistance.
Hmm, the troll is back.

One of them.
Politicians, past and present, should be stripped of their vast fortunes, forced to repay Americans for Medicare stolen for ACA, millions stolen by Obama for Global Warming, billions stolen from Social Security, hundreds of billions stolen to help them get elected and re-elected...and much more.
since half of the welfare recipients are children, are they suppose to pay back the money????

Paying welfare back would be impossible for most folks, even if they managed to land a middle class job for the rest of their lives.

Having them work for the welfare money, by putting them in a job, with daycare to watch the kids would be easier...
since half of the welfare recipients are children, are they suppose to pay back the money????

Paying welfare back would be impossible for most folks, even if they managed to land a middle class job for the rest of their lives.

Having them work for the welfare money, by putting them in a job, with daycare to watch the kids would be easier...

And troops.


Report: Scrap low-income allowance, use food stamps
By: Karen Jowers, January 30, 2015 (Photo Credit: David McNew/Getty Images)

Defense officials should scrap an allowance for troops in the U.S. designed to keep lower-income military families off the government's food stamp program — because food stamps may be a more effective way to help them, according to the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission
We gave healthy tax breaks to the wealthy on the assurance the money would trickle down in jobs and prosperity

They just kept the extra money........I want my money back

And the wealthy can pay it.......the working poor can't

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