Welfare money should be paid back by those that took it

We gave healthy tax breaks to the wealthy on the assurance the money would trickle down in jobs and prosperity

They just kept the extra money........I want my money back

And the wealthy can pay it.......the working poor can't

What is the "working poor" according to you people? Are those the working poor sitting around the nail salon waiting for their acrylic nails on the government dole while complaining the government does not dole enough for one to by Christmas presents for their babies....all this while coal workers are being told to find other work by the president.

Actually, it is people working full time and struggling to pay their rent, utilities, transportation, insurance and health insurance

A large percentage of our population
. And why are they struggling so bad ??? It's because of our corrupt government, and over taxing of the working class is why. Now who has been the worst about making the workers of this nation impoverished over the years now, and empowering the entitlement mentality in this nation ? Uh huh I thought so " The Demon-crats" that's who.
NO! It is NOT taxes....these are people who work full time but still do not owe income taxes due to not making more than the personal exemption or standard deduction we all get or they are taking tax breaks that are given, like the child tax credit, or the EIC credit for what they pay in payroll taxes...

you know, they are the working people in the 47% that pay no federal income taxes...

They do pay State sales taxes and local property taxes if they own a home and gasoline taxes etc.... but no state or federal income taxes in most cases....

It's NOT tax policy that is hurting them... revising the income tax marginal rates doesn't help them one itty bitty bit, if that is what you were implying?
Every bit of it is out of line, and the crooked Government has facilitated the fiasco for far to long now. Government has not been the friend of the working class for years now. The best way for it to become the working classes friend again, is to quit allowing whacko's to lead it in order to screw over the rest of us (i.e. the working class).

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