Well Jerry Moonballs, You Wanted Open Borders In Callyfornia.Hows That Working For You Today?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Now whether or not todays shooting was an attack of legal or illegal aliens, its an obvious preview of what will happen with open borders.
So where is Jerry Brown? still waiting to see the race of the shooters? And then he will make his statement? Probably same scenario with Obama, guess he wants to wait until he finds out if the shooters were White Conservatives or Illegal aliens.
It doesn't make any difference! Welcome to the outcome of Democrat Open Borders! No Paperwork Required! Just come on in and register to vote !!!:cheers2:
This is all on the NRA and GOP.

This is your thread- you decided to blame it on 'open borders'.

Just as nutty as blaming it on Bush- or Obama.
now what happens if the shooters are black men? will we hear from Obama?
Has Chrissy Thighs blamed it on Sarah Palin yet?
Should they scissor sex their problems away?
the loonies are anxious to see if the shooters were regular white guys, otherwise Hillary will have some esplaining to do
I'm wondering why the police are such pussies, the military would have stormed the area and conquered their foe...in time for lunch.....with orange Kool-Aid..
I hope you are being sarcastic

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