Well Jerry Moonballs, You Wanted Open Borders In Callyfornia.Hows That Working For You Today?

Yeah- doesn't matter who the shooters were- open borders are to blame.

God you people are stupid.
I have a clogged toilet cause of open borders.....When will it stop!!!???
get an illegal to unplug it....they work cheap and do a decent job....
Why? I don't use a toilet, I have 43 acres and dogs....for toilet paper duty...illegals may work for cheap, but they do a half assed job when they work....
Yeah- doesn't matter who the shooters were- open borders are to blame.

God you people are stupid.
I have a clogged toilet cause of open borders.....When will it stop!!!???
get an illegal to unplug it....they work cheap and do a decent job....
Why? I don't use a toilet, I have 43 acres and dogs....for toilet paper duty...illegals may work for cheap, but they do a half assed job when they work....
your dogs lick the shit off your ass?....im sorry i brought this up.....lol
this just in from PMS NBC, at this time we are not sure of the race of the shooters, but we just took a poll and 90% believe they were all white conservatives who dont believe in global warming.

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