Well, Kathleen Kennedy is doubling down on SJW star wars messages. Lando, a "pansexual."


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Yeah, cause that is really a thing that was just soooo necessary to push and shoehorn into kids brains.

I mean of course it is. So just to reiterate, if you do not agree with them 100% you are racist, a sexist, a misogynist, or a homophobic, or whatever ism or title they want to apply.

Not only that, but they also have their droid L3-37 is all about "droid rights." Get that? L3-37, is of course Lando the pansexual's navigator.

L3-37 cares DEEEEPLY about droid rights.

RIP Star Wars.

I would strongly suggest that you do not waste your money on this. For those that do not need to be preached to by the church of Hollywood propaganda.
Actually, I got all of it except for Franchise Killer.

Her girl power political correctness has pretty well screwed up the Star War brand.

She is not adhering to the Star War universe created by Lucas.

The fan base is pretty pissed at what she had done. TLJ was pretty much unwatchable.

Thank goodness Disney is canning her.
Actually, I got all of it except for Franchise Killer.

Her girl power political correctness has pretty well screwed up the Star War brand.

She is not adhering to the Star War universe created by Lucas.

The fan base is pretty pissed at what she had done. TLJ was pretty much unwatchable.

Thank goodness Disney is canning her.

Don't waste your time with a sjw on how their sjw bullshit has ruined our culture.

That moron liked TLJ. Think about that.

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