We'll Tell You How Dangerous Ebola Is After the Election: Ann Coulter

People still pay attention to Ann Coulter? She's a has been.
that's nice.We've all been wondering how you felt about her.It's SO important to the topic...

...now which part of her article can you refute?
The title of her article is misleading, there is no correlation between what our government is currently doing to fight Ebola and the upcoming election. And we are going to start importing families infected with Ebola? Hyperbole.

so MANY things have to be deferred until "after the election"..isn't that interesting.
The left is really getting desperate.
The drones are madly posting ANYTHING pro obama/anti conservative to try to distract people. Comical to see them flailing around....
What about Ebola is being deferred until after the election?

I didn't write the article, did I?
People still pay attention to Ann Coulter? She's a has been.
that's nice.We've all been wondering how you felt about her.It's SO important to the topic...

...now which part of her article can you refute?
The title of her article is misleading, there is no correlation between what our government is currently doing to fight Ebola and the upcoming election. And we are going to start importing families infected with Ebola? Hyperbole.

so MANY things have to be deferred until "after the election"..isn't that interesting.
The left is really getting desperate.
The drones are madly posting ANYTHING pro obama/anti conservative to try to distract people. Comical to see them flailing around....
What about Ebola is being deferred until after the election?

I didn't write the article, did I?

You evidently didn't read it either.
We ll Tell You How Dangerous Ebola Is After the Election - Ann Coulter - Page 1

She nails it again.......

From the article.....

With no evidence, the CDC simply announced that the nurses were not following proper "protocol." The disease didn't operate the way CDC said it would, so the hospitals must be lying.

The government told us that national quarantines won't work, but then they quarantine everyone with Ebola -- or who has been near someone with Ebola, such as an entire NBC crew. To me, this suggests that there's some value in keeping people who have been near Ebola away from people who have not.

Quite obviously, the only way to protect Americans is to prevent Ebola from coming here in the first place. The problem isn't that Ebola will leap across oceans to infect Americans; it's that Obama doesn't want to protect Americans.

At least he's only putting expendable Americans on the frontlines of the Ebola epidemic -- doctors, nurses, members of the 101st Airborne.


This administration will go down as the BOZO's of the century. They can't seem to do anything right.

Way to call it Ann......

Paul Krugman can suck it.

Anne Coulter is an ignorant ****, but I do like her slutty little school girl look, really works for me. But if I had my choice I would much rather play spank the bad little conservative with Michelle Malkin. She looks like she knows how to suck a dick.

You sound like Bodecca
People still pay attention to Ann Coulter? She's a has been.
that's nice.We've all been wondering how you felt about her.It's SO important to the topic...

...now which part of her article can you refute?
The title of her article is misleading, there is no correlation between what our government is currently doing to fight Ebola and the upcoming election. And we are going to start importing families infected with Ebola? Hyperbole.

so MANY things have to be deferred until "after the election"..isn't that interesting.
The left is really getting desperate.
The drones are madly posting ANYTHING pro obama/anti conservative to try to distract people. Comical to see them flailing around....
What about Ebola is being deferred until after the election?

I didn't write the article, did I?
You asked me to refute the article, I did and you singled out the "after the election" piece. Why did you feel it was important to point that out?
I'm hesitant to say that Obama or the admin has any sinister motives here.. I think it is just more from a long list of good old-fashioned incompetency & apathy.

It's the gang that just can't shoot straight.
We ll Tell You How Dangerous Ebola Is After the Election - Ann Coulter - Page 1

She nails it again.......

From the article.....

With no evidence, the CDC simply announced that the nurses were not following proper "protocol."

Link to the CDC announcing the nurses were not following proper protocol?

The disease didn't operate the way CDC said it would, so the hospitals must be lying.

Please explain what "the disease didn't operate the way CDC said it would" and then we will see who is lying.
She's like Palin, strong smart Conservative woman that makes little Prog boys wet themselves.
We ll Tell You How Dangerous Ebola Is After the Election - Ann Coulter - Page 1

She nails it again.......

From the article.....

With no evidence, the CDC simply announced that the nurses were not following proper "protocol."

Link to the CDC announcing the nurses were not following proper protocol?

The disease didn't operate the way CDC said it would, so the hospitals must be lying.

Please explain what "the disease didn't operate the way CDC said it would" and then we will see who is lying.

Ebola is a Level IV pathogen, looks like CDC was not following protocol by allowing untrained, ill-equipped nurses to handle it

Drink up!
that's nice.We've all been wondering how you felt about her.It's SO important to the topic...

...now which part of her article can you refute?
The title of her article is misleading, there is no correlation between what our government is currently doing to fight Ebola and the upcoming election. And we are going to start importing families infected with Ebola? Hyperbole.

so MANY things have to be deferred until "after the election"..isn't that interesting.
The left is really getting desperate.
The drones are madly posting ANYTHING pro obama/anti conservative to try to distract people. Comical to see them flailing around....
What about Ebola is being deferred until after the election?

I didn't write the article, did I?
You asked me to refute the article, I did and you singled out the "after the election" piece. Why did you feel it was important to point that out?

when is the new atty gen. going to be named?
Excellent Article, she brings up a host of good points.
I'm afraid I don't have the necessary seven pounds of brain damage to see her points as "good". They are idiotic, ignorant, and fearmongering bullshit.
The title of her article is misleading, there is no correlation between what our government is currently doing to fight Ebola and the upcoming election. And we are going to start importing families infected with Ebola? Hyperbole.

so MANY things have to be deferred until "after the election"..isn't that interesting.
The left is really getting desperate.
The drones are madly posting ANYTHING pro obama/anti conservative to try to distract people. Comical to see them flailing around....
What about Ebola is being deferred until after the election?

I didn't write the article, did I?
You asked me to refute the article, I did and you singled out the "after the election" piece. Why did you feel it was important to point that out?

when is the new atty gen. going to be named?
After the election. Again, I ask. What is the correlation with Ebola and the election? What isn't the government telling us about Ebola that they'll tell us about after the election?
Things we need to know instead of leaping to idiotic wild conclusions and assumptions:

1. Was the Liberian man treated by these nurses before his Ebola test came back positive?

2. Are CDC Ebola protocols put into effect before an Ebola test comes back?

3. Did the nurses inadvertently breach the protocols once they were in effect?

If the nurses treated the Liberian man before his test results came back, and they were not using CDC protocols during that time, then it is likely this is how they contracted Ebola themselves.

If the nurses who treated the Ebola patient inadvertently breached the protocols once they were in effect, then this is also a likely avenue by which they were infected.

The medical community has been complacent about Ebola. After all, the Texas hospital turned away the Liberian man even though he told them he had just come from West Africa. It is very likely they sent him on his way because he was uninsured and they were a boutique hospital that does not truck with uninsured sick people.

Hopefully, these cases will snap the medical community out of its complacency and they will get their shit together.

As for isolating West Africa, let's ask an expert in the field what he thinks of this idea:

CHUCK TODD: It seems as if there's almost this, many nations are reacting the way we're seeing actually public officials, some of them here, acting, which is, "No, no, no, no, just shut down the borders. Shut down lights." Is shutting down flights a viable option?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: That would be counterproductive. We can understand how people might come to that conclusion. But when you look at what happens when you isolate a country, you diminish greatly their ability to handle their own epidemic. If that happens, it very likely will spread to other African countries.

And the best way to protect Americans is to completely suppress the epidemic in West Africa. If we do that, we wouldn't be talking about this today. So to isolate them, maybe with good intentions, actually can be counterproductive and make things worse.

So whose opinion are the tards going to respect? That of an ignorant bloviating pundit or that of someone who is an expert on the success of battling outbreaks in Africa for decades?

The answer is obvious. The tards are going to run with the dumb bitch. Because that's just what they do.

Don't be a part of the tard herd.
when is the new atty gen. going to be named?
When are the Republicans going to allow Obama's surgeon general nominee to be confirmed? It has been over a year now. Don't you think that is more important to the Ebola issue immediately at hand?
Last edited:
People still pay attention to Ann Coulter? She's a has been.
that's nice.We've all been wondering how you felt about her.It's SO important to the topic...

...now which part of her article can you refute?
The title of her article is misleading, there is no correlation between what our government is currently doing to fight Ebola and the upcoming election. And we are going to start importing families infected with Ebola? Hyperbole.


When someone has sarcasm in the title....you default to literalism.

We understand......Our Affirmative Action Failure of a POTUS is still screwing up.....and you are pissed.
Have you RWnuts been keeping a list of how many Americans have died of Ebola?

Has anyone.

Of course you bastards have yet to produce a substantial list of names of people who died from lack of health insurance (should have been easy....Harvards says there are about 47,000 a year. Ten years later and you've got squat.
We ll Tell You How Dangerous Ebola Is After the Election - Ann Coulter - Page 1

She nails it again.......

From the article.....

With no evidence, the CDC simply announced that the nurses were not following proper "protocol." The disease didn't operate the way CDC said it would, so the hospitals must be lying.

The government told us that national quarantines won't work, but then they quarantine everyone with Ebola -- or who has been near someone with Ebola, such as an entire NBC crew. To me, this suggests that there's some value in keeping people who have been near Ebola away from people who have not.

Quite obviously, the only way to protect Americans is to prevent Ebola from coming here in the first place. The problem isn't that Ebola will leap across oceans to infect Americans; it's that Obama doesn't want to protect Americans.

At least he's only putting expendable Americans on the frontlines of the Ebola epidemic -- doctors, nurses, members of the 101st Airborne.


This administration will go down as the BOZO's of the century. They can't seem to do anything right.

Way to call it Ann......

Paul Krugman can suck it.

Anne Coulter is an ignorant ****, but I do like her slutty little school girl look, really works for me. But if I had my choice I would much rather play spank the bad little conservative with Michelle Malkin. She looks like she knows how to suck a dick.

My guess is that you'd be lucky to get Malkin's dog to have sex with you.
so MANY things have to be deferred until "after the election"..isn't that interesting.
The left is really getting desperate.
The drones are madly posting ANYTHING pro obama/anti conservative to try to distract people. Comical to see them flailing around....
What about Ebola is being deferred until after the election?

I didn't write the article, did I?
You asked me to refute the article, I did and you singled out the "after the election" piece. Why did you feel it was important to point that out?

when is the new atty gen. going to be named?
After the election. Again, I ask. What is the correlation with Ebola and the election? What isn't the government telling us about Ebola that they'll tell us about after the election?

Oh..you're pretending you don't see the connections...and you want to play word games...suddenly you're a literalist..Again, I didn't write the article but I understand her reference perfectly..

Do a search and see some of the things obama has deferred until after the election...

amnesty for illegals (or as the drones call it "immigration reform")

naming a new atty gen.

several other unpopular things (some we know about...some will be a SURPRISE!) he wants to push through but not risk damaging his party doing it...probably never heard of the idea, have you?

It also plays to the silly liberal idea pelosi put forth about having to pass the bill before we can see what is in it...etc...perhaps it's all too subtle and nuanced for you to see.

Several more..go do a search so you at least understand what foolishness you're defending. I can explain it to you but I can't make you understand it.

you guys are pretty funny when you get so desperate to defend dear leader...
We ll Tell You How Dangerous Ebola Is After the Election - Ann Coulter - Page 1

She nails it again.......

From the article.....

With no evidence, the CDC simply announced that the nurses were not following proper "protocol." The disease didn't operate the way CDC said it would, so the hospitals must be lying.

The government told us that national quarantines won't work, but then they quarantine everyone with Ebola -- or who has been near someone with Ebola, such as an entire NBC crew. To me, this suggests that there's some value in keeping people who have been near Ebola away from people who have not.

Quite obviously, the only way to protect Americans is to prevent Ebola from coming here in the first place. The problem isn't that Ebola will leap across oceans to infect Americans; it's that Obama doesn't want to protect Americans.

At least he's only putting expendable Americans on the frontlines of the Ebola epidemic -- doctors, nurses, members of the 101st Airborne.


This administration will go down as the BOZO's of the century. They can't seem to do anything right.

Way to call it Ann......

Paul Krugman can suck it.

Anne Coulter is an ignorant ****, but I do like her slutty little school girl look, really works for me. But if I had my choice I would much rather play spank the bad little conservative with Michelle Malkin. She looks like she knows how to suck a dick.

Nice...you completely deflected and dodged making any relevant or intelligent comments.

Someone.... somewhere.... probably thinks you're real witty and smart too, little partisan...maybe....LMAO..

Would you like to see some more videos of Anne Coulter? Plenty more where those came from. I like how she tries to bluster her way through when she's obviously wrong.

We aren't interested in your deflections and dodges to change the subject.
Refute her article if you can...or tell us about your ridiculous sexual fantasies about her and malkin...whichever works best for you....

Maybe I just missed the part where Coulter does anything but speculate, guess, and characterize motives. Feel free to point out the operative phrase.

Try this one first.

"The government told us that national quarantines won't work, but then they quarantine everyone with Ebola -- or who has been near someone with Ebola, such as an entire NBC crew. To me, this suggests that there's some value in keeping people who have been near Ebola away from people who have not."

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