We'll Tell You How Dangerous Ebola Is After the Election: Ann Coulter

We ll Tell You How Dangerous Ebola Is After the Election - Ann Coulter - Page 1

She nails it again.......

From the article.....

With no evidence, the CDC simply announced that the nurses were not following proper "protocol." The disease didn't operate the way CDC said it would, so the hospitals must be lying.

The government told us that national quarantines won't work, but then they quarantine everyone with Ebola -- or who has been near someone with Ebola, such as an entire NBC crew. To me, this suggests that there's some value in keeping people who have been near Ebola away from people who have not.

Quite obviously, the only way to protect Americans is to prevent Ebola from coming here in the first place. The problem isn't that Ebola will leap across oceans to infect Americans; it's that Obama doesn't want to protect Americans.

At least he's only putting expendable Americans on the frontlines of the Ebola epidemic -- doctors, nurses, members of the 101st Airborne.


This administration will go down as the BOZO's of the century. They can't seem to do anything right.

Way to call it Ann......

Paul Krugman can suck it.

Anne Coulter is an ignorant ****, but I do like her slutty little school girl look, really works for me. But if I had my choice I would much rather play spank the bad little conservative with Michelle Malkin. She looks like she knows how to suck a dick.

My guess is that you'd be lucky to get Malkin's dog to have sex with you.

You should probably check out a different website for that kind of action. But with doggy sex in mind lets have a closer look at the wisdom of Anne Coulter.

What's being hidden? Jeezus, the media is spewing out sky-is-falling hysteria 24 hours a day.
Just imagine the hollering and screaming if W or any Republican president did exactly what Barry Ebola has done about this.
We ll Tell You How Dangerous Ebola Is After the Election - Ann Coulter - Page 1

She nails it again.......

From the article.....

With no evidence, the CDC simply announced that the nurses were not following proper "protocol." The disease didn't operate the way CDC said it would, so the hospitals must be lying.

The government told us that national quarantines won't work, but then they quarantine everyone with Ebola -- or who has been near someone with Ebola, such as an entire NBC crew. To me, this suggests that there's some value in keeping people who have been near Ebola away from people who have not.

Quite obviously, the only way to protect Americans is to prevent Ebola from coming here in the first place. The problem isn't that Ebola will leap across oceans to infect Americans; it's that Obama doesn't want to protect Americans.

At least he's only putting expendable Americans on the frontlines of the Ebola epidemic -- doctors, nurses, members of the 101st Airborne.


This administration will go down as the BOZO's of the century. They can't seem to do anything right.

Way to call it Ann......

Paul Krugman can suck it.

Anne Coulter is an ignorant ****, but I do like her slutty little school girl look, really works for me. But if I had my choice I would much rather play spank the bad little conservative with Michelle Malkin. She looks like she knows how to suck a dick.

My guess is that you'd be lucky to get Malkin's dog to have sex with you.

You should probably check out a different website for that kind of action. But with doggy sex in mind lets have a closer look at the wisdom of Anne Coulter.

How many best selling books have you written? I doubt you would sell very many describing doggy sex, which seems to be the limit of your intellect.
Scabby Annie Coulter never fails to jump on the fear mongering bandwagon.

Never let a crisis go to waste? Rahm Emmanuel said that. But the Rabid Right Wingers have taken it to heart. Spread the fear, specify the blame on political opposition and giggle like hell as the rank and file idiots who make up the fan base wince and cringe for no reason.

Tom Petty/Anne Coulter. Strange you never see them in the same room.


Scabby Annie Coulter never fails to jump on the fear mongering bandwagon.

Never let a crisis go to waste? Rahm Emmanuel said that. But the Rabid Right Wingers have taken it to heart. Spread the fear, specify the blame on political opposition and giggle like hell as the rank and file idiots who make up the fan base wince and cringe for no reason.

Tom Petty/Anne Coulter. Strange you never see them in the same room.



Not a word about what she said...just evasion and distraction...
The character assassination was fascinating..but it revealed more about you than her, though.
Anne Coulter is an ignorant ****, but I do like her slutty little school girl look, really works for me. But if I had my choice I would much rather play spank the bad little conservative with Michelle Malkin. She looks like she knows how to suck a dick.

Nice...you completely deflected and dodged making any relevant or intelligent comments.

Someone.... somewhere.... probably thinks you're real witty and smart too, little partisan...maybe....LMAO..

Would you like to see some more videos of Anne Coulter? Plenty more where those came from. I like how she tries to bluster her way through when she's obviously wrong.

We aren't interested in your deflections and dodges to change the subject.
Refute her article if you can...or tell us about your ridiculous sexual fantasies about her and malkin...whichever works best for you....

Maybe I just missed the part where Coulter does anything but speculate, guess, and characterize motives. Feel free to point out the operative phrase.

Try this one first.

"The government told us that national quarantines won't work, but then they quarantine everyone with Ebola -- or who has been near someone with Ebola, such as an entire NBC crew. To me, this suggests that there's some value in keeping people who have been near Ebola away from people who have not."
So..you see no difference between a national quarantine and a quarantine of individuals?
she nails it again... except she forgot to mention which election

oh yeah, election was tossed in for drama, and idiot RW's love drama

We ll Tell You How Dangerous Ebola Is After the Election - Ann Coulter - Page 1

She nails it again.......

From the article.....

With no evidence, the CDC simply announced that the nurses were not following proper "protocol." The disease didn't operate the way CDC said it would, so the hospitals must be lying.

The government told us that national quarantines won't work, but then they quarantine everyone with Ebola -- or who has been near someone with Ebola, such as an entire NBC crew. To me, this suggests that there's some value in keeping people who have been near Ebola away from people who have not.

Quite obviously, the only way to protect Americans is to prevent Ebola from coming here in the first place. The problem isn't that Ebola will leap across oceans to infect Americans; it's that Obama doesn't want to protect Americans.

At least he's only putting expendable Americans on the frontlines of the Ebola epidemic -- doctors, nurses, members of the 101st Airborne.


This administration will go down as the BOZO's of the century. They can't seem to do anything right.

Way to call it Ann......

Paul Krugman can suck it.

What do you think you don't know about Ebola?
has coultergeist ever said anything true?
Ok...post all of her lies, then..should be easy...

all? that would take me weeks. there are books on the subject though as she's been studiously fact-checked.
Right...that's what I thought..all show and no go.
has coultergeist ever said anything true?
Ok...post all of her lies, then..should be easy...

all? that would take me weeks. there are books on the subject though as she's been studiously fact-checked.
Right...that's what I thought..all show and no go.

really sweetie? i'd suggest you look at post 55.

I can't help it if reading isn't your strong suit
has coultergeist ever said anything true?
Ok...post all of her lies, then..should be easy...

all? that would take me weeks. there are books on the subject though as she's been studiously fact-checked.
Right...that's what I thought..all show and no go.
has coultergeist ever said anything true?
Ok...post all of her lies, then..should be easy...

all? that would take me weeks. there are books on the subject though as she's been studiously fact-checked.
Right...that's what I thought..all show and no go.

really sweetie? i'd suggest you look at post 55.

I can't help it if reading isn't your strong suit

Your source is clearly biased.but whatever.....

Let's try this, then; What about obama?..has he ever lied to the country?

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