Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

I think Roudy used several valid Links to blow your Good Polish Guy theory to smithereens.
I know, I know, the Links weren't from "WhyCantEverybodyAdmireTheBevahiorOfPolesDuringWWII.org.
That's rich. A member of the most murderous blood-thirsty tribe ever to wander the face of the earth sitting in moral judgment of Poles. There's a word for that.
But you Christian whites of European ancestry never harmed anyone, now did you, Adolf? Ha ha ha. What a fucking ignorant dufus.
No, you pathetic piece of porcine garbage, we have committed our share of atrocities along with everyone else. The difference is, you putrid piece of shit, we own our contribution to the human tragedy. That means we can improve. Unfortunately, there is one particularly vile segment of us bipeds that refuses to do that out of, I guess, racial insecurity or, perhaps, subhuman development. The tragedy of that is it negates every effort at improvement, because the (((subhumans))) will only see any acknowledgement of moral failure as a weakness to be exploited, thus consigning all to a depraved condition of all against all. Thanks, Jews!
So please let us know the National and International Holocaust(s) that the Jews wreaked against non-Jews.
We'll wait.

Jew Abe Foxman denies the Armenian Genocide, which is rich coming from someone who cries profusely about those who deny the Holocaust.

Israel also doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide.

One thing is true, as Jew Joel Stein of the LA Times pointed out, Jews totally run Hollywood..... Of course Hollywood hasn't produced much on other genocides of history against other ethnic groups.
Abe Foxman is a useless, Christian ass-kissing POS.
Don't you wish Israel was an Orthodox Jewish nation which would recognize genocide against any people?

Jews owning Hollywood?
Easy, go to school for 30 years, get an advanced degree and get people confident in your talent to pay you to create entertainment.
Historian Ronald Modras, a professor at St. Louis University, has researched the role of the Catholic Church in fomenting profound Jew hatred in Poland and concluded,
So some Jew foments profound Christian-hatred. And this supposed to make us, what, embrace subjugation?

Let's not forget that Jews did something Poles didn't do.

Which is throw money to the Nazis.

Such as the Haavara Agreement where Jews indirectly financed the Nazis, to have Nazis send 60,000 Jews, and their personal belongings to Palestine.
OMG! Jews paying ransom to save Jews!
Historian Ronald Modras, a professor at St. Louis University, has researched the role of the Catholic Church in fomenting profound Jew hatred in Poland and concluded,
So some Jew foments profound Christian-hatred. And this supposed to make us, what, embrace subjugation?

You said Jews were responsible for genocides?
What genocides?
I think Roudy used several valid Links to blow your Good Polish Guy theory to smithereens.
I know, I know, the Links weren't from "WhyCantEverybodyAdmireTheBevahiorOfPolesDuringWWII.org.
That's rich. A member of the most murderous blood-thirsty tribe ever to wander the face of the earth sitting in moral judgment of Poles. There's a word for that.
But you Christian whites of European ancestry never harmed anyone, now did you, Adolf? Ha ha ha. What a fucking ignorant dufus.
No, you pathetic piece of porcine garbage, we have committed our share of atrocities along with everyone else. The difference is, you putrid piece of shit, we own our contribution to the human tragedy. That means we can improve. Unfortunately, there is one particularly vile segment of us bipeds that refuses to do that out of, I guess, racial insecurity or, perhaps, subhuman development. The tragedy of that is it negates every effort at improvement, because the (((subhumans))) will only see any acknowledgement of moral failure as a weakness to be exploited, thus consigning all to a depraved condition of all against all. Thanks, Jews!
So please let us know the National and International Holocaust(s) that the Jews wreaked against non-Jews.
We'll wait.

Jew Abe Foxman denies the Armenian Genocide, which is rich coming from someone who cries profusely about those who deny the Holocaust.

Israel also doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide.

One thing is true, as Jew Joel Stein of the LA Times pointed out, Jews totally run Hollywood..... Of course Hollywood hasn't produced much on other genocides of history against other ethnic groups.
Israel doesn't recognize the Armenian Genocide due to your beloved Islamic Turks.
But I bet you love the Turks.
Historian Ronald Modras, a professor at St. Louis University, has researched the role of the Catholic Church in fomenting profound Jew hatred in Poland and concluded,
So some Jew foments profound Christian-hatred. And this supposed to make us, what, embrace subjugation?

You said Jews were responsible for genocides?
What genocides?
At least 20 million Russian Christians 1917 - 1928
Historian Ronald Modras, a professor at St. Louis University, has researched the role of the Catholic Church in fomenting profound Jew hatred in Poland and concluded,
So some Jew foments profound Christian-hatred. And this supposed to make us, what, embrace subjugation?

You said Jews were responsible for genocides?
What genocides?
At least 20 million Russian Christians 1917 - 1928
Christianized and atheist Jews.
Your ancestors did a good job.
I bet those Russians would have preferred those Jews remained Jewish.
But you can't handle that fact.
Historian Ronald Modras, a professor at St. Louis University, has researched the role of the Catholic Church in fomenting profound Jew hatred in Poland and concluded,
So some Jew foments profound Christian-hatred. And this supposed to make us, what, embrace subjugation?

You said Jews were responsible for genocides?
What genocides?
At least 20 million Russian Christians 1917 - 1928
Christianized and atheist Jews.
Your ancestors did a good job.
I bet those Russians would have preferred those Jews remained Jewish.
But you can't handle that fact.
Hahaha, so let me get this straight, Jew. Jews are always blameless. And when they aren't, they aren't Jews. Fucking buffoon.
Let's not forget that Jews did something Poles didn't do.

Which is throw money to the Nazis.

Such as the Haavara Agreement where Jews indirectly financed the Nazis, to have Nazis send 60,000 Jews, and their personal belongings to Palestine.
OMG! Jews paying ransom to save Jews!

That was in 1933, before Nazis killed Jews.

But, can you explain this?

Explain M.M/ Warburg, and Mendelsohn banks floating loans for the Nazi government?

Historian Ronald Modras, a professor at St. Louis University, has researched the role of the Catholic Church in fomenting profound Jew hatred in Poland and concluded,
So some Jew foments profound Christian-hatred. And this supposed to make us, what, embrace subjugation?

You said Jews were responsible for genocides?
What genocides?
At least 20 million Russian Christians 1917 - 1928
Christianized and atheist Jews.
Your ancestors did a good job.
I bet those Russians would have preferred those Jews remained Jewish.
But you can't handle that fact.
Hahaha, so let me get this straight, Jew. Jews are always blameless. And when they aren't, they aren't Jews. Fucking buffoon.
You are the buffoon.
You legitimize the oppression of people for 1,000 years and then get annoyed when they rebel.
I guess you were would have voted no to the American Revolution.
Let's not forget that Jews did something Poles didn't do.

Which is throw money to the Nazis.

Such as the Haavara Agreement where Jews indirectly financed the Nazis, to have Nazis send 60,000 Jews, and their personal belongings to Palestine.
OMG! Jews paying ransom to save Jews!

That was in 1933, before Nazis killed Jews.

But, can you explain this?

Explain M.M/ Warburg, and Mendelsohn banks floating loans for the Nazi government?

I would prefer for you to tell me why Poland has allowed the world to not care about Poland.
You see, the Jews got together, went to a barren land and turned it into a modern marvel that few in the world can ignore.
All you can do is cry, "Foul; the Jews are the blame! Wha!".
Do you really think an educated audience anywhere in the world would have the patience to sit back and listen to you wanting to be loved by making them hate Jews?
You're do a poor job of touting Poland; in fact, you're not doing a job at all.
Let's not forget that Jews did something Poles didn't do.

Which is throw money to the Nazis.

Such as the Haavara Agreement where Jews indirectly financed the Nazis, to have Nazis send 60,000 Jews, and their personal belongings to Palestine.
OMG! Jews paying ransom to save Jews!

That was in 1933, before Nazis killed Jews.

But, can you explain this?

Explain M.M/ Warburg, and Mendelsohn banks floating loans for the Nazi government?

I would prefer for you to tell me why Poland has allowed the world to not care about Poland.
You see, the Jews got together, went to a barren land and turned it into a modern marvel that few in the world can ignore.
All you can do is cry, "Foul; the Jews are the blame! Wha!".
Do you really think an educated audience anywhere in the world would have the patience to sit back and listen to you wanting to be loved by making them hate Jews?
You're do a poor job of touting Poland; in fact, you're not doing a job at all.

Poland was stuck behind the Iron Curtain for a long time, meanwhile Jews in the U.S.A kept pushing the dumb Polak joke.

Long behold, in both cases Jews held a lot of responsibility.
Let's not forget that Jews did something Poles didn't do.

Which is throw money to the Nazis.

Such as the Haavara Agreement where Jews indirectly financed the Nazis, to have Nazis send 60,000 Jews, and their personal belongings to Palestine.
OMG! Jews paying ransom to save Jews!

That was in 1933, before Nazis killed Jews.

But, can you explain this?

Explain M.M/ Warburg, and Mendelsohn banks floating loans for the Nazi government?

I would prefer for you to tell me why Poland has allowed the world to not care about Poland.
You see, the Jews got together, went to a barren land and turned it into a modern marvel that few in the world can ignore.
All you can do is cry, "Foul; the Jews are the blame! Wha!".
Do you really think an educated audience anywhere in the world would have the patience to sit back and listen to you wanting to be loved by making them hate Jews?
You're do a poor job of touting Poland; in fact, you're not doing a job at all.

Poland was stuck behind the Iron Curtain for a long time, meanwhile Jews in the U.S.A kept pushing the dumb Polak joke.

Long behold, in both cases Jews held a lot of responsibility.
Lexapro...for sure.
Let's not forget that Jews did something Poles didn't do.

Which is throw money to the Nazis.

Such as the Haavara Agreement where Jews indirectly financed the Nazis, to have Nazis send 60,000 Jews, and their personal belongings to Palestine.
OMG! Jews paying ransom to save Jews!

That was in 1933, before Nazis killed Jews.

But, can you explain this?

Explain M.M/ Warburg, and Mendelsohn banks floating loans for the Nazi government?

I would prefer for you to tell me why Poland has allowed the world to not care about Poland.
You see, the Jews got together, went to a barren land and turned it into a modern marvel that few in the world can ignore.
All you can do is cry, "Foul; the Jews are the blame! Wha!".
Do you really think an educated audience anywhere in the world would have the patience to sit back and listen to you wanting to be loved by making them hate Jews?
You're do a poor job of touting Poland; in fact, you're not doing a job at all.

Poland was stuck behind the Iron Curtain for a long time, meanwhile Jews in the U.S.A kept pushing the dumb Polak joke.

Long behold, in both cases Jews held a lot of responsibility.
Lexapro...for sure.

There's a lot of Hollywood films that could be made about Poles, like Ryszard Kuklinski, Jan III Sobieski, Witold Pilecki, Polish Solidarity, Eugene Lazowski, among various others.

Instead, your Jews deny Polish people in their films. (Unless it's to mock them, such as the Big Lebowski, or Borat speaking Polish phrases)

Your Jew Steven Spielberg will make Schindler's List to make a film about a German rescuing Jews, with Polish speaking guards at Auschwitz.

But, nothing on Polish Eugene Lazowski who saved 8,000, or 6 X more Jews than Schindler did, and who did so faking a fake Typhus vaccine.

Poles have a problem, it's called JEWS.
OMG! Jews paying ransom to save Jews!

That was in 1933, before Nazis killed Jews.

But, can you explain this?

Explain M.M/ Warburg, and Mendelsohn banks floating loans for the Nazi government?

I would prefer for you to tell me why Poland has allowed the world to not care about Poland.
You see, the Jews got together, went to a barren land and turned it into a modern marvel that few in the world can ignore.
All you can do is cry, "Foul; the Jews are the blame! Wha!".
Do you really think an educated audience anywhere in the world would have the patience to sit back and listen to you wanting to be loved by making them hate Jews?
You're do a poor job of touting Poland; in fact, you're not doing a job at all.

Poland was stuck behind the Iron Curtain for a long time, meanwhile Jews in the U.S.A kept pushing the dumb Polak joke.

Long behold, in both cases Jews held a lot of responsibility.
Lexapro...for sure.

There's a lot of Hollywood films that could be made about Poles, like Ryszard Kuklinski, Jan III Sobieski, Witold Pilecki, Polish Solidarity, Eugene Lazowski, among various others.

Instead, your Jews deny Polish in their films.

Your Jew Steven Spielberg will make Schindler's List to make a film about a German rescuing Jews, with Polish speaking guards at Auschwitz.

But, nothing on Polish Eugene Lazowski who saved 8,000, or 6 X more Jews than Schindler did, and who did so faking a fake Typhus vaccine.

Poles have a problem, it's called JEWS.
Spielberg makes blockbusters that cost into the hundreds of millions to make and market...he has investors to answer to.

Poles have a problem; it's called poor public relations.
Now go and email some Polish producers and encourage them to work on these projects.
Stop blaming everyone else.
You're getting boring.
That was in 1933, before Nazis killed Jews.

But, can you explain this?

Explain M.M/ Warburg, and Mendelsohn banks floating loans for the Nazi government?

I would prefer for you to tell me why Poland has allowed the world to not care about Poland.
You see, the Jews got together, went to a barren land and turned it into a modern marvel that few in the world can ignore.
All you can do is cry, "Foul; the Jews are the blame! Wha!".
Do you really think an educated audience anywhere in the world would have the patience to sit back and listen to you wanting to be loved by making them hate Jews?
You're do a poor job of touting Poland; in fact, you're not doing a job at all.

Poland was stuck behind the Iron Curtain for a long time, meanwhile Jews in the U.S.A kept pushing the dumb Polak joke.

Long behold, in both cases Jews held a lot of responsibility.
Lexapro...for sure.

There's a lot of Hollywood films that could be made about Poles, like Ryszard Kuklinski, Jan III Sobieski, Witold Pilecki, Polish Solidarity, Eugene Lazowski, among various others.

Instead, your Jews deny Polish in their films.

Your Jew Steven Spielberg will make Schindler's List to make a film about a German rescuing Jews, with Polish speaking guards at Auschwitz.

But, nothing on Polish Eugene Lazowski who saved 8,000, or 6 X more Jews than Schindler did, and who did so faking a fake Typhus vaccine.

Poles have a problem, it's called JEWS.
Spielberg makes blockbusters that cost into the hundreds of millions to make and market...he has investors to answer to.

Poles have a problem; it's called poor public relations.
Now go and email some Polish producers and encourage them to work on these projects.
Stop blaming everyone else.
You're getting boring.

Poles have poor public relations, because your Jews made the dumb Polak joke, first Jewish Hollywood dehumanized Poles, then TV shows like Laugh In by Jew George Schlatter featured on Jewish TV network NBC, or All in the Family by Jew Norman Lear featured on Jewish TV network CBS.

You people are the reason for Polish poor public relations.

Which is the thanks you rotten, ungrateful ingrates give Poland for accepting close to a million Jewish refugees, granting them the first Jewish civil rights in the Statute of Kalisz, setting up Zegota to aid Holocaust victim Jews, and having the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations risk their lives against a Nazi death penalty to save Holocaust victim Jews.
I would prefer for you to tell me why Poland has allowed the world to not care about Poland.
You see, the Jews got together, went to a barren land and turned it into a modern marvel that few in the world can ignore.
All you can do is cry, "Foul; the Jews are the blame! Wha!".
Do you really think an educated audience anywhere in the world would have the patience to sit back and listen to you wanting to be loved by making them hate Jews?
You're do a poor job of touting Poland; in fact, you're not doing a job at all.

Poland was stuck behind the Iron Curtain for a long time, meanwhile Jews in the U.S.A kept pushing the dumb Polak joke.

Long behold, in both cases Jews held a lot of responsibility.
Lexapro...for sure.

There's a lot of Hollywood films that could be made about Poles, like Ryszard Kuklinski, Jan III Sobieski, Witold Pilecki, Polish Solidarity, Eugene Lazowski, among various others.

Instead, your Jews deny Polish in their films.

Your Jew Steven Spielberg will make Schindler's List to make a film about a German rescuing Jews, with Polish speaking guards at Auschwitz.

But, nothing on Polish Eugene Lazowski who saved 8,000, or 6 X more Jews than Schindler did, and who did so faking a fake Typhus vaccine.

Poles have a problem, it's called JEWS.
Spielberg makes blockbusters that cost into the hundreds of millions to make and market...he has investors to answer to.

Poles have a problem; it's called poor public relations.
Now go and email some Polish producers and encourage them to work on these projects.
Stop blaming everyone else.
You're getting boring.

Poles have poor public relations, because your Jews made the dumb Polak joke, first Jewish Hollywood dehumanized Poles, then TV shows like Laugh In by Jew George Schlatter featured on Jewish TV network NBC, or All in the Family by Jew Norman Lear featured on Jewish TV network CBS.

You people are the reason for Polish poor public relations.

Which is the thanks you rotten, ungrateful ingrates give Poland for accepting close to a million Jewish refugees, granting them the first Jewish civil rights in the Statute of Kalisz, setting up Zegota to aid Holocaust victim Jews, and having the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations risk their lives against a Nazi death penalty to save Holocaust victim Jews.

Lexapro, followed by an actual high school education, university, etc.
So some Jew foments profound Christian-hatred. And this supposed to make us, what, embrace subjugation?

You said Jews were responsible for genocides?
What genocides?
At least 20 million Russian Christians 1917 - 1928
Christianized and atheist Jews.
Your ancestors did a good job.
I bet those Russians would have preferred those Jews remained Jewish.
But you can't handle that fact.
Hahaha, so let me get this straight, Jew. Jews are always blameless. And when they aren't, they aren't Jews. Fucking buffoon.
You are the buffoon.
You legitimize the oppression of people for 1,000 years and then get annoyed when they rebel.
I guess you were would have voted no to the American Revolution.
Haha, now it's a thousand years of oppression? And just yesterday the claim was four hundred years. My how time flies when facts aren't an issue. Jack ass.

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