Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

I'm not having dinner as I had a late lunch out.

It was delish! Fried calamari, salad, and grilled salmon...with lemon tart for dessert.
dID YOU know that Caesar salat is made with anchovy goo?

I knew this. Lol!
From now on, I will only have Caesar salad I make myself, including the dressing!

Lol! The anchovies only add a briny flavor to the dressing. They are pretty much dissolved in the dressing, but you can leave them out. If you want to make it yourself, here is a recipe that I've used before, and It's very good. :)

Combine garlic, mustard, vinegar and two pinches of salt in a blender and mix thoroughly. Add mayonnaise and blend together to form a thick base. In a slow stream add olive oil through hole in lid. Scrape dressing with spatula into a bowl and season to taste with salt, pepper and lemon juice. If desired, add anchovy to dressing to create a deeper, saltier taste.

Cut baguette into cubes. Melt butter in skillet and season with garlic powder, paprika and pepper. Add bread cubes and saute just until bread cubes begin to brown. Set aside to cool.

Wash and dry lettuce. In a large salad bowl combine lettuce, dressing and croutons. Top with freshly grated Parmesan. Toss gently to combine well

Read more at: Caesar Salad Dressing Recipe Food Network Kitchen Food Network
Hi everybody :)

what about a piece of cake? I love homemade meals or cakes and always do it myself.
I'm going to make kefta tonight.
We had lasagna rolls. I love good lasagna but hate the long prep time.Its a quick and easy way to have just enough lasagna for the two of us. Its also an excuse to have pasta. We have spaghetti fairly often but don't make it with pasta.

Oh and fresh, hot, homemade French garlic bread. YUM.

I don't think I've ever had spam.

Its another word for garbage. Really. Not kidding. Its all the leftover crap, mostly fat, that a slaughterhouse can't sell because no one would buy it. They add spices to it but it really can't be considered food.

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