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‘We’re Getting Ready’: Gutierrez Expecting Executive Amnesty For Five Million Illegals

I hope Impeachment is drawn up and just waiting for this man to pull this

the people better stand up and say ENOUGH of this thug administration and his COMRADES in ARMS

No way. It's all controlled opposition and theater.
If the politicians really wanted the border closed...it would be shut down, airtight.

Unfortunately you're right. The Dims want the future voters, and the businesses want the slave labor. There's really only one way to stop it, and that's to take matters in to your own hands. Problem is, it would take millions of people to be outraged enough to get anything done. And to be frank, while we have millions outraged, we don't have enough that would actually go to the border and put a stop to this.
you have millions outraged.....but way to many of those supposedly outraged people vote for the same jerks that keep this shit going...so not outraged enough to change anything....apparently....
Get ready folks, our poor excuse for a president, and the single biggest mistake this country has ever made, is about to reward 5,000,000 million lawbreakers for sneaking into our country.

Fucking traitor ! If he does this, impeachment should be on the table !

Have I told you lately how much I hate liberals ?

Democratic lawmaker Luis Gutierrez expressed extreme confidence that President Barack Obama will shortly bypass Congress and grant amnesty to five million illegal immigrants, calling it “music to his ears” and claiming he and his colleagues are “getting ready.”
The Illinois congressman spoke to MSNBC’s Jose Diaz-Balart Monday about the network’s inside White House sources on immigration. MSNBC reporter Chris Jansing claimed the Obama administration is planning on deferring deportations for five million illegal immigrants — a number Gutierrez first floated back in July.
“I think it would be a huge move,” he said excitedly. “A bold move. I think it would be one that would, obviously, be unprecedented . . . Look, we want to get as many as we can out of the vicious cycle of deportation.”
“But I think if the president takes such a move — look, I once said that it would be approximately 5 million, given what I heard,” Gutierrez bragged. “Not that anyone, Jose, specifically said ‘here are the categories of people.’ But, you know, if you listen, there are ways to extrapolate numbers.”
“And I said 5 million, and I remember people just being astonished at that number,” the congressman continued. “So it’s music to my ears that someone would have a source at the White House that say it’s 5 million.”
“Let me just say,” Gutierrez concluded. “Tomorrow, the next day, and all of this week, we’re getting ready.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/08/25/were-getting-ready-gutierrez-expecting-executive-amnesty-for-five-million-illegals-video/#ixzz3BSi9ejwE
there are lots of "liberals" who are against "illegals" and this amnesty thing....but they also realize like most of us that the ones who have been here 5-7 years or better .....aint going no where....its too late for them....

I disagree.
Got your green card? No?
Got your visa? No?
Get in the truck.
This is slightly bigger than Reagans Amensty of around 3.5 million. This will Probably help the democrats hold onto the white house in 2016 and 2020.

We whites would need to come out at 65%+ to cover the 3-4% increase in vote the democrats will get from this.

Look at the timing. It reeks of politics. He goes through with this and it instantly energizes the Hispanic vote just two months before a huge November election. That's what this is all about.

This country is finished.
You can't have a 1st world nation by allowing 3rd world people to illegally infiltrate to sway the vote.

Hell..let em all in and mail voter registration cards to the entire south american continent so they can vote absentee...it'll hasten the collapse and reconstruction...all good.

And that's why in 7-10 years I'm getting the hell out of here.
leave when the going gets tough?.....i dont think you will be missed....

And I won't lose any sleep missing you either pal.
Hispanics don't vote in their own elections. What makes you think they will run down and vote in ours? The legalization of illegal immigrants is not a top priority for legal Hispanics. Many are against illegal immigration themselves.

Once they get with the American system, and discover they can vote themselves "stuff" (what's the Spanish word for handouts ?) they'll be showing up in droves to put their check marks on those little Dimocrat boxes on their ballot cards.
all the American born ones i know dont take any "free stuff" they look down on many who do.....since the illegal ones are pretty hard workers i dont see that being like you say....and a hell of a lot of them look at the Democrats as the so called "lessor" of 2 evils.....and many dont have much respect for the way they are looked at by them....lots of white Democrats think they are too stupid to realize that....but they get it....
I hope Impeachment is drawn up and just waiting for this man to pull this

the people better stand up and say ENOUGH of this thug administration and his COMRADES in ARMS

No way. It's all controlled opposition and theater.
If the politicians really wanted the border closed...it would be shut down, airtight.

Unfortunately you're right. The Dims want the future voters, and the businesses want the slave labor. There's really only one way to stop it, and that's to take matters in to your own hands. Problem is, it would take millions of people to be outraged enough to get anything done. And to be frank, while we have millions outraged, we don't have enough that would actually go to the border and put a stop to this.
you have millions outraged.....but way to many of those supposedly outraged people vote for the same jerks that keep this shit going...so not outraged enough to change anything....apparently....

It's past the point of voting. You're smart. You don't seriously think that we can vote our way out of the mess politicians have created.

The reason the border is open is because the pols WANT it open.
Both parties.
If they didn't, it would be closed today.
This is slightly bigger than Reagans Amensty of around 3.5 million. This will Probably help the democrats hold onto the white house in 2016 and 2020.

We whites would need to come out at 65%+ to cover the 3-4% increase in vote the democrats will get from this.
And I won't lose any sleep missing you either pal.
Look at the timing. It reeks of politics. He goes through with this and it instantly energizes the Hispanic vote just two months before a huge November election. That's what this is all about.

This country is finished.
You can't have a 1st world nation by allowing 3rd world people to illegally infiltrate to sway the vote.

Hell..let em all in and mail voter registration cards to the entire south american continent so they can vote absentee...it'll hasten the collapse and reconstruction...all good.

And that's why in 7-10 years I'm getting the hell out of here.
leave when the going gets tough?.....i dont think you will be missed....
I hope Impeachment is drawn up and just waiting for this man to pull this

the people better stand up and say ENOUGH of this thug administration and his COMRADES in ARMS

No way. It's all controlled opposition and theater.
If the politicians really wanted the border closed...it would be shut down, airtight.

Unfortunately you're right. The Dims want the future voters, and the businesses want the slave labor. There's really only one way to stop it, and that's to take matters in to your own hands. Problem is, it would take millions of people to be outraged enough to get anything done. And to be frank, while we have millions outraged, we don't have enough that would actually go to the border and put a stop to this.
you have millions outraged.....but way to many of those supposedly outraged people vote for the same jerks that keep this shit going...so not outraged enough to change anything....apparently....

It's past the point of voting. You're smart. You don't seriously think that we can vote our way out of the mess politicians have created.

The reason the border is open is because the pols WANT it open.
Both parties.
If they didn't, it would be closed today.

Both parties are bad, but the Dimocrat party is much worse, because when you go with the Dims, not only do the party bosses look the other way, but the Dimocrat party is home to the libs, the people who approve of open borders and approve of amnesty.
Both parties are bad, but the Dimocrat party is much worse, because when you go with the Dims, not only do the party bosses look the other way, but the Dimocrat party is home to the libs, the people who approve of open borders and approve of amnesty.

Neither party can (or wants to) fix government. When democrats are running they promise smaller gvt, lower taxes, no more wars, less debt...blah..blah...they get elected and gvt grows, taxes rise, they start wars, and increase debt..etc...
Naturally the OTHER party is outraged ....OUTRAGED I SAY at the lawlessness and they promise to take the country back and impose reasonable laws and taxes and stop the wars...etc..

They get elected and gvt grows, taxes rise, ..etc..you get it...
Meanwhile the citizens continue to lose economic ground and gvt becomes more oppressive.

It's all political theater and controlled opposition by career politicians.
They just take turns being outraged... OUTRAGED I SAY at the "other" party and promise "change"

Don't listen to what they say.WATCH what they DO.

The electoral system has run its' course and has become useless.

After the collapse I doubt any of the smaller countries that are formed here out of the rubble will use a 2 party system.
When this doesn't happen, and the OP is proven again to be a liar, will he have the courage to return to this thread and admit he was wrong.
This is slightly bigger than Reagans Amensty of around 3.5 million. This will Probably help the democrats hold onto the white house in 2016 and 2020.

We whites would need to come out at 65%+ to cover the 3-4% increase in vote the democrats will get from this.

Look at the timing. It reeks of politics. He goes through with this and it instantly energizes the Hispanic vote just two months before a huge November election. That's what this is all about.

This country is finished.
You can't have a 1st world nation by allowing 3rd world people to illegally infiltrate to sway the vote.

Hell..let em all in and mail voter registration cards to the entire south american continent so they can vote absentee...it'll hasten the collapse and reconstruction...all good.

And that's why in 7-10 years I'm getting the hell out of here.

I hear ya.Two or three years and I'm gone. This place is turning into a third world cesspool with a high cost of living.
I'm thinking Belize.
I hope Impeachment is drawn up and just waiting for this man to pull this

the people better stand up and say ENOUGH of this thug administration and his COMRADES in ARMS

No way. It's all controlled opposition and theater.
If the politicians really wanted the border closed...it would be shut down, airtight.

Unfortunately you're right. The Dims want the future voters, and the businesses want the slave labor. There's really only one way to stop it, and that's to take matters in to your own hands. Problem is, it would take millions of people to be outraged enough to get anything done. And to be frank, while we have millions outraged, we don't have enough that would actually go to the border and put a stop to this.

They're trying to get rid of the middle class and replace them with a bunch beaners who are happy to get meat in their diet more then once a week and will work for seven bucks an hour.
This is slightly bigger than Reagans Amensty of around 3.5 million. This will Probably help the democrats hold onto the white house in 2016 and 2020.

We whites would need to come out at 65%+ to cover the 3-4% increase in vote the democrats will get from this.

Look at the timing. It reeks of politics. He goes through with this and it instantly energizes the Hispanic vote just two months before a huge November election. That's what this is all about.

This country is finished.
You can't have a 1st world nation by allowing 3rd world people to illegally infiltrate to sway the vote.

Hell..let em all in and mail voter registration cards to the entire south american continent so they can vote absentee...it'll hasten the collapse and reconstruction...all good.

And that's why in 7-10 years I'm getting the hell out of here.
leave when the going gets tough?.....i dont think you will be missed....

The going hasn't even begun to get tough,but it will. And why stay when your government is doing everything it can to destroy the American way of life?
Liberals cry about jobs being shipped off to foreign countries for the cheap labor,but have no fear those jobs are coming back...at seven bucks an hour.
I have no problem bailing out and leaving this shithole for the libs.
If there's reconstruction it will only be because us whites fight for a piece of land to form a new nation on. Most of the lower 48 will be gone.

After it collapses there will be a bloody period of "readjusting" the demographics.Just as there always has been throughout history.

People who share common culture, values and heritage will naturally self segregate as they always have throughout history.

New boundaries will be drawn and reconstruction of 2 or maybe 3 new countries where the "united" states used to be will occur.

When resources become scarce you always see racial/cultural solidarity. Just as has always been the case throughout history.

"Oh that can't happen here"...

said the greeks, the romans, the british, the french, the russians (1917) and the soviet union in the '80's etc...etc..yet they all collapsed.

History is littered with the rubble of states/nations/people that all said "oh that can't happen here" LMAO

If the people don't voluntarily self segregate.... think "Balkans"..or israel/palestine.

Historic, bloody differences are never solved by forcing different cultures together at gunpoint and making laws that disadvantage one over the other...History, once again, proves it.
When this doesn't happen, and the OP is proven again to be a liar, will he have the courage to return to this thread and admit he was wrong.

So you're calling a United States Congressman a liar, or did you miss the part where he believes Obama might do this ?
Last edited:
This is slightly bigger than Reagans Amensty of around 3.5 million. This will Probably help the democrats hold onto the white house in 2016 and 2020.

We whites would need to come out at 65%+ to cover the 3-4% increase in vote the democrats will get from this.

Look at the timing. It reeks of politics. He goes through with this and it instantly energizes the Hispanic vote just two months before a huge November election. That's what this is all about.

This country is finished.
You can't have a 1st world nation by allowing 3rd world people to illegally infiltrate to sway the vote.

Hell..let em all in and mail voter registration cards to the entire south american continent so they can vote absentee...it'll hasten the collapse and reconstruction...all good.

And that's why in 7-10 years I'm getting the hell out of here.

I hear ya.Two or three years and I'm gone. This place is turning into a third world cesspool with a high cost of living.
I'm thinking Belize.
Belize isn't a bad choice. They speak English, and of course beautiful beaches and warm weather. Lot's of Chinese restaurants too. :banana:
This is slightly bigger than Reagans Amensty of around 3.5 million. This will Probably help the democrats hold onto the white house in 2016 and 2020.

We whites would need to come out at 65%+ to cover the 3-4% increase in vote the democrats will get from this.

Look at the timing. It reeks of politics. He goes through with this and it instantly energizes the Hispanic vote just two months before a huge November election. That's what this is all about.

This country is finished.
You can't have a 1st world nation by allowing 3rd world people to illegally infiltrate to sway the vote.

Hell..let em all in and mail voter registration cards to the entire south american continent so they can vote absentee...it'll hasten the collapse and reconstruction...all good.

And that's why in 7-10 years I'm getting the hell out of here.

I hear ya.Two or three years and I'm gone. This place is turning into a third world cesspool with a high cost of living.
I'm thinking Belize.
Belize isn't a bad choice. They speak English, and of course beautiful beaches and warm weather. Lot's of Chinese restaurants too. :banana:

Yep,we're looking at some of the out islands. You can buy some really nice beach front and hire a full time maid and local labor for dirt cheap.
When this doesn't happen, and the OP is proven again to be a liar, will he have the courage to return to this thread and admit he was wrong.

why should they? you never do
I don't pay any attention to him..The only contributions he and many others make is namecalling and insults.
No one is impressed with jr high school cursing and name calling.

I look at it like this;
"Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and then beat you with their superior experience."

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