We're taking down names

Ah another Barney Fife steeped in the fascist moment. The antithesis of freedom and liberty enshrined in our Constitution and long standing traditions.
And as I suspected good ole' Mac has NOTHING as usual, just a bloviating buffoon full of nothing but hot air.

Thanks for confirming you're nothing but a liar. 🤡
Yep the greatest criminal masterminds of our time, who has made the Neo-GOP House Investigation regime look like the Keystone Cops.

She has committed crimes and has gotten away with all of it, and you support that, so take your 'opinions' and shove them up your ass.
Politics as usual isn't good enough anymore. We're taking down names (actually addresses) of those working against America. America is going down hill fast and we know which side is responsible.

---I say...write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards---

can this be true?

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