Western-backed terrorists won´t see Damaskus again.


Nov 14, 2012
Syrian islamist terrorists saw the angry fist of the Syrian people, when the army showed them that they will have no chance to enter Damaskus.

Syrian President Bashar Assad's troops battled rebels in the outskirts of Damascus on Wednesday and pressed on with a counteroffensive against opposition fighters in the south to prevent their advance on the capital.

The fighting came as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was meeting with Syrian opposition leaders in London to discuss ways to step up aid to rebels fighting to topple the regime in Damascus. With the recent influx of better weapons and other foreign aid, the rebels have made major gains in the south, seizing military bases and towns in the strategically important region between Damascus and the border with Jordan, about 160 kilometers (100 miles) from the capital.

Both sides consider Damascus the ultimate prize in the civil war. The rebels now control large swaths of northern Syria, and last month captured their first provincial capital, the city of Raqqa. They also control whole districts of Aleppo.

The government has been hitting the rebel-held areas in the north with airstrikes in recent weeks, reclaiming some of the territory from the rebels, including several villages along the route that links Aleppo with its airport to the city's east.

Syrian militant group vows allegiance to al-Qaida - World news

Background information:

The US consider those "rebels" islamist terrorists but that does not deter them from supporting them to change the tolerant and social government into a US puppet-regime and eat up the people´s property .
Syrian Rebels on Terror List Show U.S. Unease on Factions - Bloomberg

Why is the western world in support of dangerous islamist terrorists?
How Germany?s Left Party supports the war in Syria - World Socialist Web Site

Not oppositionists flee from the government, but Christians from the murderous islamist terrrorists:
Last edited:
Syiran islamist terrorists saw the angry fist of the Syrien people, when the army showed them that they will have no chance to enter Damaskus.

Syrian President Bashar Assad's troops battled rebels in the outskirts of Damascus on Wednesday and pressed on with a counteroffensive against opposition fighters in the south to prevent their advance on the capital.

The fighting came as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was meeting with Syrian opposition leaders in London to discuss ways to step up aid to rebels fighting to topple the regime in Damascus. With the recent influx of better weapons and other foreign aid, the rebels have made major gains in the south, seizing military bases and towns in the strategically important region between Damascus and the border with Jordan, about 160 kilometers (100 miles) from the capital.

Both sides consider Damascus the ultimate prize in the civil war. The rebels now control large swaths of northern Syria, and last month captured their first provincial capital, the city of Raqqa. They also control whole districts of Aleppo.

The government has been hitting the rebel-held areas in the north with airstrikes in recent weeks, reclaiming some of the territory from the rebels, including several villages along the route that links Aleppo with its airport to the city's east.

Syrian militant group vows allegiance to al-Qaida - World news

Background information:

The US consider those "rebels" islamist terrorists but that does not deter them from supporting them to change the tolreant and social government into a US puppet-regime and eat up the people´s property .
Syrian Rebels on Terror List Show U.S. Unease on Factions - Bloomberg

Why is the western world in support of dangerous islamist terrorists?
How Germany?s Left Party supports the war in Syria - World Socialist Web Site

Not oppositionists flee from the government, but Christians from the murderous islamist terrrorists:
Christians Flee from Radical Rebels in Syria - SPIEGEL ONLINE


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