Western Media hyping yet another "Iron Lady", this time in Estonia.

The entire west couldnt even defeat the Talibans, let alone a real army like Russia. If you try to invade Russia, then you will suffer the same fate as the Germans.
Mate. you are getting your arse kicked in Ukraine.The idea that you could invade anywhere on the planet is laughablle. How many russian conscripts have to die to satisfy Putins sick fantasy ?
I have to add that this thread is in the wrong forum. Lost like the russian army with dodgy satnavs.
They are scared shitless like most people in the world with a unstable leader in Russia. Comrade.
IQs above room temperature should not buy this double standard about stability. Capitalism's intimate relationship with schizophrenia is that it constantly sets, then repels, its own limits. The NATO whore is an example.
IQs above room temperature should not buy this double standard about stability. Capitalism's intimate relationship with schizophrenia is that it constantly sets, then repels, its own limits. The NATO whore is an example.
Alliances are as old as time. And the Russian bear cones sniffing in another countries business it get stuffed and put in the trophy room.
They are scared shitless like most people in the world with a unstable leader in Russia. Comrade.

NATO is the up and coming tyrant not Russia. China???? that may be another story.
There is no way in hell Putin would have done this thing unless he was pushed to the limit.
It's too expensive for him. He has always been a business man first in his political career.
The USSR failed because of its monetary policy that looks an awful lot like Biden's monetary policy
but it had many other successes that some of the satellite population remembers. That doesn't make Stalin a saint
or Putin a hero. But it does make the west a complete moron for NATO....if they don't leash it now it will become a self governing
entity that will subjugate all of Europe. Mark my words....
Alliances are as old as time. And the Russian bear cones sniffing in another countries business it get stuffed and put in the trophy room.
The alliances worthy of schizoanalysis includes the way that the CIA colonizers have manipulated, from within, Ukrainians for the last 70 years. One key aspect of this CIA modus operandi of brainwashing and the engineering of 2014 Euromaidan and accompanying Ukrainians saran-wrapping their own to telephone poles, is explained here:

' "The condition of the colonized can lead to a reduction in the humanization of the universe, so that any solution that is sought will be a solution on the scale of the individual and the restricted family, with, by way of consequence, an extreme anarchy or disorder at the level of the collective: an anarchy whose victim will always be the individual - with the exception of those who occupy key positions in such a system, namely the colonizers, who, during this same period when the colonized reduce their universe, will tend to extend it.'
(Deleuze and Guattari, Anto-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, p. 169)

The manifestation of this extending is, of course, the promiscuous NATO whore.
Alliances are as old as time. And the Russian bear cones sniffing in another countries business it get stuffed and put in the trophy room.
In case you haven't noticed Ukraine is a smoldering heap of ruins from border to border....Putin decided to leave Kiev standing....not sure why but he didn't have to do that. I am of a mind to think that the Ukraine adventure was done to clean out the Russian Military.

1.) They emptied out their Military Junk yards for the invasion machinery
2.) They have used a very small portion of their Air power....maybe they did not want to risk the losses of the very expensive Machines? who knows...
3.) Some high level Generals were offed....I don't know about you but that just doesn't sound right to me....it sounds more like an inside job frankly.

Sooooooo once again I don't see any stuffed bear anywhere on any wall. What I do see is a Ukrainian leader on the take to the tune of one hundred million in personal money to sell his nation under the wheels of a war machine that has cost the poor Ukrainian citizenry their lives pretty much forever.
Hey I noticed that Zalensky's kids and wife are quite safe.
so I'm going to ask you once again.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Last edited:

After Sweden, Finland and Denmark's rise in Feminist leaders and "strong", "independent" women, Western media is hyping yet another "Iron Lady", this time the president of Estonia.

This woman, who leads the country with Europe's highest inflation and one of the poorest and weakest nations in Europe, is making the most noise against Russia. The Baltic states really ask to get conquered, don't they?
Its really funny how Estonia ihas such a strong response against Russia, when they have no real army, they have virtually no airforce even.

Also worth noting is that the Baltic nations have suffered under a mass exodus of their people for years. Whats even the point of their existence when even the best people have abandoned the country long ago for the west, never to return again?
So Estonia is Putin's next target?
So Estonia is Putin's next target?
Putin's next target is likely the casket.
His family has moved to Switzerland.
Who will run the show after? Good question.
Medvedev is my guess....he's already been there and did a fairly good job actually.

That does not let Ukraine or NATO off the hook however for what they have done and what they have caused.
The needless slaughter of millions of Ukrainian citizens while Zalensky gets rich off of Congressional boomerang bucks.
they all suck down there in DC ..... All of them....

NATO is in a race with China and they see Russia as the way in....getting Russia out of the Way is their goal right now and it doesn't matter to them how many Ukraine human shields they have to spend to get there. But I have some bad news for NATO..... China is going to win this confrontation.....they pretty much already have.

In case you haven't noticed Ukraine is a smoldering heap of ruins from border to border....Putin decided to leave Kiev standing....not sure why but he didn't have to do that. I am of a mind to think that the Ukraine adventure was done to clean out the Russian Military.

1.) They emptied out their Military Junk yards for the invasion machinery
2.) They have used a very small portion of their Air power....maybe they did not want to risk the losses of the very expensive Machines? who knows...
3.) Some high level Generals were offed....I don't know about you but that just doesn't sound right to me....it sounds more like an inside job frankly.

Sooooooo once again I don't see any stuffed bear anywhere on any wall. What I do see is a Ukrainian leader on the take to the tune of one hundred million in personal money to sell his nation under the wheels of a war machine that has cost the poor Ukrainian citizenry their lives pretty much forever.
Hey I noticed that Zalensky's kids and wife are quite safe.
so I'm going to ask you once again.

What the fuck are you talking about?

The reason Kiev stayed standing wasn't because Putin decided too. He was being made a fool of and losing his ass in Kiev

He had to pull back and try to get something if anything out of this. Comrade.
Putin's next target is likely the casket.
His family has moved to Switzerland.
Who will run the show after? Good question.
Medvedev is my guess....he's already been there and did a fairly good job actually.

That does not let Ukraine or NATO off the hook however for what they have done and what they have caused.
The needless slaughter of millions of Ukrainian citizens while Zalensky gets rich off of Congressional boomerang bucks.
they all suck down there in DC ..... All of them....

NATO is in a race with China and they see Russia as the way in....getting Russia out of the Way is their goal right now and it doesn't matter to them how many Ukraine human shields they have to spend to get there. But I have some bad news for NATO..... China is going to win this confrontation.....they pretty much already have.

Sock puppets gotta sock puppet.
Sock puppets gotta sock puppet.
So you've been completely crushed... I get it.
I seem to do that to you quite often. Go off now,
close your eyes and tap those Ruby slippers together.
it's more fun than reality actually. so go now!

This idiot thinks zelensky is taking the military aid money that literally is keeping him alive. .

That's rich.
Hahahah..... Zelensky is a gangster not a president.
Military aid money? What the hell makes you think it's limited to just that?
My, my....does your mother know you're out of the house Junior?

The Pro USSR government in Afghanistan at the very least lasted for 7 years before they fell. The US backed government didnt even last a month before it fell.
And remember it were USSR trained and armed Vietcong who drove the US out of Vietnam and took over the south.
If we wanted to stay we could of. They did t force us out like they did Russia. Believe me we got enough money and military to stay any where we wish to.
So you've been completely crushed... I get it.
I seem to do that to you quite often. Go off now,
close your eyes and tap those Ruby slippers together.
it's more fun than reality actually. so go now!

Crushed with laughter at your dumb. You two dumb and dumber need to get a room.
Mate. you are getting your arse kicked in Ukraine.The idea that you could invade anywhere on the planet is laughablle. How many russian conscripts have to die to satisfy Putins sick fantasy ?
Well the OP actually believes he will go into Roosian subway system and survive what the World tosses at Roosia but the World will not survive Roosia wrath, so ya know he ain’t the brightest of the trolls Pootin is paying to spin his bullshit!

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