We've Had Our Warning!!!


Gold Member
Aug 20, 2015
Shown entering U S at Chicago O'Hare:


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Sure. Let them all in that when they kill dummies like you we won't be surprised.
You fools are surrendering to the enemy. Thankfully there are enough Americans that believe in America and will not let your cowardice take away our freedom.
Muslim bangs on cockpit door, threatens to down plane, “wanted to see Allah”

You are being redirected...

Different Muslim. But in the Muslim's defense, Christians, every last one of them, believe the world is 6000 years old.
Sure. Let them all in that when they kill dummies like you we won't be surprised.

I'm not the least bit concerned about getting killed.......especially by a couple of Jihadist pricks. That's the problem in this country. George W. Bush convinced folks that we had to either:

"Fight Them Over There!"


"Fight Them Over Here"

I can just see a bunch of self appointed killer Nomads who are located 10,000 miles from here with a big ocean in between figuring out a way to get here, much less kill anyone. As long as this country permits every Tom, Dick and Harry to purchase automatic military style weapons without any restriction innocent people will be killed. Republicans = Unrestricted Arms Sale(to pay back what they owe the NRA)
Democrats = Background Checks(to prevent every closet killer and mentally deficient prick in the country from buying automatic, military style weapons)

'Course since the only real agenda the Republicans have any more is tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations I doubt any of them will be overjoyed by that concept!

I might also point out....after Bush convincing everyone that we had to "fight them over there or fight them over here" I haven't seen any mass invasions. REPUBLICANS ARE BASICALLY DUMBASSES!!!
Sure. Let them all in that when they kill dummies like you we won't be surprised.

I'm not the least bit concerned about getting killed.......especially by a couple of Jihadist pricks. That's the problem in this country. George W. Bush convinced folks that we had to either:

"Fight Them Over There!"


"Fight Them Over Here"

I can just see a bunch of self appointed killer Nomads who are located 10,000 miles from here with a big ocean in between figuring out a way to get here, much less kill anyone. As long as this country permits every Tom, Dick and Harry to purchase automatic military style weapons without any restriction innocent people will be killed. Republicans = Unrestricted Arms Sale(to pay back what they owe the NRA)
Democrats = Background Checks(to prevent every closet killer and mentally deficient prick in the country from buying automatic, military style weapons)

'Course since the only real agenda the Republicans have any more is tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations I doubt any of them will be overjoyed by that concept!

I might also point out....after Bush convincing everyone that we had to "fight them over there or fight them over here" I haven't seen any mass invasions. REPUBLICANS ARE BASICALLY DUMBASSES!!!

What do you think is happening at our southern and northern borders? What do you think is happening in Europe?
Sure. Let them all in that when they kill dummies like you we won't be surprised.

I'm not the least bit concerned about getting killed.......especially by a couple of Jihadist pricks. That's the problem in this country. George W. Bush convinced folks that we had to either:

"Fight Them Over There!"


"Fight Them Over Here"

I can just see a bunch of self appointed killer Nomads who are located 10,000 miles from here with a big ocean in between figuring out a way to get here, much less kill anyone. As long as this country permits every Tom, Dick and Harry to purchase automatic military style weapons without any restriction innocent people will be killed. Republicans = Unrestricted Arms Sale(to pay back what they owe the NRA)
Democrats = Background Checks(to prevent every closet killer and mentally deficient prick in the country from buying automatic, military style weapons)

'Course since the only real agenda the Republicans have any more is tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations I doubt any of them will be overjoyed by that concept!

I might also point out....after Bush convincing everyone that we had to "fight them over there or fight them over here" I haven't seen any mass invasions. REPUBLICANS ARE BASICALLY DUMBASSES!!!

I'd of rather had us FIGHT them over there. but instead Obama has opened the doors wide open to them and we are having to FIGHT them over here instead. you really are a loser
Sure. Let them all in that when they kill dummies like you we won't be surprised.

I'm not the least bit concerned about getting killed.......especially by a couple of Jihadist pricks. That's the problem in this country. George W. Bush convinced folks that we had to either:

"Fight Them Over There!"


"Fight Them Over Here"

I can just see a bunch of self appointed killer Nomads who are located 10,000 miles from here with a big ocean in between figuring out a way to get here, much less kill anyone. As long as this country permits every Tom, Dick and Harry to purchase automatic military style weapons without any restriction innocent people will be killed. Republicans = Unrestricted Arms Sale(to pay back what they owe the NRA)
Democrats = Background Checks(to prevent every closet killer and mentally deficient prick in the country from buying automatic, military style weapons)

'Course since the only real agenda the Republicans have any more is tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations I doubt any of them will be overjoyed by that concept!

I might also point out....after Bush convincing everyone that we had to "fight them over there or fight them over here" I haven't seen any mass invasions. REPUBLICANS ARE BASICALLY DUMBASSES!!!

Another emotional rant. You may not care but a lot of us do.
vote out these Muslim sympathizers in the DEMOCRAT PARTY come 2016. they are now getting us KILLED

Meanwhile, it is not finding out where terrorists were radicalized that will keep the public safe from the horror of Islamic terrorist attacks, it is cutting off the jihadists from crossing borders
As threat of Islamic Terrorism expands Obama admin remains stuck on radicalization
By Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives December 7, 2015

The photo of Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook going through customs at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, unearthed by ABC and riding the Internet today, says it all. It tells us the critical information about who they were, which is far more important than in which country they may have been radicalized.

Photographed at O’Hare, Malik and Farook were terrorists on their way back into the United States to commit unspeakable evil. The camera doesn’t lie. The coming mission of Malik and Farook was written on their faces even back in 2014.

The tell-tale photograph captures the faces of subjects about whom the President of the United States says we must not discriminate. In his latest address to terrorist-endangered Americans, Barack Obama implores them not to scapegoat Muslims for the actions of a “death cult,” and calls on Muslim leaders and nations to do more themselves.

“It’s a real problem that Muslims must confront without excuse,” he said after seven long and danger-fraught years.

They’re not doing that , Mr. Obama, and even they know that wishy-washy from the White House will never cut it.

If there is one thing the unearthed ABC picture does is it lays out the truth about who Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook were not.

Because of that real-time photo, society no longer has to rely on family members claiming that they noticed nothing different in the behaviour of their blood relatives—no hints at all of the coming carnage that would leave 14 dead and 21 injured in San Bernardino. All of us left bereft by what happened on Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015, don’t have to rely on the wasted rhetoric from a prime-time television address of a president too cowardly to even enunciate the term “Islamic terrorism”; nor wonder about investigating authorities like the FBI being stuck on “radicalization”.

Just looking at the picture shows clearly what Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook were all about in their lifetime: evil ,monstrous terrorists determined to snuff out the lives of as many innocents as possible.

It’s an insult to all of the loved ones of the 14 who died at their hands and the 21 injured that CNN called these terrorists their “co-workers”; unreasonable beyond belief that there are those still sticking with the fantasy that it all went down because someone crossed Farook the wrong way at the office Christmas party.

ALL of it here:
As threat of Islamic Terrorism expands Obama admin remains stuck on radicalization

In a way the scariest thing about this pic is the fact that they HAVE this pic.

It means that in every airport they are taking pictures of EVERYONE --- all the time.

Every person who goes into an airport gets their picture taken.

Not only that, they have the ability to search those MILLIONS of pictures and come up with pictures of any named individual whose pic they want to see.

How do they put a name to each picture of people just walking through the airport as these two seem to have been doing?

It means that government surveillance is far worse than most people realize --- and I say this as a Liberal.
Muslim bangs on cockpit door, threatens to down plane, “wanted to see Allah”

You are being redirected...

Different Muslim. But in the Muslim's defense, Christians, every last one of them, believe the world is 6000 years old.

Not true.

Catholics are Christians and they don't believe that. They acknowledge science.

And many other Christians know the world is older than that. Hell they have radio dated building remains older than that.
Muslim bangs on cockpit door, threatens to down plane, “wanted to see Allah”

You are being redirected...

Different Muslim. But in the Muslim's defense, Christians, every last one of them, believe the world is 6000 years old.

Not true.

Catholics are Christians and they don't believe that. They acknowledge science.

And many other Christians know the world is older than that. Hell they have radio dated building remains older than that.

that made so much sense. hell we should be bowing I think. :crybaby:
Sure. Let them all in that when they kill dummies like you we won't be surprised.

I'm not the least bit concerned about getting killed.......especially by a couple of Jihadist pricks. That's the problem in this country. George W. Bush convinced folks that we had to either:

"Fight Them Over There!"


"Fight Them Over Here"

I can just see a bunch of self appointed killer Nomads who are located 10,000 miles from here with a big ocean in between figuring out a way to get here, much less kill anyone. As long as this country permits every Tom, Dick and Harry to purchase automatic military style weapons without any restriction innocent people will be killed. Republicans = Unrestricted Arms Sale(to pay back what they owe the NRA)
Democrats = Background Checks(to prevent every closet killer and mentally deficient prick in the country from buying automatic, military style weapons)

'Course since the only real agenda the Republicans have any more is tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations I doubt any of them will be overjoyed by that concept!

I might also point out....after Bush convincing everyone that we had to "fight them over there or fight them over here" I haven't seen any mass invasions. REPUBLICANS ARE BASICALLY DUMBASSES!!!

I'd of rather had us FIGHT them over there. but instead Obama has opened the doors wide open to them and we are having to FIGHT them over here instead. you really are a loser

You've got a long goddam way to go before you match the 4500 young Americans killed and 35,000 seriously wounded in Iraq! You people have got to be some of the most hard headed, out of touch humans in the world.

Are you keeping score or just blowing a few cubic feet of hot air?
Sure. Let them all in that when they kill dummies like you we won't be surprised.

I'm not the least bit concerned about getting killed.......especially by a couple of Jihadist pricks. That's the problem in this country. George W. Bush convinced folks that we had to either:

"Fight Them Over There!"


"Fight Them Over Here"

I can just see a bunch of self appointed killer Nomads who are located 10,000 miles from here with a big ocean in between figuring out a way to get here, much less kill anyone. As long as this country permits every Tom, Dick and Harry to purchase automatic military style weapons without any restriction innocent people will be killed. Republicans = Unrestricted Arms Sale(to pay back what they owe the NRA)
Democrats = Background Checks(to prevent every closet killer and mentally deficient prick in the country from buying automatic, military style weapons)

'Course since the only real agenda the Republicans have any more is tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations I doubt any of them will be overjoyed by that concept!

I might also point out....after Bush convincing everyone that we had to "fight them over there or fight them over here" I haven't seen any mass invasions. REPUBLICANS ARE BASICALLY DUMBASSES!!!

Another emotional rant. You may not care but a lot of us do.
Sure. Let them all in that when they kill dummies like you we won't be surprised.

I'm not the least bit concerned about getting killed.......especially by a couple of Jihadist pricks. That's the problem in this country. George W. Bush convinced folks that we had to either:

"Fight Them Over There!"


"Fight Them Over Here"

I can just see a bunch of self appointed killer Nomads who are located 10,000 miles from here with a big ocean in between figuring out a way to get here, much less kill anyone. As long as this country permits every Tom, Dick and Harry to purchase automatic military style weapons without any restriction innocent people will be killed. Republicans = Unrestricted Arms Sale(to pay back what they owe the NRA)
Democrats = Background Checks(to prevent every closet killer and mentally deficient prick in the country from buying automatic, military style weapons)

'Course since the only real agenda the Republicans have any more is tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations I doubt any of them will be overjoyed by that concept!

I might also point out....after Bush convincing everyone that we had to "fight them over there or fight them over here" I haven't seen any mass invasions. REPUBLICANS ARE BASICALLY DUMBASSES!!!

I'd of rather had us FIGHT them over there. but instead Obama has opened the doors wide open to them and we are having to FIGHT them over here instead. you really are a loser

You've got a long goddam way to go before you match the 4500 young Americans killed and 35,000 seriously wounded in Iraq! You people have got to be some of the most hard headed, out of touch humans in the world.

Are you keeping score or just blowing a few cubic feet of hot air?

And you've got light years to go before you reach lbj's 50,000 dead in vietnam.
Sure. Let them all in that when they kill dummies like you we won't be surprised.

I'm not the least bit concerned about getting killed.......especially by a couple of Jihadist pricks. That's the problem in this country. George W. Bush convinced folks that we had to either:

"Fight Them Over There!"


"Fight Them Over Here"

I can just see a bunch of self appointed killer Nomads who are located 10,000 miles from here with a big ocean in between figuring out a way to get here, much less kill anyone. As long as this country permits every Tom, Dick and Harry to purchase automatic military style weapons without any restriction innocent people will be killed. Republicans = Unrestricted Arms Sale(to pay back what they owe the NRA)
Democrats = Background Checks(to prevent every closet killer and mentally deficient prick in the country from buying automatic, military style weapons)

'Course since the only real agenda the Republicans have any more is tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations I doubt any of them will be overjoyed by that concept!

I might also point out....after Bush convincing everyone that we had to "fight them over there or fight them over here" I haven't seen any mass invasions. REPUBLICANS ARE BASICALLY DUMBASSES!!!

Another emotional rant. You may not care but a lot of us do.
Sure. Let them all in that when they kill dummies like you we won't be surprised.

I'm not the least bit concerned about getting killed.......especially by a couple of Jihadist pricks. That's the problem in this country. George W. Bush convinced folks that we had to either:

"Fight Them Over There!"


"Fight Them Over Here"

I can just see a bunch of self appointed killer Nomads who are located 10,000 miles from here with a big ocean in between figuring out a way to get here, much less kill anyone. As long as this country permits every Tom, Dick and Harry to purchase automatic military style weapons without any restriction innocent people will be killed. Republicans = Unrestricted Arms Sale(to pay back what they owe the NRA)
Democrats = Background Checks(to prevent every closet killer and mentally deficient prick in the country from buying automatic, military style weapons)

'Course since the only real agenda the Republicans have any more is tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations I doubt any of them will be overjoyed by that concept!

I might also point out....after Bush convincing everyone that we had to "fight them over there or fight them over here" I haven't seen any mass invasions. REPUBLICANS ARE BASICALLY DUMBASSES!!!

I'd of rather had us FIGHT them over there. but instead Obama has opened the doors wide open to them and we are having to FIGHT them over here instead. you really are a loser

You've got a long goddam way to go before you match the 4500 young Americans killed and 35,000 seriously wounded in Iraq! You people have got to be some of the most hard headed, out of touch humans in the world.

Are you keeping score or just blowing a few cubic feet of hot air?

And you've got light years to go before you reach lbj's 50,000 dead in vietnam.

Yeah. He likes to rant away.

I guess ranting helps him believe the bullshit he posts.

All he can talk about is Buuuussshhh. Never mind Obama is a POS and loser and Hildebeast would be another disaster for America. Buuussshhh is all he can focus on.

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