Whar happens in a divorce?


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
What happens in a divorce?

This is my assumption listed below. How does it compare to real life scenarios?

One person moves out, gets a new address, and files a separation agreement.

That agreement proves seperate residence.

Once one year passes one party files a divorce petition that you expect the other one to agree with.

Once the agreement is signed by both parties it goes through the courts and is finalized.

It seems harder than that when you think on it. When I put it down on paper it doesn't seem that overwhelming. How does this compare to real life?
What happens in a divorce?

This is my assumption listed below. How does it compare to real life scenarios?

One person moves out, gets a new address, and files a separation agreement.

That agreement proves seperate residence.

Once one year passes one party files a divorce petition that you expect the other one to agree with.

Once the agreement is signed by both parties it goes through the courts and is finalized.

It seems harder than that when you think on it. When I put it down on paper it doesn't seem that overwhelming. How does this compare to real life?
Everyone loses (except lawyers) and God frowns.
When I divorced she-devil we just filed for an uncontested divorce and 30 days later it was final.
Divorce is all about money ... nothing else ... (unless there's children involved) ...

I can describe my own State's Law, your experiences may differ ... we can either legally separate or divorce, but not both, pick the one that suits your religious beliefs ... and if there's nothing being contested, then with all the right signatures in the right places, only one party need show up to court ...

Yes ... divorce is a court order ... we must have a judge's signature on the divorce decree ... and the provisions carry the full weight of law ... and violations can result in prison time ...

Anything that is contested is tried in court exactly like any other contract dispute ... you can hire all the lawyers you want to, but in the end the money will be split 50/50 ... because I got the house, I had to pay her half of the equity ...

If there's children involved ... then everybody loses, especially the children ... they grow up hateful, selfish and kill cats for fun ... Jeffrey Dahmer, Jeffrey Epstein, Joseph Stalin, Jack the Ripper ... all sons of divorcees ... direct cause-and-effect ... you shouldn't have bred in the first place ...

Spay and neuter ... it's the right thing to do ...
What happens in a divorce?

This is my assumption listed below. How does it compare to real life scenarios?

One person moves out, gets a new address, and files a separation agreement.

That agreement proves seperate residence.

Once one year passes one party files a divorce petition that you expect the other one to agree with.

Once the agreement is signed by both parties it goes through the courts and is finalized.

It seems harder than that when you think on it. When I put it down on paper it doesn't seem that overwhelming. How does this compare to real life?
Lol, obviously never been through one. I think I will let this be one of those f around and find out things for you. Hilarious 😂
Divorces are like marriages: they will vary depending on the couple. Couple's divorces are like their marriages, too. If there's anger in the marriage, there's going to be even more of it in the divorce. If, on the other hand, the marriage just died a quiet death over time, then the divorce will probably be relatively drama-free.

Mine was the latter, fortunately. My ex is a good person - we still talk. We just became different people with different interests over time, and I'm frankly not good at close relationships, which is why I'm probably done with marriage forever.

The divorce itself was easy. Neither one of us wanted to go for the jugular, we just wanted to get it over with so we could go on processing what it meant to be no longer married and move on with life.

I've had a number of old friends divorce, almost all with kids except for maybe one or two. Having children always raises the stakes and for that reason, it seems to turn adults into shitheads.
Divorce is all about money ... nothing else ... (unless there's children involved) ...

I can describe my own State's Law, your experiences may differ ... we can either legally separate or divorce, but not both, pick the one that suits your religious beliefs ... and if there's nothing being contested, then with all the right signatures in the right places, only one party need show up to court ...

Yes ... divorce is a court order ... we must have a judge's signature on the divorce decree ... and the provisions carry the full weight of law ... and violations can result in prison time ...

Anything that is contested is tried in court exactly like any other contract dispute ... you can hire all the lawyers you want to, but in the end the money will be split 50/50 ... because I got the house, I had to pay her half of the equity ...

If there's children involved ... then everybody loses, especially the children ... they grow up hateful, selfish and kill cats for fun ... Jeffrey Dahmer, Jeffrey Epstein, Joseph Stalin, Jack the Ripper ... all sons of divorcees ... direct cause-and-effect ... you shouldn't have bred in the first place ...

Spay and neuter ... it's the right thing to do ...
The state is responsible for marriage being treated as a monetary agreement as the state dictates who will get what and all due to them simply being married.

Conversely, if marriage had been left to the church the state would simply have people keep what was originally their property, and divide any they both paid for together

Of course, there comes the children issue but it leaves the money issue out of the equation.

If people only got married to be right in the eyes of God and not to be a gold digger in the future, divorces would substantially decline as only religious folk would bother to get married once state perks and laws were taken away for being married.

Divorce lawyers would then be forced to get a real job.

The state is responsible for marriage being treated as a monetary agreement as the state dictates who will get what and all due to them simply being married.

Conversely, if marriage had been left to the church the state would simply have people keep what was originally their property, and divide any they both paid for together

Of course, there comes the children issue but it leaves the money issue out of the equation.

If people only got married to be right in the eyes of God and not to be a gold digger in the future, divorces would substantially decline as only religious folk would bother to get married once state perks and laws were taken away for being married.

Divorce lawyers would then be forced to get a real job.


I heard the government wasn't involved in marriage until the early 1900s. I have never been able to confirm that.
The state is responsible for marriage being treated as a monetary agreement as the state dictates who will get what and all due to them simply being married.

Conversely, if marriage had been left to the church the state would simply have people keep what was originally their property, and divide any they both paid for together

Of course, there comes the children issue but it leaves the money issue out of the equation.

Thus the reason the Oregon legislature caused to become law ... we keep what we bring, and split 50/50 what was gained during the marriage ... but people are petty and will argue about anything ... ask a marriage counselor ...

If people only got married to be right in the eyes of God and not to be a gold digger in the future, divorces would substantially decline as only religious folk would bother to get married once state perks and laws were taken away for being married.

Divorce lawyers would then be forced to get a real job.


"And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery." -- Matthew 19:9

... and do read the entire chapter, context is important ... not gonna happen in a democracy ... lawyers don't go to heaven ...
What I plan to do is pay off my cars and transfer them to my wife and then borrow $6,000. Once I have the $6,000 I should be able to make a pretty good start living on my own. Then after living apart for one year I will just file for divorce and make it a very good deal for her. She will get all the assets except my $6,000 and I will agree to pay her around $600 a month in alimony for about 10 years unless the law requires something more. If she wants to fight it then I will just stay married.
When I divorced she-devil we just filed for an uncontested divorce and 30 days later it was final.
You are very fortunate. My friends who have gone through divorces took financial hits that took decades to recover. And it's not always the men I know a female engineer who got taken to the cleaners by her asshole engineer husband.
I heard the government wasn't involved in marriage until the early 1900s. I have never been able to confirm that.

Divorce was rare until the 1970s; my mother divorced her first husband in like the late 1960s and her mother (my grandma) was dead-set against it, (and from what I understand) tried to interfere multiple times to stop it, suggesting she was a bad mother and embarrassing the family and so forth. I sometimes think divorce is too easy but also think people should be able to get out of marriages that are hopelessly bad.
You are very fortunate. My friends who have gone through divorces took financial hits that took decades to recover. And it's not always the men I know a female engineer who got taken to the cleaners by her asshole engineer husband.

Yeah, in probably a solid majority of cases (not all), the really nasty divorces are caused by nasty husbands who were nasty or lazy during their marriages and don't think there should be consequences for it. For sure, there are some witches out there, too, but I'd say 70/30 it's men.
Thus the reason the Oregon legislature caused to become law ... we keep what we bring, and split 50/50 what was gained during the marriage ... but people are petty and will argue about anything ... ask a marriage counselor ...

"And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery." -- Matthew 19:9

... and do read the entire chapter, context is important ... not gonna happen in a democracy ... lawyers don't go to heaven ...
Why are you throwing scripture at me?

This is the secular state we are talking about.

Besides, the state hates Christianity.

Again, to prevent 18 year old girls marrying 90 year old rich guys, etc., the state should stay the hell out of marriage.

And why should married folk have special state perks no one else does just because they got married?

In fact, what did they do to earn a marriage license, other than pay a fine to the state?

Makes no sense.

But Leftists insist that the government remain in the bedroom so they can watch.

For example, two people married thumbs up

More than two, thumbs down

Everyone wants the approval of people like Nancy Pelosi,
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What happens in a divorce?

This is my assumption listed below. How does it compare to real life scenarios?

One person moves out, gets a new address, and files a separation agreement.

That agreement proves seperate residence.

Once one year passes one party files a divorce petition that you expect the other one to agree with.

Once the agreement is signed by both parties it goes through the courts and is finalized.

It seems harder than that when you think on it. When I put it down on paper it doesn't seem that overwhelming. How does this compare to real life?
In California, after you divorce, are you still brother and sister?
You are very fortunate. My friends who have gone through divorces took financial hits that took decades to recover. And it's not always the men I know a female engineer who got taken to the cleaners by her asshole engineer husband.
I let her have everything she wanted and walked away. That was 31 years ago and I have not seen or heard from her since. That's the fortunate part.
Just trial and error I suppose. Marry a few times and see what happens.

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