What a cesspool

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Feb 14, 2019
Been reading for a few days, thinking about wading in.

Um no.

Well maybe the non political forums will be interesting.
Welcome to USMB.

I hope you've had all of your shots, but it's rather doubtful.
The Flame Zone is for the crazies but they are not as crazy as those in politics..Dey be institutionalized..
This board is easy to get along in. Everybody's super friendly. Nobody ever argues. You'll change a lot of minds. Then you'll wake up with sticky pj bottoms.
This board is easy to get along in. Everybody's super friendly. Nobody ever argues. You'll change a lot of minds. Then you'll wake up with sticky pj bottoms.

"top poster" Moonglow may make YOUR pj bottoms sticky, but he won't do so to mine.

Now you have definitely convinced me to participate in a cesspool with your third grade attempt to label me as a coward for not doing what you want me to do.


My long time white friend drove my white pickup into a cesspool three years ago. That was the day I gave him my white pickup and bought a new blue pickup because blue was my High School Color. I get strange looks for driving a blue pickup but that is life. Red was the school color of the hated school but that was 50+ years ago and why I did not buy a red pickup.
This board is easy to get along in. Everybody's super friendly. Nobody ever argues. You'll change a lot of minds. Then you'll wake up with sticky pj bottoms.

"top poster" Moonglow may make YOUR pj bottoms sticky, but he won't do so to mine.
Like hell I won't!

Been reading for a few days, thinking about wading in.

Um no.

Well maybe the non political forums will be interesting.
If you think the political forums are whacky, try the religion one, that's where the real loons are. :biggrin:
And if you like to insult nignags, try the race relations forum.
If you want to wail on Messikins, there's always the immigration forum.
Been reading for a few days, thinking about wading in.

Um no.

Well maybe the non political forums will be interesting.
If you think the political forums are whacky, try the religion one, that's where the real loons are. :biggrin:

Um yeah I've little interest in arguing with people about a matter of faith.

It's a heavily Amish leaning forum anyway.

Don't let the Amish saying " we don't believe in using technology" fool you, what they REALLY mean is " we don't believe in PAYING for technology"
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