What is your favorite or best definition of "politics?"

So work on banning it. It is, after all what leftists do to everything that bothers them. . .


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. slams Democrats for bid ‘to censor a censorship hearing’​

Jul 20, 2023

It bet if the avator was offensive to blacks (although I can’t think of a symbol that is comparable), bet it would be gone in a NY minute.

As we’ve seen, there’s a lot of tolerance for Jew-hate. On that topic, Bragg just released the majority of violent HAMAS-supporters who destroyed property and were inciting bullying against Jews. No charges.
Yes that symbol is associated with horrible things. But it's just a symbol. It can't hurt you anymore than Charlie Chaplins mustache.
You hear it all the time: "I hate politics!" But people are all over politics. It sells everywhere; tee vee, forums, etc. The more you hate, the more you love.

But what about politics in a more general sense? What about politics having nothing to do with legislatures and the like? You have home politics, workplace politics, etc.

Two definitions that always stuck with me:

1. When you get 2 people together, you have politics.

2. Politics is the process of who gets what, when, where, how, and why?

What's your definition?
Politics is a population IQ test.
It bet if the avator was offensive to blacks (although I can’t think of a symbol that is comparable), bet it would be gone in a NY minute.

As we’ve seen, there’s a lot of tolerance for Jew-hate. On that topic, Bragg just released the majority of violent HAMAS-supporters who destroyed property and were inciting bullying against Jews. No charges.
There is a difference between having one's rights violated and being offended.

Do you understand that difference?

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